Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 956: Don't highlight me

Seeing Wei Jiahao and Kang Junyi being invited out, Lu Jian's expression was also a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, he did not have the ambition to be a big fan, and he could see that Wan Shihou would not embarrass the Lu family because of the old face of the old man.

After adjusting his mood, Lu Jian was about to ask Lu Zhongliang's wife whether the condolences ceremony could begin.

At this moment, Lu Feng walked to Wan Shihou's side and smiled, "Master Hou, I am Lu Zhongliang's youngest son, Lu Feng, do you remember me?"

Wan Shihou said, "Of course I remember."

There was some joy on Lu Feng's face, "Master Hou, you are the biggest here, and the people are almost there. Can the ceremony begin?"

Funerals are no better than marriages, which are a joyous marriage, and it is better for people with identities to come out as matchmakers. Funerals are relatively more serious. Anything must follow the opinions of the family of the deceased, especially the last wishes of the deceased. No matter how high the status is, they cannot just make any comments.

Wanshihouming this reason, he said, "Ask your sister-in-law for advice and do it according to Brother Liang's wishes."

Lu Feng got the order and ran to Lu Zhongliang's wife urgently, "Mom, I just asked Master Hou if the ceremony started, Master Hou asked me to ask you what you mean."

Lu Zhongliang’s wife said, "Let everyone tell your dad separately and all other ceremonies are free."

Seeing Lu Feng about to leave, Lu Zhongliang’s wife added another sentence, "You should also be alone with your father."

Although Lu Feng heard the words of Lu Zhongliang’s wife, he did not stay behind and ran to Wan Shihou, "Master Hou, my mother said that everyone should be alone with my dad. No other ceremonies are required. Master Hou is my father’s best friend in his lifetime. , Lord Hou please first."

Where does this kind of thing come from, what kind of close friends are talking about relatives.

It's just that no one has raised any objections. With the dignity of being a king, many rules can indeed be broken.

Lu Jian intentionally stopped, but opened his mouth, but after all he did not speak.

Lu Zhongliang's wife sighed in her heart, and she didn't stop it - Lu Feng had already spoken, and if she stopped it, Wan Shihou looked unsightly.

Today, Wan Shihou has become famous, so where is such an occasion to highlight his identity?

However, before Wan Shihou refused to say anything, someone echoed, "Master Hou, please."

"Master Hou has a high seniority."

Xia Nan also said, "Master Hou, you shouldn't refuse. With your relationship with the old man, there is nothing wrong with your request first. Moreover, Master Hou is willing to break the worldly rules and take the lead in saying goodbye to the old man. The old man is alive in the sky. I will be more pleased."

Seeing so many people talking, Wan Shihou is not good to postpone it.

He nodded and looked around, "Then I will talk to Brother Liang first, but today is the funeral of Brother Liang, please don't deliberately highlight me."

A friendly smile appeared on everyone's faces.

Lu Jian stretched out his hand and said, "Master Hou, please."


Wan Shihou was preparing to step forward, and at this moment, a greeting of awe rang.

"Shao Lin."

"Shao Lin."

Everyone was shocked, and turned their heads to look towards the entrance of the Lu Family Courtyard.

Lin Tiancheng wore a black suit with a white flower on his chest, wearing a filial piety on his arm, and striding forward with his face sinking like water.

Behind Lin Tiancheng are Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, both of whom are in black long skirts, decorated with flowers and filial piety, and there is no jewelry on them.

Wei Jiahao, Kang Junyi and others also returned.

All of them looked solemn and did not squint, followed Lin Tiancheng, and stepped neatly into the Lu Family Courtyard.

Wan Shihou's heart was like falling into an ice cave, and in an instant, he felt hot sweat gushing out of his body, and his temples were beating fiercely.

Wan Shihou was not surprised that Lin Tiancheng would come, but Lin Tiancheng did not come in a wheelchair, but came by himself, which made Wan Shihou a little scared.

Didn’t Master Jin Man say that Lin Tiancheng is more wicked?

How could this be?

There was also a hum in Xia Nan's mind, and his originally energetic face turned pale. He opened his mouth and greeted mechanically, "Shao Lin."

"Shao Lin."

"Shao Lin."

The voices of greetings are endless.

Lin Tiancheng took the lead. There seemed to be a silent tank with a width of three meters in front of him. Everyone evaded on the way he came.

Even Wan Shihou, when Lin Tiancheng was about to walk in front of him, took two steps unconvincingly.

From beginning to end, including Han Li's Great Secret, and Wan Shihou, when anyone entered the compound, Lu Zhongliang's wife did not stand up to welcome him.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng coming, the old lady who had no sad or happy expression was obviously agitated. She stood up, and some battles walked towards Lin Tiancheng, tears streaming down her eyes.

Lin Tiancheng ran to Lu Zhongliang's wife immediately, and put her arms around Lu Zhongliang's hands, "Aniang, I'm late."

Lu Zhongliang's wife grabbed Lin Tiancheng's arm with both hands, and because of too much force, her nails were digging into Lin Tiancheng's flesh, "Tiancheng, it's good to come, just come."

If Wan Shihou didn't say those words, Lin Tiancheng would be late, and Lu Zhongliang's wife could understand that Lin Tiancheng didn't want to disturb this funeral.

Seeing Wan Shihou's confidence, Lu Zhongliang's wife also thought that Lin Tiancheng had encountered an accident.

Also, when Lin Tiancheng didn't come, although Wan Shihou didn't intend to show off, whose focus was not on Wan Shihou?

Lin Tiancheng said, "Aniang, is the time almost up?"

The old lady nodded, she let go of the hands that grasped Lin Tiancheng's arms, but one hand held Lin Tiancheng's palm again-Lu Zhongliang's funeral almost became Wanshihouxiu, and Lu Zhongliang's wife can't now Be calm.

She turned to look at Lu Jian.

Lu Jian quickly came to the old lady, "Mom."

Lv Zhongliang’s wife said, “Knock your head to the old man before you grow up.”

Hearing what the old lady said, everyone subconsciously looked at Wan Shihou with their eyes. After all, just now everyone wanted Wan Shihou first, and Wan Shihou also agreed.

If Wan Shihou did not have the wind of the great owl before, and was a kind elder, then Wan Shihou looks different now.

He still doesn't have the style of a big owl, but he is not like a kind elder, just like an ordinary person who came to mourn Lu Zhongliang.

Kang Junyi added fuel to the fire, "Just now everyone said let Hou Ye go first."

Hearing what Kang Junyi said, Wan Shihou was shocked, and immediately looked at Lin Tiancheng and explained embarrassingly, "I didn't mean that. Just now I also said not to highlight me."

Seeing Wan Shihou's performance, everyone's faces were full of tremors.

Everyone's heart was beating desperately, and a few older men with a bad heart tremblingly figured out the heart-relief pill they were carrying and swallowed quickly.

At the Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel a few days ago, Wan Shihou kept asking Lin Tiancheng to recognize his relatives. Although Wan Shihou was left to drink alone, it was because Han Li and others went to the Lin Tiancheng platform.

Today, Lin Tiancheng was the only one, and Wan Shihou obediently bowed his head.


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