Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 937: Master Can Slash

Because of the presence of Han Li, the next Shanghai Municipal government's speeches will basically be Han Li.

He said that the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Government should further strengthen coordination services, do a good job in the docking of projects and plans, and lay a solid foundation for investment attraction. He hopes that the two places will have closer exchanges and strengthen exchanges in the future; he hopes that the delegation can continue to provide suggestions for the economic development of Shenyang and support each other for common development.

At the same time, Han Li also said that Jiang'an Province has beautiful mountains and clear waters, outstanding people, and an excellent investment environment. He hopes that in the next step, he can continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, continue to explore areas of cooperation, and promote mutual benefit and win-win results.

Han Li and others did not stay for dinner. After reaching a consensus on many aspects with the inspection team, they praised Lin Tiancheng and left.

Political commissar Luo from the security zone also deliberately said a few words with Lin Tiancheng when he left.

Lin Tiancheng knew that political commissar Luo had also received an explanation from his father Lu Zhongliang.

He felt even more emotional.

Executive Deputy Mayor Qin Songming, Secretary Zhang of the Political and Legal Committee, Director Fan of the Organization Department, and Political Commissar Luo of the Garrison District, these are four members of the Standing Committee!

The father's deep pool of fruit is extraordinary.

Although the Standing Committee members have left, Chairman Zhao of the Federation of Industry and Commerce is afraid to leave.

Qian Laifu looked at Chairman Zhao, "Chairman Zhao, isn't someone choking in your house? You don't need to accompany our group of things."

Hearing Qian Laifu's troubles, Chairman Zhao felt a little more comfortable-he will fight and punish today to avoid worries.

Chairman Zhao curled his waist and said while wiping his sweat, "Yes, I received a call just now. My grandson is fine."

Seeing Qian Laifu's face still cold, Chairman Zhao knew that he hadn't said the point. He glanced at Lin Tiancheng with pleading eyes, then glanced at Luo Shaoqing and others, "Lin Shao, bosses, I am Xiao Zhao. You are not sloppy in doing things, you just can’t control your own mouth. This is the mouth you suffer from in this life. I toast."

As he spoke, he reached for the wine glass.

He also knows that if Qian Laifu speaks out the problem in public, he will not trouble him later, and he is not so scared anymore.

But he still had to pretend to be scared.

When he reached out to serve the wine, Chairman Zhao's hand shook, and he knocked over the glass.

His face became more uneasy, embarrassed and embarrassed, "Look at it, my nervous cup is not stable. I punish, I punish a **** who is drunk."

After that, Chairman Zhao took a stance, squatted slightly, with his hands behind his back, his head stretched out to the front, and his mouth opened to bite a bottle of red wine.

Then he raised his head, and the bottle didn't leave his mouth, he swayed from side to side, drinking a bottle of red wine.

After drinking a bottle of wine and seeing many big guys laughing, Chairman Zhao laughed.

At this time, Xia Nan, who discovered that the Standing Committee members had left, took Xia Sisi's hand and walked to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng's expression was cold.

He did not put Chairman Zhao in his eyes, but Xia Nan, who was loyal in the Wan Shihou box before, said that he would drink blood quickly.

Wei Jiahao also looked at Xia Nan with yin eyes.

Xia Nan smiled, "Lin Shao..."

Before Xia Nan finished speaking, Lin Tiancheng interrupted aloud, "President Xia, if you are not Sisi's father, you can't enter this banquet hall. You don't need to bow your head or toast today."

Xia Nan nodded again and again, "Thanks to Lin Shao for his generosity. In the future, Lin Shao will help me in Xia Nan's place, just speak."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Don't let thinking be embarrassed."

Xia Nan was stunned for a moment, with an embarrassed expression-he knew that Lin Tiancheng had rejected his surrender.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng ignored him, Xia Nan didn't feel embarrassed to stay in the banquet hall, turning around and leaving.

Xia Sisi did not leave.

Today so many standing committee members are here, and now there are so many big bosses in the banquet hall. Xia Sisi has never felt like Lin Tiancheng's energy.

Lin Tiancheng thinks that she doesn't care about Xia Nan's face. She feels that she has to express her gratitude to Lin Tiancheng?

Before Wan Shihou asked Lin Tiancheng to go, Li Rufei would sing.

Xia Sisi's face blushed, "Lin...Lin Shao, I, I sing a song for you."

Lin Tiancheng couldn't help laughing, and reached out his hand to touch Xia Sisi's head, "What's the mess in your mind? Have you learned your dad?"

Seeing Lin Tiancheng not wanting to sing by herself, Xia Sisi was both happy and wronged in her heart, "I, I don't, I just..."

Xia Sisi didn't know how to say the following words, she had her own reasons, but she didn't know how to express it.

Lin Tiancheng knew that Xia Sisi represented Xia Nan and gave him enough respect.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Xia Sisi with a sincere gaze, "Sisi, we are friends. You were in the banquet hall next door just now, and you gave me your protection, didn't you?"

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, a bit of unspeakable sweetness surged in Xia Sisi's heart, and she lowered her head, not daring to look directly at Lin Tiancheng.

Wan Shihou has returned home.

He was in shock along the way, sitting in the study for more than ten minutes, a fiercely beating heart, only then calmed slightly.

He let out a long sigh, his face showing a bit of self-deprecating, "Human heart, I didn't expect that the last person who stayed in the banquet hall was an unfamiliar artist."

Wan Shihou saw it really. When he left, in the corner of the banquet hall, the artist in white coat and black trousers and braids had not left.

There was something strange on Ke Yan's face.

He knew best that the so-called old artist was actually a powerful person. When he was about to take Wan Shihou away, the artist's spirit had already locked him in.

In other words, the old artist should be Lin Tiancheng's.

The setbacks and blows Wan Shihou suffered today have been great enough, Ke Yan hesitated, but after all, he still didn't explain it.

Wan Shihou also told Ke Yan, "The old artist in the banquet hall, check it, and he will be my guest of Wan Shihou in the future."

Wan Shihou waved his hand after speaking.

When Ke Yan left, a thin old man with white hair came to Wan Shihou.

Wan Shihou is still tired now. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, "Lin Tiancheng can escape from the birth under Ke Yan, and Ke Yan should have lost the battle against Lin Tiancheng, can you? Lin Tiancheng was killed."

The network that Lu Zhongliang gave to Lin Tiancheng shocked Wan Shihou. It was impossible for him to suppress Lin Tiancheng by relying on his network of connections in Shen City.

More importantly, with the energy demonstrated by Lin Tiancheng today, even if Wan Shihou is willing to shake hands with Lin Tiancheng, there will only be Lin Tiancheng's voice in Shenshi in the future.

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He wanted to kill Lin Tiancheng before Lin Tiancheng had established a real interest relationship with Lu Zhongliang's people, otherwise Lin Tiancheng would just hang him easily in the future.

The white-haired old man thought for a while, "Ke Yan just caught a glimpse of the threshold of Huajin, even if Lin Tiancheng has entered the realm of a master, I can cut it."


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