Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 978: You can be disabled, but you can't be disabled

It is as if some people who have made outstanding contributions to the country can enjoy deputy ministerial level treatment. Martial arts practitioners can also enjoy some privileges when they have cultivated to transform energy and become a master of a generation.

The privilege that the Huajin masters enjoy is the establishment of the mountain. If someone dares to humiliate them, they can also deal with it decisively.

Before, Wei Jiahao told Nan Zhongyun to go home for milk.

This is absolutely inexcusable to Nan Zhongyun, a master of the Grand Master Realm.

Li Rufei only pleaded for Lin Tiancheng, not for Wei Jiahao.

Not to mention that Wei Jiahao's arm has long been useless, even if he didn't, it is absolutely impossible to avoid Nan Zhongyun's understatement.

In fact, Wei Jiahao just felt the danger, and his brain had not had time to give instructions. Nan Zhongyun had already reached Wei Jiahao's chest with a palm.


Wei Jiahao snorted, his burly figure flew out directly behind him, knocked over two tables, and then fell to the ground.

He covered his chest with his hands, his face was like golden paper, and looked at Nan Zhongyun with an angry gaze. He opened his mouth to talk, but was blocked by the gushing blood.

Nan Zhongyun didn't even go to see Wei Jiahao.

In fact, because Wei Jiahao is an ordinary person, Nan Zhongyun simply didn't try his best to deal with it, otherwise he could kill Wei Jiahao immediately.

Of course, Nan Zhongyun also knew very well that if Wei Jiahao could not survive, he would die soon.

At this time, the big brothers who were far away from Nan Zhongyun stepped back again, and their hearts beat fiercely.

Wei Jiahao is a burly figure and a ruthless person. Nan Zhongyun only gave a light palm, as if defeating Xu.

If Nan Zhongyun hit him with a palm, the consequences would only be more terrifying.

Li Yanchun was even more scared, and sweating like rain.

When he didn't know the identity of Nan Zhongyun, he wanted to scold him when he saw Nan Zhongyun's spirit alive.

At this moment, Li Yanchun felt like walking through a ghost gate.

Lin Tiancheng just closed his eyes and didn't see Nan Zhongyun's plan to make a move. When he felt something was wrong, it was already too late.

He turned around and walked quickly towards Wei Jiahao, "Lin Shao." Wei Jiahao grinned, but there was unwillingness and relief in his eyes.

He was relieved because when he surrendered to Lin Tiancheng, he had already beaten his own net worth. He did not lose Lin Tiancheng, nor did Lin Tiancheng lose him.

Shenshi Wanshihou also respected him as Mr. Wei.

He was not reconciled because he still wanted to accompany Lin Tiancheng on the sidelines and shed all his blood. Moreover, what he promised Wang Xiaomei could not be done.

Lin Tiancheng nodded to Wei Jiahao, "Don't worry. You won't die, look good, how can I let Nan Zhongyun go down?"

After speaking, Lin Tiancheng put one hand on Wei Jiahao's chest and turned on 360 Antivirus.

He still had 21 electricity, which consumed 6 electricity, stabilized Wei Jiahao's injury, and 15 electricity remained.

Yang Xuan in the rockery knew that things were going to be worse when he saw Nan Zhongyun attack Wei Jiahao. Hearing Lin Tiancheng said that he wanted Nanzhong Yunfu to punish him, Yang Xuan's mood suddenly became extremely bad.

Looking at the current situation, Lin Tiancheng and Nan Zhongyun must have a life and death battle.

Of course Lin Tiancheng couldn't die.

Just because Lin Tiancheng couldn't die, and Nan Zhongyun couldn't die. If Nan Zhongyun died, Yang Xuan would not be able to protect Lin Tiancheng from the power of the whole school in Longhushan.

At this time, Yang Xuan ignored Lin Tiancheng's discovery and walked out of the rockery.

Lin Tiancheng stood up and turned to look at Li Rufei, "Sister Fei? Are you going to stop me?"

Li Rufei shook her head, seeing Lin Tiancheng's eyes full of tenderness, and also a bit decisive, "It is Nan Zhongyun who is deceiving people too much. If I stop you again, you will be just a shell even if you are alive. Tiancheng, you can be disabled. But it cannot be a waste."

Wei Jiahao learned about Nan Zhongyun’s greatness. Just now Lin Tiancheng stabilized his injury, so he could say something. He said, "Lin Shao, I have not been hacked to death by Wei Jiahao for so many years. It is already luck. Hou Zun, I say Mr. Wei, I have no regrets. In this life, you and I are clean. In the next life, we will meet again."

After speaking, Wei Jiahao glanced at Kang Junyi again and smiled, "Brother Yi, I have taken away the matter between us today."

Kang Junyi did not go to see Wei Jiahao.

x{First Ps sent~!

Everyone was silent.

Not to mention those people who knew Lin Tiancheng was upright and aboveboard, even those who didn't know much about Lin Tiancheng could not help being moved.

Lin Tiancheng alone can make Wei Jiahao say these things, which shows that Lin Tian has become a human being.

At this time, everyone finally understood why Kang Junyi and Wei Jiahao surrendered to Lin Tiancheng, but Wei Jiahao was able to replace Kang Junyi.

Kang Junyi had already knelt when he saw Wei Jiahao being injured!

Kang Junyi's face was pale and terrifying, and his lips kept trembling slightly.

Seeing that Lin Tiancheng and Nan Zhongyun were about to start, Kang Junyi actually walked away.

At this time, where would anyone pay attention to Kang Junyi?

Nan Zhongyun and Lin Tiancheng face each other, and they are less than three meters apart.

Lin Tiancheng looked like iron. Nan Zhongyun also converged the previous clouds, and his face became a little serious.

He knew that Lin Tiancheng was also a master of Huajin, and Nan Zhongyun himself had just stepped into Huajin. He wasn't afraid that Lin Tiancheng could hurt him.

He felt that Lin Tiancheng's strength was also in the early stage of Jin Jin, even if he was a little stronger than him, with the advanced martial skills he learned in the family, even if he was not Lin Tiancheng's opponent, Lin Tiancheng wanted to kill him.

However, he represents the Nanjia of Shenshi today. If he is defeated by Lin Tiancheng, he will definitely be scolded when he goes home.

His goal was to kill Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng did not act rashly either.

He had just broken through and turned his strength into strength, and he didn't know his combat effectiveness, let alone the depth of Nan Zhongyun.

The two faced each other quietly.

In the huge courtyard, the air seemed to freeze. Everyone held their breath and looked at Lin Tiancheng and Nan Zhongyun tremblingly.

Wan Shihou and Xia Nan's palms were even more sweaty.

Only Li Rufei, with affectionate eyes and a charming smile.

She has raised Li Xiaoyi and has entrusted Li Xiaoyi's future to Gongsun Jiu. Worthy of my sister in the spirit of heaven.

Now that she can accompany her in life and die together, what is so sad about her?

"Old dog, go to hell!"

At this moment, Kang Junyi's hysterical roar suddenly came.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, and a heart jumped to their throat.

It turned out that it was Kang Junyi. I don't know when, quietly hiding behind Wan Shihou, with a dagger in his hand, madly poking Wan Shihou.

Since Wei Jiahao surrendered to Lin Tiancheng, others respected Wei Jiahao as Mr. Wei, but Wei Jiahao still called him righteous brother.


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