Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 913: Huagongsan

This day is windy and beautiful.

Lin Tiancheng is in the office of the chairman of Tiancheng Group, discussing something with Wang Mengxin.

He has a translator who can communicate with animals. If he makes good use of it, the boundless sea is Lin Tiancheng's back garden.

It is not too difficult to conquer a certain marine creature, such as O'Neill, but even if it is conquered, O'Neal is not willing.

To become the true master of the sea, you must be respected and loved by marine life. Lin Tiancheng has already planned to invest in improving the marine environment.

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In the evening, when Lin Tiancheng was about to go out to dinner with Wang Mengxin, Dong Ziling called.

The ancestor of Longhushan has been in retreat for a long time. If there is no accident, it will be time to leave in two days. When the ancestor leaves the customs, he must go to the library. Time is precious, and Dong Ziling can't afford to delay a moment. After getting the good luck pill, she hurried down the mountain to find Lin Tiancheng to discuss.

Lin Tiancheng answered the phone, "Master Dong Tian."

Dong Ziling said, "I don't know if Lin Shaoxia has time at night, I want to ask Lin Shaoxia for advice."

Lin Tiancheng frowned, "Can't it be done during the day."

Dong Ziling said, "This Lin Shaoxia knows that wearing a mask affects my performance, and it is not convenient for me to show people without a mask."

Lin Tian wanted to dine with Wang Mengxin in the evening, and if it happened, he would take off Wang Mengxin's electricity.

Huadang investigation and folding still need to be folded, and now Lin Tiancheng is only close to Huajin. If there is still an expert in Longhushan, he may need a lot of power to download to achieve the goal of breakthrough.

Thinking of Dong Ziling's good luck pill, Lin Tiancheng made concessions, "I'll call you after dinner."

Dong Ziling said, "It's just right, I've been in the dust all the way, I haven't eaten dinner yet, Lin Shaoxia doesn't mind asking me to have dinner."

Lin Tiancheng hesitated slightly and agreed.

If Dong Ziling invited dinner, Lin Tiancheng might have to be careful, but if Lin Tiancheng pleases, Lin Tiancheng can arrange a place at will.

Lin Tiancheng and Wang Mengxin went out together and went to a private club under the name of Yang Ye.

Because of Lin Tiancheng's explanation, although Dong Ziling was wearing a mask and refused to show her true colors, she was received politely.

Dong Ziling entered the box to see Lin Tiancheng, but his eyes fell uncontrollably on Wang Mengxin.

Wang Mengxin was born with beauty. After a year of hard work in the workplace, she has added a bit of nobility and maturity.

Even Dong Ziling can't completely resist the temptation of such an outstanding career beauty.

Dong Ziling was even more excited when she thought that as long as she got the resources from Lin Tiancheng and cultivated supernatural powers, any woman could have it in the future.

His eyes quickly fell on Lin Tiancheng, "I interrupted him."

Lin Tiancheng raised his hand to signal, "Tianshi Dong, please sit down."

Dong Ziling sat down.

Lin Tiancheng said again, "This is Wang Mengxin, the president of Tiancheng Group." After that, he introduced Dong Ziling, "Sister Xin, this is the master of Longhushan Dong Tianshi."

Seeing Dong Ziling refused to take off her mask, Wang Mengxin said to Lin Tiancheng, "Tiancheng, if it is not convenient, I will not bother you."

Without waiting for Lin Tiancheng to speak, Dong Ziling said, "Don't bother, I have learned a lot from Lin Shaoxia a few days ago, but there are still a few things I didn't understand, so I came to ask Lin Shaoxia."

Lin Tiancheng smiled faintly, "Did you bring good luck pills."

Dong Ziling took out five jade bottles, opened them one by one, and gave Lin Tiancheng a look, with a little disdain in her eyes, "It's just a few good luck pills, as long as Lin Shaoxia can answer my doubts, and then discuss with me, these good luck pills are Lin Shaoxia. of."

Lin Tiancheng didn't know what medicine Dong Ziling sold in the gourd, "Don't dare, everyone will learn from each other and make progress together."

Dong Ziling nodded slightly, “It’s true that I talked with Lin Shaoxia last time and used a trick to steal peaches with monkeys. Before I met Lin Shaoxia, I tried this trick repeatedly, but Lin Shaoxia found the flaw in the ear. How can I improve it.”

Regardless of whether Dong Ziling really asked for advice, Lin Tiancheng didn't mind wasting a bit of tongue with the other party in the face of the five good fortune pills.

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng said, "If Dong Tianshi uses a monkey to steal peaches next time, it is recommended to put a layer of lard on the ears."

Dong Ziling's eyes lit up, "Lard has a strong lubricating effect, so even if my opponent grabs my ears, I can easily break free."

Speaking of this, Dong Ziling shook her head and said with emotion, "Okay, I know that this trip won't be in vain. The problem that I have been thinking about for a few days was actually broken by Lin Shaoxia."

Lin Tiancheng smiled faintly.

Dong Ziling pondered slightly, "There is one more thing, which may be a little off topic, but I still want to take this opportunity to understand. Normally, out of human instinct, when fighting, the protection of the head is the first thing. In other words, if you want to defeat the enemy, you usually don't choose a head attack, but why does Lin Shaoxia often slap?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "Since the question is partial, I won't answer it."

Dong Ziling didn't force it.

Since Lin Tiancheng and Dong Ziling will have to discuss with each other later, neither of them drank alcohol during the meal.

For almost half an hour, Lin Tiancheng saw that Dong Ziling had already put down the dishes and Wang Mengxin was full, so he said to Wang Mengxin, "Sister Xin, you go back first, and I will look for you when I finish the discussion with Tianshi Dong."

However, before Wang Mengxin left, Dong Ziling said, "It's free to learn from each other."

Lin Tiancheng looked at Dong Ziling with a surprised look.

Dong Ziling's voice was already somewhat proud, "Lin Shaoxia's current state, I'm afraid it's not suitable for discussing with me."

Lin Tiancheng asked, "What do you mean."

Embracing his chest with his hands, he leaned against the back of the chair triumphantly, "Do you know Huagongsan?"

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's suspicious expression, Dong Ziling said again, "Let me tell you, Huagongsan is a poison specifically for internal energy masters. It is very scarce and can be volatilized and decomposed in the air. If you breathe for half an hour in the presence of Huagong San for a master of internal energy below Jin, you must be poisoned. Lin Shaoxia can try to use internal energy."

Lin Tiancheng tried to use his internal energy, but it didn't work.

Wang Mengxin's heart sank slightly and she was about to take out her mobile phone to make a call.

Dong Ziling said, "Mengxin girl, as long as you click on the phone, I will break Lin Tiancheng's hand."

Wang Mengxin looked at Lin Tiancheng with a worried look.

Lin Tiancheng took a relieved look at Wang Mengxin, and said to Dong Ziling, "What do you mean by the heavenly master? Isn't it good to learn from each other?"

There is no one else in the box, and Dong Ziling is already winning. So he stopped being low-key, and became unscrupulous.

He uncovered the mask, "What to learn, I am not Lin Shaoxia's opponent, and I have to give the door to my face. Could it be that my head was caught by the door."


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