Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 958: Shili Changjie to Zhongliang

After Lin Tiancheng and Lu Zhongliang bid farewell, the whole body farewell ceremony is considered to be over.

Lu Zhongliang's coffin was carried into the funeral home car.

Others also got in their cars, preparing to send Lu Zhongliang to the funeral home.

Xia Nan looked at Lin Tiancheng with a sad face. As long as Lin Tiancheng's eyes met him, he would immediately go and say a few words to Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng left with Lu Zhongliang's wife, but he didn't even look at Xia Nan.

When Lin Tiancheng passed by Xia Nan, Xia Nan squeezed out an ugly smile, "Lin Shao..."

Lin Tiancheng ignored the reason and left straight away.

Lin Tiancheng's steps were not very fast because he was supporting Lu Zhongliang's wife, but Xia Nan still trot two steps behind Lin Tiancheng to catch up.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng's face cold, Xia Nan opened his mouth, after all, he did not dare to utter a word.

When other people passed by Xia Nan, they would walk away a few steps, as if Xia Nan had a serious infectious disease.

Xia Nan only felt fever on her scalp, and her heart was full of chagrin and panic.

He is extraordinary in the city, and good at calculations. For so many years, he has been able to do both black and white in Shen City, and he has also won the name of a jade face scholar.

He can't figure it out!

At the Portman Ritz-Carlton Hotel, Wan Shihou was clearly in his hands. As a result, Lin Tiancheng came back strongly and beat Wan Shihou easily.

Today Wan Shihou is also invincible and lonely, and it seems that Lin Tiancheng is no longer afraid of him, who knows that Lin Tiancheng is all right.

It was because of Wan Shihou's misjudgment that he misled Xia Nan.

He glanced around, but he didn't see Wan Shihou's figure. The funeral home's hearse had not yet set off, and Wan Shihou's car was nowhere to be seen.

MY most "New Xa Chapter... Festival`! On|

This discovery made Xia Nan even more frightened.

Wan Shihou scared away!

Even more shocking is that Wan Shihou was scared away, as if no one noticed it. This means that since Lin Tiancheng appeared, there is no longer a world in everyone's eyes!

Xia Nan's only hope now is that Lin Tiancheng will not know that he has invited Wei Jiahao and Kang Junyi out, and neither will Wei Jiahao and Kang Junyi say.

Thinking that when the farewell ceremony was being held, Kang Junyi filed a lawsuit against Wan Shihou, Xia Nan was worried, and immediately walked towards Kang Junyi.

He smiled, "Mr. Kang, Mr. Kang, I asked you and Mr. Wei to leave before, really because you have a good relationship with the old man. Everyone is your own, and you should let other guests."

Kang Junyi nodded, "I understand."

Xia Nan said again, "President Kang, I am afraid that Lin Shao will misunderstand this matter. Therefore, I hope that Mr. Kang will not talk to Lin Shao about the previous matter."

Kang Junyi said, "Of course I will give President Xia's face."

Xia Nan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little joyful in his heart-as long as Kang Junyi and Wei Jiahao didn't complain, with Lin Tiancheng's pattern, they would not ask about such things afterwards.

However, Xia Nan did not rejoice for a long time, Kang Junyi said again, "It's just that Mr. Xia said too late. When Jiahao and I were out, I met Lin Shao. Lin Shao blamed us for leaving early and being disrespectful to the old man, so I said Here’s why.”

Xia Nan felt that he had fallen directly from heaven to hell, and he began to wipe his sweat again, "Kang, then you must help me explain to Lin Shao and say a few good things."

Seeing Xia Nan's appearance, Kang Junyi felt very happy. Seeing that Lin Tiancheng had already gotten in the car, he had no time to molest Xia Nan. He snorted coldly, "It's fine if I don't speak ill of you."

After speaking, Kang Junyi strode away.

Xia Nan was crying and looking for a big man who was close to him, but now there are still people who dare to provoke him, and they avoid fear.

Xia Nan looked at Xia Sisi, "Sisi, you have a good relationship with Shao Lin, you must help me explain."

Xia Sisi said, "Dad, I'm really disappointed in you."

Xia Nan wanted to plead, suddenly her heart moved.

Xia Sisi is already an adult, and will go to university in a few months. Moreover, Xia Sisi is one of the best in appearance and personality.

Of course there is no shortage of women around Lin Tiancheng. With Lin Tiancheng's character, he would not fight Xia Sisi who is still in high school, but what if Xia Sisi takes the initiative?

Once Xia Sisi and Lin Tiancheng are really together, Lin Tiancheng will be helpless no matter how dissatisfied he is. Not only that, but because of his talent and ability, Lin Tiancheng will have to give him everything in Shenshi from now on. South come to take care of it.

At that time, Xia Nan, who was born in jade face book, might become the real King of Shenshi.

Thinking of this, Xia Nan asked Xia Sisi, "Sisi, what do you think of Lin Shao?"

Xia Sisi didn't understand Xia Nan's meaning, but answered honestly, "He is a very good person, I think he is very good."

Xia Nan felt relieved after hearing this.

Outside the Lu family compound, all the people who sent Lu Zhongliang were in their place.

Before the convoy set off, the horns of all vehicles blew long.

When the honking was over, the police car that cleared the road in front sounded the alarm and drove slowly towards the funeral home.

When the vehicle entered the road, the scene on the road shocked everyone.

Traffic control has been implemented on the road, and no social vehicle can be seen on the busy road from Lu's family to the funeral home.

Long yellow warning belts were also pulled up on both sides of the road, and at intervals, a policeman would maintain order.

Behind the warning belts on both sides was a crowd spontaneously coming to see Lu Zhongliang off. They were laid out in two long black dragons, unable to see the end.

Some have solemn expressions, some have solemn expressions, and others can't help hiding their faces and crying when they see Lu Zhongliang's remains on the hearse.

Many people also held banners in memory of Lu Zhongliang.

Zhongliang through the ages.

Brother Liang went well all the way.

Zhongliang will always live in our hearts.

No one was making noise, and both sides of the road were solemn to death, and everyone was paying attention to Lu Zhongliang's widow.

An elderly man in a wheelchair had obviously received Lu Zhongliang’s help. He lost his language ability due to a stroke. He burst into tears when he saw a hearse passing in front of him and slapped the armrest of the wheelchair forcefully.

When the funeral convoy drives to a non-prosperous section, social vehicles can already be seen. Because there are police cars clearing the road, social vehicles will not affect the funeral convoy.

The social vehicles driving in the same direction as the funeral convoy pulled over and stopped. Vehicles driving in the opposite direction also stopped and honked.

Wherever the funeral convoy went, the whistle continued.

Looking at this scene in front of him, Lin Tiancheng admired Lu Zhongliang even more.

These people are all spontaneously sending Lu Zhongliang!

The world is treacherous. Lu Zhongliang lives in the world. Although he will use some methods that are not on the stage, Lu Zhongliang never relies on the strong to bully the weak, but is righteous and righteous.

Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world. He Lu Zhongliang did it.


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