Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 935: All here

Secretary Zhang was faster than Minister Fan because of Wan Shihou, which made him the latest, and he hated Wan Shihou.

It's done, and Secretary Zhang has no choice but to make up for it in attitude. This is how he called himself Xiao Zhang in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Wan Shihou's face was a little pale, and the top of his forehead was slightly moist.

Secretary Zhang of the Political and Legal Committee, but Wan Shihou's relationship, but the wording of Secretary Zhang just now turned out to be so harsh.

What does Secretary Zhang mean when he calls himself Xiao Zhang in front of Lin Tiancheng?

This is a dignified member of the Standing Committee, the boss of the Political and Legal Committee, and he is much older than Lin Tiancheng, okay?

Director Fan, the boss of the Organization Department, is also here. What does it mean to be low in front of Lin Tiancheng?

Hou Wanshi thinks carefully and terribly.

Even at Ding Guihua's funeral, Wan Shihou was targeted by a sniper rifle and was slapped by Lin Tiancheng. He just dared not speak, and did not show weakness in his momentum.

Now, in Wan Shihou's heart, there was an inexplicable fright.

Xia Nan squeezed out a smile that was even worse than crying at Wan Shihou, and there was also a begging in her voice, "Master Hou?"

Xia Nan is known as a scholar in Yumian, who is good at judging the time and situation, and his insight and determination are not comparable to ordinary people, so he is sure that Qin Songming is a fake.

Now, he still couldn't figure out, how can Lin Tiancheng and He De, be able to alarm the three members of the Standing Committee to come together, and they all put such a low posture in front of Lin Tiancheng?

However, these are not important anymore.

As long as Xia Nan thinks about saying that Qin Songming is a dog, her scalp will be numb, like a needle.

Wan Shihou ignored Xia Nan and walked back to the banquet hall somewhat mechanically.

The friends in the banquet hall, who had been a little relaxed, were greatly frightened.

Everyone stood up, you look at me, I look at you, the eyebrows are full of anxiety.

Some relevant figures in the Organization Department and the Political and Legal Affairs Commission were even more worried, with a melancholy expression as if they had heard some bad news.

See the positive) s version chapter I * Festival?; ~ "!

Wan Meimei was no longer so arrogant, but she still raised her chin stubbornly, but she looked a little bit stern.

Now, Wan Shihou also knows that he has fallen from the clouds.

No matter how many people come from his side today, the three big men from Lin Tiancheng can hang them all happily at will.

He lost this battle!

He closed his eyes slightly and let out a long breath.

With Wan Shihou's deep and old-fashioned, how can one not understand the key.

It's Lu Zhongliang!

Twenty years ago, when Lu Zhongliang was in Shenshi, the three members of the Standing Committee were still inconspicuous. They must have been helped by Lu Zhongliang, and he was also pinched by Lu Zhongliang.

I took Lu Zhongliang instead. At that time, Lu Zhongliang bowed his head obediently without saying a word. As soon as Lu Zhongliang did not do anything, he honestly stayed in the corner. Secondly, Lu Zhongliang is well-known and well-connected. He did not rush to kill Lu Zhongliang.

Wan Shihou did not expect that Lu Zhongliang would never forget the past. Lu Zhongliang was just waiting for someone who could stand against him.

Lu Zhong is brave! ! !

Today is not what it used to be. Now Qin Songming and others stomped their feet, and Shenshi was shaking three times, and Lu Zhongliang was already at sunset. He did not expect that at this time, Lu Zhongliang would dare to do such things. He was killing his life. !

Wan Shihou adjusted his breathing and tried his best to calm himself down.

He lost today, but the forum will continue to defend his last face.

However, at this time, Wan Shihou heard that many people were calling.

"What? Urgent video conference? I'll be there soon..."

"Is going to give birth? Difficult delivery? I know, I will go right away."

"How come? Wasn't the old man okay yesterday? In which hospital..."

People who received the call and had urgent matters to deal with, came to Wan Shihou one after another, and confessed their crimes with Wan Shihou, "Hou Ye, urgent video conference, I want to go there."

Wan Shihou nodded slightly, "It's okay."

The previous leader who was unable to call the old man at home was even more urgent and left in a hurry without saying hello to Wan Shihou.

Wan Shihou was still sitting peacefully, and he took a sip from his teacup.

Xia Nan really saw that Wan Shihou's hand holding the teacup was shaking slightly.

This discovery almost choked Xia Nan! ! !

Wan Shihou can't live anymore. With Wan Shihou's influence, official figures will not easily move Wan Shihou, but his Xia Nan's end will be terrible.

Xia Nan sat on the chair, sweat on his cheeks--if he hadn't walked out of the aura that he had cultivated in the wind and waves for many years, he would have been unstable.

His only hope now is that Wan Shihou will spare no effort to protect him and let others know Wan Shihou's justice.

Wan Shihou put down his teacup and saw that everyone who should be leaving was almost gone. He looked around, "Is there anything else at home or work?"

Seeing Wan Shihou's gaze projected over, although everyone was panicked, they still bite the bullet and sat with their heads high.

Of course, they are also afraid of the three members of the Standing Committee, but they are even more afraid of Wan Shihou.

It's not that Wan Shihou is better than the Standing Committee, but they have nothing to do with the three major standing committees. If they leave, the three major standing committees will not put them in their eyes. And if they leave, Wan Shihou will definitely make their life difficult in the future.

A big man stood up to show his loyalty, "Master Hou, I said it when I came. Today is a symposium organized by Master Hou, and big things will be pushed back."

Hearing someone speaks, there are a few big bosses expressing their opinions.

"The leaders engage in their seminars, and we engage in our seminars. This seminar is not of an official nature. I would like to hear what Hou Ye has suggestions."

"Master Hou, can the discussion continue?"

Wan Shihou nodded and was about to speak.

At this moment, Wan Shihou's entourage trot over urgently again, with a bit of horror on his face.

Wan Shihou's heart sank.

Wouldn't it be who is coming again?

After going through the previous changes, even Wan Shihou lost his attitude, and where could his followers calm down, he called from afar, "Honey, it's not good..."

Wan Shihou reprimanded, "What are you doing in a panic, can this sky still fall down?"

The entourage hurriedly bowed, "Secretary Wu from the Commission for Discipline Inspection is here."

When the entourage ran in in a panic, everyone vaguely felt that it should be a certain tycoon who came here again.

Hearing that it was the boss of the Commission for Discipline Inspection, there was another commotion in the banquet hall, and everyone was not calm again.

On this occasion, the deterrent power of the leaders of the Disciplinary Committee is much stronger than that of the previous three leaders, almost no less than the main leaders of the municipal party committee.

Wan Shihou also found that the place was about to be overwhelmed. He snorted and said in a deep voice, "What happened to Secretary Wu of the Disciplinary Committee? Is it illegal to eat a meal?"

The entourage bit the bullet, "There are also the Secretary General, Deputy Secretary, Minister Wang Liping of the Propaganda Department, Minister Min of the United Front Work Department, and Political Commissar Luo of the Garrison District, all on the road."

Even though the follower has been with Wan Shihou for many years and has seen all kinds of scenes, but now his heart can't bear it, he can't finish it in one breath, he paused, and said, "Secretary Han seems to be coming too. Except for the city. Long, the other members of the Standing Committee are all here."


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