Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 929: Let's be brave today

Just now Chairman Zhao was chanting something, Lin Tiancheng also heard clearly, and his face was a bit unsightly.

Yang Ye used to be the boss of the Jiang'an Police Department. He looked at Lin Tiancheng with a questioning look, "Lin Shao, I also have some friends in the Shen City Police Department."

Yang Ye said so, but his confidence was obviously lacking.

People may sell him face for things that are not important, but not necessarily at the risk of opposing Wanshihou.

Luo Shaoqing said, "No."

Yang Ye didn't insist anymore. This was a discussion of the entrepreneurs' delegation. Even if the police officers came over, it would be a joke.

Li Rufei glanced at Lin Tiancheng reproachfully, with a bit of bitterness on her face, "Tiancheng, the background of Wanshihou is not what you can imagine. After so many years, Wanshihou has kept a low profile and has no words to fight and wins."

Luo Shaoqing, Shen Wanshan and others all looked at Lin Tiancheng.

They were prepared to be crushed by Wan Shihou today, but everyone was not surprised, nor did they think it was a big deal. If Wan Shihou took the inspection team to the river bank to investigate, they would also be able to use his own way to treat his body.

Lin Tiancheng glanced at Li Rufei with relief, "I believe in the old man."

Li Rufei sighed faintly, "The old man is not the old man from twenty years ago."

To be honest, Lin Tiancheng felt a little uncertain.

Lu Zhongliang said that he would give him a good start. Today, Wan Shihou is showing off his relationship. It is reasonable that the old man should arrange for a heavyweight person to come over.

However, as of now, Lin Tian has not seen a single figure in Chengdu, and Wan Shihou is full of people and friends. Even the deputy mayor in charge of the economy has come in person. Lin Tiancheng also doubted whether the people on Lu Zhongliang's side were facing stage fright.

At this time, Director Ji, who was temporarily promoted by Chairman Zhao, came to a close. "Mr. Li said before. There is no leader. It is more convenient for everyone to speak freely. If you have any needs, just tell me."

It's no good to just wait like this, and let Wan Shihou look at the jokes.

Lin Tiancheng looked around and apologized, "This time I let everyone lose the noodles. Everyone eats and drinks well. I will invite everyone back to the river bank."

Yang Ye laughed, "Everyone charged with Lin Shao, only the waves are magnificent, there is no loss of face."

Victory or defeat is commonplace in the military, and the momentum cannot be defeated.

Lin Tiancheng had already spoken, everyone stopped thinking that the big leader would come, and started talking to each other, drinking and eating.

The banquet hall next door.

President Han and President Li, with apologetic and awe-smiling faces, almost trot to the front of Wan Shihou.

"Master Hou, the people above arrange for the people from the inspection group to inspect our group. I can't avoid it." Mr. Han accompanied and laughed.

Wan Shihou smiled, "Understand, foreign monks can recite sutras."

Manager Li immediately yelled, "Master Hou has been wronged. A group of mobs who come from the river bank do not understand the construction of corporate culture. There are also a few buns. The manufacturing workshop of our group is not allowed to take pictures. Oh my god, the security advises everyone. Can't dissuade."

Everyone laughed pleasantly, and the banquet hall was filled with cheerful air.

Wan Shihou nodded, "Sit down, two of you."

Mr. Han and Mr. Li breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and found their seats to sit down. They knew that this hurdle was over.

At this time, the chairman of the Shenshi Federation of Industry and Commerce entered the banquet hall.

He has been with the inspection team for a whole day today, and now he is a little scared, his front bald forehead is covered with fine beads of sweat.

Trotting to the front of Wan Shihou, Chairman Zhao bowed slightly, "Mayor Wei. Hou Ye."

Wan Shihou said, "Chairman Zhao, the people on the inspection team are all next door. Wouldn't it be too good for you to leave them here like this?"

Chairman Zhao shook his hand, and at the same time, he turned his head to the side and used his body language to express his rich emotions. "Don't mention it, I seriously doubt the quality of this inspection group. Someone just patted the table and wanted to make me rough. What kind of people."

Seeing Wan Shihou not expressing his position, Chairman Zhao said again, "If Lord Hou does not welcome me, I will go home to sleep and I will not go there."

Hearing what Chairman Zhao said, Wan Shihou let Chairman Zhao sit down.

Seeing that Mr. Han and Mr. Li, who had accompanied the inspection group before, had already arrived, and now that even the only official representative had arrived, everyone's heart was even more trembling.

Lin Tiancheng is the No. 1 Young Master on the river bank. In front of Lord Hou's thunder blow, he didn't even have any power to fight back.

Thinking of Wan Shihou wanting to recognize Lin Tiancheng as his son-in-law or godson, many people feel a little unbalanced in their hearts.

They felt that the gap between Lin Tiancheng and Wan Shihou was too great, and they were not worthy at all.

Several big guys with an age advantage think that they are no worse than Lin Tiancheng, and they are even more upset. They all want to recommend themselves.

Wan's charming face is also very bad to look at.

Because of Wan Shihou, everyone dare not comment on Lin Tiancheng publicly, but everyone knows that Lin Tiancheng lost all his underwear today.

Such a person is worthy of himself?

Due to Wan Shihou's prestige at this moment, Wan Meimei didn't say anything, but her face was full of disdain and contempt, letting everyone see how much she despised Lin Tiancheng.

The forum was only symbolic, and everyone was waiting for Lin Tiancheng to come and bow their heads.

After half an hour, seeing Lin Tiancheng not showing up for a long time, the smile on Wan Shihou's face changed a little.

At this time, Xia Nan stood up, bowed and fisted at Wan Shihou, "Thanks to Lord Hou for showing his love, I will dare to say something that shouldn't be said today."

Wan Shihou said, "They are all his own, and Xia always has something to say."

Xia Nan said, "Everyone knows that Master Hou organized this symposium today. Lin Tiancheng deliberately was at the same place at the same time. It is definitely not as simple as a coincidence. He wanted to break the wrist with Master Hou."

The result of breaking the wrist is very obvious. At this point, with the calmness of Xia Nan's aura, his face also showed just the right kind of amusement.

Everyone laughed.

Xia Nan said again, "Master Hou is broad-minded and has a passion for Lin Tiancheng. He has already expressed his intention to accept Lin Tian as a son or son-in-law. Lin Tiancheng should also have made a decision at this time. Only one step is willing to come over."

Having said that, Xia Nan looked at Wan Shihou with questioning eyes, "Master Hou, you and Lin Shao will be a family in the future, I will invite him over."

Wan Shihou nodded, "Good too."

Xia Nan turned and left.

Xia Sisi followed Xia Nan out of the banquet hall, her tone full of complaints, "Dad, how can you treat Lin Tiancheng like this, you want to see Lin Tiancheng bow his head in front of Hou Ye? You go ask Lin Tiancheng, if Lin Tiancheng can't come, It will anger Lord Hou."

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Xia Nan's face was slightly cold, "Sisi, I shouldn't bring you here. If you talk nonsense again, I'll have someone send you back immediately."


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