Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5060: Friend or foe

"You two, the flesh and blood of the Ten Thousand Races Hedao is not bad. Do you want to try it? I still have a lot of it!"

After saying that, Lin Tiancheng took out a piece of flesh and blood in front of them, absorbed it, and soon burped and laughed.

As soon as these words came out, both August and July were stunned. They looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock. He Dao's flesh and blood was eaten like a spiritual stone, and it seemed that he didn't feel distressed at all. Obviously There’s still a lot in stock!

"You...how many people of all races have you killed?" Baxi's eyes moved slightly, he looked at Lin Tiancheng, then looked at Qiyue, and said in a deep voice: "Also, how on earth did you come up here? The people who came up with you were still Anyone?"

Lin Tiancheng could see the fear in August's eyes. He smiled calmly and said, "I came up through some passages. As for the people who came up with me, some are members of the Lower World Human Alliance. I don't know their identities." I didn’t remember, what’s wrong?”

Qi Qi frowned, "Our clan should have formed an alliance with the human race in the lower realm. Why didn't anyone send the news back?"

Lin Tiancheng said calmly, "The lower realm is your kindred, not your servants. Their news has not been sent back. Maybe they think that our safety is more important in comparison. Who knows what is going on in the upper realm with you, so No one has been to the lower realm for many years. Do any of you care about the life and death of the ancient giants in the lower realm?"

Before Qi Qiu could speak, Lin Tiancheng continued, "My clan, with its allies from the lower realm, forcibly killed all the tribes in the lower realm, and even forced some powerful clans such as gods, demons, and immortals to declare their own realm. Can you do it? "

Qi Qiu said angrily, "That's different. You don't know the dangers of the upper realm at all. If it weren't for us to take care of the human race in the upper realm, they would have been destroyed by all races long ago. How can we wait for you to go to the upper realm today?"

The implication is that Lin Tiancheng is trying to burn bridges. After all, the survival of the upper realm human race is inseparable from the overt and covert help of these allies.

"Haha...Then why don't you go down to the lower realm to help? Wanzu Hedao, but a few Hedao go down every now and then. This time, we came up from the lower realm, killed the Li clan Hedao one after another, and provoked the war between Wanzu and the wild beasts. The dispute is to explore the bottom of the upper world first!"

"Now you tell me that the humans in the upper world are surviving in dangerous places, thanks to you. Do you still want me to thank you?"

If you are a bit bloody, you should lead other allies and the remaining strong humans to fight to the death with all races!

"When I came up from the lower realm, some seniors tried to persuade me to listen to your suggestions. But now, in my opinion, you probably don't have much ability, and all the races in the upper realm are afraid to death!"

Baxi and Qixi gasped and stared at Lin Tiancheng, their eyes could almost kill him!

However, the two could only stare at each other. Lin Tiancheng was not an ordinary little Karami. He was allowed to be manipulated by them. Regardless of his identity, he was not a thorn that they could handle based on his strength alone.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for this person to do these deeds that would shock the upper world.

Whether it was the Minghua Valley Incident, the destruction of the Li Clan, or the unprovoked fight between the Ten Thousand Clans and the Wild Beasts, these things were all done by this person!

Moreover, this earth-shattering change was accomplished without the help of the allies of the human race in the upper realm. Not to mention them, even the ten thousand races did not understand that these things were actually done by the human race in the lower realm!

"Who are you? How could a geek like you be born in the lower world?"

Baxi was shocked and couldn't figure out what kind of magical skills this person had to be able to do such a feat step by step without alarming all the races in the upper world. If Lin Tiancheng could have appeared in the upper world a few years earlier, it is estimated that The world has long been unified by the human race!

"Don't worry about this. Anyway, you all know that everything I say is true and I am not lying. As the leader of the human race in the lower world, I don't even bother to lie to you two!" Lin Tiancheng said with a smile.

It’s true, it’s not a lie, it’s just that Baxi and the others don’t understand when the human race in the lower world became so powerful!

"If you don't believe it, I can call some people over now. We will do the big things that you can't do in the upper world one by one, and do it well and beautifully!"

The expressions on the faces of Baxi and the other two people changed uncertainly, "Is there already a war in the lower realm?"

"Yes, and the human race has a slight upper hand!"

"The lesson is right in front of us. I can destroy the force clan, let alone those small clans in the lower realm. I want to destroy them, just like picking something out of a bag!"

"Don't underestimate the ten thousand races in the upper realm. They are different from the ten thousand races in the lower realm!" Qixi shook his head and said, "They are fundamentally different. Not to mention the difference in the number of Hedao. Just talking about inheritance, the ten thousand races in the lower realm are different. Many inheritances have been discontinued, but the inheritance from the upper realm has been perfectly preserved!"

On the side, Lin Tiancheng listened silently. He always felt that these two people were trying to scare him, but unfortunately there was no evidence.

Forget it, just listen to it, anyway, it doesn’t matter how many races there are in the upper world, they will all be judged on the battlefield in the end!

Those who dare to block their own steps will be killed. The ancient human race has almost changed its dynasty, not to mention these remnants of the Lord-devouring races, which should have happened long ago!

Qixi looked blankly at Lin Tiancheng, who had murderous intent on his face, and was shocked in his heart. Has the human race in the lower world expanded so much?

Baxi was also shocked and said hurriedly: "What is the strength of the lower realm human race now?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "It's just so so, but Wanzu doesn't dare to attack yet!"

Soon, Qixi got the answer she wanted from Lin Tiancheng's words, and looked at Lin Tiancheng in shock.

According to Lin Tiancheng, how old is Lin Tiancheng in one year?

Not only does he have the strength of the Hedao realm, but there are even many Hedao who join his service!

This is real? Are you sure you're not lying to us?

But... Qi Qi's shocked mood quickly calmed down, and she looked at Lin Tiancheng, "Are you... the strongest person in the human race?"

Lin Tiancheng thought for a while and didn't know how to answer. It felt like it, but it didn't feel like it.

So he laughed and said indifferently: "That's right... Let's not talk about this for now, what do you mean now, you still want to keep me here?"

Qi Qi hesitated and shook her head, "No, if you want to leave, we can't keep you at all!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "No, I'll give it a symbolic second!"

"But I can also understand your worries. The situation in the upper world is chaotic, and all races have an absolute advantage, so your situation is very dangerous. A war may break out at any time, so you should be careful not to let me leave and spread the news. Correct, but your attack on me...is really a bit too much."

"You won't be able to survive if you don't give me an explanation now. Originally, I had good intentions and persuaded you to send your clansmen to the lower world and let us protect you. But now it seems that we are enemies rather than friends!"

Qixi remained silent. After all, it was him who suggested taking action. If he lost such a good opportunity to protect his people because of his own mistakes in decision-making, he would not forgive himself.

You know, the dangers in the upper realm are much greater. If you can succeed and be safe in the lower realm, who would want to stay in the upper realm?

"This matter is of great importance, and I can't make a decision, and...I don't know whether your words are true or false! Although you are the master of the lower world! However, I will still notify the clan leader to return to discuss with you as soon as possible!"

"Then let's do this for now. I won't be leaving in the next few days. Just notify your clan leader to return as soon as possible!"

Qixi's eyes kept changing, and she quickly said: "Don't worry, I will notify the clan leader to return as soon as possible!"

Compared with the reaction just now, these are obviously more important!

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