At this moment, the three Molde brothers and sisters saw that in the sky not far away, dark lightning burst out. The lightning became more and more numerous, and finally formed a dark cloud-like form. A huge aggregation of lightning, and then the lightning aggregation separated from it, and a dark figure slowly descended from it.

Is it Ultraman? !

Seeing the general outline of this figure, the Molde brothers and sisters immediately thought of the sworn enemy of the Gua Empire, but then they gave up the idea. They had never seen such a concentration of dark energy. If this was released, In the Kingdom of Light, you may not be beaten and killed immediately.

But even if he is not from the Kingdom of Light, he will have to pay the price for sabotaging this breakout!

Thinking of this, the three Molde brothers and sisters looked at each other, immediately picked up the guy, and faced it head-on. To be honest, whether these fleets or their subordinates are dead, there is nothing to feel bad about. As long as they are still alive, Then the Gua Legion is still there, so take down this unknown guy first, and then talk about the rest!

Seeing these three legion commanders rushing over without saying a word, Yuan Subaru was a little surprised. He thought these guys were going to talk nonsense, but this was just right. They still had to fight anyway, so it would be better to save some energy. Good.

At this time, the Gua fleet, which had suffered an explosion, quickly regrouped, and under the leadership of three monster battleships, the Mechanical Bemonstein, the Mechanical Jinguqiao, and the Mechanical Kieron Starmon, they launched an attack on Yuan Subaru.

It has to be said that although Yuan Subaru has the experience of annihilating an entire fleet, the firepower of the Gua Legion still needs to be guarded against, especially those three monster battleships. If they are allowed to cooperate with the three legion commanders, He issued a sure-kill attack on himself, and he might even suffer some losses.

However, this problem is not difficult to solve. Yuan Subaru came out this time with a lot of energy-supply stone statues. In other words, the upper limit of the clones will not be limited to five. As long as Yuan Subaru is willing to give up the energy, he can divide it into one hundred. Not a problem either.

So, in the next second, Yuan Subaru really scattered a hundred clones and rushed towards the Gu'a fleet, trying to intercept them and prevent them from joining up with the three legion commanders.

"Who are you looking down on when you go out with so many clones?!"

In Zhou Da's understanding, the clone is the weakening of the original body. Therefore, seeing Yuan Subaru's behavior, Zhou Da immediately became furious. The Bat Emperor Sword in his hand slashed through the air, and a sharp sword energy was directed towards Yuan Subaru. Subaru killed him.

At the same time, Zhou Da's eyes lit up, and the red light shone on the space, twisting it into a chaotic space. Then, as the thunder flashed, monsters were created according to Zhou Da's own wishes, and those monsters roared towards Nai. The clone of Xexus was killed not to protect his subordinates, but Zeuda simply didn't want to see Ultraman achieve his goal.


Yuan Subaru also threw out the lightsaber at this time, and with a backhand move, chopped Zhou Da's sword energy into pieces. Facing the bat ax thrown by Morde, Yuan Subaru held the sword in his back hand, and the tip of the sword was pressed against the axe. On the surface, he tried to penetrate it, but the material of this weapon was quite strange. While it was strong, it even had a certain resistance to [Void], which prevented Yuan Subaru from destroying it.

At this moment, Gina's bat magic whip was like a poisonous snake, attacking Yuan Subaru's wrist at a tricky angle, and the bat axe, which was hit by the lightsaber and deflected at an angle, was struck by Molde's telekinesis. Under the control, he changed his direction and headed towards Yuan Subaru's back. Zeuda also teleported to block Yuan Subaru's path. The tacit cooperation of these three brothers and sisters instantly blocked Nexus's range of activities. No matter which direction he chooses to break out, he will inevitably face the siege of the other two people.

Then the three Molde brothers saw that Ultraman teleported out of the siege.

Seeing this, Molde, Gina and Zhouda couldn't help but let out cruel laughter. Without saying a word, they all began to teleport to surround Yuan Subaru and let him see the cooperation between the three Gua brothers. .

So, in the next second, the teleporting figures of these four people were like ghosts. In this galaxy... and even in the adjacent galaxies, their afterimages were passing by, and the impact caused by energy conflicts and weapon collisions It seemed to be everywhere, and even the most sophisticated instruments in the Gua Army could not distinguish the sequence of these impacts. Two planets even exploded in the dense impact and disappeared.

In the end, the four people returned to the original starting point. The Ultra Warrior's lightsaber held the Bat Tomahawk and the Bat Emperor Sword, forcefully pushing Molde and Zeuda away, and then spun around and kicked in time. Gina, who crossed her arms in front of her chest to defend herself, forced him back. For a while, the battle situation fell into a stalemate.


Molde looked at the dark Ultra warrior who showed no signs of fatigue, and couldn't help but praise in his heart. Among other things, space teleportation is the innate ability of the three brothers and sisters. In terms of the use of this skill, it can be said that It's already instinctive, and even so, this guy's teleportation speed and response are even fainter than the three of them. If it weren't for the tacit understanding between the brothers and sisters, maybe after this fight, it would be even more... Take a small loss.

After all, they are brothers and sisters. They work really well together...

On the other side, Yuan Subaru quietly absorbed the energy supply stone statue while secretly reviewing the battle just now in his mind. If one of the three guys failed to follow just now, he would be sure to use it as a breakthrough and let him exit. Unfortunately, there is no such opportunity, but...

Yuan Subaru glanced at the battle not far away. The clones were very fast and had achieved good results. Although the three monster battleships, Mechanical Bemonstein, Mechanical Jinguqiao, and Mechanical Kieron Starmon, were difficult to destroy, , but before that, he has left a mark inside them, and the clones can transmit to their insides through that mark to destroy them.

At present, it seems that the mechanical Bemonstein and the mechanical Jingu Bridge have begun to stop. The advancement of the mechanical Kieronmon is a little slower, but its ending is inevitable. His previous surprise attack plus the current clone attack, The Gu'a fleet has been destroyed, and even some space battleships in the fringe areas have begun to leave the battlefield, presumably running away.

"Hey, who are you?"

At this moment, Gina grabbed Zeuda above, and Molde nodded slightly towards them, then pointed the bat ax at Yuan Subaru and shouted with telekinesis:

"Why do you want to stop our actions, why do you want to become our enemy!"

Hum, this link is indeed indispensable.

Yuan Subaru has simulated this battle countless times in his mind, thinking about how to deal with various situations. Therefore, he is also happy to take advantage of this time to make some adjustments. Yuan Subaru reaches out and collects all the clones. After all, the fleet no longer poses a threat to itself. Taking them back can not only be used as backup energy, but also save the Ultra-Psychic power occupied to control them. Finally, it is to temporarily stabilize these three Gua. Legion commander, buy a little more time.


Yuan Subaru looked at Molde pretending to be cold and said coldly:

"It is you who are provoking the majesty of the great and supreme Emperor Caesar Belial!"

"....?" X3

What the hell? ! X3

Regarding Beria, Molde, Gina and Zeuda knew that the dark Ultraman who betrayed and succeeded in severely damaging the Kingdom of Light can be said to be famous in the universe. In the Gua Legion, there are many From other universes, before the time and space barrier was formed, the cosmic beings accidentally crossed into this plane. From their mouths, the three Model brothers and sisters felt that it was a pity. If they had not been sealed here, they would have recovered a few years earlier. , maybe we can even help out and attack the Kingdom of Light together.

But they also know that Beria is already dead, the kind that was turned into ashes by the Kingdom of Light. How come there is such a die-hard loyalist who can fight in this plane?

At the same time, not far away, Dada tried his best not to cry out, because behind him, the Zarrab star who had gone crazy was aiming his gun at him, asking him to continue driving so that he could Film this so-called 'clash of forces'.

The three Molde brothers sensed this, but the aftermath of such a small space shuttle could destroy countless mass-produced products. They didn't care at all. Yuan Subaru also sensed it and thought about it for a moment. I decided to destroy it and spread as little information about myself to the outside world as possible.

But Molde obviously wouldn't let Yuan Subaru do such a thing in front of him, so he stopped him. Yuan Subaru took this as a point of attack and said with a sneer:

"What? Do you, the so-called emperor of the universe, rely on this kind of propaganda to summon you?"

"Asshole, tell me if you want to die!"

Zhou Da immediately became furious, pointed at Yuan Subaru with the Bat Emperor Sword and shouted:

"The Beria in your mouth is already dead. If you don't go to the grave, why are dogs barking?"

"The great Emperor Caesar Belial! The only emperor of the universe! I will punish the disrespectful people for you!"

At this time, Yuan Subaru had almost adjusted. After roaring like this, he completely changed his identity to a member of the remnants of Belia to avoid being contacted by others on the earth. Then he waved his arm and a crescent light blade flew out. , as the light blade flashed, it suddenly split, and in an instant, a torrential attack rained towards the three of Molde.

It's amazing.

Although Zhou Da was very dissatisfied, he had to admit that this dark Ultra warrior could indeed fight. After the fierce battle just now, he could immediately launch such an attack again. It was really commendable, although Zhou Da also noticed this. The guy seems to be using some small means to maintain his status, but before he cracks it, this is also his ability.

‘Be careful, this guy seems to be hiding something. ’

Molde reminded his younger brothers and sisters in a low voice. How should I put it, it can be regarded as an experience. At this time, such a fanatical believer appeared, which made him worried. Is this Beria's conspiracy? He needs to use help. Their power to come back to life and stuff like that.

Moreover, this Ultra Warrior does not seem to be a pure dark warrior. In the battle just now, he has switched to other postures, which makes people wonder whether he still has different powers that he has not used.

Gina and Zhouda also understood their brother's worries. After keeping this matter in mind, they immediately attacked Yuan Subaru. After coming into contact with those light blades and feeling their intensity, they also understood this With the current strength of the Dark Ultra Warriors, they immediately began the previous siege, and the dizzying teleportation afterimages instantly filled the galaxy.

Zeuda's Emperor Slash, Gina's AoE Bomb, Model's Destruction Beam, and Gen Subaru's Guillotine. In just the blink of an eye, these are attack skills that can easily destroy any fleet in the universe. Swept across like a strong wind.

But as the battle continued, both the Molde brothers and sisters and Yuan Subaru were a little overwhelmed. The former did not expect that such a high-intensity and high-precision battle would last so long, so that they began to be unable to keep up, and then After experiencing the special training in the deep blue space, this kind of battle could continue for a while, but the rapidly consuming energy supply stone statue made him feel something bad.

Therefore, in the next battle, the intensity of the battle began to rise rapidly. Molde and the others wanted to temporarily suspend the battle, while Yuan Subaru wanted to fill up the battle, look for flaws, and end the battle as soon as possible. .

Finally, such an opportunity came. Gina deliberately sold a flaw, and Yuan Subaru also deliberately sold a flaw. The sudden tacit understanding made the four of them stunned for a moment, and then they immediately took action without hesitation.

So, in the next second, Gen Subaru grabbed Gina, and Zeuda's Bat Emperor Sword and Morde's Bat Battle Ax also fell on Nexus.

The Molde brothers and sisters were naturally very satisfied with this result, but after seeing the Nexus clone hidden in the space mezzanine building the Metafield and the Ultimate Cross Barrier, they realized that the situation might not be as they imagined. That way.

When Yuan Subaru saw that the time was right, he did not hesitate at all. The energy intensified from the inside out triggered an unprecedented terrorist explosion. This act of self-destruction was so fast, as if it had been prepared for a long time. It was almost the three brothers and sisters. Zhou Da, the strongest among them, had no time to stop him.

In an instant, the ultimate cross barrier exploded, and the power of the [Ultra Bomb] turned all the surrounding planets into ashes. This was the first time that Subaru triggered the [Ultra Bomb] in his youth form, Nexus. The power even exceeded his own expectations.


The three Molde brothers and sisters did not die. They withstood the big explosion through some unknown means, but they were also scarred and almost lost all their combat effectiveness. They could only support each other to stay in the universe with difficulty. middle.

And Yuan Subaru...

He didn't die. He was betting that he could recreate the 'pseudo-Ultra Heart' phenomenon that appeared when he fought against Hyperjack. He won the bet, even though Nexus' body was reorganized after being reorganized. , so weak that he was almost transparent, but he also took his life back from the hands of the seductress.

Then, in the sight of the Molde brothers and sisters, they saw the Ultra Warrior absorbing stone statues one after another. Although they felt that the energy of those stone statues was like a sobering agent injected into the dying person, there was no doubt that, Even if this guy cheers up for a second, he can launch a fatal attack on them.

"I said, is it necessary to fight to this extent?"

Molde's heart was filled with bitterness. He could not have imagined that just one wrong move would put the three of them in this situation. He also could not imagine that this guy would be so crazy that he would self-destruct whenever he was told. There is a saying, such a follower Or, it also made him a little jealous.

"Your Lord Beria is the emperor of one universe, and Gu'a is the emperor of another universe. Their identities do not conflict. Don't you want to resurrect your Lord?"

Molde gave in. Although he was very reluctant, he no longer wanted to use his power to fight this dark Ultra warrior. Next, he would have to face the difficulty of breaking through the time and space barrier, and face the possible emergence of time and space. The caster of the barrier might also have Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light to block the door, so Molde began to try to negotiate peace with Yuan Subaru. If nothing else, this guy can really fight. If he When the thing you're worried about happens, throw him out, whether it's a shield or a thug, it's great.

In this regard, Gina immediately understood what her brother was thinking, and subconsciously held Zhouda's arm tightly. Zhouda was silent for a while, without bursting out the fighting spirit in his chest, waiting for what would happen between Molde and Yuan Subaru.

But from the beginning, Yuan Subaru had no intention of continuing the conversation with them. The false identity and false purpose destined Molde's win over to have no possibility of being realized, so after replenishing his energy, Yuan Subaru immediately headed towards The three of Molde launched an attack.

"You crazy dog!"

Molde couldn't help but cursed, but he also knew that he had to react, otherwise he would be sent to the cooling CD of death and resurrection. Therefore, the three brothers and sisters held each other's hands in a tacit understanding. Under a burst of gray-yellow flash, an extremely shocking energy impact suddenly erupted. This impact alone made Yuan Subaru fly out of the galaxy, and his vision almost went black and he fainted.

What the hell is this? !

Yuan Subaru came over with difficulty, looked at the center of the energy impact, and whispered in shock. Now, he realized that those three guys should have avoided his [Ultra Bomb] in this way just now.

Regarding this point, Yuan Subaru did not think wrong, but this time, Molde, Gina and Zhouda did not end the impact process. As the power of the three brothers and sisters merged together, a terrifying figure appeared in the gray The center of yellow shock emerges.

The head of this figure is that of Morde, except for the pair of black sharp horns, the helmet has turned into bone white, and the heads of Gina and Zeuda are carved on the shoulder armor on the left and right of this figure. , the breastplate on its body also looks like a ferocious animal face, and on the other black body surface, there are also bone-white armor with protrusions attached, as if these armor modules are all caused by the killings it has committed. And when it is cast, just a glance at it can make people's hair stand on end and their hearts trembling with chills.

And Yuan Subaru had a clearer perception feedback. This figure was the most powerful enemy he had ever seen so far. Such an enemy, perhaps only Senior Seiga could calmly contend with it.

No, there was also a projection of Senior Noah in the deep blue space!

At this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly remembered something and began to call Noah's name anxiously, hoping that the Noah clone would show up to help, but unfortunately, the child did not get any feedback.

Maybe I should go into the deep blue space now and blow up the clone through [Cascading Storm·Spacetime], maybe I can get a response.


Looking at the terrifying existence that made space and time tremble just by standing there, Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly in his heart. If he dared to enter the deep blue space now, he was really afraid that he would not die fast enough.

Fortunately, Senior Tiga was entangled in something and didn't come with me. Otherwise, given Senior Tiga's character, he would fight to the death with this guy to protect me. It would be bad if Senior Tiga was injured. Haha, fortunately, fortunately.

Gen Subaru joked in his heart while taking the initiative to attack the figure. At this time, he had guessed the true identity of this figure. If he guessed correctly, he was the Demon Emperor Gu'a!

Seeing that Gen Subaru not only did not run away, but even took the initiative to attack, the Zeuda on the shoulder armor flashed slightly, as if he recognized the glory of Gen Subaru as a warrior, but no matter what, the Demon Emperor Gu'a would destroy all enemies who took the initiative to attack him.

The white-boned Demon Emperor took a step forward. In that instant, the space was compressed and the distance was obliterated. Yuan Subaru, who was originally at the other end of the galaxy, instantly appeared in front of Gu'a. Seeing this fist that caused ripples in time and space just by waving it, it pressed towards him.

Yes, it was not a fight, but a pressure. Just like humans saw an ant on the ground and stepped on it casually, Yuan Subaru was just like that poor ant at this time. His body was completely crushed by Gu'a's momentum and he could not move at all.

But Yuan Subaru was not a real ant after all. [Sega Super Acceleration] allowed him to break free from the suppression of the Demon Emperor Gu'a's momentum and avoid the fatal punch. At the same time, Yuan Subaru did not hesitate at all and threw out four energy-supplying stone statues from the storage space. Two of them were light and two were dark. After being unsealed, they immediately wrapped around Yuan Subaru's arms. In an instant, Nexus's hands began to burst because they could not withstand such fierce energy.

However, this is still within the scope of Yuan Subaru's control, but it is also the limit of control. In this way, Yuan Subaru blasted out the most powerful [Cascading Storm] at present. When the light passed by, it easily left a crack in the space.


Faced with such an attack, Demon Emperor Gu'a just raised one hand and waved it casually at the light. The gray-white impact immediately blew away the [Cascading Storm]. Then, Demon Emperor Gu'a grasped it out of thin air. At that moment, Yuan Subaru felt that everything in his vision began to dim. It was some unknown space that was opened. That space was like the Meta Realm, which could suppress the opponent. Yuan Subaru could clearly realize that all of Nexus's current abilities had been reduced to one-third of the original.

In this regard, Yuan Subaru subconsciously wanted the Meta Realm and the Ultimate Cross Barrier to change the main environment of the battle, but he immediately realized that it was impossible to achieve. Demon Emperor Gu'a wanted to break through the two seals, and I'm afraid he wouldn't even spend too much effort.

At this time, the Demon Emperor Gu'a pointed at Yuan Subaru, and a large number of light bullets were immediately released from the space around him. These light bullets also had the energy of time and space locking. When Yuan Subaru teleported, they also teleported over.

In response, Yuan Subaru could only detonate them one by one, but at the moment when his attention was distracted, a cold murderous aura suddenly emerged. The Demon Emperor Gu'a appeared in front of Nexus at some point. For Gu'a, it was just a light punch, and Yuan Subaru flew backwards with blood spurting out. Then he was hit by those light bullets and was blown away again. Yuan Subaru hurriedly took out the energy-supplying stone statue to prolong his life.

But at this moment, the Demon Emperor Gu'a noticed something, raised his head, and looked in the direction of Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru felt that the connection between him and the storage space was forcibly cut off.

This... is the last supply.

Yuan Subaru muttered unconsciously in his heart, and then absorbed all the supply stone statues in his hands. Then the [Armed Nexus] in both hands lit up with silver light, and the time and space destruction light learned from the time and space destruction god Saigang tilted out. Yuan Subaru tried to use this to exile himself and the Demon Emperor Gu'a to another dimension.

But this attack was still painless to the Demon Emperor Gu'a. He took a step forward, and the space that was unstable due to the time and space destruction light suddenly became quiet.

However, this was just a cover. Yuan Subaru didn't understand the unreliability of the exile plan. The time gained by the time and space destruction light was what he wanted most.

Yuan Subaru roared, and the pain that could be called torture came from his severely injured body, but this torture was exchanged for the power to break through the limit. The support from Cascade's energy made Nexus's body dyed with brilliant golden light, like a dazzling sun.

This posture also attracted the attention of the Demon Emperor Gu'a. He clenched his fist slightly, as if he had put away the slightest intention of playing with him. Gensuba exhaled tremblingly, quietly opened the fighting posture, and began the second round of confrontation with the Demon Emperor Gu'a!

154 Noah's Enemy: The Beginning of Disaster

Yuan Subaru felt the powerful energy flowing in his body, and his heart suddenly became much calmer. Looking at the formidable Demon Emperor Gua, he rushed forward without saying a word and punched out like a thunder, while Gua remained calm. He reached out to catch the punch. When his hands came into contact, the ring-shaped energy impact spread in all directions, annihilating everything it touched.

‘Heh, that’s interesting. ’

Gua looked at Nexus who escaped with one blow, and then looked down at his palm. His body was made of special amoeba. Normal attacks and light skills were of no use to him, but the attack just now The punch left some marks on his palm. The strange golden energy was indeed not bad, but it was just a little bit off!

Gu'a raised his head, completely ignoring Yuan Subaru's high-speed flying behavior. He just reached out and grasped the air, and the space was instantly distorted. Yuan Subaru, who was moving in the outer circle, was sent to Gu'a in the blink of an eye by the twisted and compressed space. Then, A dazzling white shock wave immediately occupied Yuan Subaru's field of vision.

Yuan Subaru hurriedly crossed his hands across his chest, and the gilded cross guillotine roared out. The moment the guillotine came into contact with the shock wave, the unnatural pause made Yuan Subaru, who was watching there, feel extremely still. The shattering feeling of movement made him a little dizzy, but no matter what, the guillotine successfully tore through the white shock wave and killed Gua.

However, Gua paid no attention to the meaning of this attack. Although he didn't know where this guy got this golden energy, Gua could see that this guy's control of this power was quite rough. The body is also limiting the output of this power, so that he can completely ignore the attacks of this Ultra Warrior. In front of his defense, this level...can't even be counted as tickling!

Therefore, Yuan Subaru saw the golden guillotine fall on Gu'a's body, and after it made a sharp buzzing, nothing more happened. At this moment, Gu'a opened his hands again, and an unprecedented sense of crisis suddenly appeared. With this in mind, Yuan Subaru used [Saiga Super Acceleration] without hesitation, wanting to leave this galaxy and avoid Gua's sharp edge.

However, the complete Demon Emperor Gu'a was too powerful. With a press of his hand out of thin air, the heavy pressure from the alien space forcibly terminated [Saiga Super Acceleration]. If not for Yuan Subaru in Dracion Under the guidance of , he has mastered this skill proficiently, but he is afraid that he will die at this time because the light particles cannot be reorganized.

Right now...there is only one way left for me.

After this fight, Yuan Subaru has clearly realized the gap between the strength of the enemy and ourselves. Although he is very unwilling to do so,...

Senior Diga, I can't hold it back anymore, I can only give it a try!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru stopped dodging, roared and clenched his fists, opened his arms, and the surging Cascade energy was guided by the 'Extreme' skill, flowing to every part of Yuan Subaru's body. In an instant, Nike It was as if Seth had been electroplated with a layer of real gold, sparkling in the universe.

There is no doubt that anyone who sees this preparation posture will know that he is charging up skills, but Gua has no intention of interrupting or avoiding it. Gua can see that this is the intention of this Austrian man. The special soldier's life-burning blow, affected by Zhou Da's consciousness, he will defeat him from the front in an upright manner, not only out of respect for the soldier, but also to prove to him that Gua's power is irresistible and make him realize The majesty of Demon Emperor Gua is far greater than that of the so-called traitor Beria of the Kingdom of Light!

Yuan Subaru had no extra energy to care about anything else at this time. He concentrated on mobilizing energy, striving to maximize this power. Then, Nexus clenched his hands, and golden lightning began to splash on them. Yuan Subaru Subaru took a deep breath, raised his fists to his chest, and aligned them with the left and right edges of the energy core. The jumping arc stimulated the energy in the sagittal core, and was fully activated with Subaru's low groan.


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