Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 908: You can still slap


Dong Ziling is definitely not a martial arts master who can be beaten by modern fights. He is a true ancient martial arts heir, a master of internal strength, and strong actual combat ability.

He also dared to face the dripping blood!

He has experienced a lot of actual combat in his life, and he has also experienced bleeding and injury.

But, never once, Dong Ziling felt as scared as he is today.

He felt that he hadn't received a slap at all, and he even suspected that Lin Tiancheng had long replaced a mechanical arm made of pure steel.

At the moment Lin Tiancheng slapped him, Dong Ziling's eyes flashed golden light, as if she had seen a worker performing the welding process.

He was finally able to understand why Lin Hongli and others were slapped and unconscious by Lin Tiancheng. If it weren't for his already half-step strength, the end would not be much better.

No matter whether he was careless or not, one thing Dong Ziling can be sure of is that after Lin Tiancheng's slap, he will never be Lin Tiancheng's opponent again.

His cheeks are broken! ! !

After all, Dong Ziling is a half-step grandmaster. With the help of Lin Tiancheng's slap, he quickly flew out towards the back.

After a backflip, Dong Ziling landed steadily.

Although he was slapped in the slap by Lin Tiancheng, he did not cover his face, but instead covered his waist with one hand, turned his head and looked in one direction, "Bold Rats, dare to attack me, where to escape!"

After talking about Dong Ziling's dress, she chased the bold rat generation.

His understanding of Lin Tiancheng was limited to Lin Hongli's few words. He didn't know the nature of Lin Tiancheng. He was a little afraid that Lin Tiancheng would know that he was defeated by Lin Tiancheng and would kill him. This was a mystery.

Inside the originally silent grove, it became lively after Lin Tiancheng slapped it.

I don't know how many birds screamed into the sky, desperately fanning their wings and flying into the night sky.

Many students also rushed out of the small woods, even ignoring the disorderly clothes, sprinting towards the crowded places on the campus.

Lin Tiancheng whistled, "Mo Qing, you go home first."

Before Ling Moqing could agree, a group of black shadows swept over her with a violent wind, and when she recovered, Lin Tiancheng was nowhere to be seen.

Lin Tiancheng didn't want to kill him all.

However, he has defeated Dong Ziling and knows that Dong Ziling is better than Lin Hongli. Of course, he has to see if he can download any exercises on Dong Ziling.

Dong Ziling covered her cheek with one hand, blood flowing between her fingers. But his body is still quite elegant, and a few people in the ups and downs have run far away.

He was full of confidence in his light work and felt that Lin Tiancheng should not be able to catch up, so he found a corner of no one and took out a bottle of hemostatic and disinfectant medicine.

At this moment, Lin Tiancheng's voice sounded not far away, "Master, I will take you to the hospital."

Dong Ziling didn't look back to look at Lin Tiancheng, twisted her waist hard, turned and rushed again.

Relying on his strong inner strength, this time, Dong Ziling ran out of Yuncheng in one breath and ran into the fields on the outskirts of Yuncheng.

He held a small tree in one hand, bent down, gasping for breath.

"Master, I won't hurt you again."

This time Dong Ziling didn't run away anymore, he was too tired.

Dong Ziling tried her best to hold back the blood tumbling in her chest, with her hands behind her back, her white coat and black pants hunting in the night breeze, her body exuding a misty breath.

He raised his chin slightly and looked at Lin Tiancheng not far away, "Huh! You won't hurt me? Don't laugh off my big teeth. Just now, when I started with you, I was attacked by the enemy who had previously complained. Otherwise, Do you want to hurt me with just a slap?"

Seeing that Dong Ziling was still stubborn at this time, Lin Tiancheng said, "Master, I have already said that it will not hurt you. I just want to make it clear to Master that I haven't stolen anything from Dragon Tiger Mountain. By the way, help Master to check. Injury."

Dong Ziling said, "It's just a bit of skin trauma. As for the theft, you don't need to explain. The slap you just now is not the unique knowledge of Longhushan, I believe you."

Seeing Lin Tiancheng walking towards herself, Dong Ziling sternly said, "Lin Tiancheng, although you didn't go to Longhushan to steal, but the evidence for hurting my Longhushan people is solid. I think it is not easy for you to cultivate at a young age. I don't want to embarrass you. I haven't changed my mind yet, you can go."

Lin Tiancheng continued to walk towards Dong Ziling, "Thank you, Master Xian, for your trust, but as a doctor, I am not at ease if I do not check the injury of Master Xian."

Dong Ziling sternly said, "Lin Tiancheng, don't think that I am injured, you can be fearless, I have practiced a secret method, and my combat power doubled after seeing the blood..."

Lin Tiancheng has grabbed Dong Ziling's hand, "Please control your emotions, Master."

Half of Dong Ziling's face turned into pig liver color, "Then you hurry up."

Lin Tiancheng's hand was placed on Dong Ziling's wrist, and the Thunder download started.

What disappointed Lin Tiancheng was that because Lin Hongli and Dong Ziling were both from Longhushan, Dong Ziling had learned it, and Lin Hongli had basically learned it. The only difference is "The Sutra of Falling the Dragon and the Tiger", Lin Hongli only learned the fourth level, and Dong Ziling has learned the fifth level.

The downloads that have been downloaded by Thunder can be skipped. Lin Tiancheng consumed 4 electricity to download the fifth stage of "The Sutra of Falling the Dragon and the Tiger", and the total power is 13 remaining.

After downloading the internal strength secret book that Lin Hongli had learned, Lin Tiancheng felt vaguely that there seemed to be another world in front of him, and he only had to step in to enter.

Now, this feeling is even stronger. If Lin Tiancheng was far away from another world, separated by a door, now only separated by a layer of glass.

Apply what you have learned.

With Dong Ziling as a master, Lin Tiancheng certainly didn't want to miss the opportunity to exercise himself.

Slightly pondering, Lin Tiancheng said, "When I was fighting the immortal master, someone sneaked into the immortal master. I can't win the battle. If the immortal master doesn't mind, we can continue to discuss it."

Dong Ziling still wanted to have a hard mouth, but looking at Lin Tiancheng's appearance, she knew that hard mouth was useless, so she said in embarrassment, "I am not healed now."

Lin Tiancheng said, "I have already checked, the immortal master's injury is not particularly serious, just take some medicine and take a rest."

Dong Ziling was a little excited when she heard the words, and looked at Lin Tiancheng with a surprised look, "You let me rest?"

Lin Tiancheng nodded, "And I can promise not to slap."

Dong Ziling said, "We don't have any rules to discuss, as long as you let me rest for an hour, you can still slap."

Dong Ziling had just been slapped by Lin Tiancheng, but he felt that he was a little careless. And the unique skills at the bottom of the pressure box were not taken out. If Lin Tiancheng allowed him to rest for an hour, he would be more vigilant and try his best to deal with it. It is not known who will die.

He admitted that it was a bit risky, but for the sake of Lin Tiancheng's adventures, he was not reconciled if he didn't take a chance.


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