Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 5200: Elixir of Destruction

Chapter 5200 Destruction Pill

If Zhao Tianming really forcibly refined this elixir, then the Tianyi Pavilion would most likely be destroyed in his hands.

Many of these people on the field have received favors from the Heavenly Medicine Pavilion.

But under this situation, even if they had the intention, they would not dare to stand up.

Because none of these people can defeat Zhao Xiong.

At this time, Ah Xun and Qiu Ye were very worried when they saw Lin Tiancheng taking action.

He finally escaped from the ancient world of gods, but he didn't expect that he would be involved in this matter again.

This time it's really a disaster.

Seeing that the sword in the protector's hand was about to hit Lin Tiancheng, Lin Tiancheng dodged and ran away.

Even though the guardian's cultivation was very powerful, he still did not hurt Lin Tian at all.

His speed is shocking.

Everyone looked at this scene in disbelief.

The protector knew that he had underestimated the enemy and became serious.

He used all his strength to fight against Lin Tiancheng.

Every punch is deadly.

It was even so powerful that it tore apart the void, approaching Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng did not dodge, he moved quickly towards Zhao Tianming.

This is his true goal.

At this time, Zhao Tianming could only watch Lin Tiancheng running in front of him, but he could do nothing.

Because this is the critical moment for refining the elixir.

He couldn't afford to be distracted.

In particular, the step of collecting the elixir is extremely critical.

If it fails, not only will the elixir be destroyed, but even oneself will be counterattacked.

suffered significant damage.

Lin Tiancheng dodged the protector's attacks in a few steps, and struck the alchemy furnace in front of Zhao Tianming where the elixir was being refined.

Only a "boom" was heard.

The alchemy furnace was broken apart like this.

The fire burned fiercely, and soon the elixir was reduced to ashes in front of Zhao Tianming's eyes.

Zhao Tianming looked at this scene with disbelief.

This is the eighth-grade elixir that he worked so hard to refine.

It's about to succeed.

But it was ruined by Lin Tiancheng like this.

Zhao Tianming glared at Lin Tiancheng very angrily.

"Lin Tiancheng, I haven't settled the previous grudges with you, but you dare to provoke me today. You are really impatient."

"Today, I will use your life to pay for my eighth-grade elixir!"

Lin Tiancheng didn't bother to talk nonsense to him.

He turned around and prepared to leave.

In this case, a head-on confrontation is absolutely impossible.

What's more, in addition to the very troublesome protector here, there is also Zhao Xiong.

This person is very difficult to deal with.

If you continue to stay, you are really seeking death.

With the ability of the pavilion master, there may not be much problem in dealing with this protector, but for this Zhao Xiong, it is definitely not enough.

What's more, he still has Jiuyou bloodline in his body.

If you really want to escape from here, it's not impossible.

The protector saw Lin Tiancheng's intention and knew that he wanted to escape, so he quickly stabbed him with the long sword in his hand.

"You still want to escape in front of me, you are really impatient!"

As he said that, the protector used all his strength to see that the long sword was about to stab Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng used an invisible sword intention.

This sword intention was terrifying, and in just an instant, the long sword in the protector's hand was split into two halves.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng was about to escape from the Tianyi Pavilion, he didn't expect Zhao Xiong to block his way.

With the appearance of Zhao Xiong, the door of Tianyi Pavilion suddenly collapsed.

Zhao Xiong walked up to Lin Tiancheng triumphantly and said, "You brat, where else do you want to go while I'm here?"

Lin Tiancheng narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhao Xiong.

He didn't expect that Zhao Xiong was so powerful, and his movement skills were also very fast.

His strength can actually ignore the blessing of Jiuyou bloodline in him.

It seems that there is still something in this old man.

For Zhao Xiong, he didn't take this group of people seriously at all in Tianyi Pavilion.

As long as you think about it, life and death in Tianyi Pavilion is just a matter of words.

As for this Lin Tiancheng.

Not only was he daring, but he also disabled Zhao Tianlin's arm.

Even if he didn't destroy the elixir refined by Zhao Tianming today, Zhao Xiong would not let them go.

Let this kid take a good look today and know how powerful he is.

Seeing Zhao Xiong blocking Lin Tiancheng, everyone present felt very sorry for Lin Tiancheng.

What a good person, so talented, who told him to offend Zhao Xiong?

This is not a character to be trifled with.

Although there is nothing wrong with what he did today, it's just that this is a world where strength speaks for itself.

He's not as skilled as others and can't beat them, so there's nothing to say about that.

In order to successfully refine the eighth-grade elixir, Zhao Tianming ignored the lives and deaths of thousands of disciples in the Tianyi Pavilion.

Even if such a person has great talent and strength, it is of little use.

It won't be anything big in the future.

What's more, looking at him like this, he doesn't regard himself as a disciple of Tianyi Pavilion at all.

If Lin Tiancheng hadn't taken the initiative to destroy the elixir today, the consequences would have been disastrous.

Seeing that a war was about to break out, the Pavilion Master quickly ran forward and blocked Lin Tiancheng's way.

"Zhao Xiong, don't mess around with this matter."

"For my sake, let him go."

The pavilion master knew what kind of person Zhao Xiong was from the beginning, but he still wanted to discuss it with him.

Because Lin Tiancheng's actions were all for the Tianyi Pavilion in the final analysis.

Otherwise, there would be no need for him to show up.

At this time, Zhao Tianming hated Lin Tiancheng very much. He became even more angry when he saw that the master of the pavilion still favored Lin Tiancheng.

Zhao Tianming shouted loudly to Zhao Xiong: "Father, we can't let him go."

"This brat should have died a long time ago. He was the one who disabled my brother's arm. He also destroyed the elixir I worked so hard to refine!"

At this time, the protector also realized the danger, and he immediately flew in front of Zhao Xiong.

Zhao Xiong sneered and said, "Your face?"

"How much is your face worth?"

"Not to mention that he burned the elixir that my family Tianming worked so hard to refine. Just because he disabled my eldest son's arm, I will not let him leave alive today!"

Lin Tiancheng sneered: "What you said is really ridiculous. If your two good sons hadn't tried to steal the "Sage Killing Technique" from me, would his arms be like this?"

Zhao Xiong immediately said: "Shut up!"

With that said, he didn't talk nonsense and slapped Lin Tiancheng.

Seeing this, the pavilion master had no choice but to bite the bullet.

But he could only resist and had no way to resist.

If he really resisted, this matter would be even more unsolvable.

According to Zhao Xiong's violent temper, he is afraid that the entire Tianyi Pavilion will be demolished.

The master of the pavilion blocked the palm forcefully for Lin Tiancheng.

There was a "boom" sound, and the Pavilion Master's entire body sank.

I saw his entire shoulder blade cracked like this.

The Pavilion Master gritted his teeth and did not speak. He looked at Zhao Xiong in a deep voice.

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