Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5143: kill the traitor

Finally, these hardships were not in vain.

Lin Tiancheng's current strength is completely different from before.

The disciples of Xue Xun and Xue Yuan Valley were very excited.

They started cheering.

"Uncle Master, well done!"

"As expected of our great uncle, he just has potential!"

Lin Tiancheng held the Wuliang Sword in his hand and looked at Cheng Yang who was lying on the ground.

"This time, you still failed."

With that said, Lin Tiancheng walked slowly towards Cheng Yang.

Cheng Yang looked frightened and dragged his mutilated body back step by step.

"What are you going to do?"

"This competition has sect rules. Do you want to kill me?"

"If you kill me, you will also be punished. I advise you to think clearly."

Even now, Cheng Yang still looks domineering.

He still found it hard to believe that he would actually be defeated by Lin Tiancheng.

I am only one step away from 4 success.

As long as you win the sect competition, you can obtain the "Sage Killing Technique".

By then, the entire Holy Killing Sect will be his.

The mission that he had been lurking for many years has been completed, and everyone in the Alliance of Defying Heaven will admire him.

It's all Lin Tiancheng's fault. If he hadn't come back, all this would have been his.

Even if it means death, I will kill him today.

Thinking about it, Cheng Yang tremblingly took out the signal gun from his arms.

This is his last chance.

As long as the signal gun is fired, His Highness Seventh Prince will come in with the people from the Alliance of Defying Heavens.

No matter who it is, they can't get out alive today!

Although I haven't gotten the "Sage Killing Technique" yet.

But this "Sage Killing Technique" has been confirmed to be in the hands of the old sect leader, and he cannot escape.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yang looked even more excited.

He had a flare gun and was about to fire.

At the critical moment, Lin Tiancheng swung his sword and cut off Cheng Yang's other arm.

Cheng Yang was still unwilling to give in. Without his hands, he fell to the ground and began to crawl towards the signal gun beside him.

Lin Tiancheng stepped forward and picked up the signal gun on the ground.

"Why are you so panicked?"

"It seems that people outside can't wait any longer!"

"Or are you worried about something?"

Cheng Yang looked horrified and in disbelief.

"You...how do you know?"

"Why do you know?"

"No, not many people know about these things. How would you know?"

"I understand, it's Han Fu, it must be him!"

"He is a traitor to the Alliance of Defying Heaven. How dare he tell you such a thing!"

When the old sect leader and elders saw this scene, they immediately understood.

This Cheng Yang turned out to be a spy sent by the Alliance of Defying Heaven.

The old sect leader suddenly realized.

He looked at Cheng Yang with disgust on his face and said: "Cheng Yang, no wonder you have frequently asked me about the "Sage Killing Technique" recently. It turns out that this is your idea!"

If Lin Tiancheng hadn't appeared in time, this "Sage Killing Technique" might have fallen into Cheng Yang's hands.

That would be to really hand over the lives of everyone in the Zhan Sheng Sect to others.

You know, over the years, the Zhansheng Sect has spent a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to train Cheng Yang.

But in the end, he actually trained an excellent spy.

How could these elders not hate this!

Cang Yan realized that something was wrong.

He hunched over and tried to sneak away.

Lin Tiancheng walked up to him at an alarming speed and grabbed his neck.

Lin Tiancheng asked leisurely: "Elder Cang, what do you want to do in such a hurry?"

Cang Yan clutched her stomach with a look of embarrassment.

"I don't feel well and want to go to the toilet."

After saying this, Cang Yan wanted to give Lin Tiancheng a backhand slap while he wasn't paying attention.

But he still underestimated Lin Tiancheng's current strength.

Lin Tiancheng raised his hand to catch Cang Yan's palm.

This palm was going to shake Cang Yan's internal organs out.

Cang Yan vomited blood and said coldly: "Do you want to rebel?"

Lin Tiancheng laughed angrily when he heard Cang Yan's words.

"Why, Elder Cangyan likes to turn against guests so much?"

"Isn't this what I should ask you?"

Cang Yan was shocked.

How could he know so many things?

He had stayed in the Saint-Slaying Sect for so many years without being discovered. Why did he know so many things in just a few months after he came here?

Who is he?

A series of questions flashed through Cang Yan's mind.

But he had no chance to find out.

A long time ago, Lin Tiancheng learned the news that Cang Yan was a traitor through Han Fu.

Returning to Zhan Sheng Sect, I didn’t know how many times I wanted to cut him into pieces.

But they all held back.

Now it seems that there is no need to endure it.

As Lin Tiancheng swung his sword down, Cang Yan screamed and lost his breath.

Cheng Yang saw Cang Yan die in front of him.

Finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

He became afraid.

Cheng Yang, who had broken both arms, crawled to Lin Tiancheng's feet in a very strange way and begged: "No, don't kill me."

"Please, don't kill me. I can tell you whatever you want to know. I'm still valuable, so don't kill me!"

Lin Tiancheng was indifferent, he didn't even blink.

He skillfully raised the Wuliang Sword and cut off Cheng Yang's head.

Just when Lin Tiancheng had just eliminated the two traitors in the Zhan Sheng Sect.

Several disciples ran in in a panic.

As they ran, they shouted: "There are enemies, there are enemies, there is a group of people from the Defiant Alliance coming outside!"

Hearing the shouts of these disciples, all the elders understood what was going on.

Everyone looked at the two corpses on the ground with cold eyes.

The old sect leader stood up at this time, turned around and said to the disciples behind him: "All disciples of the Saint-Zhan Sect, come with me and go out to fight!"

The people of the major sects seemed extremely united at this time. They shouted in agreement: "We will defend the sect to the death!"

The old sect leader walked to Lin Tiancheng and handed him the "Sage Killing Technique" in his hand.

"Remember, if we are defeated this time, you must stay alive and escape with the "Sage Killing Technique"."

"As long as this "Sage Killing Technique" is here, our Saint Killing Sect will always be here!"

"Remember, don't let it fall into the hands of those trash."

Lin Tiancheng didn't refuse, he took the "Sage Killing Technique" in one go.

This is the original purpose of killing the Holy Sect, there is nothing to shirk.

Lin Tiancheng nodded and promised to the old sect master: "Old sect leader, don't worry, the Sect of Killing the Saint will be fine."

The old sect leader looked serious, "I hope that's what you said."

"Your ability is outstanding. If the Saint-Zhan Sect does not escape this disaster, remember to avenge the disciples of the Saint-Zhan Zong."

Thousands of years ago, the Saint-Slaying Sect was no longer a match for the Heaven Defying Alliance.

Over the past thousand years, the Alliance of Defying Heaven has continued to grow, and has even used many shameful means to annex many forces.

Now their strength is even more unbelievable.

Only now did the old sect master know that Han Fu was actually the person Ao Long placed in the Alliance of Defying Heavens.

People in the Zhan Sheng Sect have misunderstood him over the years.

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