Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5026: Wait and see

"Senior, do you mean that even you, in terms of strength, are on par with them?" Lin Tiancheng asked tentatively.

"Of course not. If it's a life-and-death fight, I will win!" Nanhuang said in a deep voice, "I just said that the current heavenly law can no longer support promotion, which means that the lord of rules cannot be born!"

"As for them, their combat power is comparable to that of the Lord of Rules. I am a real Lord of Rules. Although my strength has declined now, what is true is true and what is false is false. Do you understand what I mean? ?”

Of course Lin Tiancheng understood, and said with a smile, "I understand, what the senior means is that you are following the ancient path and cultivating the orthodox path. People nowadays cannot enter the realm of the Lord of Rules. To put it simply, they cannot break through that layer. Restrictions are a threat to you!"

Hearing this, Nanhuang glanced at him and sneered: "You want to use me as a swordsman? Do you think I will be fooled by complimenting me? I'm dreaming!"

Lin Tiancheng laughed and said, "Senior, you have misunderstood me. I have no intention of using you as a swordsman. It's just that as the saying goes, there is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Now that the two tribes of immortals and demons want to unite all races, then this person will be the master of all races." Who should be given the opportunity? I personally think it should be given to the strongest. Only in this way can we lead us to victory when the two worlds war!"

"If this position really falls on a weak person, we will have to find ways to protect him during the war, and we will invisibly tie ourselves up. How can we win such a battle?"

Respect your strength and speak with your strength. This statement makes some sense. Nanhuang snorted coldly and did not go into it further.

"What you said makes some sense. Even among the Lords of Rules in ancient times, I am still the best, let alone today!" Nanhuang said confidently and arrogantly.

Hearing this, Lin Tiancheng nodded with a smile, "I believe it. Of course I believe it. It's just Nanhuang. It's useless for me to believe it. Now it's the decision-making master of all races, not the master of human race, so my agreement alone is invalid." Yes, the key is for those two to admit it, right?"

Nanhuang frowned and looked at Lin Tiancheng. Although he wanted to be angry, he didn't know how to speak. Lin Tiancheng openly and secretly encouraged him to attack the immortal and demon clans. Although he didn't want to do this, he couldn't deny that Lin Tiancheng said There is some truth to that.

All races have developed for so long. If you really want to decide on a person who can be the leader of all races, you really need to use some means to conquer other strong men.

Back then, the Human Emperor was like this, sweeping across the heavens, and anyone who disobeyed was either surrendered or killed!

Now, this position appeared again. It would be a lie to say that he was not attracted by it. With his strength at this level and the opportunity in front of him, Nanhuang couldn't help but suppress his ambition at this time and turned to look at Tianxian and Moye.

"You two, you have heard what the master and I just said, do you have any opinions? There is only one position for this position. Do you two think it is better for the three of us to compete, or for you two to abdicate and make way for someone better? Or...I will kill you all. , ascend this throne again?" Nanhuang sneered.

As soon as these words came out, a fierce light flashed in the eyes of Tianxian and Moye. If it was a one-on-one situation, they might not be opponents. They recognized this. After all, the other party's control of the avenue was beyond their understanding.

However, this was the first time since ancient times that they were not looked down upon so much. They had never been this angry in a hundred thousand years.

"Nanhuang, right? Although you realized Taoism a few years earlier than us, it's hard to say who is stronger or weaker among us now. Apart from anything else, if our two clans are willing, it's still easy to gather twenty or thirty people to join the Tao. Yes, if there really is a fight, how many people do you think you can fight against alone?" Tianxian also said unkindly.

"Want to use numbers to overwhelm me?"

Lin Tiancheng hurriedly interrupted Nanhuang: "Senior, they are not lying. They have a lot of Hedao in the upper realm, and basically all the races have submitted to the three clans of gods, demons and immortals. If we really compare the number of people..."

Lin Tiancheng deliberately did not finish what he said later, leaving Rong Nanhuang to understand it on his own. As for the purpose of doing so, it was naturally known to everyone on the road.

Hearing this, not only Nanhuang rolled his eyes at him, but Tianxian and Moye were also filled with hatred.

They didn't expect that Lin Tiancheng would act like this. From a normal perspective, no one would provoke a powerful enemy when facing two powerful enemies. But Lin Tiancheng not only did it, he also did it very shamelessly. I surrendered to others for a while!

There is no hint of the consciousness and structure of the leader of the clan. If this matter spreads out, will he lose his face?

But how did they know that Lin Tiancheng's move was called retreating to advance. Although he was suspected of attracting a wolf into the house, the Nanhuang he attracted was not a hungry wolf, but a tiger that had been imprisoned for many years. In Lin Tiancheng's eyes, Mo Ye and Tianxian These two are evil wolves!

It's just right to drive away tigers and devour wolves. As for the so-called face, he started from nothing and struggled step by step to reach his current position.

To be honest, if he had a choice, he would rather choose Xianyun Yehe to live his whole life, and not want to bear so many responsibilities.

Seeing that Nanhuang was still silent, Lin Tiancheng spoke up again, "I know that you, senior, think that I am instigating you. You will be fooled by what I say, and you think that I am borrowing a knife to kill people, right?"

Lin Tiancheng saw that Nanhuang was still silent and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm just saying yes, you can make your own decision!"

"Senior Nan Huang thinks why the original Human Emperor made all races surrender and worship him? Was it because he was handsome? Or was it because he used his absolute strength to suppress all those who were dissatisfied with him?"

After hearing this, Nanhuang's face changed slightly, he looked at Lin Tiancheng, and after a while he said: "Nonsense, of course it's because of his strength!"

Lin Tiancheng nodded with a smile, "That's it. Senior Nanhuang, why do you still have any hesitation? Now the intentions of the immortal and demon clans are very clear. It is impossible to give up the fight for the position of the Lord of all clans. Since then, I can only ask you to surrender it with absolute strength, unify all races as soon as possible, and lead us to welcome back the remains of our ancestors!"

When Nanhuang heard this, he frowned and thought for a moment, feeling a little helpless and a little annoyed. This guy has been encouraging him to attack the immortal and demon clans, and also used words to stimulate himself. I can't be fooled!

Nanhuang cursed in his heart, this guy is not a good person, if he really takes action against the immortal and demon clans, he will become a knife in his hand!

When the time comes, the immortal and demon races will give up targeting the human race and focus their attention and hatred on themselves.

However, if you cannot convince the immortal and demon clans, when one of them becomes the master of all the clans in the world, will you surrender or not?

If you don't submit, you will become an enemy of all living beings in the world. If you submit, you will become a knife in the hands of those in power...

Lin Tiancheng was not in a hurry, and said slowly: "Actually, the matter is not as complicated as you think, senior, and it is not a big deal, just a small matter. If you can persuade the immortal and demon clans, we will work together to unblock the upper and lower realms. The passage is that all the heavens and all races can unite into one again!"

Nanhuang looked at him coldly, shut up, **** guy, I'm moved by what you said, what do you mean you keep talking?

Lin Tiancheng said again, "Anyway, I have analyzed the pros and cons of the matter with you. As for the choice, it is up to you, senior. The so-called advice is harsh to the ears. If you are not happy to hear it, just treat it as if I didn't say it. Got it!"

Nanhuang felt aggrieved, not because he felt that Lin Tiancheng's words were wrong, but because he felt that he was being lured into the trap step by step, and he was just a little unhappy!

Lin Tiancheng now gave him two choices, but he wanted neither.

Regardless of whether he takes action against the immortals and demons or not, he now has a feeling of uneasiness.

"It is not difficult to defeat the upper and lower realms, but the key point is that if the immortal and demon clans really fight to the death, even if I win, it will be a miserable victory, and they will also suffer heavy losses. In this way, such a world hegemon will be worthy of What do you mean?" Nan Huang said coldly.

After hearing this, Lin Tiancheng smiled and said, "Of course, I'm not telling you to kill them all. What I mean is that at the very least, you have to let the immortals and demons know your strength and heritage. At the very least, you must be loyal. Complete the task you assigned!"

"Otherwise, what's the difference between taking such a powerful clan and confiscating it? With their number and strength, it's not an exaggeration to be a pioneer!"

Nanhuang's face was frighteningly cold at this time, "You have made a good plan. You don't have to do anything. I will take care of your most powerful competitor. Next step, you can call on the Human Alliance." The strong ones have come to reap the rewards of the battle?"

"Nanhuang, you misunderstood. I have no ambition to conquer the world. I just want to be a wooden fish and silently protect you!"

Nanhuang looked at Lin Tiancheng coldly, "You are lying!"

Lin Tiancheng originally wanted to retort, but after thinking about it he gave up. It wasn't that he didn't want to, but that it was unnecessary.

Because no matter how he explains it, Nanhuang will think that he is killing someone with a borrowed knife!

However, his current plan does include bringing in the Southern Emperor to contain Tianxian and Moye.

After countless years of cultivation, I have reached the Hedao realm, but if I want to compare with the Celestial Immortals, there is still a huge gap.

So, he doesn't want to do this. At the very least, why should a few guys who have practiced for hundreds of thousands of years compare with him?

If he was given enough time, Lin Tiancheng asked himself whether he would have the confidence to reach the top of the Rules Lord Realm.

Although the current Tiandao cannot support promotion, a new Tiandao will be born soon. If you want to successfully become the master of rules, you just need to wait with peace of mind, and there is no need to take risks at all!

"Nanhuang, what do you think?" Lin Tiancheng looked at Nanhuang and asked.

Nanhuang's face was livid at this time, and he said with some displeasure, "Don't provoke me again and again!"

When Lin Tiancheng heard this, he immediately grinned and said, "Nothing, I just want to ask your opinion. I definitely don't mean to provoke you!"

Nan Huang's teeth were itching with anger, but looking at Lin Tiancheng's sincere look, he could no longer hold back the anger in his heart.

"Shut up, you are just like Taiyi. You can instigate people with your mouth. If you really want to kill me, I will kill all of you humans first!"

Lin Tiancheng smiled and nodded, "Senior, don't worry, our human race will never turn against you, so you don't need to waste your strength at all, and you don't need to be hostile to us. To put it bluntly, we are weak and don't want to waste our manpower on this kind of thing!"

Lin Tiancheng was very sincere when he spoke, and Nanhuang was also wavering in his heart.

If we can really take the immortal and demon clans as our younger brothers, that would be a good thing!

Thoughts appeared in Nanhuang's mind one by one. Seeing that Nanhuang was still wavering, he immediately waved his hand and disappeared in front of him in an instant.

"Okay. Anyway, let me express my position. I, the human race, think that there is no existence of the Lord of Rules, so I will withdraw from this election! Just let me know when you have decided!"

After saying that, Lin Tiancheng really returned to the human camp.

Seeing this, Nan Huang's face turned livid with anger.

The same goes for Tianxian and Moye, who secretly cursed the human race as **** and actually instigated and forced themselves and others to kill each other!

Nanhuang was also cursing secretly in his heart at this time. Do you really think that I, the Lord of Rules, got in?

Just wait and see!

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