Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5137: The competition begins

Chapter 5137 The competition begins

Cheng Yang shows no mercy to everyone he fights with.

His vicious tricks made all his disciples very scared.

The disciples who fought against him were either seriously injured or had all their cultivation abilities destroyed.

The reason why Cheng Yang didn't beat them to death was because the sect had set a rule that no one else's life could be taken in this competition.

If not, he would not have left any of those who challenged him.

Many elders of Zhan Sheng Sect were very dissatisfied when they saw Cheng Yang's behavior.

However, he did not violate the sect's rules. Even if he was very angry, there was nothing they could do against Cheng Yang.

As Cheng Yang defeated another challenger, no one dared to challenge him.

At this time, He Lian from the Weapon Refining Sect stood up.

Cheng Yang looked at He Lian with disdain and said sarcastically: "You, a loser, want to challenge me?"

"How come people nowadays are so clueless in everything they do?"

If He Lian was not very talented in refining weapons, Cheng Yang would have gone up and killed him long ago, thinking that he could be used for himself in the future.

His Highness Seventh Prince has already spoken to himself, asking him to obtain the "Sage Killing Technique" in the shortest possible time.

Behind this "Sage Killing Technique" involves many important secrets of the sect.

He didn't know how long he had been waiting for this day.

As long as this "Sage Killing Technique" is obtained, there is no need for the Saint Killing Sect to continue to exist.

Then I don't have to endure the gazes of these people, and I can kill whoever I want.

By then, not to mention Ao Long, even the old sect master would not be worthy of being his master.

At this moment, the people from the Heaven Defying Alliance took action against the Saint-Slaying Sect.

They wanted to take this opportunity to completely defeat the Holy Killing Sect.

In order not to attract the attention of other sects, the people of the Heaven Defying Alliance deliberately chose such a day.

Catch the Holy Sect by surprise, so that the casualties on your side will be minimized.

At this time, Han Fu was standing next to His Highness Seventh Prince, feeling very nervous.

For so many years, he has endured the humiliation and suffered countless infamy.

This day has finally come.

Before in the barren mountains, Han Fu had told Lin Tiancheng that as long as he did what he said, Cheng Yang's plan would definitely not succeed.

In this way, no matter how many strong men the Heaven Defying Alliance members send out this time, they will not harm the Saint-Slaying Sect.

Even people from the Alliance of Defying Heavens will be hit hard.

Han Fu looked at Zhan Sheng Zong with a complicated expression.

I have been lurking in your Heaven Defying Alliance for so many years, and I can finally come back.

Over the years, I have suffered a lot of grievances and humiliations, but I have never given up.

Because he knew that by sacrificing all this, he would gain the peace of the Zhan Sheng Sect.

As long as the Saint-Slaying Sect can become stronger and stronger, no matter how many insults he suffers from the people of the Alliance of Defying Heaven, it will still be worth it.

He Lian didn't take Cheng Yang's insults to heart at all.

His purpose in participating in the sect competition this time was to buy Lin Tiancheng some time.

He believed that Lin Tiancheng could not die and he would definitely appear.

Anyway, I don't have the strength to fight. At worst, I won't be able to beat others, so I just have to admit defeat.

I don't care about these fame and fortune things at all.

He Lian looked at Cheng Yang carefully and couldn't help but sigh that Cheng Yang's strength had indeed risen very quickly.

However, He Lian smiled and said: "Cheng Yang, by the way, you are also a person who came out of the forbidden area, so you have some status."

"How come it has been so many years and you don't even have a weapon of your own?"

"You're so pitiful, why don't you beg me and I can reluctantly help you get one?"

Cheng Yang couldn't help but twitch when he heard He Lian's words.

Even though death is imminent, he still dares to say that he has no weapons.

In the end, I'm afraid I don't even know how I died.

Before Cheng Yang could speak, He continued: "Cheng Yang, you also know who I am in this Zhan Sheng Sect."

"I really can't beat you in a fight, but I dare to say that this weapon refining is second. No one here dares to say that it is first, right?"

Seeing He Lian's proud look, Cheng Yang was completely speechless.

The elders of the Zhan Sheng Sect also looked at this scene with doubts on their faces.

They found it strange that He Lian could participate in the competition, but now he was promoting the weapons he made to Cheng Yang before the war started?

Although his talent for refining weapons is indeed very high, there is no need to show it off regardless of the occasion.

This is a competition venue, and such behavior is really inappropriate.

Seeing He Lian talking boastfully, he had no intention of stopping.

Cheng Yang was angry. He stepped forward and slapped He Lian.

But He Lian still looked indifferent.

He stamped his feet leisurely, and instantly, he had a pair of straw sandals on his feet.

Seeing that Cheng Yang's air blade was about to hit He Lian, He Lian stamped his feet.

He disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"this is not......"

"Qianqi Juechen Shoes?"

Seeing these shoes, the elders of the Weapon Refining Pavilion stood up in excitement.

A layman might not know what kind of treasure this is, but as the elder of the Weapon Refining Pavilion, how could he not know.

But strangely, although this pair of shoes is a rare treasure, it is seriously damaged and cannot be used at all.

Thousands of years have passed, and I have not been able to repair this treasure.

Two days ago, when He Lian came to his dormitory, he saw this pair of straw sandals.

I thought that since I couldn't fix it myself, I might as well let him play with it and gain some knowledge.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, he would repair this treasure! ?

The elder of the Weapon Refining Pavilion was shocked. Even if he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe it was true.

What surprised him even more was that He Lian not only repaired the shoes, but also figured out how to use them.

The elders around him saw the elder of the Weapon Refining Pavilion being so rude, and they all secretly laughed at him.

"It's just a pair of broken straw sandals, but it's really strange that the master and the apprentice only regard it as a treasure."

"Who says it's not the case? He's just a weapon refiner with no skills. He still dares to challenge Cheng Yang on stage. Isn't this life-threatening?"

Just when everyone thought the elders of the Refining Pavilion were making a fuss, He Lian's speed shocked them.

In all these years, they have never seen anyone so fast.

It was as if everything under his feet disappeared after putting on these shoes.

There is no resistance anymore.

He Lian appeared in front of Cheng Yang in an instant, and behind him in an instant.

After a while, he appeared on Cheng Yang's left again.

This made Cheng Yang angry.

Seeing this, the elders watching the game were very surprised.

They suddenly understood that the shoes on their feet were far from simple.

This is definitely a rare treasure.

Cheng Yang didn't have much patience to begin with, and He Lian's quarrel immediately made him angry.

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