Ultimate Wizard

Chapter 1006: Prove by action

Lin Tiancheng has no alternative.

No matter how Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi promised, he would never make fun of Li Xiaoyi or Li Rufei's life.

This time Li Xiaoyi cut his wrist, he consumed 4 electricity and not to mention it. If he was not in Shen City, Li Xiaoyi would never survive.

Such a thing must never happen again!

Lin Tiancheng also knew that with the relationship between Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, it was impossible for both of them, and he had already planned to leave.


Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi both knew that this time, Lin Tiancheng's incident was very exciting.

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's resolute words, the two of you looked at me and I looked at you, his eyes filled with hesitation.

Lin Tiancheng said, "We are here for this. From now on, you take care."

After saying that Lin Tiancheng raised his leg and left.

"I agree." Li Rufei said quickly.

She had already decided to marry Xiao Yun, and in a few days she would marry Xiao Yun. When the boat was done, Lin Tiancheng was helpless.

Li Xiaoyi also knows that this is related to Lin Tiancheng's life, and she also said, "I and I agree."

The muscles on Gongsun Jiu's face twitched, "I... the flowers and plants in the yard have not been repaired for a long time, I will take care of them."

After speaking, Gongsun Jiu quickly left.

I go!

Although he understood why Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi would agree, such a scene still made him feel incredible.

Lin Tiancheng stopped and looked at Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi with questioning eyes, "I'm not kidding."

"Neither am I." Li Rufei said.

"Neither am I." Li Xiaoyi repeated.

Seeing that the two people really agreed, Lin Tiancheng was a little flustered. There was a bit of timidity in his eyes, "Sister Fei, Xiaoyi, you, you can't do this. Wan Shihou has passed away, and Sister Fei is already the second miss of the Li family. The Li family also forgave Li Xiaoyi, and you won’t need me anymore."

This is really a difficult decision.

However, after this decision was made, Lin Tiancheng was also a lot more relaxed. His eyes were sincere, "Sister Fei, Xiaoyi, it's time for me to leave."

Hearing Lin Tiancheng's words, Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi both felt more emotional.

Today, it was someone else. If their mother and daughter both agreed, even Liu Xiahui could not bear to refuse.

Although Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi had known Lin Tiancheng's character for a long time, they believed Lin Tiancheng even more when they saw Lin Tiancheng still controlling.

What is Rulan Ruyu?

This is!

What does it mean to sit and be in disorder?

This is!

But how can the two of them let Lin Tiancheng leave?

Li Rufei said, "Tiancheng, the two of us are voluntary."

Li Xiaoyi nodded.

Lin Tiancheng said, "I understand, but... Sister Fei, I..."

"Being a man requires faith." Li Rufei moved out the words of Father Lu Zhongliang.

Lin Tiancheng was speechless.

However, after another thought, Lin Tiancheng still felt that this was unrealistic.

If Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi were really willing to be together, why did Li Xiaoyi cut their wrists and commit suicide without any attempts?


Sister Fei grasped her weakness and felt it was impossible for her to accept the two of them together, so confident, so she agreed. This is called a postponement strategy.

Lin Tiancheng said, "Sister Fei, don't force me."

"Why did I force you?" Li Rufei was puzzled.

Lin Tiancheng said, "You definitely think that I won't want you two. Yes, I really don't have such an idea. But if you must insist on this, in order to prevent the things from last night from happening again, I would rather bear morals. Shackles."

Li Rufei couldn't bear Lin Tiancheng's inner suffering, she said with relief, "Tiancheng, don't think too much, Xiaoyi and I are not really a mother-daughter relationship. Moreover, as long as there are people who are capable in society, no one is around Yinggeyanwu."

Lin Tiancheng said, "It's no use saying more. If you really make up your mind, you can prove it to me."

"We will prove it." Li Rufei said.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "I want you to prove it now."

Li Rufei widened her eyes and looked at Lin Tiancheng, "Now?"

"Yes. Right away, right away."

Of course, Li Rufei didn't want the two to be together, she just wanted to wait until she married into the Xiao family, "Tiancheng, I have no problem, but Xiaoyi was still dying yesterday, and she was just discharged from the hospital today, so she definitely can't."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Do you think Xiaoyi is recovering from a serious illness? I'm sure."

Li Rufei had a headache.

Seeing Lin Tiancheng about to leave again, Li Rufei couldn't help but, "I, we can prove it with actions."

Li Rufei still felt that Lin Tiancheng would not do that, but she would definitely express her determination in front of Lin Tiancheng.

Lin Tiancheng looked at Li Xiaoyi with questioning eyes.

Li Xiaoyi nodded.

Seeing the difficult appearance of Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi, the corner of Lin Tiancheng's mouth evoked a wicked curve, "Will you play psychological warfare with me? Okay, stay with me to the end."

After finishing talking, Lin Tiancheng walked into his room.

Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi reluctantly followed Lin Tiancheng into the room.

Li Rufei knows that Lin Tiancheng's medical skills can be described as extraordinary, even if he wants to pretend to be sick in front of Lin Tiancheng, I am afraid there is no chance.

Lin Tiancheng walked toward the bed in a ‘big’ shape, without speaking.

Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi stood in front of Lin Tiancheng a little nervously.

Lin Tiancheng also couldn't bear Li Rufei and Li Xiaoyi's embarrassment. He stood up and said sincerely, "Well, sister Fei, Xiaoyi, there is no permanent banquet in the world. I helped you, but you also saved my life. , It is better to forget each other in the arena."

"You lie down." Li Rufei said.

Lin Tiancheng shook his head. He really had nothing to do with Li Rufei's mother and daughter. He simply lay down on the bed again, "Come on."

Li Rufei became more and more panicked.

It's still daytime now!

No, no, even at night, how can something like that happen?

There must be a way!

Li Rufei calmed down and said, "Tiancheng, really, Sister Fei is not unwilling, but Sister Fei is inconvenient for the past two days."

Lin Tiancheng said, "Let me touch it."

Li Rufei was shy and desperate, "Tiancheng, do you, don't you even believe Sister Fei?"

Lin Tiancheng shook his head, "Sister Fei, it's not that I didn't believe you. What happened last night will never happen again."

Li Rufei can understand Lin Tiancheng's current mood.

She took a deep breath and began to undress and undress.

Lin Tiancheng's eyes fell on Li Xiaoyi again.

Li Xiaoyi lowered her head and slowly began to undress.

When the clothes were almost solved, Li Rufei couldn't stand it anymore, "Tiancheng, Sister Fei is really inconvenient."

"I'm going."



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