Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 948: upgrade

Li Rufei's words were reasonable, but Lin Tiancheng didn't know how to refute it.

It’s just that the inner morality insists that Lin Tiancheng is never allowed to do such a thing. He insisted, "Sister Fei, please believe me. I am not life-threatening now. Just let Xiaoyi continue to treat me. questionable."

Seeing that Li Rufei didn't care about herself, but wanted to go it alone, Lin Tiancheng said again, "Sister Fei, if you must do that, I will never forgive you in my life."

This was the cruelest thing Lin Tiancheng could say, which showed his determination.

Human and machine are integrated, Lin Tiancheng wants to be recharged to survive, but he can’t charge indiscriminately, and has no bottom line to trample on public order and good customs.

A gentleman loves electricity, and he makes good use of it.

Lin Tiancheng already regretted that he just ran out of electricity just to prove Li Xiaoyi's healing ability, otherwise he would definitely jump up and stop it.

If Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi are really mother-daughter, she doesn't know if she can still use herself as a medicine.

Fortunately, she is not Li Xiaoyi's biological mother.

Li Rufei said, "Tiancheng, nothing is as important as your life. If I don't save you, I will not forgive myself."

Lin Tiancheng said, "But..."

Li Rufei was a little angry, "You are also a doctor, now Sister Fei is saving your life, don't you even see this point."

After speaking, Li Rufei turned to look at Li Xiaoyi with questioning eyes.

Emotionally, Li Xiaoyi could not accept that Li Rufei would treat Lin Tiancheng with her, but Lin Tiancheng's injury did not heal.

Li Xiaoyi was also afraid that Wan Shihou would send another hand to take Lin Tiancheng's life.

Li Rufei looked at Xiaoyi with a soft gaze, "Xiaoyi, don't have such a heavy psychological burden. One day you will understand that Tiancheng is in danger because we are seriously injured. You first let go and let me heal Tiancheng. Does it hurt?"

Li Xiaoyi opened her mouth and said like a mosquito, "But..."

After all, Li Xiaoyi couldn't say it.

If the person in front of him is not Li Rufei, but is replaced by any other woman, Li Xiaoyi will take Lin Tiancheng's life first.

Li Rufei knew that Li Xiaoyi's knot must be solved.

She sighed, "Xiaoyi, in the future, you should call me auntie."

Li Xiaoyi looked at Li Rufei with wide eyes.

Li Rufei said again, "Now is not the time to explain. After I help Lin Tiancheng heal, I will not interfere with you and Tiancheng's affairs."

Lin Tiancheng said, "No. Not even my aunt. Sister Fei, please leave."

In Lin Tiancheng's opinion, auntie is certainly not allowed, and the auntie Li Xiaoyi said is true or false.

Li Rufei ignored Lin Tiancheng, but said to Li Xiaoyi, "Xiaoyi, for every minute of time delay, Tiancheng's achievements are more dangerous."

Hearing Li Rufei said that he and Li Rufei were not in a mother-daughter relationship, and the situation was urgent, Li Xiaoyi finally made up his mind.

She became stronger, and she plucked up the courage to look at Li Rufei, "Facts have proved that I can also heal Tiancheng. Let us help Tiancheng together. The effect of one plus one is definitely greater than two."

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "No, don't!"

It is not acceptable to come to Lin Tian Chengdu one by one, let alone two together.

However, Lin Tiancheng now has no ability to really stop Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, except for his lip service.

Li Rufei saw Li Xiaoyi's eyes firm and hesitated, after all, she did not insist on letting Li Xiaoyi leave.

Now is the time for informality!

Lin Tiancheng saw Li Rufei **** and shook his head vigorously, "Sister Fei, no, I beg you, don't do this to me."

Seeing Li Rufei's determination, Lin Tiancheng looked at Li Xiaoyi with pleading eyes, "Xiaoyi, stop her."

Unfortunately, Li Xiaoyi and Li Rufei have reached a consensus.

Moreover, at this time, Lin Tiancheng's strong opposition proved that Lin Tiancheng had no evil thoughts. The two recognized Lin Tiancheng's character even more, and could not help but start treating Lin Tiancheng.

Li Rufei asked, "Tiancheng, what do I need to do?"

Lin Tiancheng said, "You don't want to do anything."

Of course he would not guide Li Rufei.

Li Xiaoyi said, "I know..."

In fact, even if Li Xiaoyi doesn't explain, Li Rufei can guess the approximate course of treatment.

Seeing Li Rufei preparing to treat herself, Lin Tiancheng's heart moved.

Now I only have 1 electricity. As long as it is restored to 2 electricity, the physical condition will be greatly restored, which can completely stop Li Rufei.

Thinking of this, Lin Tiancheng relieved a little.

He simply closed his eyes and stopped resisting.

Next, the indescribable happened.

Does it feel different?

Lin Tiancheng opened his eyes and looked, his expression changed again, "No!"

It turned out that it had been delayed for so long before, and Li Rufei was worried that Wan Shihou's subordinates might arrive at any time, so she didn't dare to delay any longer and went straight to the most powerful method.

1, 3, 5, 8, 11...

In the past, Lin Tiancheng's electricity increased by one electricity at any time, but now, Lin Tiancheng's electricity has increased leaps and bounds.

Things have been irreversible.

At this point, what Lin Tiancheng can do is to seize this opportunity today, charge as much as possible, and live up to Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi's contributions as much as possible.

As the power recovered, Lin Tiancheng's physical condition improved, he was no longer polite, and his hands began to cooperate.

Li Xiaoyi is not idle either.

According to Lin Tiancheng's experience, generally this level of charging is about the same when it reaches 30 batteries, but Li Rufei is really different.

30, 35, 38, 40, 43...

At the critical point of 30 electricity, charging has not stopped, on the contrary, there is no sign of slowing down, and it is still soaring.

70, 73, 75, 78, 80, 81, 82......

When the power soared to 80, the charging speed began to return to normal.

96, 97, 98, 99, 100...

When the battery was charged to 100, a prompt came from the big screen in Lin Tiancheng's mind, "The battery is full and the body can be fully upgraded. If you are sure to upgrade, please make sure that the body is always charged."

Can you even upgrade?

The battery is full. If you don’t choose to upgrade, just charge it like this. I wonder if it will be wasted?

Under such circumstances, even if a waste of electricity is used, it is a betrayal and disrespect to Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi.

More importantly, Lin Tiancheng didn't dare to think about 100 electricity before. If he wants to have such an opportunity in the future, I am afraid that there is little hope.


Of course Lin Tiancheng will not miss a golden opportunity.

He also wants to know what changes will happen to his human-machine combination after the upgrade.

upgrade! ! !

"Upgrading, please make sure that the body is charging..."


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