Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 943: First cut

In order to avoid danger to Wu Mengqi, Lin Tiancheng did not go to the HOHO bar.

Lin Tiancheng went to Wei Jiahao to find out about the handover of various matters between Kang Junyi and Wei Jiahao, and had dinner with Wei Jiahao. Only then did he leave the city of Shenshi accompanied by Wei Jiahao.

In a secluded wilderness, Lin Tiancheng asked Wei Jiahao to park, "Jiahao, you return to Shen City, and things tonight will not happen."

Wei Jiahao also knew that Lin Tiancheng had encountered a powerful enemy. He said, "Lin Shao, what kind of master he is, no matter how powerful he is, can he still shoot a gun? How about I call more people, one gun per person, he has three Life is not enough to die."

Lin Tiancheng got off the car and left, "No need."

Let alone a real master of Huajin, even Lin Tiancheng, even facing Wei Jiahao who was armed with a gun, would be sure to kill him.

As long as Wei Jiahao was not a sneak attack, before Wei Jiahao drew his gun, Lin Tiancheng could easily take Wei Jiahao's life.

However, a master realm master can feel a person's aura, unless it is a master of the same level, otherwise it is impossible to leapfrog a master realm master.

In this battle, Lin Tiancheng was not sure to win or escape, but he was sure to save his life.

Even if it is a grand master, the body cannot be in perfect condition. As long as you use 360 ​​antivirus to help the opponent improve a little, and then promise to continue to help the opponent improve in the future, it is estimated that even a master at the master level can't resist this temptation, right?


Of course, helping others to improve their strength will consume electricity and expose Lin Tiancheng's supernatural powers. Lin Tiancheng will not try if it is not a last resort.

Feeling that Wei Jiahao didn't mean to leave, Lin Tiancheng warned, "Don't try to shoot, otherwise today next year will be your memorial day."

Wei Jiahao was shocked, he also brought a gun, and he did intend to let go.

Lin Tiancheng walked forward, a hundred steps later, he stopped, his hands behind his back, "Come out."

"Good eyesight!" Jin Man praised angrily as he walked out of the shadow on Lin Tiancheng's left.

As a master of Huajin, Jinman’s ability to hide is beyond doubt. Not only can he hold his breath for a long time, but he can also restrain the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy in his heart. If it’s not within sight, no matter how quiet he is, Jinman is confident and quiet. Silently came to Lin Tiancheng's side.

He had just hid it well, but he didn't expect to be discovered by Lin Tiancheng.

Jin Man praised him, "I knew I was hiding here before reaching Huajin. You are the first person I have ever seen in Jin Man's life."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Master Jin misunderstood, I just guessed it."

Lin Tiancheng didn't hide the fact that at this time, it would not be good for him if Jin Man overestimated his strength.

Jin Man was obviously uncomfortable with this kind of dialogue, and he was obviously taken aback, "You know I want to kill you, so dare you come to this place?"

Lin Tiancheng smiled, "Master Jin wants to kill me, so I can come and go freely, so it's not as convenient to come here."

Jin Man nodded, and his eyes showed some rewards, "You know people, in that case, you can do it yourself."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Master Jin, you have misunderstood me, I am not here to die."

After Lin Tiancheng took out a bottle of body quenching fluid from his trouser pocket, "Body quenching fluid, even a person who has no talent for martial arts, can easily practice a little famous body quenching fluid after obtaining the body quenching fluid. Longhushan reserves the body quenching fluid, There are only five small bottles. Only talented disciples who rank among the top three in the annual competition can get a few drops of body quenching liquid. As long as Master Jin is not against me, five bottles of body quenching liquid will be my own Give it away."

Jin Man's eyes showed a different color, even if he had to admit that Lin Tiancheng was indeed a big deal.

At this time, hundreds of meters away, there was a figure in a night walker hiding behind a bush with a face that I knew.

Jin Man shook his head, "The body quenching fluid is not effective against Huajin masters."

Lin Tiancheng took out a small jade bottle again, "Good luck pills, I know that Master Jin is a master at the master level, Master Good luck Danjin doesn't need it, but Master Jin can't put a tie into the coffin, there will definitely be descendants in the future. Master Jin is willing to hold up his precious hands, and the five good fortune pills belong to Master Jin."

Jin Man nodded, "What you said makes sense. I admit that I was tempted. After I behead you, I will accept your heart."

Lin Tiancheng saw that the benefits were unsuccessful, so he stopped talking and increased his vigilance.

Jin Man said, "I don't take advantage of you. Today, if you can stop me three times, I will let you make a living."

Jin Man's words were not very kind.

For the masters of Huajin, under Huajin, they are all ants.

Even if Lin Tiancheng is half-strengthened, the difference in force between him and Jin Man is like a primary school student and an adult strong man.

Jinman no longer talks nonsense with Lin Tiancheng.


His figure flashed, and because of his movement too fast, even the air in front of him seemed to be violently broken, and he made a bang.

In the blink of an eye, Jin Man's body was like the blade of a sword, and the blade of a sword, he seemed to be transformed into a humanoid weapon, capable of cutting off all obstacles before him.

In an instant, Lin Tiancheng felt like falling into an ice cave.

Can't hide it!

Without hesitation, Lin Tiancheng's flashlight turned on and the speaker turned on.


When Jin Man dashed to Lin Tiancheng, Lin Tiancheng roared.

This sound resounded through the sky, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, just like in the June thunderstorm, countless firecrackers and sparks sounded together, and it was also faintly mixed with the ‘sizzling’ sound of fire lines colliding.

The windows of Wei Jiahao's vehicles shattered.

It is not that Lion Roar Jinman has never experienced it. In fact, Lion Roar can hardly cause substantial physical damage to opponents of the same level.

He never imagined that Lin Tiancheng would show such a powerful lion roar, as if he had faced a powerful hurricane of magnitude 15.

Even if Jin Man is a steady master of Huajin, he stopped his forward body shape under his heart palpitations, but at a place more than one meter away from Lin Tiancheng, he used his palm as a knife to cut Lin Tiancheng away. .

"First cut!"

Jin stopped drinking.

If Lin Tiancheng's lion roar was just a hurricane, then Jin Man slashed in the air, and the wind blade he brought up was like a real sword light, cutting towards Lin Tiancheng with a force of destruction.

Suddenly, the two had a right move.

Lin Tiancheng stepped back two steps, holding his arms in front of his chest, both cuffs were torn apart, and the skin on the arms was open and fleshy and bones were visible.

Jinman did not move, but there was also red blood flowing out of his ears. He was holding a small piece of rags in each of his hands, and there were no more rags elsewhere.


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