Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5098: encirclement

Chapter 5098 Encirclement

"Everyone, don't think I'm being alarmist!" Lin Tiancheng took a deep breath, "The situation in the upper realm is actually far worse than we expected. The human race basically does not dare to take the lead in the upper realm, compared to us in the lower realm. It will be even worse at that time, at least at that time we still have the Xingyu Land as a retreat. In the upper world, they only huddle in dangerous places and do not dare to appear at all. Even Hedao is at risk of falling!"

"So, don't think that we will definitely win if we have more people now. If we really attract three or five Ten Thousand Races Hedao, we people will basically not be able to escape, let alone kill a few Hedao and escape unharmed. It’s something!”

Lin Tiancheng said coldly, "So, there can only be one voice in this operation, and that is mine. I need you to completely obey my orders, can you do it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying evil aura erupted from Lin Tiancheng's body. The powerful men were also suffocated by the evil aura from his body, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

The Soul Emperor was the first to react and hurriedly explained, "Please rest assured, Lord, we will definitely obey orders. I promise that you are the only voice on the battlefield. When we were able to retreat from the Holy Soul Palace, it was entirely because they believed in me. Only a few divine generals of the human race under my command could do this!"

"That's right, we are all old men who have gone through **** battles on the battlefield. We also followed the Human Emperor and conquered all realms. This is completely clear. We all understand the role of a commander. Please rest assured, Lord!" Tianshang! The guard also said.

After saying this, the Moon Emperor and others also responded in low voices, "Please rest assured, Master, I will obey your orders!"

Lin Tiancheng frowned and said in a deep voice: "Moon Emperor, don't have any other ideas. In fact, among the people present, you are the one I trust most. I don't mean anything else. I just think you are the most thoughtful and smart person." Man, I don’t want you to do anything unintelligent!”

"I can't promise you anything in this battle, such as the probability of victory, and I don't even know how many people we will die or injured this time. But I only have one order. Without my order, even if someone falls on your side You cannot rescue those around you, otherwise you will give the enemy a chance to surround them and call for reinforcements. This is very important. Without my order, even if your comrades fall beside you, you cannot rescue them!"

"If you can't understand this, then I can advise you to stop as soon as possible to avoid killing other people!"

After listening to Lin Tiancheng's words, the Moon Emperor showed a wry smile, "Master, you... don't believe me, it's a bit too much!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't speak, just looked at him silently, until the Moon Emperor sighed, "Please don't worry, Lord, I will act as ordered!"

"It's best. I don't want my sword to be aimed at everyone present when I pull it out. My sword just wants to drink the blood of all races. Don't force me to attack you!" Lin Tiancheng He said calmly.

As soon as these words came out, many people present were frightened. Many people present had seen Lin Tiancheng kill someone. That guy made all the people in the world bleed when he made a move. He killed so many people that the color of the world changed. Even the undead were killed by him. Quite a few!

Therefore, when Lin Tiancheng said these words, they were the first to be restrained. If it is difficult to save people, then killing people is much easier. At least for Lin Tiancheng, this statement is true. , is tenable!

When Lin Tiancheng saw this, he didn't say much nonsense. He took out the Human Lord Seal, and the human luck instantly surged out, wrapping everyone, covering most of the aura, and directly led everyone to fly out of the vortex. With the human aura With the protection of luck and the fact that everyone restrained their aura, it was not so easy to be discovered.

Soon, Lin Tiancheng led everyone through the light curtain and appeared again in the sky above the sealed land.

Sealed place.

In order to guard Tiemu, Wanzu had put in a lot of effort. Not only that, but there were also several top Hedao statues taking turns guarding Tiemu, strengthening the seal of the sealed place at any time, just to worry about him escaping.

With his strength, if he hadn't been able to win his trust and severely injure him, it would have been basically impossible to imprison him!

However, because things went so badly before and there was no room for maneuver now, they were even more concerned about Tiemu's care of the seal, especially when Tiemu went crazy without warning and almost broke the seal. , leaving them with lingering fears.

No, in addition to the six Hedao who have been awake all year round and are responsible for suppressing the seal, there is also an older top Hedao from the demon clan and a veteran Hedao strongman from the fairy clan who have awakened, all to prevent accidents.

These two Hedao statues are far more powerful than the six Hedao statues of all races. However, at this time, their hearts are just as nervous. It is true that Tiemu brings them too many scruples. Once this person is out of control, , and currently there is no better way to kill the opponent, Wanzu will be very passive!

The reason why the powerful men of all races refuse to kill Tiemu is not because Tiemu really can't be killed, but it's just about the same!

Back then, in order to stay in the Pioneer Camp and serve the Human Emperor without being granted a title, Tiemu forcibly understood a particularly evil way.

He himself named the great avenue as All Dharmas Are Mine!

As the name suggests, he pervertedly drained half of his own energy into his three avatars, then forcibly changed paths, and then repeated this process to suppress his own strength. In the end, one of the three avatars went crazy and kept creating clones, trying to prove that the others were So much so that Tiemu himself doesn't even remember how many clones he has, but one thing that's frightening is that no matter how many times he dies in battle, he can revive again in one of the clones!

This also led to his brave and fearless image and courage when he followed the Human Emperor to conquer all realms!

Because theoretically, as long as its clones are still there, he cannot die. However, since the rebellion in the upper realm, he began to hide his clones. After so many years, thousands of tribes have killed him with no less than a thousand clones, but there is no It can kill completely once.

Gradually, all races became desperate and had no illusions. They could only imprison and seal his body, prevent him from leaving the sealed place, and mobilize the soldiers of the human race to make a comeback, because this man's fighting style was very **** and cruel, and he would not be able to survive without fighting. One soldier at a time, never retreat!

Therefore, as soon as an accident occurred in the Sealed Land, the two top Hedao figures who were responsible for suppressing him immediately woke up and prepared to jointly take care of him. With the eight of them here, even Tiemu would find it difficult to escape from the Sealed Land. Like ascending to heaven!

The eight Hedao are top old-school strong men. If something happens, I believe they can handle it in a short time and suppress it!

At this moment, the Sealed Land was as peaceful as ever, and several top Hedao practitioners were also concentrating on their cultivation, seemingly not taking the Sealed Land to heart at all.

However, in fact, their consciousness is always observing the strange things around the Sealed Land. After all, no one can figure out the reason for the riot in Ironwood a few days ago. They are also worried that someone is cooperating with others to unblock Ironwood. Wood.

I saw those Hedao statues all exuding the aura of decay. Sitting cross-legged on the platform, an old woman released her spiritual consciousness to feel the fluctuations of the sealed place, and said softly: "Brother Taoist, in the past few days, the seal has been There is no abnormality on the ground, and we have patrolled more frequently, but still found nothing. Do you know why?"

The veteran Hedao of the Immortal Clan shook his head, "I don't know. There was a riot in Ironwood a few days ago. I came over as soon as I got the news. The situation is similar to what you investigated, and I didn't find anything abnormal!"

The old woman nodded and chuckled, "In that case, we'd better pay more attention, it's better to be careful!"

The strong man from the Immortal Clan nodded. When he arrived here, he left a formation in the sealed land. As long as a strong Hedao man enters the range, it will definitely trigger a warning, and he and others will know when the time comes. , who is causing trouble!

"It doesn't matter, I have made arrangements in advance. As long as the other party dares to show up, we can close the net. It happens to be active. Being idle for too long is not a good thing. Many people say that I am dead!" The clan leader chuckled.

The old woman smiled and didn't take it seriously. After all, at this point in their lives, life and death sometimes no longer mattered much. They now lived more for their race.

As long as they are alive, some powerful clans and small clans will not dare to make mistakes. After all, no one dares to provoke a Hedao who is not afraid of death!

It can be said that the main reason why the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals have repeatedly occupied the majority of the power of rules in the upper world lies in these old men.

Their more significance is like nuclear bombs, mostly as a deterrent. After all, once they are launched, they are more terrifying than nuclear bombs. If they really fight to the death for Hedao, those small tribes will become like lambs to be slaughtered!

Without the protection of Hedao, even if the three tribes of gods, demons and immortals do not take action, other powerful tribes will look at them and regard them as flesh and blood!

It can be said that Hedao is more about deterrence and protection!

As long as the Hedao in a powerful clan does not fall, opponents and some people with ulterior motives will not dare to cause trouble!

"Brother Taoist had foresight. Years ago, if it weren't for you, Tiemu wouldn't have been taken down by us so easily. Unfortunately... this man's Tao is so evil that it almost killed us. He didn't react at all. I wanted to see It's a pity that the day when all the tribes reach the summit... time is running out!" The old woman said with a smile, as if she were an outsider, and there was no hint of joy or anger in her tone.

"Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be belittle or too pessimistic. This time, as long as the passage is opened, the human race will definitely be wiped out from this world. Although we cannot see the final result by then, what is certain is that you and I and The Gods will definitely become the last candidates to climb to the top!" The old Taoist said with relief, he didn't care about life or death.

Everything he is doing now is just to cut off all escape routes for the human race and exterminate the human race.

After hearing this, the old woman felt better, "I hope so!"

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