Mizuta Ichilang knew the temper of his old classmate very well, so he said while packing up the documents:

"Don't waste the precious time this kid bought for us. Matsunaga, send a few death row prisoners over. My experiment can no longer wait for the results."

"Okay, if you have any needs, just ask, the superiors will not disagree."

After saying that, Matsunaga Kaichiro glanced at the Stone Wings next door through the glass window, and walked out silently. Outside the door, Ishibori Mitsuhiko seemed to have been waiting for a long time, followed the manager, and said softly:

"I have an idea about Zaki. I hope the management officer will listen..."

On the other side, in the Kingdom of Light, the first generation Ultraman was sparring with Ultraman Jack in the Ultra Gym. Suddenly, the first generation stopped and said subconsciously:


"Coming?" Jack was stunned for a moment, then realized, "Oh, is that feeling coming?!"

"That's right, I'm going to find Hikari!"

‘Wash your socks! ’

The first generation took off on the spot with a low roar, and hurried towards the Space Science and Technology Bureau. On the way, the first generation felt that the sleepiness was getting more and more fierce. He was so sleepy that he almost hit the building next to him, but the first generation, as a battle-hardened light, How could a warrior be knocked down by this sleepiness? He kept his energy and went straight to the Space Science and Technology Bureau, found Hikali and said:

"That feeling came to me!"

"Quick! Lie down! Sleep!"

Hikali hurriedly pulled out a newly specially made instrument bed, let the first generation lie down, and then covered it with a glass cover, nervously preparing to record every piece of data in it, but after a moment, the first generation silently pushed open the glass cover and sat down Beside the bed, he was silent for a moment and said softly:

"What, that sleepiness... seems to have been carried away by me..."


Hikali was stunned for a moment, then didn't say anything more and nodded understandingly. After all, he also had that experience. When you feel sleepy or something, as long as you survive that period, you won't be sleepy again.

"Then...Man, next time you feel sleepy, just lie down and sleep. I will make you a special communicator so that I can find you after you fall asleep."

"This can only be like this, alas...how could this happen...ouch..."

027 Codename ‘Kamen Rider’

Just when the first generation felt deep regret for overcoming the sleepiness, Gen Subaru in the Wings of Stone had already regained consciousness. It has to be said that the recovery ability of this statue is indeed very satisfactory, but it is a pity that this thing may It will cause some side effects, otherwise it would be so comfortable to just lie inside after the injection.

"Subaru, how are you feeling now?"

Seeing the young man walking out of the Stone Wings, Mizuda Ichilang, who had been awake all night, came over with bloodshot eyes. He nervously patted Yuan Subaru's body and asked with concern. Yuan Subaru opened his mouth. He turned his hand in a circle, then assumed a strong posture, and said with a smile:

"Everything is fine!"

"As expected of Stone Wings, it's really shocking that the medical work was completed so quickly."

Mizuda Yilang collected some of Yuan Subaru's blood and dropped it into the experimental test tube. Looking at the unchanged reagent, he couldn't help but sigh and said:

"It would be great if your cells could stabilize. In that case, Stone Wings would be a better backup support for you."

"It counts now."

While taking off his hospital gown, Yuan Subaru took out his coat from the box next to him and said calmly:

"Everything has a price, but sometimes you don't realize the price. This is what my mother-in-law taught me. I think it makes sense. By the way, where is Mr. Matsunaga?"

"Let's go to Area L."

Mizuda Yilang didn't know what he was thinking, so he answered casually:

"Matsunaga said that if you are in good health, he will ask you to find him there. He said that the venue you requested last time has been arranged."

"Okay, I'll leave now, Mr. Shuitian, see you later."

"Slow down on the road."

Mizuda Ichilang looked at the reckless Gen Subaru and couldn't help shouting behind him. After seeing the boy raise an 'OK' gesture towards him, he returned to the room and sat on the chair. Knowing what he was thinking about, after a long time, he stood up slowly, picked up the test tube containing Subaru's blood, stared at the bright red liquid in it, and whispered to himself:

"The price..."

"Mr. Matsunaga, I'm here."


Looking at Gen Subaru who seemed to be unable to stop the brakes as he ran over, Matsunaga asked Ichiro to reach out and take it, then knocked the boy on the head angrily and said softly:

"My body has just recovered. Be honest and be reckless. My old bones may not be able to catch you every time."

"Don't say that. Mr. Matsunaga is still very young and has a strong body."

Yuan Subaru smiled and replied, then looked around and said softly:

"Is this right here?"


Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at the vast field in front of him and said:

"According to your request, this space is enough for you to expand your Meta Domain, and the visitors also helped install the jammer. Zaki should not be able to detect your shock waves, and he should not be able to invade your Meta Domain. ,but...."

Having said this, the manager pushed up his glasses and said helplessly:

"The battle dolls and simulated dark field tests you want are currently not something we can do, so please be considerate."

"This is already very good. To be honest, I didn't expect you to be able to do it so quickly. How about I give it a try first?"

"Try it and tell me if you don't like it," Matsunaga Kaichiro said while stepping back to make room, "Don't worry, just pretend that TLT-J's logistics department is run by your family."

"Hoho, then I'm not welcome, Nexus!"

Gen Subaru turned into a giant and expanded the Meta Field. In the desolate field, he lowered his head and looked at the [Armed Nexus] in his hands. During the battle with the first-generation Ultraman, he noticed the flexibility , the reason why the light with almost no forward sway can be so powerful seems to be caused by the impact of storing negative energy in one hand and positive energy in the other when the hands meet. After experiencing countless light rays, The young man thought that he must have made a mistake in this principle.

Now, Yuan Subaru wants to integrate this skill into the 'Cross Ray Storm'. This is also a helpless move. After all, he currently lacks a decisive move that can make the final decision...

No, you can't say that. In fact, Yuan Subaru also has a skill [Over-Ray Schtrom]. This skill is far more powerful than 'Cross Ray Storm' and 'Core Pulse'. Although this skill is projection It was used in the red youth form of Nexus, but during the discussion with the projection, I also imitated half of it.

Why do you say half of it is used... How should I put it? After all, the body strength of the juvenile form is still a bit low and cannot withstand such violent light energy output. The power is still there, but once used, it will kill a thousand enemies and cause self-destruction. Qian is in an embarrassing situation, so now he can only find a unique way to strengthen the power of the skills he has learned so far.

But thinking on the optimistic side, if this technique is successfully applied to 'Cross Ray Storm', it can be integrated into other light skills, which is great! When I think about it, I feel very motivated!

Yuan Subaru clenched his fists to cheer himself up, and then began to practice repeatedly...

"Manager, is this...?"

At the same time, on the other side, the members of the night attack team were heading to the equipment warehouse in Area K under the leadership of Matsunaga Koichiro. Wakura Eisuke looked at the weapons around him in surprise. He felt that his eyes could hardly use them, and he couldn't help but cry out. Asking in a loud voice, Matsunaga Kaichiro waved his hand to signal them not to stop here, and continued to walk forward. He and Kura Eisuke and the others came to a room full of training cabins.

However, what was placed in the liquid-filled culture chamber was not flesh, but full-body armor. However, the material of the armor seemed to make people feel some instinctive discomfort.

"Actually, I plan to wait before issuing this weapon to you. After all, it is not yet stable."

Matsunaga Kaichiro pushed up his glasses, turned to look at the people in the night attack team and said:

"But this battle has reminded us that if the enemy uses poison gas, vacuum and other means, our combat methods will be limited to fighter planes. This is not possible. In that case, if an unexpected situation occurs , we might become a burden, so..."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to knock on the training cabin and said in a solemn voice:

"The next time we cooperate with Nexus to attack, these armors codenamed 'Kamen Rider' will be issued to you. During this period, we will try our best to improve its functions, but if there is still a malfunction, please help us. Be mentally prepared!”

028 A group of childish ghosts

After saying this, Matsunaga Kaichiro retracted his waving hand, silently looked at everyone in the night attack team and said:

"If you have anything to say, you can say it here. You can speak freely, but after you leave here, I hope you can strictly abide by the confidentiality agreement."

"I have a question."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wakura Eisuke took up the conversation, looked directly at the manager and said:

"What was the original code name for this project?"


Hearing this, Matsunaga Kaichiro was silent for a moment, turned his head slightly, and said in a solemn voice:

"Exoskeleton biochemical individual combat unit module."

"Manager, please don't fall into the second grade, okay?"

Wakura Eisuke said with a serious face:

"Also, even if it is to be named, I should have a certain say as the captain of the Night Raid Team. I propose to call it Super Sentai!"

ah? ! X2

Saijo Nagi and Hiraki Shiori turned to look at their captain in astonishment, "Okay, captain, why are you also in the second grade?"

"What nonsense are you talking about..."

Matsunaga Kaichiro pushed up his glasses and stared straight at Eisuke Wakura. His serious look made Saijo Nagi and Hiraki Shiori relax. After all, compared to 'Super Sentai', the codename 'Kamen Rider' seems... .. No, can't we honestly call it an 'exoskeleton biochemical individual combat unit model'? How serious this is!

Just when Saijo Nagi was full of complaints, Matsunaga asked Ichiro to hold out four fingers and said in a solemn voice:

"Super Sentai needs to have five people. You are only four. If you include the additional warriors, there will be more than five!"

"If you think about it, isn't Subaru just an additional warrior?"

At this time, Ishihori Mitsuhiko, who was standing behind, couldn't help but interjected. After hearing this, Wakura Eisuke turned around and looked at Ishihori Mitsuhiko's eyes, and his eyes suddenly became recognized.

"Then there are only four of you, so you can't call us a Super Sentai!"

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to be decisive, and waved his hand in a scolding manner. The proud smile on his face was like a villain's success. He saw that the fists of Wakura Eisuke and Ishibori Mitsuhiko suddenly became hard, and Saijo Nagi's hair was blackened. He stood a little further away silently.


At this time, Shiori Hiragi carefully raised his hand and suggested in a low voice:

"Why don't you call me Pink-haired Bunny? I'll write it down in the record later that the alien beast was killed by Pink-haired Bunny. It's quite impressive, right?"


"It's Kamen Rider!"

"Manager, including you, you fit right in with Super Sentai!"

"Super Sentai has four boys and one girl, and your genders don't match!"

"Saijo can dress up as a man!"

Captain (Wakura), you are awesome, you dare to say this...

As Wakura Eisuke shouted these words, the closed dark room suddenly became quiet. Matsunaga Kaichiro looked at Wakura Eisuke who woke up with the eyes of a dead person, and suddenly he was covered in cold sweat, and then he and everyone They all looked at Nagi Saijo who was standing aside.

At this time, the vice-captain stared at Eisuke Wakura with a cold face, and said in a calm tone:

"Call Kamen Rider."

"Well, Saijo, listen to me..."

"Call Kamen Rider!"

"Saijiao, this..."

"Fake! Face! Rider! Soldier!"


"A boring argument."

As Saijo Nagi spoke, he pushed open the door and left here. As he walked, he couldn't help exhaling, smiling helplessly and whispering:

"A bunch of old men who haven't grown up, let's see how I deal with you... Subaru?"

Saijo Nagi smiled as he returned to the conference room of the Night Raid Team, only to see a staff member helping Gen Subaru wrap a bandage, and the bandage was quickly infected by the oozing blood.

"What's going on here?"

Saijo Nagi hurriedly walked over, helped to deal with the wounds on the boy's hands and arms, and said nervously:

"Did the enemy just appear?"

"No, I accidentally hurt myself during training."

With the assistance of two people, Gen Subaru's injury was quickly taken care of. The staff member smiled politely at Nagi Saijo, then reached out to touch Gen Subaru and left.

"he is...."

"Kudo Yono from the Logistics Department."

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