Yuan Subaru understood what he was asking, thought for a moment, and said softly:

"Let's wait a little longer. I'm a little worried about Zaki stealing my house."

"Okay, let's not talk about it for now, Yuan Subaru, you are a blessing in disguise this time."

Matsunaga Kaichiro took out a report from his arms, pushed it in front of Gen Subaru and said:

"Because of that rainbow light, the stability of your cells has been temporarily improved a lot. Shuitian is using this as a template to speed up the development of special drugs. During this time, try not to push yourself too hard. By the way, I have to go to the night raid for something. Team, you can be considered a part of it, come with me."

"Any new equipment?"

Yuan Subaru's eyes lit up and he asked curiously. To be honest, he felt like he was playing a training game now. The data he obtained from himself was converted into physical equipment to enhance his own combat power, allowing him to There is an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

"It's not the equipment. You'll know when you get to the place."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to lead Gen Subaru directly to the conference room of the Night Raid Team. As soon as he opened the door, Gen Subaru felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. He looked around and was shocked to find that Mitsuhiko Ishibori was here.

"I think this person should be familiar to you," Matsunaga Kaichiro said straightforwardly without trying to show off, "but now let me introduce you again, Ishihori Mitsuhiko, formerly known as Yamaokaichi. Eighteen years ago, due to his fear of darkness, The Dark Zaki who came to Earth used his possession ability to forcibly possess him, and Dark Zaki tampered with all relevant information about Yamaoka Kazu, as well as the memories of related people, and lurked here. "


Hearing this, Yamaokaichi's expression suddenly became extremely complicated. At the same time, Saijo Nagi's face also became quite ugly. After realizing that the atmosphere here had become more dull, Gen Subaru broke the silence here and said:

"So, will Mr. Yamaokaichi continue to report to the Night Raid Team?"

"That's right."

Matsunaga Kaichiro nodded and said in a solemn voice:

"Considering the thorny nature of Zaki's possession ability, TLT-J has currently suspended all external recruitment plans. It is foreseeable that there will be no new members joining here for a long time, and Yamaokaichi has passed After testing by the TLT headquarters and visitors, it was determined that he had completely gotten rid of Zaki's control and way of thinking, and possessed the basic combat qualities of the Night Raid Team. Considering that the fighting situation may become more and more intense in the future, he was specially approved. Yamaoka Kazuo returns to the night attack team to assist in the battle."

"If I behave strangely, you can shoot me at any time. This preparatory measure has been approved by the TLT headquarters, and you will not be punished in any way."

As soon as Matsunaga Kaichiro finished speaking, Yamaokaichi immediately followed up and said:

"Also, please continue to call me Ishibori Mitsuhiko. Before Zaki is eliminated and my sins are repaid, I will bear this sinful name."


Looking at the scientist who was kneeling on the ground in shame in front of him, Gen Subaru looked at Matsunaga Kaichiro silently. To be honest, if his consciousness had not been involved in Zaki's plan, whether he would join the Night Raid Team, the boy would really It didn't matter, and after noticing Gen Subaru's eyes, Matsunaga Kaichiro silently shook his head, and the boy didn't say anything else.

"My mother died at his hands."

However, what Nagi Saijo said with a stern face at this time made Gen Subaru's eyes widen slightly. At the same time, Shiori Hiragi's eyes widened. The two of them looked at Nagi Saijo nervously, waiting silently for her next words.

"But I know it was Zhaji who controlled your body. I won't hate the wrong person, so you don't have to have the mentality of wanting to compensate me. I don't need your compensation. My mother's I will avenge myself. I have finished my words, captain, and I will leave the rest to you."

"Yamaoka Kazu, welcome to return to the team..."

Wakura Eisuke scratched his scalp, sighed and stepped forward and said:

"Next, train hard and try to return to the combat status of the members of 'Ishibori Mitsuhiko'."

"Yes, Captain..."

‘Deep beep beep! ! ! ’

"Everyone, the shock wave of the alien beast has appeared."

019 New Dark Giant

The projection of Kira Zeyu appeared beside everyone, looked at Minamoto Subaru and said:

"It's the liquid alien beast Pedron from last time. We don't rule out the possibility that Shunichi Maki will appear again. Please be careful."

"Okay, I'm leaving first, Nexus!"

Gen Subaru nodded, pulled out the Evolved Truster and was about to take action, but was stopped by Matsunaga Kaichiro and said:

"Use the Wings of Stone, that will save some effort, and let us collect data by the way."


Yuan Subaru nodded, took out the energy blast gun, fired the flare, and then a beam of light shrouded down, took the young man into it, and flew towards the place where the alien beast appeared.

"You are here, my successor..."

'call! ’

As soon as he landed, Yuan Subaru heard the eerie voice. Without thinking, he raised his hand and fired an energy blast gun, but the black mist emanating from Maki Shun's body canceled it out. When the black mist dissipated, , the tall dark Faust appeared in front of the young man.

"Are you still struggling? Don't you feel the darkness in your heart?"

"I definitely felt it, felt the darkness in my body."

? ? ?

This unexpected answer made Dark Faust stunned. He just made a random remark, how could he get the truth out of it? But this is also a good thing. Since this guy has admitted it himself, the next remark will be easier to unfold.

"In that case..."

"Even so, I will still fight with you, no matter whether I shine with light or fall into darkness."

Subaru took out the Evolution Truster and turned into a giant. Nexus took a stance, with one hand palm forward and the other hand clenched in a fist to protect his chest. He looked at Dark Faust with a sharp gaze and said:

"If you are strong for evil, you will be stronger for good. For the worthy humans, for this blue planet, and to have the face to see my father, I will defeat you. No matter how many of you there are, I will destroy them one by one!"

"What a joke, It looks like me or....”

“Shut up!”

Subaru gathered the phase transfer wave light, and said word by word in an unprecedented harsh tone:

“Since you have lost the consciousness of protection, don’t mention the past of light, you don’t deserve it!”

‘Meta Field’

‘Dark Field’

As the golden light rain fell, Dark Faust also unfolded his barrier. In the turbid and dark territory, the suppressed Nexus looked at the strengthened Dark Faust and the alien beast, moving his feet calmly, looking for the enemy’s flaws.


Dark Faust didn’t mean to talk nonsense anymore. With a wave of his hand, the alien beast covered with cysts and meat balls danced towards Subaru, but at the same time, Dark Faust suddenly noticed the abnormal fluctuations in the phase. He turned his head and saw that the fighter planes of the Night Raid Team had completed the phase transformation and raided this area.

It seems that another experiment has been completed.

Yuan Subaru chuckled in his heart, and took advantage of the distraction of Dark Faust, and rushed to him in an instant, raising a fist full of light energy. Dark Faust was shocked, but he didn't panic. It was just a surprise attack of this degree, and he had time... Ugh!!

Dark Faust casually deployed a barrier, trying to take the punch, and then give Nexus a hard blow, but at the moment the barrier was deployed, the fist that was originally falling suddenly changed to a palm to support it, and Nexus's other hand attacked like lightning, hitting Dark Faust's chest hard. The strong force even set off a circle of sonic boom clouds behind the dark giant. It paused for about a second, and then Dark Faust flew backwards with a roar.


Almost at the same time, Nexus' figure also disappeared from the spot. The giant of light who accurately predicted the trajectory, bent his arm like a sickle, and rushed in the opposite direction with his elbow, cutting the back of Dark Faust's neck. The terrible impact made the entire dark realm echo with a deafening sound.

"Who taught you this?"

Looking at such brutal fighting methods, Nishijo Nagi couldn't help but whisper. Wakura Eisuke, who was controlling the fighter to avoid the tentacles of the alien beast, shook his head and answered:

"Anyway, it's not me. I don't know how to use this thing. Shiori, Ishihori, prepare to attack the ultimate beam together and try to rely on our strength to destroy this alien beast."


Hiraki Shiori responded in a condensed voice, and then paused, turned her head slightly and looked at Ishihori Mitsuhiko behind her and said:

"Um, do you still remember how to control it?"

"I don't remember...but..."

Ishihori Mitsuhiko closed his eyes, but his hands were skillfully opening the aiming system, and said bitterly:

"My body seems to remember it very firmly..."

"Look at it from another perspective, this is also a good thing, we must prepare."

"Well, good."

When the Night Raid Team began to try to surround and kill the giant alien beast, on the other side of the battlefield, looking at the Dark Faust whose head was already tightly attached to his back, Gen Subaru slightly pulled back. In the battle with the first Ultraman, he vaguely understood the principle of destroying light, but he didn't have time to test it in actual combat. Now is the right time, so let's try it on this Dark Faust....

"Save me...Save me..."

However, at this moment, a faint voice came from the energy core in the chest of Dark Faust. Nexus's eyes flashed, and he saw that there, Shunichi Maki was waving for help. At this time, his eyes were extremely clear, but he was deeply trapped in the darkness like a quagmire. Countless arms stretched out from it, pulling Shunichi Maki's body, wanting him to sink into the endless darkness again.

"I...I still want to see my child. Please, let me go back and take a look..."

'Swish! ’

However, Subaru had no intention of stopping. Lightning splashed on [Armed Nexus], and the new type of ‘Cross Ray Storm’ was taking shape at a rapid speed.

“Why, why didn’t you save me! I hate you!!”

Seeing Nexus’s actions, Maki Shunichi’s expression first became extremely desperate, and then hatred replaced despair. Maki Shunichi, who was sinking into the darkness bit by bit, roared at Nexus like a beast, but was greeted by a surging hot beam.

“Hehe, it’s really pleasant.”

The moment before the beam arrived, Maki Shunichi also completely sank into the darkness. At the same time, the nearly beheaded Dark Faust appeared with a terrifying black light. Under the illumination of the black light, the dark giant became intact, grinning and moving his neck and said:

"I didn't expect that the person who really pushed me into darkness would be my successor. Hum, this hatred really makes me happy..."

"The muscles in your left hand and right leg were tense just now, and the posture of your right hand was unnatural. You probably planned to push your right leg on the ground after I got close, cover your left hand, and attack with your right hand."

Nexus shook his hand. The way the imitation beam was fired just now was not right, which caused some pain in his wrist. As he spoke, he tried to gain some recovery time and said in a disdainful tone:

"Are you planning to retaliate in kind? Is this a clumsy trap? Or do you feel pretty good about yourself, ha!"

"You refuse to save me, and you are still talking sweet words here. Is the style of this generation of capable people so despicable?"

Yuan Subaru is fighting for time to recover, so is Dark Faust. He is rapidly absorbing the power of the dark realm and coming back from the state of hanging his life.

"Are you really Maki Shunyi?"


"Then you deserve to die."

The numbness on his arm had subsided, Nexus opened his stance, stared at Dark Faust and said:

"Fifteen people have died at the hands of you and the alien beasts. You should pay for your life, but don't worry, your children will thrive in the deeds of their heroic father, Sa!"

Nexus launched another ferocious attack, and Dark Faust, who had not yet recovered, was afraid. This generation of capable people is very hard-hearted and murderous. There is no need to continue to entangle with him now, and... .

Dark Faust glanced to the side. The liquid alien beast Pedron was almost dead under the siege of the Night Raid fighter planes. When Nexus freed up his hand to make up for it, it would be completely dead. There was no need to continue. The fight continues here.

Thinking of this, Dark Faust let out a gloomy chuckle, as if some back-up plan was activated, but in fact he was planning to teleport out of the dark realm. However, at the moment when his figure was about to disappear, a red light flashed, Nexus, who activated his telekinesis, suddenly appeared in front of him, grabbed the long horn on his head with one hand, roared, threw him over his shoulder, and slammed him forward and slammed him to the ground.

Is this thing really a juvenile body? !

The confused Dark Faust thought about this problem subconsciously. He was obviously a fool the last time he fought, so why was his prediction so accurate...

Before he could finish thinking about it, Dark Faust hurriedly rolled away when he saw the giant kneeling down on his throat, but did not see that during the fall, Nexus's [Armed Nexus] had already Lightning surged. After he dodged, Nexus immediately fired out the 'Cross Ray Storm' after he dodged it. The violent energy blasted into Dark Faust's chest, plowing a path on the ground with it. Long ravine.

Hold on, hold on, hold on! As long as you hold on until the end of 'Cross Ray Storm', you'll have a chance!

Dark Faust gritted his teeth and concentrated all the dark energy he had just absorbed on his chest to counteract Nexus' attack, but...

One second passed....

Two seconds passed....

Three seconds passed....

Four seconds passed....

Why hasn’t this ray ended yet? !

Looking at the 'Cross Ray Storm' that not only had not been reduced, but had even begun to become thicker and thicker, Dark Faust suddenly began to doubt life. He was clearly the shadow of Nexus, and he knew how to do it. He knew how to do it. He may not know how to do this...


Suddenly, Dark Faust heard the battle cry of Nexus. At the same time, the power of the 'Cross Ray Storm' instantly increased to an appearance that he had no memory of at all. Dark Faust, who could no longer see the struggling space, was desperate. He walked to the ground and gave up resistance.

But it was obvious that someone was unwilling to leave this chess piece. Behind Dark Faust, a dark energy vortex suddenly emerged, and a pair of blue eyes stared at Nexus, the trajectory of 'Cross Ray Storm' Being forcibly distorted and deviated under the influence of the dark energy vortex, Dark Faust was also dragged into it. When he saw the giant of light planning to come in recklessly, the owner of the pair of eyes let out a snort of contempt. , and then disappeared.

"Is that Zaki?"

"No, it's a new enemy, weaker than Zaki."

Yuan Subaru answered Hiragi Shiori's doubts, and then looked at the liquid alien beast Pedron, which was almost blasted by the ultimate light. The body fluid of this alien beast contains a large amount of alcohol. Once it is completely detonated, it will be devastating to the battlefield. It caused a certain impact, so the Night Raid Team has not killed anyone for a long time. Now that Dark Faust has receded, there is no need to hold it back. Under the combined power of 'Cross Ray Storm' and Ultimate Light, this The alien beast exploded, and all the alien beast's cell factors were completely wiped out.

"Very good, the battle was successful. Everyone, let's start returning."

Wakura Eisuke breathed a sigh of relief and happily told everyone that after all, the night raid team finally helped Gen Subaru this time. This is something I believe is worthy of celebration. Nexus also nodded and dismissed Entering the Meita territory, he raised his hands and flew high into the sky with a 'swish' sound, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

In the TLT-J headquarters, Matsunaga Koichiro and Kirazawa Yu, who had received and watched all the battle videos, stopped the scene at the scene where the dark energy vortex appeared, looked at the technicians beside them and said:

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