But just after this extreme destruction, a golden line appeared in the destruction and chaos. Nexus had a strong adaptability to space-time force, and with the theoretical knowledge of Yuan Subaru, he had already hidden in the plane space of the Meta Realm before he noticed the collapse of space, avoiding the AOE attack this time, and immediately compressed the Meta Realm into a ball, using [Cascade Energy] as the driving force, and hit the ancient god Tiga.

As we all know, the Meta Realm is an extension of Nexus itself, and it can be regarded as a part of Nexus' body. Therefore, Yuan Subaru's control over it can be said to be handy.

And now, it is obvious that the old power of the ancient god Tiga has gone and the new power has not yet been born. With the assistance of other clones, this light ball that keeps drawing arcs in the air, avoiding the interception of the ancient god Tiga, finally lands accurately on its energy core.

Then, the pure white light wrapped in the Meta domain poured out like a waterfall. Suddenly, like hot oil falling into water, boiling energy sparks splashed everywhere, and the clones affected instantly had gaps that could not be healed and were expanding, and then came to an end.

However, those were all harmless losses. This attack finally caused great damage to the ancient god Tiga. The roars that were sometimes low, sometimes sharp, sometimes crying, and sometimes laughing made this galaxy that had fallen into chaos begin to breed unknown monsters.

But from the energy core in the chest of the ancient god Tiga, countless golden lights flew out. It was not a distorted and chaotic golden light, but the light of the warriors in the super ancient battlefield that was forcibly absorbed by him. The rough way of absorbing by the ancient god Tiga and the battle that followed made it impossible for him to assimilate them completely.

At the same time, as the light of these warriors dissipated, the golden light on the ancient god Tiga also dissipated at any time, and the power that distorted reality seemed to dissipate as a result, but his body also underwent terrible changes. The handsome Tiga body began to swell, and buds of flesh drilled out from under the skin. The plaque-like body rotted continuously. In the rotten flesh, even maggot-like monsters could be seen popping up from time to time.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru had reason to believe that there was something wrong with the predecessor Tiga himself. Otherwise, even if there was the influence of green energy, it would not cause this creation to produce such a second stage.

But that was all later. Now, Yuan Subaru entered the [Cascade] form without hesitation, and blasted towards the mutated Tiga with the most ferocious impact beam. He would not be so stupid as to wait for the enemy to complete the transformation.

However, what Subaru didn't expect was that although the body of the mutant Tiga looked ugly and disgusting, it had an unimaginable defense, or perhaps it still had the ability to distort reality. [Cascade Impact] hit him, and his swollen and loose skin began to shake wildly like a branch in the wind, but this also removed all the power of Subaru's impact.

Seeing this reaction, Subaru, who had been tortured by various types of alien beasts, immediately thought of a countermeasure. He raised his hand high, and the sharp golden and white two-color lightning spear took shape in the air. As Nexus overdrew, it fell on the body of the mutant Tiga in the blink of an eye.


Although the power of this lightning spear was not as strong as the last time he fought against Zero in the Kingdom of Light, it had already exceeded all of Nexus' previous piercing skills. However, with such an attack, Subaru saw it rushing forward continuously. Even if it had hit the mutant Tiga, the lightning spear kept rushing back against his skin.

And the body of this mutant Tiga is also quite... ductile. The lightning spear pressed against the skin of his chest and rushed out nearly a kilometer. The pure white light kept making corrosive sounds, but the surface protection of his body was not broken. He even had the strength to throw out his rubber-like arm and attack Yuan Subaru.

In the end, the lightning spear still failed to penetrate the body of the mutant Tiga. It was like a stone on a slingshot, bounced out by the rapidly shrinking skin, and rushed towards Yuan Subaru at a high speed.

But this was still Yuan Subaru's power after all. Facing the speeding lightning spear, Yuan Subaru calmly opened his hand and collected it without any twists and turns. Then, looking at the mutant Tiga, he couldn't help but frowned. Although it was possible to completely offset it if all the energy in the body was converted into pure white light, the risk involved made Yuan Subaru dare not gamble. If he failed, relying on the Camilla trio and Da Gu, he could not deal with such a weird enemy.

But, what should I do...

Hmm? !

At this time, Gen Subaru remembered something. He remembered the fully drawn holy bow of Cyrus, and also remembered the [Arrow-Ray Schtrom] that Nexus projected on the planet Babel. Gen Subaru placed his hand on his energy core, which still had the light given to him by the projection. Although he didn't know what mechanism he had triggered, now...

He could give it a try!

Thinking of this, Gen Subaru immediately began to try to project the energy of the energy core onto the [Armed Nexus] on his right wrist, turning it into "Arrow-Armed Nexus".

But the 'Light of Nexus' inherited by Gen Subaru was incomplete after all. This defect could not be made up even if he got the energy of the projection...

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Yuan Subaru didn't know the flaws of his own Light of Nexus, and was still trying to guide the appearance of [Arrow-armed Nexus], but no matter what, he couldn't get a corresponding response.

What happened?

A trace of doubt flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind, and many guesses instantly passed through his mind, but in the end, the child didn't intend to fight to the death on this [Arrow-armed Nexus]. He didn't have only this one way to break the situation at the moment, it was just a bigger loss.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and guided the changes in energy according to his guess. There are many ways to use power. If this way doesn't work, then change another one.

And this time, Yuan Subaru felt the changes in [Armed Nexus], but it was only a slight change. The energy core was flickering slightly, and there was no follow-up.

Forget it, it's time to go!

The battle situation changes rapidly. It is impossible for Yuan Subaru to just take a beating for such a bow and arrow and let the mutated Tiga take all the advantages. He watched the flesh buds on the mutated Tiga's body turn into arms during this period, and the attack on him became much more fierce. If this continues, it will be really not good.


Yuan Subaru swung out a pure white light blade and watched it fall on the flesh bud arm. A spring phenomenon similar to that of the lightning gun appeared. Although the flesh bud was finally cut off, it was undoubtedly not a good sign.

In the final analysis, it was because I didn't develop the pure white light enough. Otherwise, I wouldn't have a headache here now.

This thought flashed through Yuan Subaru's mind, but it was just a flash. Now he is in the battle, not the time to be upset. Now he can only try to make a miracle with great force!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru did not stop, and began to transform all the energy into pure white light, irradiating and affecting the mutated Tiga without blind spots. In the face of such an attack, the surface of the mutated Tiga's body melted like butter, but his unique power made its surface regenerate quickly. Although Yuan Subaru had the upper hand overall, this situation still made Yuan Subaru's face change slightly.

This guy is really difficult to deal with. Although I don't know if he can hide or his body is strong enough, but... no problem, no problem, as long as the main body can be exploded, it can still be destroyed.

Yuan Subaru quickly calculated the energy reaction after his self-explosion in his mind, then nodded with peace of mind, firmly locked the position of the mutated Tiga, and began to plan to charge.

But just when the suicide truck of Gen Subaru was about to attack, a translucent hand was placed on his arm, stopping the child's reckless action. Gen Subaru turned his head in surprise and saw a pure light particle aggregate standing there, and soon, Gen Subaru recognized its source.

It was the light of the warriors in the ancient battlefield. When releasing them from the body of the mutated Tiga, Gen Subaru looked at them scattered and didn't care too much. After all, the direction of these lights flying was too scattered. If he chased them and collected them, it would take too much time and look down on his opponent.

So, seeing that the light of the warrior could actually transform into a human form, when he came back, even if it was a very weak human form, Gen Subaru was quite surprised. He really didn't expect that the light of the warrior still had self-awareness.

On the other side, the Warrior Light looked at the crazy Mutated Tiga, and then looked at Gensuba who was going to fight to the death. Without saying anything, he just changed the position of his hand and pressed it on the [Armed Nexus] on Gensuba's right hand.

At the same time, scattered Warrior Lights flew back like meteors, and the golden light illuminated Gensuba's surroundings. These thousands of fireflies formed a solid shield to block Gensuba's attack. At the same time, they also showed their human form, either nodded to Gensuba or said nothing, but finally rushed into the [Armed Nexus].

Obviously, they saw Gensuba's attempt just now. Since this Ultra Warrior couldn't open the weapon and had to self-destruct with the enemy, then they, the remnants of the old era, would play their residual heat and help this little guy!

As the Warrior Light continued to pour in, the [Armed Nexus] on the right arm lit up brightly. Yuan Subaru felt that the power in it had already completed the energy arrangement without his own deliberate guidance. What he had to do next was just to draw the bow.

Although he didn't understand why these Warrior Lights were willing to help him, it was not the time to entangle this. Yuan Subaru stretched out his right arm to the mutated Tiga, and the bow arms on both sides suddenly opened, and Nexus's left hand made a bow-drawing action.

And just by pulling back slightly, Yuan Subaru saw that the energy in his body was like a broken dam, pouring out crazily, and transformed into a bow that was solidifying. Yuan Subaru took a breath and began to adjust the operation of his own energy, but at this time, Yuan Subaru felt a strange energy reaction coming from behind him. Then, he felt that the pressure of drawing the bow was much reduced, as if countless arms were helping him invisibly to pull up the bowstring together.

"Thank you, seniors."

Yuan Subaru naturally knew what was going on. He whispered and then focused all his attention on the attack in front of him. As the bowstring was gradually pulled, the battlefield began to change. Under the influence of the pure white light, the chaotic galaxy space began to be flattened rapidly.

Moreover, the roaring mutant Tiga noticed that there were invisible changes around him, as if there were chains blocking this space, forcing him to stay where he was. He angrily wanted to break the ban with his body, but then he found that the invisible chain was much stronger than he imagined.

On the other side, Yuan Subaru, with the help of the warriors' lights, had already pulled the bowstring to its full extent. At this moment, under the influence of the pure white light arrow, the golden light of the cage had been transformed into white light. Nexus in the sky looked so sacred.


At this time, Gen Subaru released the bowstring, and with a slight rebound sound, the slender light arrow drew a dazzling track in the universe, but before the track appeared, the light arrow had already landed on the head of the mutant Tiga, as if the result of ‘hit’ came first, and then the cause of ‘drawing the bow’ came.

This time, the light arrow was no longer bounced back like a thunder gun, but directly shot through the defense of the mutant Tiga, and the energy of the light arrow was also poured into the body of this enemy.

Looking at the mutant Tiga who was constantly expanding and twisting, and the cracks in his body were occasionally emitting pure white light beams, Gen Subaru realized something and immediately used [Sega Super Acceleration] to leave the battlefield. Then, without [Super Time and Space Ultra Bomb], the destructive explosion of the mutant Tiga itself caused the space-time level where the polluted battlefield was located to be blown off.

But before the black hole of space and time appeared, the pure white light suddenly lit up, and wiped out all the riots, making the galaxy calm, as if the battle had never happened there.

What a magical power.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but praise softly. Although Senior Reijido told him not to develop the pure white light further, that kind of thing was forgotten by Yuan Subaru. This was not the rebellious period, but the desire for research. Anyway, they were all dying. On Earth, dying people could eat whatever they wanted. He was just thinking about his own strength a little bit, which was not a big problem.

But now was not the time for research. Yuan Subaru looked at the [Armed Nexus] on his right arm, felt the energy in it, and thanked him gratefully. Although he could feel that after helping him shoot that arrow, the consciousness of the Warrior Lights seemed to dissipate along with it, but without their help, his current state would not be so good, so he still had to thank them.

After the battle, Subaru began to move back to TPC Earth. On Earth at this time, Yuan Da Gu had been pulled aside by Hitler and Darram. After listening to Hitler's explanation of the whole story, Yuan Da Gu immediately nodded and expressed his full cooperation.

But even though Yuan Da Gu agreed, Hitler continued to rehearse the next steps in his mind. Because Tiga himself had not contacted Yuan Da Gu before, he had no choice, but now that Tiga himself had given him a chance, he had to do something fancy for that old friend. However, Yuan Da Gu was an ordinary human after all. Even if he inherited the super ancient gene, he was still quite vulnerable to Hitler.

Therefore, he had to think carefully and try to ensure that every link did not go wrong, otherwise, this kid might be dead. As far as his relationship with that kid was concerned, if he got into trouble, he would probably let that kid keep an eye on him.

Therefore, under Hitler's highly serious and concentrated control, when Yuan Subaru returned to TPC Earth, the dark giant had already found a way to reach Tiga's true self according to the previous contact, and was happily going to Camilla to announce the good news. Now Hitler really wanted Tiga to quickly take this crazy woman away and let the man and woman go to each other.

But Camilla did not mean to go to meet Tiga at this time. The reason was understandable. Women dress up to please themselves, but she was covered with wounds and scars on her face because of the attack of the ancient god Tiga. Even if Hitler was conscientious, he would not say that she was still beautiful.

Although no one thought that Tiga would dislike Camilla for this, Camilla was unwilling to meet Tiga in this way. In this regard, Hitler, Darram and Yuan Subaru, who came later, looked at each other and expressed helplessness in their hearts.

"In that case, I'll go and see what happened to Senior Tiga."

Subaru reached out and took the pointing light ball from Hitler's hand and said:

"It just so happens that my calculations are almost complete, so I have to leave here. Sister Camilla, you should take good care of your injuries. Although this looks scary, the source of the chaos has been eliminated by me. With your recovery ability, there should be no scars. I'm leaving first."

At this time, Yuan Daigu had been settled by Subaru, and he had also arranged a reason for his sudden disappearance from the TPC base. So after Subaru said this, he left the plane where the TPC Earth was without any worries, and followed Hitler's light ball, and began to cross the plane and head towards the new universe.

And just after passing through, Yuan Subaru saw the extremely brilliant brilliance of skills. The entire galaxy next door turned into a colorful rainbow light. The entire star field was trembling with it. The terrifying space-time storm set off was believed to be enough to attract the gatekeepers of the Time Falls. people's attention.

Then, in the next second, all the brilliance disappeared. This did not mean the disappearance of the attack, but the further improvement of the attack power. The invisible fluctuation was like an eraser, erasing everything in this star field. Among them, Yuan Subaru even saw that the existence of the green torch was temporarily erased.

The person who launched such an astonishing offensive was none other than the shining golden Tiga himself floating in the middle of the galaxy. Although he didn’t know what enemy he encountered, there was no doubt that that enemy was already dead and could no longer die. .


It can be seen that this round of attack is not an easy thing for Diga himself. His breathing was a little messed up, and his energy response also appeared weak. But soon, as his breathing quickly calmed down, Diga Jia's energy response has also been boosted again. Although it is not known what method he used, he has undoubtedly returned to his peak combat power.

"Senior Diga."

On the other side, Yuan Subaru, who was hiding in the phase space and narrowly avoided the impact, emerged from it and greeted Diga. Hearing this voice, Diga seemed to have not yet come out of the fighting state. He looked sharply at Yuan Subaru, and his murderous aura even caused high-speed charged particle flow fluctuations to appear around him.

But this has no impact on Yuan Subaru. Not to mention that Senior Diga will not hurt him. In terms of murderous intent, sometimes his murderous intent is heavier than that of Senior Diga at this time. This is also What is there to be afraid of?

After seeing that it was Yuan Subaru, Diga immediately put away his fighting posture and adjusted his mentality. It was a bit embarrassing to say that. Now seeing Yuan Subaru's appearance, he, a senior, felt unexpectedly at ease. This made Diga felt dumbfounded at himself, but this change in mood did not show up. He smiled and said softly:

"Subaru, why are you here? Wait, did you use that resurrection beacon?!"

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Because he was busy fighting last time, Diga didn't notice it, but now that he was free, he realized something was wrong. He frowned and his tone became serious, asking what was going on. Although he I expected to use it, but I didn't expect to use it so quickly.

"Let's put this matter aside for now. Senior Diga, what kind of enemy have you encountered?"

Yuan Subaru naturally changed the topic and started talking about what happened on TPC Earth. Hearing this, Diga helplessly held his forehead. When he was chasing the green energy before, he was fine all the way. But when it got here, maybe that thing realized that there was a tail behind it, so it threw out its skills to deal with Diga.

The things pulled out by the green energy are not unfamiliar to Diga. When he left the earth and traveled in the universe, he also encountered several evil gods. Although the battle was very difficult, But in the end, he won the battle. The green energy pulled out those evil gods again and strengthened them. Diga was still a little bit tricked for a while, so the changes on the TPC earth side happened.

"Is Camilla seriously injured?"

After explaining what happened, Diga asked with concern. After getting Yuan Subaru's reply, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt that he didn't quite understand. Wasn't he just injured? It’s not like everyone was uninjured during the super-ancient war, so why are they so pretentious now? I don’t understand. Sometimes women’s brain circuits really can’t keep up.

Yuan Subaru didn't know what Diga was thinking, but now that he met this senior, he took out the Ark bracelet, showed the calculated results to Diga, and said softly:

"Senior Diga, if there is nothing unexpected, this should be the location of the green spark. How about it? Do you want to go extinguish it together!"

"Okay, let's go together!"

Unexpectedly, Yuan Subaru actually caught the precise location of the green sparks. Diga was stunned for a moment, then nodded with eyes shining, and said in a solemn voice:

"This time, no matter what, we have to kill this terrible thing! Subaru, are we leaving now?"


Yuan Subaru casually sent the calculated data to the Kingdom of Light, and then set off with Tiga without hesitation. To be honest, he now feels that his condition is better than ever before. It may be that the blessing of the light of the super ancient warrior has not yet In the past, Yuan Subaru felt that he could try to be reckless.

And on the other side....

Coincidentally, Diga thought the same way. He had just finished fighting those evil gods and now he felt that his body was active. It was time to strike while the iron was hot and fight the decisive battle.

At this moment, whenever Hitler is here, he always talks about these two fools, but there are only two fools here, so these two people turn into streams of light and move towards the location of the green sparks. rush.

It has to be said that Hikari's skills are quite superb. He tracked according to the results on the Ark bracelet. After breaking through sixteen phases and switching eight planes in a row, Yuan Subaru and Tiga saw the bright light. But the eerie green sparks, that dazzling existence, exist so alone in this parallel universe.

Neither Yuan Subaru nor Tiga could sense that there were other things existing in this parallel universe. There was no doubt that this green spark had destroyed everything here.

At the same time, with the arrival of these two people, the green sparks also reacted instantly. In the light, figures came out one after another, including Ultra warriors from the Kingdom of Light, huge monsters, and even There was also Dracion's Groka Army. This massive army silently launched a charge towards Yuan Subaru and Tiga.

The surging green energy also began to play a role. As the enemy approached, both Yuan Subaru and Diga felt that their own power was being suppressed. The environmental conditions they originally understood had changed under the distortion of this strange energy. It has become something they don't recognize, just like the graphics card is good, the motherboard is good, but the driver is terrible.

But this was not a big problem. Yuan Subaru held Diga's wrist and passed on the power of pure white light. The influence of the green energy was instantly expelled. Diga looked at the rampaging enemy. , sneered and waved his hands forward, and in an instant, a dense attack of light bullets like a meteor shower roared towards the overwhelming green army.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru, who was about to rush over, suddenly remembered something and stopped suddenly. Then he immediately changed his form and transformed into [Pure White·Native]. With a wave of his arm, white light strips flew out, Each meteor bomb is enchanted to fully activate the special attack of green energy.

One thing to say is that this person has been reckless for a long time, and Yuan Subaru has really forgotten that he has a supporting form.

Seeing this scene, Diga was also stunned for a moment. He watched the meteor bomb fall into the enemy's formation and easily exploded the formation. Just by visual inspection, Diga felt that his wave was 3% Ten's attack was wasted.

Then, Diga suddenly turned back to look at Yuan Subaru. Looking at his original posture, he was speechless for a moment. He didn't expect the bonus of this thing to be so powerful.

But now that he had such a powerful assistant, Diga didn't say much. He simply posed casually and swung his skills outwards. He watched as his skills were coated with a layer of white light and their power increased. Diga felt particularly comfortable.

Especially when there was an attack from the enemy, Tiga originally wanted to dodge, but Yuan Subaru pulled him, then opened his white shield, absorbing and assimilating all the attacks, and then used the amplification technique of [Spark Legend] After the blessing, if the angle is suitable, it will be directly punched back. If it is not suitable, it will be turned into pure energy and replenished to Dega.

After such a process, Diga felt more comfortable. He stood on the spot and acted as a fort, forcefully fighting in with the continuous flow of green sparks from the creation army. In the past, Diga himself felt that he could not afford it. Skills are now thrown away generously. After all, Yuan Subaru has given him a lot of energy.

Yuan Subaru is also very comfortable. Compared to the Ark module, Tiga is undoubtedly a better 'mecha pilot' with diverse skills and comprehensive capabilities. He doesn't have to worry about anything else at all, he just needs to concentrate on the assimilation operation.

Gradually, Diga felt a little numb. How should I put it, although it sounded a bit Versailles, but, after the novelty passed, it suddenly became boring. To use a more modern term, it would be... Beginning to become a sage.


This is a bit different from the decisive battle I expected.

In Diga's expectation, he should be so impactful, so breakout, lead Yuan Subaru, fight with this green spark for hundreds of rounds, and finally complete the task of conquering with great difficulty.

But now...

Subaru, you are a child with such a strong support ability. Why are you always doing it alone? Why don’t you find better and more reliable teammates to form a team and defeat enemies together? In your form, even if After tying up Hitler and adding buffs, you can fight against me.

And if Diga's inner voice is heard by Yuan Subaru, he will definitely explain it helplessly. Let's not talk about his teammates. He is so strong now because of the blessing of [Amplification]. Where was he before? To be able to persist for so long, this [Pure White·Original] posture should have been extinguished just after breaking through the Kingdom of Light's creation army.

Besides, there aren’t many output turrets as good as yours...

Regardless of the psychological activities of these two people, as far as the battle situation is concerned, the combination of Tiga and Yuan Subaru has successfully broken through to the inner perimeter of the Green Spark Creation.

After arriving here, Diga suddenly felt a lot more pressure on his body, which was suppressed by both reality and spirit. Although for him, this was just a sprinkle of water, Diga couldn't help but look back worriedly. He glanced at Yuan Subaru.

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