Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 970: You can't mess around

Li Rufei had no choice but to let Lin Tiancheng choose.

Her purpose, of course, is to let Lin Tiancheng choose Li Xiaoyi, and while speaking, Lin Tiancheng's eyes are full of pleading.

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Lin Tiancheng didn't expect Li Rufei to let him choose.

This scene is a bit like the ancient emperor flipping the sign, as long as Lin Tiancheng is happy, whoever flips the sign.

But who can Lin Tiancheng turn over?

He knew what Li Rufei meant, but how could Lin Tiancheng choose Li Xiaoyi?

As for Li Rufei, she certainly can't choose her attitude.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Sister Fei, don't embarrass me. How can I choose this kind of thing."

Li Rufei looked at Lin Tiancheng with urging eyes, "Tiancheng, don't deceive yourself, you are from the bottom of your heart, whoever hopes to treat you is whoever heals.

Lin Tiancheng couldn't choose. It seems that today's power supply replenishment has been lost.

He said, "I didn't choose any of them. I just said that my injury is not that serious and does not require treatment. Let's go."

Li Rufei said, "You must choose."

Li Xiaoyi also said, "We are all like this, you are a big man, so what is this."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Sister Fei, don't embarrass me anymore. If you must choose me, I will choose both."

Lin Tiancheng said this just to make Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi retreat.

However, Lin Tiancheng's injury is not healed, and he will go to a Hongmen banquet tomorrow. How can Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi leave with confidence?

Lin Tiancheng's words faintly provided Li Xiaoyi and Li Rufei with a feasible solution.

Although both Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi never thought about being together, if the two of them refused to give in and they wanted to completely cure Lin Tiancheng, being together is the only way.

Only after the two were together this time, the relationship between Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi and Lin Tiancheng would not change at all.

Both Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi fell silent.

After a while, Li Rufei looked at Li Xiaoyi with questioning eyes.

Li Xiaoyi blushed and turned her head aside, "I have no objection."

It's already late.

If he delays, even if Lin Tiancheng's injury is completely healed, Lin Tiancheng will be in poor condition due to a severe lack of rest time.

Li Rufei sighed quietly, "I and I agree."

Lin Tiancheng opened his eyes and scanned Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, and hurriedly said, "Sister Fei, Xiaoyi, I don't mean that."

Li Rufei was also full of helplessness, "Tiancheng, this is your choice."

"I just talked casually..."


Before Lin Tiancheng finished speaking, Li Rufei turned off the light in the room.

Even if two people have had Lin Tiancheng once, even if they still treat Lin Tiancheng today, neither Li Rufei nor Li Xiaoyi can accept turning on the lights.

Lin Tiancheng is already a master of Huajin, and he can see Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi **** without turning on the flashlight.

He said, "Sister Fei, Xiaoyi, absolutely not, you can't mess around."

Just after Lin Tiancheng said these words, Li Rufei's soft and smooth body pressed against Lin Tiancheng, and stretched out his hand to gently cover Lin Tiancheng's mouth.

Fearing that Lin Tiancheng’s resistance would affect the treatment effect, Li Rufei said, "Tiancheng, Xiaoyi and I are like this. You don’t have to think about anything. Treat your injuries with peace of mind. How can the effect be good? Don’t let me and Xiaoyi’s Some thoughts."

At this point, if Lin Tiancheng refuses again, I am afraid it will hurt Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi.

Yesterday, I had it once, so let's just have one more time.

At the same time, Lin Tiancheng secretly vowed in his heart that such a thing would never happen again, absolutely not.

Next, the indescribable happened.

Lin Tiancheng needs electricity, and the ultimate goal is to defeat Wan Shihou and let Li Rufei escape the shadow of Wan Shihou forever. At the same time, he reported to Lu Zhongliang for his deep water.

He simply let go of his psychological burden, and according to Li Rufei's words, how the effect is good.

In order to charge as much as possible, he even took the initiative to give full play to his thoughts and made some bold attempts.

By the end of the treatment, his power has risen from 15 to 21, which is a full charge of six.

This effect is quite good!

You know, after Lin Tiancheng used other girls to charge up, if the time interval is not long, it will be good to be able to charge 2 batteries.

More importantly, although Lin Tiancheng has taken some bold attempts, it is relatively speaking. Because of the relationship between Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, it is difficult for Lin Tiancheng to completely let go of it after all. In this way, all the batteries have been charged. It is not easy.

Lin Tiancheng also found out that most of the six electricity were charged by Li Rufei.

This further strengthened Lin Tiancheng's belief in choosing Li Rufei.

He has already thought about it, starting tomorrow, without Li Xiaoyi deliberately avoiding him, he will also pay attention to keeping a distance from Li Xiaoyi.

Lin Tiancheng worked hard all night, but because of his physical fitness, he got up early the next day.

Li Rufei remembered that Lin Tiancheng was going to Wanshihou's mansion today, and also got up very early.

The two looked at each other in the living room, and then hurriedly looked away at the same time.

At this time, Lin Tiancheng's gaze fell on the two invitation cards on the coffee table. He wandered forward and took a quick look at it.

It is an invitation from Wan Shihou.

Dear Mr. Lin Tiancheng. I would like to hold a 60-year-old birthday banquet at home on X, X, XXXX, and I hope to come here. Wan Shihou.

The invitation to Li Rufei is in template form, but Li Rufei’s name is filled in with a pen.

The invitation to Lin Tiancheng was written by Wan Shihou himself. It seems to be full of sincerity, but in fact it is hidden murderous and full of provocations.

Li Rufei looked at Lin Tiancheng worriedly, "Do you have to go?"

Lin Tiancheng shrugged, pretending to be relaxed, "The invitation is written by Lao Wan, so sincere, of course I want to go."

Li Rufei didn't say anything.

She turned her head and glanced at Gongsun Jiu next to her, "Uncle Jiu, don't go this time."

Gongsun Jiu was shocked, "Miss, I..."

"Tiancheng's ability is no longer under you. What you can handle, so can he. What he can't handle, it won't help you go there."


Before Gongsun Jiu finished speaking, Li Rufei interrupted again, "Uncle Jiu, you know what I have worked so hard for so many years."

Gongsun Jiu was stunned for a moment. He was hunched and bent down deeply again, "Miss, don't worry."

More than ten years have passed, but what happened at that time, Gongsun Jiu still vividly remembers, he knew that Li Rufei wanted only Li Xiaoyi to be happy and safe in this life.


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