Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 922: Do you need a special car

It's not difficult for a master like Yang Xuan to escape the fare and get on the high-speed rail.

After Lin Tiancheng boarded the high-speed rail, he glanced back and found that Yang Xuan was also on the high-speed rail. He became more convinced of his judgment.

Yang Xuan should regard him as a moving treasure, even if it is temporarily unavailable, he must guard and protect it.

He also found that Yang Xuan escaped in a taxi, obviously without money, so he could easily get into the high-speed rail. Sure enough, master masters can go anywhere.

Wei Jiahao also found a clue, "Lin Shao, the man dressed as a Taoist priest seems to have been following us all the time. Would you like to arrange someone to meet him when you get off the bus."

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "No, it is their freedom to go where they want to go."

Wei Jiahao didn't say anything.

When Lin Tiancheng and Wei Jiahao got off the train in Shenshi, Kang Junyi, who had already received the news, personally drove to the station to pick them up.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng, Kang Junyi stepped forward quickly, "Lin Shao."

Lin Tiancheng nodded slightly and raised his leg to move forward.

Kang Junyi glanced at Wei Jiahao again, feeling uneasy in every way.

He didn't hate Wei Jiahao.

I faced a bet with Lin Tiancheng on the Allen cruise ship because Wei Jiahao surrendered to Lin Tiancheng and refused to attack Lin Tiancheng's parents.

Kang Junyi also figured this out.


He had already seen Lin Tiancheng's magical powers, even if he could use Lin Tiancheng's parents to threaten Lin Tiancheng's success that time, Lin Tiancheng would make a comeback one day.

Although he claimed to be ruled by the river between Shenshi and Wanshihou, he knew very well that Wanshihou didn't take him seriously. However, Lin Tiancheng, who has only been in Shen City, became a confidant of Wan Shihou and was regarded as a lifelong enemy by Wan Shihou.

This alone makes him far worse than Lin Tiancheng.

He sighed that Wei Jiahao used to be his subordinate. From now on, he will probably respect Wei Jiahao as Mr. Wei.

Sure enough, Lin Tiancheng's faint voice sounded, "Kang Junyi, you and Wei Jiahao have been friends for many years, and you will help him in the future."

Kang Junyi showed a bit of joy on his face, and Lin Tiancheng's meaning was obvious. From now on, he and Wei Jiahao, Wei Jiahao will be the talking point. But Lin Tiancheng said that he and Wei Jiahao were friends, and he did not demean him too much.

Kang Junyi said, "Jiahao, what I did wrong before, don't take it to heart."

Wei Jiahao smiled faintly, "Brother Yi has said that he is serious. From now on, everyone will work together to do the things that Lin Shao has explained."

Kang Junyi felt another sigh of emotion when he heard the words.

At this time, he was considering whether Wei Jiahao would hate him. He was a little doubtful of Lin Tiancheng's authority. Wei Jiahao spoke beautifully.

Under Lin Tiancheng's signal, Kang Junyi sent Lin Tiancheng directly to Man Tea Garden.

After all, Shen City is an international metropolis. Lin Tiancheng was still a little worried about whether Yang Xuan would be lost. However, after he arrived at the Man Tea Garden, he heard another driver yelling at the Man Tea Garden, so he was relieved.

Li Rufei already knew the news that Lin Tiancheng was coming back, and was waiting at home.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng, Li Rufei was not delighted, but rather blamed, "Tiancheng, didn't you tell you not to come to Shenyang."

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "I'm here to collect the bills."

Li Rufei was worried, "Tiancheng, you underestimate Wanshihou. Jiang'an Province is your base camp. In Jiang'an Province, Wanshihou can't help you. And Shenshi is the back garden of Wanshihou. Do you think you can take over in Shenshi? Is it cheaper to his."

Lin Tiancheng said, "How can I know if I don't try."

Li Rufei said, "In Shen City, what can we compare with Wan Shihou? Comparing power, Wan Shihou has a good word in Shen City. Comparing relations, Wan Shihou has been operating in Shen City for many years and has long woven a huge network of relationships. Comparing strength, Wan Shihou Hou’s followers are like a cloud."

Lin Tiancheng looked at Li Rufei with sincere eyes, "Sister Fei, I know that Wan Shihou has always coveted you. I also know that Wan Shihou is not in good health. The limit he can wait is his 60th birthday. There should be no It's been a few days."

A warm current surged in Li Rufei's heart, "Tiancheng, Sister Fei understands your intentions, listen to Sister Fei's words, leave Shen City, Sister Fei has the ability to protect herself."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Since Sister Fei understands my heart, she knows that I will not leave."

Li Rufei was speechless.

There was silence, Li Rufei sighed in her heart, "Tiancheng, after such a long journey, you should rest first."

Seeing Li Rufei worrying about it, Lin Tiancheng smiled relaxedly, "I never forgot what Sister Fei explained to me. In fact, when I come back this time, I will not only find Wan Shihou to collect the accounts, but also continue to perform my duties. Take care of Xiaoyi."

With that, Lin Tiancheng picked up the car key on the coffee table and shook it, "Xiaoyi is about to end get out of class, I will pick her up and go home."

When Lin Tiancheng drove out of the Man Tea Garden, he just drove out of the gate of the Man Tea Garden and saw Yang Xuan blocking the car on the road.

Obviously, Yang Xuan had long discovered that Lin Tiancheng was going to drive away, so he came to take a taxi early.

Thinking that Yang Xuan would ride in the Overlord's car again, Lin Tiancheng thought for a while whether he would give Yang Xuan a sum of money, after all, he still wanted to rely on Yang Xuan now.

This idea flashed in Lin Tiancheng's mind--if he took the initiative to show good to Yang Xuan, Yang Xuan might see his purpose.

Half an hour later, Lin Tiancheng arrived at the gate of the noble school where Li Xiaoyi was studying.

He leaned on the car door, folded his hands on his chest, and looked for Li Xiaoyi among the students emerging from the school.

With almost no effort, Lin Tiancheng's eyes fell on Li Xiaoyi, Xia Sisi, and Wang Zimeng.

The main reason is that the three girls are all school girls, and any one of them can attract the attention of boys. When three people walk together, no matter how arrogant boys are, they must bow their heads.

Since hearing that Lin Tiancheng was buried in the sea, Li Xiaoyi has become silent a lot. Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng did not dare to inquire about Lin Tiancheng.

Li Rufei knew that Lin Tiancheng was safe, but did not tell Li Xiaoyi-she recognized Lin Tiancheng, but did not want Li Xiaoyi to fall in love.

Seeing that the three of Li Xiaoyi didn't find themselves, Lin Tiancheng whistled, "Three beauties, do you need a special car."

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng used this method to strike up a conversation with Li Xiaoyi and others, many people looked at Lin Tiancheng with contempt.

This is an aristocratic school, not to mention that Lin Tiancheng drives only an Audi A8, even a Bentley cannot be too high-profile.

More importantly, Li Xiaoyi and Xia Sisi and Wang Zimeng, which family is not rich?

"Stupid, so proud of driving a broken car."

"I don't know who gave him the confidence..."

However, what everyone did not expect was that Li Xiaoyi, Xia Sisi, and Wang Zimeng actually stopped and stared at Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's body still leaned lazily on the car door and hooked his finger at Li Xiaoyi.

Seeing the face of the Dreaming Element in front of her, tears burst into Li Xiaoyi's eyes. At this moment, she did have the urge to rush into Lin Tiancheng's embrace.

However, seeing Lin Tiancheng actually hooked her finger, she suddenly felt extremely aggrieved, and stood still and twisted her body to show resistance.

Lin Tiancheng smiled and continued to hook his fingers.

This time, Li Xiaoyi finally couldn't help the longing in her heart. She ignored it, and ran towards Lin Tiancheng like a moth to the fire.


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