Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 950: How lonely is invincibility

Although Lin Tiancheng's room was messy and the bed was stained with various blood stains, Li Rufei couldn't clean it.

For the first time doing such an intense exercise, her physical condition is not much better than Li Xiaoyi.

After Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi left, Lin Tiancheng couldn't stand the situation on the bed, got up and went to the bathroom to wash away all the blood.

Whether it's Li Rufei's room or Li Xiaoyi's room, Lin Tian doesn't know how to go to Chengdu, he doesn't know how to face them tomorrow.

After thinking about it, Lin Tiancheng came to the door of Gongsun's 9th bedroom and knocked on the door.

Gongsun Jiu stepped forward and opened the door. He was startled when he saw Lin Tiancheng, and immediately his eyes flashed, staring at the place where Lin Tiancheng was injured.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng was intact, Gongsun Jiu suppressed his shock in his heart and lowered his voice, "Lin Shao, if you have any wishes, just say, old man, I will try my best to help you finish it."

Lin Tiancheng knew that Gongsun Jiu had misunderstood him.

He can understand.

He was injured so badly just now, obviously there is no cure, and now he is unscathed, it is strange that Gongsun Jiu didn't regard him as a psychic.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Uncle Jiu, you have misunderstood, my room is too dirty, come here to stay overnight."

Thinking of Yang Xuan’s love for Lin Tiancheng, Gongsun Jiu’s hairs stood up all over his body, and the chrysanthemums tightened, “Lin Shao, I, my old man, are already very old, and there are hemorrhoids...”

Jinman's chest had been penetrated by a bullet.

Although he had escaped from Lin Tiancheng's vision, he still felt afraid for a while.

Today, he has felt the threat of death twice.

For the first time, Lin Tiancheng performed a lion roar. If he had not stabilized his strength, then tragedy would have occurred.

The second time, when he executed the final cut on Lin Tiancheng, he was precisely hit by Lin Tiancheng's self-damaging suicide attack that injured 800 and 1,000 enemies.

If it hadn't been for him to use all his strength for breastfeeding, he would have deviated from his body at the very moment of his death, and the bullet would undoubtedly penetrate his heart.

Even if he escaped a catastrophe, even if he was super-physical and suffering such a serious injury, he must be grateful for being healed in half a year.

After two hours of desperate flight, Jin Man finally returned to Wan Shihou's mansion.

Wan Shihou was surprised when he heard the entourage report.

Lin Tiancheng's current status is extraordinary. After Jin Man killed Lin Tiancheng, he should go as far as possible. How could he come back?

Thinking of the many miracles that Lin Tiancheng had created, Wan Shihou felt uneasy and went out quickly.

Jinman wore a small undershirt on top, and a small denim skirt underneath. His belly button and thin black legs were exposed.

He sat on the chair, holding the back of the chair with one hand, and covering his chest with the other. He was covered in blood and his complexion was gray, "Master Hou."

After he was shot, his physical condition was very unoptimistic. In order to ensure that he was not injured twice, he even dared not to **** the man's clothes, but aimed at a petite lone woman.

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Wan Shihou swallowed his saliva, horrified in his heart, "Master Jin, even you are not Lin Tiancheng's opponent?"

Grandmaster Jin Man is already the number one master of Wan Shihou.

Over the years, Wan Shihou has called Jin Man a few shots, and he has spent a lot of money on Jin Man. He also knew very well that Jin Man's greatness could no longer be called a skill. In his opinion, it was already a magical method.

If Jin Mandu were not Lin Tiancheng's opponent, Wan Shihou would only feel scared and desperate.

Jin Man waved his hand, "Don't panic, Master Hou, Lin Tiancheng can't stop me from three cuts, because Lin Tiancheng is insidious and cunning. He shot and attacked when he died.

Wan Shihou was still a little worried, "Master Jin, didn't you say that even a gun can't hurt you."

Jin Man said, "I have been taught this time, and I won't have another one."

Seeing Wan Shihou look undecided, Jin Man said again, “Don’t worry, Lord Hou, Lin Tiancheng’s injury is no lighter than me. Now, let alone a master like Ke Yan. Easily kill Lin Tiancheng."

Wan Shihou said, "Will Master Jin underestimate him?"

Jin Man snorted coldly, "I have already taken a high look at him. It is a great fortune for him to survive. Even if he is not dead, his cultivation will be ruined, and he will only be a waste person in the future."

Wan Shihou never doubted Jin Man's words.

Although he is not a master, he knows how terrifying a master is.

He slapped his palm lightly, "Very good, very good, thank you Master Jin for helping me get rid of this confidant concern."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and ordered his entourage, "Send Master Jin for treatment, no matter what the cost, you must ensure that Master Jin recovers."

Jinman didn't dare to care for it. It would be fine if the injury was not serious, but he was still in the bullet and needed to go to the hospital for surgery.

Jin Man opened his legs slightly and stood up.

The moment Jin Man opened his legs, Wan Shihou immediately turned his head away--there was a vacuum in Jin Man's little skirt, and Wan Shihou's eyes were so hot.

After Jin Man left, Wan Shihou's surging mood gradually calmed down.

His mood was unstable during this period of time because he established Lin Tiancheng as a powerful enemy. Now that Lin Tiancheng has been defeated, he has become calmer again.

An entourage came behind Wan Shihou and flattered, "Congratulations, Lord Hou, after today, Lord Hou will be the first person in the city."

Wan Shihou was not very happy, but felt an unspeakable loss. He sighed, "What a pity, what a pity."

The entourage looked at Wan Shihou suspiciously, "Master Hou?"

Wan Shihou looked up at the crescent moon in the sky and smiled faintly, "The first person in Shen City? When Lin Tiancheng didn't show up, didn't I? Kang Junyi kept saying that he would go to the river and rule with me. Who knows, he is with me? It is far worse than Lu Zhongliang."

The entourage gently slapped his mouth, "I said the wrong thing, what is Lin Tiancheng, dare to be an enemy of Hou Ye."

Wan Shihou shook his head, "No, you said the wrong thing again. Lin Tiancheng is the strongest enemy I have ever encountered in my life. He is no different from Lu Zhongliang twenty years ago. It's just a pity that he finally failed me. , That's how it ended up."

The entourage was stunned for a moment, and then lightly palmed his mouth, "Lin Tiancheng is able to receive such praise from Lord Hou, it is enough to comfort his life."

Wan Shihou said, "Lin Tiancheng refuses to bow his head. I have trouble sleeping and eating. Now Lin Tiancheng has been hit hard, but I can't be happy. Why do you think this is?"

Following this time from Wan Shihou, he felt a deep loneliness, and he was also moved in his heart, "Master Hou is invincible and lonely."

Wan Shihou nodded, his face even more lonely, "Yes, how lonely is invincible, I finally understand why the ancient emperors claimed to be widowed."

Wan Shihou was invincible and lonely, even Wan Shihou's entourage was infected, and he felt a little lonely.

He was silent for a moment and waited until his mood calmed down, "Master Hou, tomorrow Father Lu Zhongliang will be in a funeral, and the wreath has already been prepared. What kind of elegiac couplet do you think is appropriate?"

Wan Shihou said, "Zhongliang has gone, and Tiancheng has been defeated. As long as I live, I am afraid that no one will come in Shen City. I will personally mourn Zhongliang tomorrow."

"Master Hou is righteous."


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