Such a weak attack was naturally quite easy for Hitram to dodge, just like a cat teasing a mouse. While dodging, he said in a weird accent:

"Oh, oh, why are you angry? I'm not afraid that she will die too quickly and you won't have time to say goodbye to her. I'm so kind, why do you still want to hurt me? Wow, eh, humans are really a A heartless race.”


"Okay, I've had enough fun, Yusha Lei, it's time to play your due role."

Seeing Youshalei's angry and distorted expression, Hitram seemed to have seen some satisfactory work. He smiled and nodded. Then he stopped playing and began to concentrate on the focus of this operation.

It has to be said that these earthlings are really capable. After being chased by their dark giants for so long, they can actually come up with such tricks as real and fake general bases. However, the struggle of the ants is just a joke, even if there are two The base is all real. Don’t they have enough manpower in the Dark Giant?

Hitram knocked the dagger from Youshalei's hand, and then his body began to return to its size. He held Youshalei in his hand, pushed open the upper level of the base, and went to find the dark giant Gang who came with him. Dagon, the powerful fighter, is ready to go back with him.

But at this moment, suddenly, Hitram felt strange fluctuations, which made his hair stand on end. Dagon, who was destroying the barrier outside, couldn't help but stop working, rubbed his arms, and raised his head. Come on, look left and right to see what made him react so big.

Hitram also wanted to know the answer. He carefully sealed Youshalei with energy to prevent something from taking this human away or killing him. After all, this woman opened the door and found the eternal core. key!

Seeing Hitram's actions, those in Youshalei who were able to escape gathered together at this moment, and their companions hiding in the dark also stopped their movements quickly. They came to rescue Yousalei, although their combat power was They are not as good as this dark giant, but the dark giant's arrogance and arrogance can still allow them to find opportunities.

"Damn it, what the hell is it, get out of here!"

Soon, that weird feeling oppressed Hitram and he yelled in annoyance. He felt an unprecedented dullness, like the sultry heat before a thunderstorm, and thick dark clouds piled up in front of his eyes, like... A dark sky was approaching him step by step.

At this time, the air suddenly became heavy. Hitram and Dagon realized that this 'thunderstorm' might be coming, and they couldn't help but cheer up. However, the sound of rain did not arrive, but the sound of wind became louder and louder. , getting more and more manic.

Just when Dagon was about to punch twice to vent his anger, a huge red ring wrapped in silver light appeared out of thin air in front of Hitram...

216 Where did the immortal come from?

The appearance of this ring immediately made Dagon realize the origin of the oppression just now, but Hitram had no time to think about it, because as soon as the halo appeared, it was right in front of him, knocking it away. Going out, the strong force immediately made Hitram feel like he was floating on water. He floated up and down for a long distance. If Dagona hadn't blocked it with his body, Hitram would have continued to dig in the ground with his body. pit.

On the other side, the red ring turned into a fiery red sphere due to high temperature friction. It was also rising and falling like a bouncy ball, but after just three jumps, it fell to the ground, triggering There was a loud explosion, and a thick smoke-like energy reaction rose up.

At the same time, Hitram, whose head was buzzing, subconsciously shook his hand and realized that Yousalei, whom he had caught, had disappeared, while the white-haired girl saw the bright and beautiful scene in a trance. In the middle of the gentle light, a dagger-like device emerged.

You Shalei blinked her eyes. She didn't know what this thing was, but her intuition told her that this thing seemed to be called by her. Considering her current situation, she didn't hesitate for long before she got up and grabbed the thing. The name of the dagger device, [Evolved Truster], suddenly appeared in her mind.

Then, Youshalei felt that her body was suddenly out of control. She held the sheath with one hand and the handle with the other hand, and pulled it out suddenly. As golden light spots lit up, Youshalei saw a small blurred The figure condensed in the light spot, and the kind-hearted being nodded slightly towards Youshalei. A noun suddenly appeared in Youshalei's consciousness, and she whispered subconsciously:


‘Ting! ’

Before she finished speaking, Youshalei's vision was suddenly occupied by a large burst of light. At the same time, outside, Hitram and Dagon saw a giant figure slowly appearing in the rising white smoke, silver and black. The body, the arms, and the sagittal energy core emit a dangerous red light.

However, both Hitram and Dagon also saw that the energy core on his chest was translucent and looked particularly uncoordinated, as if a piece of the puzzle was missing and something was randomly found to make up for it.

Thinking of this, Dagon and Hitram looked at each other. Although they didn't know what was going on with this giant, but judging from the fighting spirit and murderous aura emanating from him, he probably wasn't a friend. In this case, you're considering your weaknesses. Once you are exposed, we will reluctantly capture you!

Hitram grinned, and the short sword on his right wrist, which was similar to a dagger, was wiped lightly with his fingers. Then he dragged a blue afterimage and killed Nexus at an astonishing speed. Behind him, Dagon, who seemed to be wearing heavy armor, also issued a deafening war cry and charged forward, like a heavily armored chariot, carrying an unstoppable momentum and approaching.

This, this, this, this... How to control this?

In Nexus's body, Youshalei looked at the whiteness around her, endured the pain, and tried to kick and kick to see if this giant could react according to her thoughts and actions.

"Human sister, you are injured, let me fight this one."

At this time, Youshalei heard a rather childish voice echoing in the whiteness, and then she saw that her vision had changed. Nexus opened his posture, took two small steps, and then turned around and hit his elbow.

With amazing speed, Hitram, who almost teleported behind Nexus and wanted to put the dagger on his neck, caught Nexus' elbow with his face.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru took a step back, then leaned forward suddenly, and the strong force directly pressed against Hitram's chest. The dark giant known as the "Junmin Strategist" screamed immediately and was pressed forward, like a meteorite, directly crashing into the distant mountain.

Seeing this scene, Dagon's heart trembled. With this kind of strength, he was a match for him. Let me see who is stronger!

Dagon laughed and quickened his pace. The momentum of the charge was even more terrifying. The drill-like airflow gathered in front of him. The rocks and debris that were swept in were instantly crushed into powder by the strong wind pressure. Seeing this, Yuan Subaru took a deep breath and gathered energy on the [Armed Nexus] on his left arm. While accumulating power, he also stared at the distance between him and Dagon.

Just as the airflow had already used the debris in it as bullets to shoot at Nexus, and Youshalei couldn't help holding her breath because of the extremely close distance, Yuan Subaru's eyes flashed with a gleam of light. This moment was a good time!

So, Yuan Subaru suddenly made a move, raised his left arm, and hit upwards. The condensed power was projected into a huge energy fist, which violently dispersed the whistling and sharp airflow, curbed the power of the charge, and hit Dagon's chin. With an uppercut, Dagon flew into the air.

Then, Yuan Subaru stomped his feet, jumped up with a sound of "Taku", and a blazing flame ignited on his right leg. He kicked Dagon's chest quickly and accurately, causing a loud explosion, turning this dark giant into a drill and drilling into the earth.

Wow... so awesome...

When Youshalei saw this scene, she was stunned. Hitram and Dagon, the two dark giants, had torn apart all the defenses of their Earth Star Defense Army. When Youshalei recalled the feeling of powerlessness, she still felt a pain in her heart. Now they would show such an ugly appearance in the battle. This was a scene that Youshalei had never expected.

What kind of body am I in... Nexus? Nexus? I have never heard of this name.

"Cough, cough, cough!!!"

At this moment, Youshalei suddenly heard a burst of rapid coughing. She could tell that the owner of this voice seemed to be injured. She couldn't help but ask nervously:

"Um, are you okay? Why don't you take a break and let me fight for a while?"

"Don't worry, you will have a chance to fight later, and those two guys are still alive and well now."

Yuan Subaru's condition was really bad. He was stabbed in the heart by Noah's clone, and the power of the demon crystal was forcibly stripped away. He almost died there on the spot. If it weren't for the back-up of Senior Reijido to form an energy closed loop, preventing the escape of the light particle aggregate, and collecting and converting the free energy around to himself, he would have no strength to fight the two dark giants now.

However, when fighting, he still has to pay attention to the output power and operation of the energy. Pain is a small matter. The main worry is that it will cause an overload on the energy core, and then kill himself on the spot.

Subaru took a few deep breaths and redesigned the optimal energy flow plan for his current state, transferring the pressure from the energy core to other key nodes of the body in a balanced manner. Then he activated Ultraman's telekinesis and grasped the two dark giants in the mountains and the ground who wanted to launch a sneak attack. They stared with big eyes that said "I can't understand" and were forcibly dragged out by Subaru.

Hitram and Dagon struggled hard in the air, but the invisible big hand on their heads was still exerting force. Dagon was better, but Hitram felt that his skull was about to be crushed.


Hearing Hitram's miserable and shrill cry, Dagon immediately understood something, clenched his fists, and aqua-blue energy condensed on his fists. As he opened his arms and turned them, a lightning-like energy link appeared between his fists. The energy condensed like an airflow, accompanied by lightning, all condensed on his right hand. Dagon hit the ground with this ball of energy, and the energy like earth fire exploded along the ground, killing Yuan Subaru.

On the other side, Hitram raised the short sword on his arm, and all the energy was concentrated on the sword, making it rush out along the sword like a torrent, cooperating with Dagon's ultimate move, attacking Yuan Subaru from the left and right.

In response, Yuan Subaru temporarily put away his ultra-psychic power, raised his hands above his head, and a pure white ring suddenly appeared, absorbing all the two fatal energy. Then, as Yuan Subaru's arm moved, the ring followed. They fell together, trapping Nexus's body in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, Nexus suddenly stretched out his arms and pushed to the left and right. The ring was split into two and turned into a crescent-shaped light blade, whizzing towards Hitram and Dagon. The dark giant sensed the danger of this light blade and hurriedly gathered strength to prepare for the upcoming attack.

But when the light blade approached them, Nexus snapped his fingers, and the light blade turned into a hot explosive bomb. Hitram and Dagon were caught off guard and immediately ate the high explosive that hit their faces, and let out a mysterious sound. Sarai couldn't help but scream with goosebumps when she heard it.

But the fiery red fireworks made Yousha Lei feel a little more hopeful. She looked up at the white space and said softly:


"No, although he was seriously injured, he still has breath."

Yuan Subaru raised his eyes and glanced at Dagon, who was carrying Hitram on his back and digging a hole in the ground frantically. For a moment, he suddenly felt that this guy's brain might not work very well. With the speed at which he was digging holes, he couldn't stand it. Even in the form of a fit person, he can catch up.

But I have to say that this guy's skills are pretty good. He digs in front and blocks in the back. It's an unexpected coordination.

"Then let's hurry up...hey?!"

Hearing Yuan Subaru's answer, Youshalei eagerly wanted to ask him to destroy the two dark giants, but before she finished speaking, Youshalei felt a sense of powerlessness, and then a light flashed in front of her eyes. Flash, the next second, she returned to the real world from the white space.

"Sorry, forgive me, I just fought with an enemy before, and now I have no energy to chase those two guys anymore."

At this time, that childish voice sounded in Youshalei’s ears again:

"But I have already severely injured them. I don't think I will be able to do any more evil in a short time."

"Well, thank you for your assistance, about let me chase them."

When Youshalei heard this, she couldn't help being stunned, and then said hurriedly, listening to what this mysterious existence meant, she should be able to fight in the giant form, so it was not easy to get Hitram and Dagon together. They were seriously injured. If she didn't kill them now, Yousha Lei felt like she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

"You should also be considerate of yourself. The injuries on your body are almost killing you."

You Shalei was stunned. Only then did she realize that the wound on her waist seemed to no longer hurt. She quickly took out a mirror from her arms and looked through the reflection. She found that her waist was already covered in black and blue. Hope Tram's dagger was obviously poisonous, but the light lingering on the wound prevented the poison from spreading.

There is no doubt that this is the handwriting of that mysterious existence. At this time, Youshalei heard the voice and continued:

"I was summoned to this world by your request for help, but my condition is too bad and I cannot maintain the light particle aggregate for a long time. I can only rely on you to recover. At the same time, your injuries will also be affected by My existence will tend to get better, and various functions of the body will also improve to varying degrees. Therefore, let us live in peace during this period."

Youshalei heard the fatigue in the tone of the mysterious being, and knew that he had indeed tried his best. If he asked him to give his energy to herself in this situation to chase the dark giant, he might be killing others. , but this opportunity is really...

At this moment, it seemed that Yuan Subaru noticed Yusalei's unwillingness, and the voice continued to ring in the white-haired girl's ears:

"I can defeat them once, and I can defeat them a second time. But if possible, I don't want to die on this strange planet, but when the time comes, I will sacrifice everything for the continuation of human civilization, so, Just be patient for now, and when I recover a little, my combat power will not let you down."

"Okay, sorry, I was a little confused."

Youshalei nodded in agreement, and then whispered with some guilt:

"Obviously you have already helped us like this, but I am still so greedy..."

"I've said it before. If it were me, I'd probably be a little more extreme than you. So you and I are evenly matched. No one can tell anyone. Let's just let this matter go. By the way, I didn't know you were. ..."

"You Shalei, I am the leader of the Earth Star Defense Force."

Yousale immediately answered, and it was not difficult to hear her recognition of this identity from her tone. However, Yuan Subaru felt that the combination of this title was a bit strange, but considering that this was a different world, there was no need to worry about this small problem. , so Yuan Subaru also cleared his throat and responded softly:

"I am Ultraman Nexus Gen Subaru. Yusha Lei, just call me Subaru. Don't use honorifics like 'you'. I am not very used to such terms. We will still get along with each other in the future." For a while, it’s better to be casual.”

217 Ah~my Telika

To be honest, Yuan Subaru is already very sleepy now. As long as Yusha Lei is not in danger, he will go straight to sleep. Now that he has finally reached an agreement with this white-haired girl, Yuan Subaru naturally goes without saying a word. After resting, for some reason, he always had a sense of urgency, as if there was a sword hanging over his head. This tension of unknown origin made him subconsciously want to regain his fighting strength as soon as possible.

After seeing the dark giant and the silver-black giant disappear, the members of the Earth Star Defense Force immediately ran over, but they did not ask anything at the spot. They simply checked the code and initially determined the identity of Yousha Lei. After that, he immediately carried the injured regiment leader on his back and moved to the new safe base.

After all, they can't guarantee whether the two disappeared dark giants will appear here again.

Just as the Earth Army's security team was transferring, Dagon's head suddenly popped out of the ground thousands of miles away. He carefully looked around and made sure that the god of death who descended from the sky had not followed, and then he relaxed. He jumped out of the ground in a hurry. When shaking off the soil on his body, he only heard a "clang" sound, and a piece of the armor on his chest jumped off.

Then, Dagon's expression suddenly changed as the severe pain felt like a piece of flesh and bone had been cut off. He was busy escaping just now. His strong desire to survive made him ignore his injuries for the time being. Now after heaving a sigh of relief, Dagon Feeling unprecedented pain, he looked down and saw that the breastplate where the flying kick landed was full of cracks. Dagon even felt that if he moved even a little, his surface protection would be completely shattered.

What exactly is that? It can’t be the potential power of human beings on this planet, right? !

Dagon couldn't figure it out. He subconsciously looked at Hitram who was still in the cave. He hoped that this companion, who usually had many ideas as a ghost master, would give some more analysis, but he looked at Hitram who could be called a bloody mess. With his appearance, Dagon thought it would be better to worry about whether he could survive first.

No, we have to go find Carmilla and Triga quickly. There are such changes on the earth, so they have to be on guard. As for the eternal core, I'm afraid we can only think about it in the long term...

Thinking of this, Dagon gritted his teeth, picked up Hitram, endured the injuries on his body, and embarked on the road to find the other two dark giants.

At this time, Dagon said that Carmilla and Teliga had penetrated another Earth Army guard base. Although no trace of Yousale was found, they did not appear to be in a hurry.

Carmilla, who is a female dark giant, looks like she is wearing a strapless dress, with two ribbon-like decorations hanging down along her arms. The tear-stained lines on her face and purple lips reveal a bit of danger. And the breath of charm.

Next to her, Teliga was wearing black armor. There were two long thorns extending backwards on the shoulders of the armor. In addition, the pattern on the armor resembled a skeleton. Combined with his fierce eyes, he looked Extraordinarily brutal.

At this time, Carmilla put one hand on Teliga's shoulder, leaned forward slightly with her upper body, and used her other hand to touch Teliga's cheek. She moved her fingers down and across Teliga's cheek. Her chin, throat, and finally landed on her chest. While flirting, she said in a gentle tone:

"I know that this level of fighting cannot satisfy you, but now that I am by your side, please shift your eyes from the fighting to me, my beloved Teliga."


The dark giant named Triga did not speak, but silently held Carmilla's hand, and squeezed it a little harder. Then, Carmilla seemed to have drank a mellow strong drink, and was like being sucked. As if the bones had been removed, the whole body lay on Teliga's body.

But just when Carmila's other hand started to act dishonestly, Teliga suddenly pushed it away. Carmila quickly used her weak legs to support her body, but she still couldn't help but staggered back two steps. , Carmilla immediately looked at Triga with a small, resentful look, as if to say, are you so reactive?

Teliga didn't pay attention to Carmilla's actions. How should I put it? People who are favored are always confident. Moreover, he still has something serious to do this time. I believe Carmila will understand him after seeing what happens next. Reaction.

Seeing Trigga turning around to leave, Carmila also realized that the situation might be different from what she thought, so she hurriedly followed her. Then she saw a scene that shocked her, and she couldn't help shouting:

"Dagon?! Is this Hitram?! How did you become like this?!"

While Carmilla and Teliga were rescuing Dagon and Hitram, on the Earth Star Guards side, Yousalei was also surrounded by medical staff and scientific researchers from the Guards. The former was dealing with Touching You Shalei's wound, the latter fervently hopes to learn as much information about the silver-black giant from You Shalei's mouth as possible. If it can be imitated or even copied, it will be a great benefit. information!

But Youshalei doesn't know much, but one thing is certain...

"This is the power of 'light'!"

You Shalei looked at the scientific researchers in front of her and said with a smile:

"It is the 'light' that can respond to human thoughts!"

"Lady Youshalei, you..."

"OK OK!"

Seeing those people continuing to struggle, the medical staff interrupted them dissatisfied, frowning and said:

"Lady Youshalei almost lost her life. Even if there is a problem, we have to let Lady Yousalei sleep for a while before talking about it. Besides, isn't that dagger-like thing already used by you for research? ? Put your energy on that first.”

Hearing this, the scientific researchers could only exit the room. The doctors and nurses smiled at Youshalei and nodded, and then left quietly.

Looking at this room that was finally hers alone, Youshalei couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. To be honest, she didn't like noisy environments very much, but now was not the time to rest. After hesitating for a while, Youshalei closed her eyes and began to try to call the mysterious existence named 'Yuan Subaru'. Now she still had many questions that she wanted to get answered...

"Don't shout, I've been woken up."

Youshalei just started calling, and Yuan Subaru's voice sounded in her mind:

"I didn't expect that it would feel like this to be attached to other people. It's quite interesting to be affected by the host's senses."

"Subaru, um, can you tell me where you are from, and do you have other partners?"

Youshalei listened to Yuan Subaru's voice, recalled the previous conversation, and said directly:

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