Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5072: Chaos in the Secret Realm

Moreover, this place is still a barren mountain, and an ancient divine beast may appear at any time.

At present, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light, and the situation is very unfavorable to ourselves.

You must find a place to hide immediately to avoid the sharp edge, and then make plans.

Cang Yufang on the side turned pale with fright.

She hugged Cheng Yang and shivered.

Cheng Yang was very impatient, but he didn't want to get angry.

He looked at the Sirius King.

The Sirius King had no intention of leaving.

After all, when the sect was in chaos, Senior Ao Long was still practicing in seclusion, and it was the Heavenly Wolf King who single-handedly protected the entire clan.

His strength is naturally strong.

What's more, the sect's hatred is irreconcilable. Now that the enemies meet, there is no reason to escape.

Seeing that no one had any intention of leaving, Lin Tiancheng said nothing more.

Since everyone decided to fight, there was no way he could leave alone.

Cang Yufang didn't care about that. She said anxiously: "Brother Cheng Yang, let's go quickly."

Cheng Yang was really impatient and said angrily: "Leave? Why go? If you want to leave, go first."

Cang Yufang was so yelled at that she couldn't speak for a while.

At this time, several people wearing uniforms suddenly ran out of the grass not far away.

Lin Tiancheng squinted his eyes and found that the cultivation level of these people was indeed not low.

The portals of each sect are the same. After receiving the mission, the disciples will be teleported here, so the two teams bumped into each other.

When Cheng Yang saw this, he immediately drew his sword.

Those men wearing uniforms seemed to recognize that they were members of the Slayer Sect.

But they didn't stay too long and ran behind Lin Tiancheng and others.

Everyone looked confused.

What happened that made them leave in such a hurry?

Just as everyone was stunned in place, a huge sound came from a mountain behind Lin Tiancheng and others.

After the sound, a huge flame rose into the sky.

The powerful energy brought out by the flames directly knocked down the nearby ancient trees.

Within a few seconds, the vegetation on the mountain in the distance turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant.

The fire continued to spread, and the Sirius King said thoughtfully: "It seems that there is probably a secret realm on this mountain, and it has existed for a very long time."

"The group of people who met us just now may have discovered this secret place and rushed there, so they gave up fighting us."

Lin Tiancheng felt the energy brought by this huge flame, and he was sure that this secret realm must have existed here in ancient times.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to generate such a large amount of energy.

Legend has it that this barren mountain not only contains many ancient mythical beasts, but also leaves behind many secret realms that could only exist in ancient times.

At that time, the human race was the ruler of the upper world, but very few people went to this barren mountain.

Not only is it easy to hide in this barren mountain, it is also a good place to practice.

Many practitioners will choose to come here to practice. If they are lucky, they can get many heavenly and earthly treasures.

But this place is also very dangerous. If you don't have some strength, you don't dare to come here alone.

At this time, Cheng Yang's eyes lit up when he heard about the ancient secret realm.

Cang Yufang, who didn't care anymore, raised her feet and started to walk up the mountain.

This ancient secret realm is right in front of you. If you can go in and search, you will definitely find many rare treasures.

If he had better luck and obtained some treasures that could quickly improve his cultivation, he would be more confident of defeating Lin Tiancheng in the sect competition two months later.

If he were more powerful and directly transformed himself into a Taoist cultivation level, then what else would Lin Tiancheng do? There would be no problem for him to die in this barren mountain.

When the time comes, the entire Zhan Sheng Sect will respect him, and Ao Long will be nothing.

The more he thought about Cheng Yang, the more excited he became and walked towards the mountain.

At this time, the place where everyone was staying was no longer safe, and Lin Tiancheng also wanted to go to the secret place to find out.

See if you can find any traces of the ancient war in that secret realm.

So Lin Tiancheng turned to Chi Yidan beside him and said, "Yidan, there are too many dangers here. Follow us to the secret realm."

Of course, Chi Yidan had no doubts, nodded and followed.

Cang Yufang panicked when she saw the flames soaring into the sky, and said quickly: "This place is not safe. Is it safe in the secret realm?"

"Maybe there will be more people, more ferocious beasts, and more danger inside!"

"In my opinion, we should find a place to hide. It won't be too late for us to check after the flames dissipate. It will definitely be safer then."

The Sirius King was too lazy to listen to him and followed Lin Tiancheng.

Cang Yufang was left alone, and she suddenly panicked. Her previous arrogance was no longer there.

With these people, I will not be harmed. If I really stay here alone, I will be killed by those clan members in a short time.

Cang Yufang was so angry that she stamped her feet, but she was helpless.

Cursing, Cang Yufang hurriedly followed the large army.

As soon as a few people approached the barren mountain, they saw a cave not far away.

Walking into the cave, everyone felt a strong force pulling on them.

After a while, they were taken to another space.

Even the well-informed Sirius King couldn't help but sigh: "It is indeed a secret realm from ancient times that can open up such a large plane."

As he spoke, he said arrogantly to Lin Tiancheng standing aside: "Su Leng, if you can't get the treasure in this secret realm, don't blame me for looking down on you."

Although the Sirius King usually looked down upon Lin Tiancheng, he was still able to figure out priorities at critical moments.

Moreover, after several battles, he knew that Lin Tiancheng was definitely not as simple as he seemed on the surface.

Ao Long Sword God has been practicing in seclusion for many years, and his abilities have only increased. There must be a reason for him to fall in love with Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng didn't pay attention to the Sirius King. He stared deeply at the people mingling in the secret realm.

There are many immortals, demons and even gods among them.

There are actually powerful Hedao people among these people!

It seemed that this operation was a bit dangerous. Lin Tiancheng glanced at Chi Yidan beside him. No matter what, the man himself had to take her back intact.

Otherwise, you will have to feel guilty for the rest of your life.

Suddenly, an ethereal voice came from the secret realm.

The sound came from all directions, instantly giving people a sense of oppression.

"How dare you, unknown young people, to come here? Can you get the inheritance of Lord Tianyan?"

The one who spoke was the guardian of this secret realm.

When the people who were fighting heard his words, not only did they not stop, but they fought even more intensely.

The inheritance of Lord Tianyan is in this secret realm, so don't you have to fight tooth and nail to grab it?

What nonsense is this old man talking about?

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