Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5127: Undersea people

Lin Tiancheng looked down and quickly discovered what was different about this girl.

In this mermaid palace, there is actually a human race!

Seemingly sensing Lin Tiancheng's shock, Wuwu Octopus explained: "You don't know something. Although this is the world of the mermaid tribe, they are very friendly to foreigners."

"It is precisely because of this that there are many other races living in this palace."

"But they get along very harmoniously and there won't be any big quarrels."

Lin Tiancheng looked at the little girl in front of him, his eyes full of love.

The little girl was dressed in rags, and her face was dirty.

Not only that, she looked malnourished and had not eaten enough for a long time.

Lin Tiancheng asked: "When you talk about a harmonious life, do you mean living like this?"

Wuwu Octopus was very embarrassed, but he didn't know what happened.

After all, until now, this is the first time he has entered the palace under the sea.

Lin Tiancheng took out some spiritual stones from his arms and handed them to the little girl, hoping that she would buy something to eat.

But just as he knelt down to give the spirit stone to the little girl, the jade medal on his body actually lit up.

Lin Tiancheng's eyes lit up when he saw this, which meant that there was also a jade pendant nearby.

And the distance to yourself is very short.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng already had two jade tablets on his body. If he got this one again, he would have three.

This made Lin Tiancheng very excited, and he was glad that he listened to Long Zu's words and came to this underwater palace.

Just when Lin Tiancheng was thinking about it, the little girl grabbed the Qianji Ruler from Lin Tiancheng's hand while he wasn't paying attention, turned around and ran away.

Wuwang Octopus was very angry when he saw this scene.

He stepped forward and caught the little girl who was running away, and said angrily: "You little girl is too ungrateful. I have already given you spiritual stones to buy some food. Why do you want to force others to give you something?" ?”

Lin Tiancheng saw Wuwu Octopus catch the little girl back, and half of a dirty jade plaque hung on the little girl's waist.

As the little girl got closer, the dirty jade plaque began to shine.

This convinced Lin Tiancheng that the jade plaque on this little girl was what he was looking for.

But why did she only have half of the jade plaque on her body? Where did the other half go?

If Lin Tiancheng hadn't been thinking about the jade tablet, the little girl would never have been able to steal the Qianji Chi from him.

Even if it is stolen, Lin Tiancheng will make people die immediately in front of him.

But there were too many doubts in it, and Lin Tiancheng knew he had to figure it out.

The little girl was lifted up by Wuwu Octopus and walked towards Lin Tiancheng.

The little girl took the opportunity to turn her head and bite Wuwu Octopus's hand, which made the unprepared Wuwu Octopus grin in pain.

In desperation, he put the little girl down.

Seeing that she could not escape at all, the little girl began to yell.

"Help, help, someone is robbing something, someone is robbing something!"

People who heard the commotion on the street gathered over and began to accuse Wuwang Octopus and Lin Tiancheng.

"Who are these people? They want to rob little girls of their belongings. That's right!"

"Yes, yes, you two should return the things to others quickly and don't do such an immoral thing!"

"Little girl, don't worry, there are so many of us here, we will make the decision for you, don't be afraid, tell us carefully, what happened?"

When Octopus Wuwang heard what these people said, he was very angry and wanted to go up and slap the little girl twice.

Even though he was bitten hard by this little girl, he was still being slandered in public.

Seeing the people around him pointing fingers at him, Wuwu Octopus became even more angry.

Just when Octopus Wuwang was about to attack these people, Lin Tiancheng caught him in time.

He shook his head at Wuwu Octopus and said: "There are so many people, don't move around. Even if you have ten mouths, you won't be able to explain clearly."

Judging from the look of this little girl, it must not be the first time she has done this.

These people on the street accuse themselves regardless of right or wrong, so there is no need to be tough with them.

If you can't even deal with this little girl, you will laugh out loud if you tell her.

Although Octopus Wuwang was very angry, he calmed down and listened to Lin Tiancheng's words and stopped taking action.

When the little girl saw so many people helping her around, she knew that Lin Tiancheng and Wuwu Octopus could not move her at all.

She smiled proudly at Lin Tiancheng and Wuwu Octopus, turned around, and disappeared in front of everyone.

When everyone saw the little girl leaving, they had nothing to say, so they left in a hurry.

Wuwu Octopus was angry again, and he asked: "Benefactor, this artifact is yours, and it still seems so precious. Why did you let her steal it like this?"

When Lin Tiancheng heard Wuwang Octopus's words, he smiled and said, "Follow me."

Although Octopus Wuwang was puzzled, he still followed.

After walking several streets, Lin Tiancheng and Wuwu Octopus saw the little girl at the end of an alley.

The little girl walked out of a pharmacy with a bunch of things in her hands.

However, the Qianji Chi in her hand disappeared.

Obviously, the little girl exchanged the thousand-chi ruler for the medicine in her hand.

When Octopus Wuwang saw the little girl, he immediately admired Lin Tiancheng.

In such a situation, he was not prepared, but he still had a hand in reserve.

This young man looks really extraordinary.

Although it is a small thing, it can also reflect a lot of things.

Lin Tiancheng walked into the drug store without explaining too much. He said directly to the drug store manager: "This store manager, did a little girl just act as a ruler for you?"

The shopkeeper looked to be a certain age, and he knew what was going on at a glance.

With such a treasure in his hands, how could he let it go like this?

He also guessed that the man in front of him was the owner of the ruler.

Although I didn’t know much about this ruler, I knew it was a treasure from the looks of it.

His shopkeeper looked confused and said, "What ruler? I don't accept rulers here."

When Octopus Wuwang saw the shopkeeper's pretentiousness, he suddenly became furious.

He stepped forward and cursed at the shopkeeper: "Are you looking for death? Why are you pretending to be stupid?"

The shopkeeper was not a simple person. Faced with Wuwu Octopus's doubts, his expression did not change at all.

"Why, young master, do you still want to do something to me?"

The shopkeeper waved behind him.

After a while, five or six tall men walked out of it.

They surrounded Lin Tiancheng and Wuwu Octopus.

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