Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5062: Conditions of Taiding

The ancient giants are very powerful, but their number is really small. Otherwise, they would not only dare to secretly help the human race.

Tai Ding on the side also spoke to the old neighbor Huo Yunhou at this time, "Although what you said makes sense, what we want now is not a promise, but something more practical, such as your strength, or your The strength of my subordinates!”

If there is no strength, to be honest, no one dares to say that they can break through the blockade and surveillance of the Wanzu. After all, strong people cannot appear out of thin air. The Wanzu actually understands the strength of the Human Alliance and the Upper World Human Race.

Lin Tiancheng led the humans from the lower world to the upper world, something that Wanzu never expected. What Lin Tiancheng is doing now is not empty words, but using practical actions to prove his strength and existence.

"To be honest, all the races in the lower world have been forced by us humans and our allies to seal the passage of the realm and dare not come out. If you think you will be tricked by me, I can only say that it is your fate. After all, even if you don't join hands with me to deal with it now Ten Thousand Clans, after the passage to the upper realm is opened, Ten Thousand Clans will show up to deal with you, it's just a matter of time!"

On the side, Baxi said helpfully: "Yes, what he said makes sense! Chief, what we need now is not the so-called safety, but a counterattack!"

"To be honest, we have had enough of these miserable days. Please come forward and talk to the clan elders. We are not afraid of death, but we are afraid that death will be meaningless by then. The series of events that happened in the upper world this time , our blood is surging with enthusiasm, and we can’t wait to be there and have a **** battle with all races!”

Baxi said seriously, "Clan leader, our team has already stood up, why not be more upright and directly showdown with the Ten Thousand Clans, we have no choice, why are we waiting, what are we waiting for!"

"Unless the ancient Human Emperor and others return, there is no need to suppress the current ten thousand races. Now that we have the support of the human races and allies in the lower realms, it is time to fight back! If we continue to compromise like this, we can finally It’s hard to say if you can’t survive.”

Tai Ding clenched his fists tightly, veins popping out. In fact, they also understood this. After all, they were not stupid.

It's just that the current situation in the upper realm is not as simple as Baxi analyzed. The three tribes of gods, demons and immortals have actually accumulated enough strength for a long time, but they are unable to defeat the other two tribes and completely rule the entire upper realm. This gives everyone a chance to breathe and survive. space.

Once this balance is broken, what awaits the human race and its allies may be catastrophe!

However, the disgust shown by Baxi and others at this time made Taiding couldn't help but ponder whether his previous Huairou strategy was really suitable for the current situation. It no longer made much sense to paralyze all races.

However, after breaking and standing, he couldn't make up his mind for a while, so he was silent for a while before saying.

"I understand what you are saying. I will convey these words to the elders of the clan. You must first settle down this master... the strong man from the clan. Then notify me when Marquis Mingyue arrives. I will help Marquis Huoyun transfer him first. clansman!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and nodded, and then left the hall under the watch of several powerful ancient giants.

After he left, August suddenly smiled and said: "Chief, did I perform well today?"

Tai Ding smiled, "It's okay! I didn't notice it, but you can still say it. I'm verifying this guy's identity. Keep an eye on him and don't let him escape."

Baxi smiled naively, smiled and said quickly: "Don't worry, you can't run away. We have blocked several large formations going out. As long as he enters the large formations, we will know his whereabouts. Just grab it when you bring it!"

Tai Ding smiled and nodded, and warned, "Remember, you must not hurt him. Everything else will be discussed after I come back!"

Destruction and then establishment is actually a path. Now it depends on the clan elders and other allied clans how to choose.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng was also waiting for Tai Ding to return, and was still thinking about other things.

Previously, several human beings agreed that he did not intend to take them under his command, and if it didn't work out, they could just go their separate ways.

But now, Lin Tiancheng is thinking that if he is not under his command, he might stand up like Huo Yunhou and ruin his plans and arrangements. After all, murderers sometimes really can't get over their own inner hurdles.

"The battle in Chaos Mountain is over. It is estimated that all races will start to clean up the human race and their allies. Otherwise, if the upper realm channel opens, these people will all run back to the lower realm, and it will be even harder to exterminate them by then!"

After all, in the lower realm, the human race has the upper hand, and with the addition of Hedao in the upper realm, their strength is not weak. If they want to frighten these strong men of the human race, their current apparent strength is a bit daunting, even if It’s a victory, but it’s also a tragic victory!

Of course, the human race doesn't want to be defeated. If there are really ten thousand races who will consider this, then I believe this battle will not be too tragic!

Of course, the human race is also worried that this is the means and conspiracy of the Ten Thousand Races, and they even plan to ambush and catch them all. After all, if the human race is in danger, there is no need to worry!

At that time, maybe the human race will bring some allies to fight, and the end will be very tragic!

"Sigh... To forge iron, you need to be strong yourself. If you just rely on your allies, no wonder the humans in the upper world will not be able to get out of the predicament!" Lin Tiancheng sighed in his heart. In fact, some of the ideas of these ancient humans are deeply ingrained.

Sometimes they are obviously about the same strength, but in their hearts they are timid before fighting!

No matter how helpful the allies are, it is not the human race's own strength. Lin Tiancheng can feel these problems from his contacts during this period. The human race does not have a constitution in this regard at all.

They have even become accustomed to the silent support of their allies. Although the human race today has always shown an unyielding appearance, it has actually lost its determination to fight against all races.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng finally understood the entire psychology of these guys.

The human race's fault is not that they are worried that their decision-making mistakes will lead to the destruction of their allies, but that they are afraid of failure and even lose their determination to fight in the final battle.

"This is different from the concept of the ancient human race. The ancient human race was domineering. Otherwise, how could the human race have attracted so many allies and remained unchanged for tens of thousands of years? Even after the destruction of the ancient times, there are still so many races who are still willing to fight for the human race and represent the ancient human race. There is a way to win over people’s hearts…Of course, his strength is also recognized!”

"If the strong men of the human race hadn't suddenly disappeared, the current situation wouldn't be like this!"

With great emotion, Lin Tiancheng thought that even if he defeated the Ten Thousand Clans this time, the resistance of the Ten Thousand Clans would soon continue unless all the strong men of the Ten Thousand Clans were killed.

Otherwise, with the current mentality of the human race, it will only be a matter of time before they are destroyed.

at the same time.

Sanxi and others were observing all directions on a high mountain.

Sanxi checked for a long time, took a deep breath and said, "We still don't know exactly how many strong men there are in the periphery! Do you want to test it first?"

Qixi thought about it for a while and then shook his head and said, "Don't worry about it for now. Since the clan leader told us to defend, we will just defend first. The clan leader and their strength are unpredictable, so there should be no problem!"

"Well, tell me, that human master just now was said to be cruel to his own people! Will the human race recognize his identity?"

"I don't understand. Let's wait until the patriarch comes back to talk about this matter. After all, the ability of the lower realm to change the sky is entirely due to him. This has already been achieved. As for the other things, we still need to discuss one or two more!"

"You mean, you support the Alliance?"

Baxi said unhappily: "What's wrong? All races say that the human race is treacherous. I have long been unconvinced. In my opinion, an alliance with the human race is a great good thing!"

Qixi smiled and said: "Having said that, it also depends on the human race and who is being treacherous. For example, if this guy has not plotted against our clan, then he is a good person. At least in our eyes, he is a good person. The Ten Thousand Clans will naturally feel uncomfortable! If you are treacherous to the enemy, that is a good thing. Do you still want to cooperate with a stupid guy to deal with gods, demons, and immortals?"

Baxi thought for a while, nodded his big head, still a little sad, "Yes, the human race is cruel to all races, but it's okay to be nice to us!"

The ancient giant race also followed the ancient human race in conquering all realms. Whoever wins the battle will share the benefits. If they lose, they will not suffer much loss. The loss is divided equally between the human race and the allied forces. This is fair.

Now that the human race is in trouble, they naturally want to stand up and fight for the human race. As for the outcome, it doesn't matter!

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