Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 508: Money is like dirt to me

The convoy escorting Lin Tiancheng and others to the war zone was already waiting at the hotel entrance, ready to leave at any time before six o'clock the next morning.

The ‘Langya’ team had been waiting at the door of the hotel.

At 5:50, Ran Dongye and Robert also walked out of the hotel.

Lin Tiancheng didn't show up at the door of the hotel until six o'clock on time, with a look of sleepy eyes. He did two stretching exercises before walking towards the convoy.

Although the two sides have agreed that the armistice will be between 7 and 7:30, Muhad arranged for an armored convoy to escort.

Two armored vehicles opened the way, and two armored vehicles were behind.

Due to the severe damage to the road in the war zone, the accompanying officer repeatedly apologized and let Lin Tiancheng board a heavy off-road vehicle.

As for the ‘Langya’ squad, it didn’t have the same treatment as Lin Tiancheng and got on a pickup truck.

When the convoy was about to set off, a pickup truck drove to the car where Lin Tiancheng was sitting. General Muhad jumped out of the car and walked quickly towards Lin Tiancheng.

"My friend, now is a very time. Due to my busy military affairs, I cannot personally send you to the war zone." Muhard gave Lin Tiancheng a warm hug.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Thank you very much already."

Muhad said: "Is there anything I need to help, I can promise you any condition, as long as I can do it."

Before Lin Tiancheng refused, Muhad said again, "Doctor Lin, please don't get me wrong, but please don't refuse, maybe I can help you anytime."

Lin Tiancheng said nothing, got in the car and left.

Not long after the convoy set off, Lin Tiancheng heard fierce gunfire, and as the convoy moved forward, the noise became more and more intense.

The convoy stopped moving two kilometers away from the combat zone.

The officer kept raising his hand to look at his watch. At seven o'clock, the gunfire on both sides stopped abruptly. After one or two shots, it became extremely silent.

Under the order of the accompanying officer, the convoy began to advance at full speed.

Along the way, the gunpowder was full of smoke. Looking around, there were ruins everywhere, especially near the front line. In many trenches, there were still many government forces holding guns and live ammunition. It was obvious that they would continue to fight once the armistice time passed.

There are also many medical staff, busy rescuing wounded soldiers in the war zone.

On the street, you can still see the dead bodies of civilians who have not had time to evacuate. A little girl in the age of dancing elephants was crushed by a fat woman, but even so, the mother and daughter were not spared.

Lin Tiancheng closed his eyes, sighing in his heart.

When he was in China, he also knew that wars occurred in many countries, and he didn't feel much at that time, but at this moment, he deeply felt how happy it is to live in a strong motherland.

The convoy drove to the center of the war zone, and there was also a train squad in front of it. It was the rebels who came to meet Lin Tiancheng. The lineup was almost the same as the government army.

The two vehicles at the head of the convoy stopped less than ten meters away. The weapons in the vehicles pointed at each other, and the two men and horses stared at each other fiercely.

"Which is Doctor Lin?" An officer came down from the rebel convoy.

Lin Tiancheng, accompanied by government troops, got off the off-road vehicle.

After learning about Lin Tiancheng's identity, the rebel generals hula la la, hugged Lin Tiancheng in the middle, and hurriedly retreated.

In less than a minute, the two sides completed the handover, and the team turned around and left.

This time, the officers accompanying Lin Tiancheng also showed great enthusiasm for Lin Tiancheng and asked Lin Tiancheng to smoke Cuban cigars.

Looking at Lin Tiancheng sitting in the luxury car, the squad of "Spikes" on the pickup truck was silent.

Although it was shameful, they also had to admit that Lin Tiancheng, who was useless in their eyes, let them bypass the ghost gate.

At half past seven, behind the motorcade that Lin Tiancheng was riding in, gunfire sounded punctually.

Seeing that the buildings here are basically intact, and there are many civilians rushing on the street, Lin Tiancheng knows that he is not in danger and is not very nervous.

The officer also comforted Lin Tiancheng nearby.

Another hour's drive later, the convoy stopped at the entrance of a relatively simple three-story building with densely populated civilians.

Only Lin Tiancheng was allowed to meet the rebel leader Vicki after a careful body search.

Vikki is younger than Muhad and has a very lean body, but his waist is worthwhile, his expression has always been highly nervous, and his face is more solemn.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng so young, Vikki's eyes were somewhat suspicious, but thinking that Lin Tiancheng had cured Muhad, he still had great hope for Lin Tiancheng.

Vicki invited Lin Tiancheng to his office. He was injured a week ago, but there was no serious problem except for the loss of some functions.

It's just that the part of the lost function is particularly important to Vicki. After his wife was killed, he only married a flowery little wife not long ago, and the groom didn't do enough.

"You are Doctor Lin?" Vicki asked.

"Yes, General."

"You cured Muhad?"

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Lin Tiancheng nodded.

Vicki thought for a while and asked, "Do you know my situation?"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "I don't know, and I don't need to ask. Some patients like to use their own subjective guesses when they report their illnesses, which would interfere with the doctor's judgment."

With that, Lin Tiancheng walked up to Vicki, "Can I see your wound?"

Vicki took off his pants generously.

Unlike Muhad, Vikki's trauma did not look very serious, and the wound had been crusted, and it did not look serious.

Lin Tiancheng fiddled with his hand and turned on 360 Antivirus.

After consuming 1 power, Lin Tiancheng already knew about Vekchi's situation.

Little brother feels nerve damage!

In fact, the reason why many people fire early is related to the excessive excitability of sensory nerves. Based on this theory, by cutting off some of the younger brother’s dorsal nerves and reducing sensitivity, it may be possible to achieve the purpose of treating premature firing.

Partial damage may not matter, but Vicki is severely damaged.

To heal Vikki, only 2 electricity is also needed.

Because Vicki believed that Lin Tiancheng had no threat to him and was eager to be cured, he did not urge Lin Tiancheng.

In order not to be too shocking, Lin Tiancheng did not immediately use 360 ​​Anti-Virus to help Vicki heal. Instead, he used a lot of tricks, and only then spent 1 electricity to treat Vicki.

The treatment effect was particularly obvious, and Vicki felt it at that time. In order to make sure nothing went wrong, Vikki immediately called his sweet wife to check on the spot.

After forty-five minutes passed, Vicki and his wife both walked out of the office.

"My friend." Vicki gave Lin Tiancheng a warm hug with a surprise smile on his face.

Because Lin Tiancheng only repaired part of his nerves, this made Vikki last longer. It used to be 15 minutes at most, but this time it was forty-five minutes.

From the expression of Vicki's wife, it was enough to tell how satisfied Vicki's wife was.

"Now the war is tense. Forgive me for not having time to receive you personally. I will let someone show you the wonderful scenery of Country M. I will host a banquet in the evening to express my gratitude to you." Vicki said.

He already knew how Muhad expressed his gratitude to Lin Tiancheng. As Muhad's opponent, his standard of expressing gratitude to Lin Tiancheng would only be higher than Muhad's.

After a pause, Vicki said again, "Of course, I can also agree to any of your requests."

Lin Tiancheng's heart moved slightly when Vikki said this.

Both Muhard and Vikchi said they would agree to any request from Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng won’t ask for money. It’s not that he doesn’t like money, but that he knows very well that war consumes a lot of money. I’m afraid Muhad and Vikchi are already embarrassed in their pockets. How much to go out.

Since it is unprofitable, it is better to do a good deed.

The sight of **** on earth in the war zone touched Lin Tiancheng a lot.

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng said: "General, you know that I am a doctor. Money is like dirt to me, and wealth is like clouds. If the general can really promise me any condition, I hope to be able to truce and use negotiation. To resolve conflicts."


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