Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 976: Surviving

Xia Nan believes that it is time for her to perform!

He had clearly stood in front of Wan Shihou a long time ago, and the conflict with Lin Tiancheng has not been resolved since that time. When Li Yanchun and others beat Wan Shihou to tens of thousands of people before, Xia Nan didn't say that Wan Shihou was bad.

At this time, he stood up and spoke, showing his loyalty.

Hearing Xia Nan berating Lin Tiancheng, Xia Sisi widened his eyes and looked at Xia Nan, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Xia Nan ignored Xia Sisi, exuding awe-inspiring righteousness all over his body, and continued to denounce Lin Tiancheng, "Xia has been in the business world for many years. He has seen a lot of intrigue and tactics, but he has never seen him as arrogant and domineering like you. People who act despicable."

Others call Jade face scholars, and their literary talents naturally flourish. "You recognize the old general Luo Dafa as a foster father on the river bank. You can reach the top of the river bank. General Luo has made great contributions. Now General Luo is ill and cannot get out of bed. It is unfaithful to serve around for a day. You also have parents in your family, but you are lustful. In order to get Li Rufei, you left your parents to live in Shen City for unfilial piety. In Shen City, you claim to be infidelity with Father Lu Zhongliang It’s unrighteous for you to force Mr. Lv Zhongliang to fight for his life in order to defeat Lord Hou. Today Lord Hou has already bowed down to you. Please raise your hands high, but you are pressing harder. Three days later, you will worship Lord Hou’s spirit in the sky. , It’s unkind."

Xia Sisi didn't expect Xia Nan to say such a thing. She covered her mouth as if she didn't know Xia Nan.

Seeing Nan Zhongyun's gaze revealing some rewards, Xia Nan became even more vigorous.

Wan Shihou is low-key and humble, why not just to give Nan Zhongyun enough to make a move?

Xia Nan continued, "Not only that, but the crimes you committed in Jiang'an Province are even more untold. You said, you are such an unfaithful, unfilial and unrighteous person who uses all means to the extreme. I Xia Nan, so what? Wouldn't you want to drink blood quickly?"

After he finished speaking, he bowed his hand to Nan Zhongyun Yaoyao, emotionally, "Xia Nan boldly asks Nan Gongzi to be fair. Lin Tiancheng, such a treacherous man, is more than guilty."

At this time, many people looked at Xia Nan's hands with a little dread in their eyes.


Lin Tian became an upright person, and his grievances and grievances were clear, but in Xia Nan's mouth, he turned out to be a big evil.

What is even more frightening is that when Xia Nan said these words, his face was not red and his heart beat, as if the incarnation of justice.

If someone who didn't know saw it, I'm afraid he would really think that Lin Tiancheng is heinous.

More importantly, after today, there will be no Lin Tiancheng in Shen City, and Xia Nan, I am afraid that he will become the most popular person around Wan Shihou.

The Nan family has already taken action, and Lin Tiancheng and Wan Shihou are divided, and there will be no more suspense.

Other people also want to take this opportunity to show their loyalty to Wan Shihou, but unfortunately, most people don't have enough weight. A few people like Li Yanhong, when Wan Shihou looked at them with a plea for help before, they had chilled Wan Shihou's heart.

Of course, there are also a very small number of bigwigs who have not expressed their views before, and they have begun to make up for it.

A big guy shook his head, "It's so happy, so happy. Lin Tiancheng, you've been bouncing in Shen City for such a long time, you are finally going to be retributed."

A big man pointed at Wan Shihou with the palm of his hand, "Master Hou is a human, and everyone knows how many people have been helped by Master Hou for so many years?"

Because this big guy is asking questions, there are even more people who agree.

"I am also today because of the help of Lord Hou."

A big guy looked full of emotion and smiled bitterly, "I am ashamed. A few years ago, our company bid for a project and used some shameless methods, and finally won the bid. Later, I learned that Hou Ye also participated in the bidding. I thought that Lord Hou would be angry, but who knew that Lord Hou would even invite me to drink tea. Since then, I have learned from Lord Hou when I do business.

Li Yanchun just offended Wan Shihou.

His face was pale, with cold sweat on his forehead, he couldn't even care about his face at this time, and he said, "I have been in friendship with Master Hou for many years. How is Master Hou? I think I have some say. In my heart, Hou Lord does not lose to Lu Zhongliang."

Xia Nan took the topic again and glared at Lin Tiancheng, "The eyes of the masses are sharp. There are people in the Nan family today, and you can't hurt Master Hou a single hair, but Master Hou is still willing to give you a chance and bow his head willingly. But you are not forgiving and you want Lord Hou's life. Only by this, you are not worthy to be Lord Hou's opponent."

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Wan Meimei raised her chin slightly, and looked at Lin Tiancheng with delightful eyes, "Lin Tiancheng, you will have today too?"

Before they knew it, there were already many people who were glaring at Lin Tiancheng, as if they had been bullied by Lin Tiancheng.

Nan Zhongyun thought it was almost done.

With his hands behind his back, he walked slowly towards Lin Tiancheng, "Lin Tiancheng, I am beating you today, are you convinced?"

Xia Nan glanced at Lin Tiancheng in disgust, turned his head and bent over to Nan Zhongyun, "Young Master Nan, I think it's good for this kind of person to let him commit suicide. Doing hands with him will lose your identity."

Nan Zhongyun adopted Xia Nan's suggestion. He raised his head slightly and looked at Lin Tiancheng with a down look, "Are you suicide, or do you want me to do it?"

Wei Jiahao took two steps forward and looked at Nan Zhongyun without showing any weakness, "Are you going to go home and have milk or do you want me to teach you how to be a man?"

"Looking for death." Nan Zhongyun's eyes flashed.

Lin Tiancheng stretched out his hand to block Wei Jiahao aside, "Jiahao, since Nan Gongzi has come forward, we have to give this face."

After speaking, he said to Nan Zhongyun, "As long as Lord Hou keeps his promise and lives in the Wanjia Courtyard from now on, I can leave the blame for the past."

The smile on Nan Zhongyun's face remained the same. He walked towards Lin Tiancheng step by step, "Do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

Every time Nan Zhongyun took a step forward, his aura suddenly increased by one point.

After ten steps, Nan Zhongyun's aura as a master of the master realm was fully revealed, as if he had been out of the scabbard.

In the scorching summer, everyone in the entire compound felt the icy chill radiating from Nan Zhongyun.

Lin Tiancheng's expression was also cold.

At this moment, Li Rufei walked in front of Lin Tiancheng and looked at Nan Zhongyun, "You are the favorite grandson of Nan Batian, the owner of the Nan family, Zhong Yun, right?"

For the first time, Nan Zhongyun had obvious mood swings in his eyes, and looked at Li Rufei, "Do you know me?"

Li Rufei put her hands on her waist and bowed slightly and bowed in a salute, "When you were just born, I heard grandfather Li Ling say that Nan's family gave birth to a real dragon."

Nan Zhongyun looked at Li Rufei suspiciously, "People from the Li family? Second Miss?"

Seeing Nan Zhongyun telling her identity, Li Rufei's face was a little embarrassed.

She was indeed the second lady of the Li family before, but she has not been anymore.

Li Rufei didn't admit or deny it, but just said, "Young Master Nan, can you take back what you said just now for my face?"

Nan Zhongyun did not answer immediately.

If someone from the Li family came over, Nan Zhongyun would definitely save face. But he knew that the second lady of the Li family had already severed relations with the Li family. The Li family was in the capital, but Li Rufei could not even go to the capital.

It's just that Li Rufei's body is flowing, after all, the blood of the Li family, what if there is this second lady in the Li family's heart?

Giving some face is not a bad thing.

After the weighing was over, Nan Zhongyun nodded slightly, "I was going to kill him to keep the world from being small. Since the second lady has spoken, Zhongyun will naturally give it face."

Wan Shihou was taken aback, and immediately went to see Nan Zhongyun, "Young Master Nan?"

The big man who had just spoken in agreement and condemned Lin Tiancheng also felt like he had suffered a heavy blow in his heart, and all of them were frightened.

Xia Nan was most frightened, and immediately said, "Young Master Nan, you can't let the tiger go back to the mountain."


Nan Zhongyun waved the back of his hand towards Xia Nan far away.

He moved casually, but the air in front of the back of his hand seemed to explode, making a crisp blast.


Immediately, there was a crisp sound on Xia Nan's face, and the whole person was beaten and staggered two steps to the side, blood overflowing from the corners of his mouth.

Nan Zhongyun no longer went to see Xia Nan, but said to Li Rufei, "I will only cut off his meridians today, so that he will not be a disaster again in the future."


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