Seeing the sparrow disappear, Yuan Subaru immediately called the Titans to take action, but they also had to be extremely vigilant, because with the disappearance of the sparrow, although the cartoon bird could be harmed, like now, the cartoon bird was already covered in It turns red and falls into a violent state. In this case, as long as it is touched, it will be a big break in the game mechanism, which is equivalent to being stunned, deducting blood, and then adding slowness DEBUFF.

Fortunately, Hongwen's cartoon bird has no other skills, only...



The moment the cartoon bird started to move, Yuan Subaru and Titan immediately spat out a mouthful of blood. Titan immediately fell into a state of near death. Yuan Subaru relied on his intuition to warn. Although he avoided the cartoon bird's attack, he was hit. The Titan that hit him also made his vision go black.

Isn't this cartoon bird's accelerating impact skill a bit too fast...

Yuan Subaru used his clone to send the lost Titan back to the kingdom. At the same time, after experiencing a shock, Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and carefully noticed the movements around him. His mind was clear and dark energy was concentrated in his left hand, allowing him to The fist swelled visibly, and then...

I caught you!

At the moment when the crisis hit, Yuan Subaru opened his eyes suddenly, locked the position of the cartoon bird, pointed his left fist at its head, and hit it hard. With a rapid explosion, Yuan Subaru Subaru and the cartoon bird passed by each other. Nexus' left hand disappeared along with half of his body, and the cartoon bird's eyes began to circle and stopped moving.

At this time, this BOSS has fallen into a state where the attack damage it receives is doubled. According to the game mechanism, as long as the damage is enough, one stage of it can be taken away in this round!

Thinking of this, Nexus's body flashed, and two clones, one white and one black, emerged. They were like spiral drills, burning and killing the cartoon bird at high speed. After the violent explosion, Yuan Subaru looked gloomy when he saw the cartoon bird stick out its tongue, which meant... the damage was not even close!

But at this moment, a figure suddenly appeared. He crossed his hands in front of him to concentrate his energy, pushed his palms forward, and fired out a wide range of lightning-like light wrapped with golden lightning. He accurately hit the cartoon bird, making this BOSS The house jacket on his body exploded.

When the Kingdom soldiers on the ground saw this move, their morale was immediately boosted, because this move is [Absolute Destruction], which is Tartarus's special move!

Yes, it was Tartarus who appeared at this critical moment. He looked at Nexus who was trying to repair his body in front of him and asked tentatively:


"Ah?! Ah!!!"

There is a story. When he heard the name, Yuan Subaru didn't really react. Then he remembered something and responded quickly:

"Mr. Tartarus, we meet again."

"Ah... we meet again. This is really... gratifying."

Tartarus didn't know how to describe his mood at this time. He could only say that after being so surprised, he felt a little numb inside. His calm tone made Tartarus himself feel that something was wrong.

However, Yuan Subaru had no intention of chatting with him at the moment. Thanks to the characteristics of light particle aggregates, as long as there was enough energy, even missing arms and legs could be repaired.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but frown, looked at Tartarus and said:

"Mr. Tartarus, why do you still look so seriously injured? Are you useless with my energy?"

"Ah...I can't bear to let this go..."

Facing Yuan Subaru's question, Tartarus coughed and answered. After his research on pure white light, he found that this magical energy could be used in almost any field he knew to stabilize the kingdom. Cascade light slows down the destruction of the mother planet.

Therefore, after realizing this, Tartarus was not willing to use this pure white light for himself at all. After sealing it in the Narak space, he dragged his seriously injured body and tried his best to rush towards the kingdom. .

Then after arriving nearby, he noticed the fighting here and hurriedly participated.

"Okay, Mr. Tartarus, let's stop chatting here. The invincible time for the enemy to switch forms has passed."

At this time, Yuan Subaru looked at the cartoon bird with a lot of feathers on its side and said:

"Catch its attack and throw the feather back to end its second phase. Mr. Tartarus, I think... you and I may have a trick."


Listening to Yuan Subaru's words, Tartarus remembered something, smiled and said softly:

"It's just that the time is so short, do you have time to learn it?"

"Hmph, thanks to the help of my companions, I have fully mastered it!"

Seeing the feather attack that fell like an aurora as the cartoon bird flapped its wings, Yuan Subaru clenched his fists and answered Tartarus seriously. The little golden man smiled and said:

"Then come on!"

"Absolutely return!" X2

Yuan Subaru and Tartarus raised their hands at the same time, [Armed Nexus] glowed together with the gems in Tartarus' hands, and they jointly opened a space crack in front of them, swallowing up all the incoming feather sea. Down.

Then the two of them clenched their fists, pulled their hands to their waists, and then pushed outwards, opening a space-time channel above the cartoon bird's head, returning all the swallowed feather attacks to the BOSS, and this number of feathers obviously exceeded the upper limit of the relevant attack mechanism.

With a "bang", all the feathers on the cartoon bird exploded, and it fell back like a boiled chicken. Two cartoon parrots dressed as doctors suddenly jumped out, one in front and one behind, and the cartoon bird was placed on a stretcher. At the same time, a circle of white light appeared in the distance, and the cartoon doctor parrot carried the BOSS with a cross bandage all over his body and ran there.

According to the game mechanism, as long as you run there, the cartoon bird BOSS will be resurrected with full blood!

And now what Gen Subaru and Tartarus have to do is to output as much as possible and blow all three birds up to the sky!

'Cascading Storm! '

'Absolute Destruction! ’

Subaru and Tartarus immediately used their most powerful attack methods in their current state, but they realized with grim expressions that, with their current output strength, they were simply too late...

"Absolute Maximum Destruction... Ugh!!"

Seeing this, Tartarus wanted to launch a more ruthless move without hesitation, but his body did not allow such intense energy circulation. Therefore, not only did he fail to release this final big move, but Tartarus was almost backfired.

After realizing that he was holding back, Tartarus immediately opened his hand to Subaru and released [Absolute Power]. This is the powerful power that Tartarus possesses. He gives others the absolute energy unique to himself as the ultimate life form Absolut, making his whole body enter a state of golden light.

In this state, the power and light skills performed will be greatly enhanced, and his own fighting ability can also be enhanced.

At the same time, Tartarus also hurriedly wanted to open the Nalak space and take out the pure white light, but at this time, Tartarus saw that Yuan Subaru turned around and rushed towards the kingdom. This was certainly not a retreat. Everyone looked in the direction of Yuan Subaru's flight and saw that he was heading for the highest tower in the kingdom.

And that was where the kingdom's Cascade energy was most concentrated. In terms of conversion, it was approximately equal to the Plasma Spark Tower in the Kingdom of Light. At this point, everyone immediately understood Yuan Subaru's intention. He wanted to use the power of Cascade's light to destroy the enemy.

Tartarus had to admit that this was a very correct decision, because as far as the current situation was concerned, even if Yuan Subaru accepted [Absolute Power] and the pure white light, it was still unknown whether he could defeat the enemy. At least Tartarus was unsure after mental calculation.

And Gen Subaru also knew the importance of the Cascade Tower, and Tartarus also believed that the reason why Gen Subaru rushed over was because he believed that he could draw out energy without affecting the kingdom and other people.

Moreover, if the energy of the Cascade light could be drawn out to a part, it would be a good thing for its stability.


Everyone in the kingdom knew how violent the energy of the Cascade light was. Even if Tartarus went up himself, he might not be able to escape unscathed. In his current state of great weakness, if Gen Subaru rushed in, the consequences... Tartarus felt his scalp tingling just thinking about it.

But it was too late to stop him. Gen Subaru was too fast. Tartarus could only use his own space-time power to send the ball of pure white light to Gen Subaru's side, and put all his hopes on this child.

At this time, Gen Subaru took the pure white light and rushed into the Cascade Tower. Looking at the golden and particularly dazzling energy ball, Gen Subaru did not think much, and used the pure white light as a medium to reach out to the energy ball, transferring the energy of Cascade to himself continuously.

In an instant, Gen Subaru felt as if he was in a furnace. The burning sensation that was more painful than the [Ultra Bomb] made the child's eyes widen. He opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but his dry throat could not make any sound.

At this time, the body contour of Nexus, who was covered in gold, began to distort. It was the overly powerful force that was tearing the giant's existence apart. Perhaps in the next second, Gen Subaru would be evaporated to ashes by this powerful force.

However, the pure white light finally gave Subaru a glimmer of life. Under the operation of this original force, Subaru locked the position of the cartoon BOSS with difficulty, raised his hands, and clenched his fists on the energy core.

Then, in the roar of Subaru's heart, a pure white energy shock similar to the letter "V" burst out from the core, crossing the distance of time and space. With just one blow, the cartoon monster transformed by the green energy evaporated without a trace.

After succeeding, Subaru immediately disconnected the connection with Cascade's energy, but even so, the energy that had been introduced into his body made Subaru fall to the ground in pain, and his body began to twitch and dissipate uncontrollably.

Subaru was not very surprised about this. When he rushed over, he was ready to dissipate, but he didn't expect that the dissipation process would be so painful this time...

The series of life-and-death battles finally pushed Subaru's spirit to the limit, and he fainted uncontrollably. Before he had fainted for long, his light energy source began to work as if to save himself.

First, a little bit of pure white fluorescence lit up on his chest, like a dandelion seed falling with the wind, taking root in the soil, and after assimilating and absorbing the energy of Cascade, it began to multiply rapidly. In the blink of an eye, Subaru automatically switched from Nexus to the native state.

At the same time, as the pure white light continued to absorb the energy of Cascade, the posture of the native began to change. The silver-gray stripes that were originally scattered on the body of [Pure White·Native], like a winding stream on the earth and scattered clouds in the sky, began to flow and rotate on Subaru's body, and finally formed a complete circle around the inverted triangle energy lamp.

At the same time, those flowing stripes were much more organized, no longer so messy and trivial, radiating outward from the ring, like a precise framework, and like a natural rhythm, the perfect division created a slightly solemn decoration.

Then, the edge lines that outlined the modules such as gloves and shoulder armor before now lit up with a soft light, and the pieces of armor were interwoven one by one as if they were carved on his body.

But even with the armor, [Pure White·Original] still did not look like a warrior. He was shrouded in colorful light, and the gorgeous colors eventually returned to white. A simple temperament was wrapped around him, inconspicuous, but not ignored.

At this time, he stood there, and at a glance, it felt as if he should be standing there, he belonged there, but when he changed his position, he still gave people the same feeling.

The original form of Subaru showed its growth for the first time under the catalysis of Cascade energy. However, after converting the excess Cascade energy in Subaru, the pure white light did not continue to move. In addition, without the control of Subaru's self-consciousness, the rich pure white light suddenly burst out from the Cascade tower.

So, outside, Tartarus was moving towards the tower as quickly as possible with the help of the kingdom soldiers. He suddenly saw the pure white mist spreading from the tower, submerging everything around at a very fast speed.

But the mist did not kill at all, and after the mist dissipated, the people of the kingdom found that the destroyed buildings around them had quietly recovered at this time, and their injuries were also completely wiped out. Tartarus felt his body. Although the energy had not been fully replenished, but other than that, the blood bar was full.

Is this... the power of pure white light?

Tartarus looked at his palm and whispered, then immediately ran into the tower, and then saw Gensuba lying on the floor after the transformation was lifted. He carefully stretched out his hand and used energy to guide it to his palm, carefully protecting it.

Then, Tartarus looked at the Cascade energy in front of him. The energy aggregate that was usually flamboyant and dazzling was much more stable at this time, and even the light was a little softer.

Tartarus looked at Gensuba with gratitude. He certainly knew whose efforts were these. Although the problem has not been completely solved, Gensuba really bought too much time for the kingdom this time.

But that's all later. Now we have to send this child to the medical cabin quickly.

Just when the crisis of the kingdom was resolved, a war in the Kingdom of Light had just subsided. They also encountered an enemy composed of green energy. However, compared with the cartoon BOSS on the Kingdom's side, the Kingdom of Light encountered a monster like a pool of meat paste. It has only one ability, which is to eat!

The monster has mouthparts all over its body, and inside the mouthparts there is a tongue that is like a pipe with sharp teeth on the end. This monster can swallow up buildings, energy, light, and even some "concepts".

For example, Ace was bitten on both hands by the monster's mouthparts during the initial battle, and then he could not use his hands to guide the release of the cutting skill, but other types of skills can still be used except for the cutting skill.

In the end, the monster was released by Ultra Father and the Ultra Brothers with the power of the cosmic miracle light. The intensity of the energy flowing out exceeded the monster's swallowing speed and completely wiped it out.

As the monster was destroyed, Ace's ability to release the cutting skill with both hands also returned. The bodies of Taiga, Zeta and Fuma, who were hit by the mouthparts, began to reappear the breath of life. The eastern area of ​​the Kingdom of Light also got rid of the colorless state, and colorful colors began to re-render the world over there.

Everything got better with the destruction of the monster, but...

Where did this monster come from?

How did this monster come into being?

How many similar monsters exist in the universe?

All of this is unknown. Ultra Father and the Ultra Brothers looked at each other. Although they didn't know anything yet, they realized that an unprecedented disaster was quietly happening....

142 The Gift of the Kingdom

Yuan Subaru didn't know how long he had been asleep. He just felt like he hadn't slept so deeply for a long time. Just when he was thinking about getting some sleep, he got up and went to find everyone at TLT-J to work on development. He suddenly remembered that he was not on Earth, and that his last moment before coma was in the hometown of Tartarus, the 'Kingdom'.

So Yuan Subaru woke up immediately. He rubbed his eyes and instinctively looked at the surrounding situation. He found that he was suspended in a very strange space at this time, with golden energy sloping down like a waterfall. Be in it and receive the nourishment of this energy.

Moreover, because Yuan Subaru was still an aggregate of light particles at this time, he woke up very quickly in such a space, which took less than an hour when converted to earth time.

Let’s go say hello to Mr. Tartarus first.

Yuan Subaru patted his head and let his mind run a little. After briefly sorting out the current situation, he took out the Evolutionary Truster, transformed into Nexus, and walked out of the waterfall energy space.

"Sir, are you awake so soon?"


As soon as he walked out, Yuan Subaru saw a kingdom soldier not far away walking over in a hurry, calling him with a respectful tone. He was so polite that Yuan Subaru didn't even react.

"Sir, your body is still a little weak. Why don't you rest in the medical cabin for a while? Lord Tartarus and Lord Titan are dealing with the follow-up matters of the monster invasion. After they are done, they will come to visit you."

"No, no, I feel fine now. I'll just go find Mr. Tartarus and Mr. Titan. Also, just call me Subaru. Sir, it sounds uncomfortable."

"Okay, Subaru-sama."

"No, you... forget it..."

Yuan Subaru opened his mouth and did not continue to argue with the kingdom soldier on this point. He was just about to go find Tartarus and Titan when he subconsciously glanced to the side and saw the man bathing in the energy of the golden waterfall. Diavolo's heart couldn't help but subconsciously asked:

"Well, how is Mr. Diavolo doing now?"


The kingdom soldier answered softly:

"Although Lord Diavolo was eroded by the unknown energy, which hindered the speed of his rebirth, it was only delayed a little, and nothing else happened."

The kingdom soldiers said so, but they still felt a little regretful in their hearts. If they had known that there would be such a magical white mist, they should not have placed Diavolo's heart there. If it had been placed outside, the white mist would have If the fog blows, perhaps Lord Diavolo will be as alive and kicking as Lord Titan now.

But it's not a big problem. In terms of Lord Diavolo's tenacious vitality, this little regret is nothing.

When the kingdom soldier said this, Yuan Subaru nodded and did not continue to think about it. At this time, Yuan Subaru saw Diavolo's heart flashing, as if he was greeting him. The child was stunned for a moment and responded quickly. Diavolo's heart skipped a beat, and then he fell completely silent, as if the action just now had almost squeezed him dry.

Seeing this, Yuan Subaru did not dare to continue calling Diavolo too much, so under the guidance of another kingdom soldier, he went to find Tartarus and Titan who were busy at this time.

On the way, after seeing Yuan Subaru, both the people and soldiers of the kingdom greeted him enthusiastically or expressed their gratitude. Some children who were not afraid of life even ran over and hugged Nexel. Si's thigh, she asked with a milky voice when she would be as good at hitting as her big brother.

Well, Yuan Subaru smiled and rubbed the little guy's head. Although he didn't know whether the residents of the kingdom like this needed to eat, Yuan Subaru still told him to eat well, rest well, and study well, and then he would naturally become stronger. .

But to be honest, Yuan Subaru still doesn't want him to learn from him. He has become so good at fighting. Although the hardship and bitterness are not comparable to outsiders, it is not something easy to learn.

After the child was taken away by his parents, Gen Subaru responded to the people who greeted him while being led forward by the soldiers of the kingdom. Finally, with great difficulty, he finally arrived at the place where Tartarus and the Titans were handling matters. place.

At this time, the two people were somewhat shocked after seeing Yuan Subaru's arrival. They did not expect Yuan Subaru to wake up so quickly. They quickly put down what they were doing, came over and said softly:

"Why did you come out so quickly? It would be good to stay in there for a while."

"Mr. Tartarus, thank you for your concern, but I have indeed been delayed here for too long."

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