
It's very reference.

Yuan Subaru feels that he can find something that he can learn from, and maybe he can further develop his 'galaxy'.

In this way, Yuan Subaru and Yu Shalei spent another day doing their own business. Of course, before going to bed, Yu Shalei pestered Yuan Subaru again and listened to the universe's bedtime story for a while. The day's hard work is over.

However, this sleep was not a solid one. At about 4:20 in the morning, Yuan Subaru, who was studying the artifact, flashed murderous intent in his eyes. As his thoughts started, the 'evolutionary truster' who was being studied, He broke through the protection and walls and came to Yousha Lei's room.

And under the control of her mind, the body of Yousalei, who was still sleeping, held the transformer and pulled it out. In the bright light, the silver-black Nexus jumped out, light and easy. It fell on the high mountain.

"Teliga, that's the guy!"

In Yuan Subaru's sight, the crippled Hitram was carried here by the half-crippled Dagon. After seeing Nexus appear, Hitram, who had only three fingers left, immediately pointed at Yuan Subaru shouted in a tearful voice towards the dark giant beside him, as if a beaten junior brought his senior to seek revenge.

"Friend, be careful, this guy is very good at fighting..."

Dagon reminded Triga in a cautious tone, fearing that his friend and rival might misjudge the situation of the battle because of Hitram's oiled mouth.

Teliga nodded, then glanced at Carmilla beside him. After the two reached an agreement, they immediately rushed towards Nexus side by side.

Looking at the two dark giants, Yuan Subaru stretched out his hand and grabbed some energy on his neck, then threw it into the air. The golden light rain fell, and the Meta Field expanded. Triga immediately realized that something was wrong. He fired black and red light bullets from his hands in an attempt to stop the expansion of the Meta Domain.

But at the same time, Yuan Subaru pressed his hand on [Armed Nexus], and with a flash of light, a ball of light was emitted into the air, and then turned into a dense feather of particles bombarding down, Karl Mira raised her left hand and took out a slender, soft and flexible energy whip with her right hand from the wrist of her left hand. After pouring energy into it, it immediately started to dance and turned into a huge shield, blocking all particles. feather.

At this moment, Dagon and Hitram also realized that they were lagging behind, otherwise Carmilla wouldn't have to expend strength to deploy such a large shield, so they turned around and were about to leave, but they obviously underestimated Meta. The speed of expansion of the field, and the 'ultimate cross barrier' outside.

"Well...this field can suppress our power and absorb our energy..."

Carmilla immediately noticed the bulkiness of her body, and whispered to Teliga with a somewhat ugly face. Teliga did not speak, but accelerated her body towards Nexus, and with the black mist spreading from her body, Teliga's speed and strength have also been improved to a certain extent.

Yuan Subaru was jumping into the air, spinning his body horizontally at high speed, friction with the atmosphere to generate heat and light, turning into a huge light dart similar to an eight-point light wheel, and rushed towards Teliga.

Seeing such an attack, Teliga concentrated energy on his right hand, and then swung it horizontally. The long energy blade extended out and struck the side of the light dart, hoping to break through this relatively weak area and interrupt it. Yuan Subaru's attack.

But just when the energy blade was about to hit, the high-speed rotating light dart suddenly stopped, and the energy blade grazed Nexus's waist in parallel. Yuan Subaru relied on the force of this sudden stop. He threw himself into the sky at high speed, dodged Hitram's sneak attack with the dancing posture of a swallow, and after finding the right angle, he immediately fell like a meteor.

Trigga's expression changed, and he hurriedly swung out a burst of energy, knocking back Carmilla who was caught off guard, and avoiding the meteor flying kick. However, as soon as Yuan Subaru landed, he flew up with another kick, and a scorching fire started. With violent power, a Leo flying kick hit Carmilla's abdomen.

Amid the screams of the dark giant, she flew backwards at high speed and hit Dagon and Hitram who couldn't dodge. Like bowling, these three people smashed the red protrusions in Meta's field. The rocks smoothed out a plain.


At this time, Teliga clenched his fists and let out a ferocious roar. His figure flashed and relied on the black mist to teleport to Yuan Subaru's side. He punched out, his fist carrying the wind and making a whirring sound. The punches were harder than the others, attacking Nexus' vital points.

Yuan Subaru caught several of Teliga's punches with his elbows, saw the right moment, and kicked Teliga's knee, making his kicks aborted. At the same time, Nexus raised his leg to sweep , like heavy whip blows, came out one after another, forcing Teliga to retreat continuously.

Just when Teliga was focusing on his lower body, Yuan Subaru suddenly changed his tactics, pretending to kick, but actually moving forward. After closing the distance, he made a fist with his right hand and moved forward with his front elbow from right to left, hitting Teliga's chest. On the left cheek, Teliga's reaction was also very fast, and he was able to catch the elbow blow with his palm.

However, the strong force still made Triga turn his face away. His palm failed to firmly grasp Nexus' elbow joint. Yuan Subaru immediately moved back from left to right with lightning speed and struck with his back elbow. Hit Telicah on the right cheek.

Triga swallowed up all the damage caused by that blow, and there was a buzzing sound in his head, and the sharp chirping of cicadas sounded, and he couldn't help but feel a momentary trance.

But Trigga's fighting instincts were pretty good. He was covered in armor and there were not many vulnerable parts exposed, so he raised his hands to protect his face, and violent black energy lightning also splashed out without any blind spots. And out.

If it had been before, Yuan Subaru would have rushed forward with this energy lightning, and then given this Triga an elbow from the back of the head, but now he can only choose to give in, after all, he is now using Yousalei His body is fighting, and if he is seriously injured, the injury will pass over him, leaving scars on the white-haired girl. This is what Yuan Subaru does not want to see.

But blindly retreating has never been Yuan Subaru's style. He took a step back to avoid the strongest period of the black energy lightning burst. Then he struck forward with one hand, and the light grenade crashed into Teliga's defensive arms. , the power of the explosion made him take two steps back.

Yuan Subaru also rushed forward at this moment, wanting to launch a series of blows. Trigga also recovered at this time and began to parry Nexus's movements. In response, Yuan Subaru did not confront Nexus and turned around. He avoided Teliga's heavy punch with his body, went around his back, hugged him, gritted his teeth, and suddenly exerted force. While leaning back, he lifted Teliga into the air and spun him around. It hit the ground hard.

Seeing this scene, Carmilla let out a shrill roar. Seeing her lover injured, which was more painful than her being kicked by Leo Flying, she immediately summoned a light blue energy rod to release a whirlwind. , knocking Yuan Subaru away from Teliga, Dagon also realized that now was not the time to watch, he made a fist with one hand, hammered the ground, as if igniting an engine, and rushed forward like a chariot. go out.

Carmilla also wanted to rush over with Dagon, but at this moment, the seriously injured Hitram held her back. Just when Nexus and Teliga were fighting, he noticed that this opponent was every When he exerted force for the first time, faint dark lines flashed across his arms, as if black blood was flowing in his body. This gave Hitram some new ideas, but this idea could only be realized by Carmilla.

"Get out of my way!"

On the other side, Dagon has rushed to Teliga's side. In these two battles, he has realized that this opponent's fighting skills and experience are quite amazing, especially in terms of finding flaws, even if it is If the vulnerability deliberately sold to him is caught by it, it can also be forced to expand and collapse its own defense.

Isn't this an old monster that came down from some cosmic meat grinder battlefield?

Dagon couldn't help but murmured in his heart, but the movements of his hands were still unusually crisp. Together with Teliga, he took the left, and Teliga took the right. The two of them moved one after another, with fists and kicks, oppressing Nai. Xexus's range of movement limits his fighting performance, leaving him with no room to display his myriad skills.

It has to be said that this kind of cooperation did successfully suppress Yuan Subaru in the early stage. After all, Yuan Subaru had not been besieged for a while, but after a few simple moves, the combat response trained in the deep blue space was quick. Awakening.

During the series of blows, Nexus grabbed Dagon's arm. At the same time, he suddenly tightened his knees and kicked out, hitting the inside of Teliga's knees, interrupting his offensive rhythm. Then, he quickly cut into Dagon's arms, pressed against Dagon's waist, pulled him towards him, and threw him to the ground from behind.

This thunderous counterattack was accompanied by scolding. Before Dagondu could even react to what was going on, his perspective shifted to the ground. Triga could not help but roll on the spot, and avoided Yuan Subaru's jab with some embarrassment. , and incidentally protected Dagon, who fell to the ground and began to twitch his muscles, to prevent his companion from being beaten to death by random punches.

Hitram, who was in the distance, also raised his dagger, used it as a sniper rifle, and shot out energy spikes to block Yuan Subaru's pursuit. At this moment, he quietly touched the person who had moved to another place. Carmilla looked at Nexus's back and launched a surprise attack...

220 A new storm has emerged

Although it was a surprise attack, Carmila did not rush forward and tried to engage in close combat with Yuan Subaru. After making several circles with her hands in front of her chest in the posture of the Thousand-Armed Guanyin, she charged up like a roc spreading her wings, then lowered her center of gravity and pressed down. With his hands, he released a dark spell entwined with purple-red dark energy and attacked Yuan Subaru.

This is the spell of darkness. Hitram speculates that the opponent may also have dark power hidden in his body this time. Therefore, he hopes that Carmilla will find the right time to use this spell to stimulate the dark energy in his body. Interrupt the giant's actions and make it go berserk, making it easier for Teliga and Dagon to find the loophole.

Carmila's timing was indeed very good. If Yuan Subaru used 'Saiga Super Acceleration', he might still be able to get out of the way, but...

Looking at the dark spell, Yuan Subaru thought quickly and felt that there was no need to hurt himself and forcefully use [Saijiao Super Acceleration]. Therefore, in the excited eyes of Hitram and Carmila, the ominous The spell fell on Nexus.

At that moment, an auditory "thump" sounded in the ears of the dark quartet, like a huge heart beating suddenly, making them feel as if their hair was about to burst out with terrifying aura.

Trigga immediately realized that this was the enemy entering the second stage. Even if the Dark Spell had an effect, he and Carmilla might not be able to resist it. In addition, there were two seriously disabled people beside him. patient....


Teliga made a prompt decision. He could see that during this transformation of light and darkness, this magical realm was also affected.

Therefore, he directly absorbed most of the dark energy in the bodies of Hitram, Dagon, and Carmilla, concentrated it on his own body, and tried his best to emit the killing light.

Coupled with the dark mist left outside, Kankan got out of the seal and escaped with his three companions.

Tsk, as long as you rest for one more day, this beautiful tower field and the ultimate cross barrier will not be broken through.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but clicked his lips, but he didn't take it too seriously. After the war started, he was worried about the power of Teliga who replaced Senior Tiga in this seemingly parallel world. Stubble, after this fight, the strength is only so much, just give it a try. After a few days of rest, you can consider taking the initiative to attack.

But Carmilla’s dark skills are quite interesting.

Yuan Subaru felt the restless dark energy in his body, and suppressed it with activated telekinesis. He was thinking secretly, if this skill was left in the Dark Zaki period, and he was hit, he would probably fall into a trap. A violent state in which there is no distinction between friend and foe.

But now, this... seems to be able to be modified and used as a low-strength energy activator. Of course, it is not for Yuan Subaru himself. Yuan Subaru has [Amplification], which is quite enough, but [Amplification] , there is no way to throw it to the enemy. Think about it, when the enemy is charging up energy, you throw this [Energy Activation Spell] at it. If you adjust it well, the enemy may blow up because the energy is out of control. .

Hmm... This is a bit confusing, so I might consider arranging it. When I get tired from studying [Unity], [Galaxy], etc., I can use this to change my mind and relax.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru hummed a little tune and released the transformation. As the light shone, Yu Shalei's body returned to the room. From the beginning to the end, Yu Shalei, who was deliberately protected by Yuan Subaru, was sleeping. Didn't wake up at all.


So, the next morning, after waking up from sleep, when Youshalei went to work full of energy, she looked at the combat records of this early morning and let out a rude cry. She pointed at herself and looked to her side to report. His companion Zabiru said in disbelief:

"Did it happen early this morning?!"

"Yes, when I was on duty, I saw with my own eyes the attack of the Dark Giant and the appearance of Nexus."

Zabiru said with a subtle expression:

"Although I can help you fight, you must be sleeping too deeply."

"No, um, wait, wait a minute, I'll ask now."

Youshalei put her hands on both sides of her head, waved her hands in a messy manner, then crossed her hands on her chest, closed her eyes, and started calling Yuan Subaru. Zabiru waited for a while, and then saw Yousalei. He opened his eyes helplessly and said softly:

"He said that beating those guys was not a big deal, so there was no need to wake me up."

"...Is this the wealth of the strong?"

Zabiru was silent for a while, then whispered helplessly, then turned and left. Youshalei wanted to say something to comfort her fellow scientist, but then she thought about it, referring to Subaru's battle experience. In other words, these dark giants might not really be anything.

Thinking of this, Yousha Lei couldn't say anything. After all, the boss Yuan Subaru also told her to have a good rest these days. If the dark giant doesn't come to the Earth Star Guards, we will go talk to them. Life.'s so good to have a big boss to protect you. It feels like you don't have to use your brain at all. If you don't make a decision, you can just be reckless and it's over. It turns out that being a reckless man is so happy.

But Yuan Subaru is not happy at all now. When Youshalei woke up this morning, that strange sense of crisis came again. It can be seen that that feeling was not caused by the dark giants. of.

What exactly is waiting for me...

Yuan Subaru silently murmured in his heart. The problem is that he has not yet found out what connection this feeling is based on, so he is getting more and more unsure.

In this way, another two days passed. You Shalei stretched out, looked at the sunset outside the window, hesitated for a moment, and asked softly:

"Subaru, do you want to go?"

"Well, it's almost done. Although the condition is not very good, I believe that the Dark Giant's recovery is not as fast as mine, and the current strength is almost enough to kill them."

Yuan Subaru said in a light and gentle tone, and originally Yuan Subaru wanted to go by himself, but just yesterday, an electric orc attacked, and Yousha Lei used his own super power to force him to kill him. He beat the guy away. Seeing this scene, Yuan Subaru felt that even if he was in danger, considering Yousalei's ability, self-protection should be no problem, so he continued to cling to her. Save energy and continue to cultivate.

At the same time, it must be said that the things of the Earth Star Defense Army are all about great power. The vehicle used by You Shalei to travel, Yuan Subaru feels that the design idea of ​​"I think this thing can run" is highlighted when it was made, and it is unknown where the engine of this thing was removed from. The power is so abundant, and there is no decent shock absorption design.

To be honest, after driving a section of mountain road, Yuan Subaru actually felt a little dizzy, but looking at You Shalei as the driver, her face was full of joy, and she stepped on the accelerator unsatisfiedly. The child fell into silence for a while. How to say it, it feels that if You Shalei is allowed to fly a plane, it may not take long before an accident occurs due to stalling.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, You Shalei's speed of travel is indeed very good. Yuan Subaru left a telekinetic mark on Dagon's body at the beginning. Unless they run out of this planet, Yuan Subaru can sense it.

But what Yuan Subaru also wanted to complain about was why this dark giant liked to drill into the seabed. Was it because the environment there was very similar to the home planet of their dark clan?

"Next, what should we do? Jump down?"

Soon, You Shalei came to the designated beach. Looking at the waves that kept rising and falling, the white-haired girl took off her shoes. Her delicate jade feet were white and tender, with a faint pink, and the green blood vessels were looming, like the natural traces in the white jade.

You Shalei stepped on the delicate beach, and the round and soft instep was stained with some moist fine sand. The surging waves washed away the gravel, and the remaining water droplets made the jade toes more light and agile. Each transparent pearl-like toenails faintly revealed the pink color of the girl's youthful vitality.

Compared with more flexible fingers, the more static and beautiful small feet give people a sense of elegance, and the gap between the toes reduces the sense of alienation between each other, adding a rich cuteness.

"No need to jump down. I have locked the positions of the four dark giants. All we need to do next is to locate and strike them... But why are you still playing?"

Yuan Subaru locked the positions of Dagon and others while looking at You Shalei, who was squatting on the ground and trying to build something. He couldn't help but say:

"But if you want to play, then play well. You have worked hard in the Earth Star Defense Army Base. Now you have me here, you can have fun and relax. Anyway, the main battle is in the Meta field and it won't affect this side."

Yuan Subaru said, and the more he thought about it, the better it was. Although You Shalei was older than him, her life was also very hard. She was particular about working overtime. Yuan Subaru felt that this child seemed to be losing her hair at a young age.


At this time, Youshalei, who was paddling the sea water with her hands, covered her head with both hands, puffed up her face unhappily, turned her head and looked at the tall Nexus beside her, and said in a 'super fierce' way:

"Are you thinking of something very rude!"

"...I remember that my captain has a very useful prescription for treating baldness. Please remember it later. I hope you won't need it."


Youshalei jumped up and her fists hardened instantly. Although she did lose a lot of hair, for a girl, that amount of hair loss is very normal! It's not baldness!!

Although Youshalei wanted to punch Yuan Subaru a few times, Yuan Subaru had already begun to grow huge. Even if she jumped up, she couldn't reach his knees. She could only pout her little mouth and close her eyes. The white superpower light enveloped her and sent the white-haired girl to the energy core of Nexus, and then merged into it.

There is plenty of time to waste on fun after defeating the dark giants. Now I should just play a supporting role.

After completing the transformation, Yuan Subaru inserted his hands into the sea water, and then the golden energy lightning suddenly lit up. Because of the dark giants' host, there were no living creatures in this sea area at this time, so he could let go and act freely.

At this time, on the seabed, although the battle had ended for several days, the bodies of the dark giants obviously could not recover as quickly as the light particle aggregates like Yuan Subaru. At this time, Hitram and Dagon were still in a half-dead state, and Carmilla was also in discomfort. Only Triga was still in full combat power.

At this time, the four dark giants noticed the changes in the sea water. Although they hadn't seen anyone yet, they would come to block the door now. Even if Carmilla's love brain was used to think, she knew who it was.

Triga's expression changed. He looked at the most familiar golden rain of light that began to fall down little by little, and without saying anything, he went straight to meet it. To be honest, Triga didn't think he could beat the silver-black demon at all, but now he was the only one among the dark giants who could fight.

Triga didn't intend to fight with Subaru in close combat this time. In the last battle, he was at a disadvantage in the close range. Now, he had three partners who could provide him with "dark energy". He couldn't be a match for him!

Thinking of this, Triga's eyes condensed, and he was immediately full of confidence. Hitram, Dagon and Carmilla immediately understood Triga's meaning, put down all their defenses, and let Triga absorb their dark energy. With such support, Triga's confidence immediately surged. With one hand raised, the violent energy lightning turned into a sharp blade that split the unformed Meta Domain.

Oh? !

Minsuba, who noticed this, was slightly surprised. After not seeing Triga for a few days, he actually made such progress. But after a closer look, he knew that he had gathered the strength of the four people to achieve this.

So, Minsuba took back the [Ultra Clone Bomb] that he instinctively rubbed out. After all, there was no Meta Domain blocking it. It was better to do less of the operation that could modify the terrain on a large scale.

When he saw that Triga was going to compete with him in skills, Yuan Subaru couldn't help laughing. How did Senior Ace beat me in the deep blue space? Today, I will beat you Triga again, and let you see the power of the [Amplification] skill.

Then, Yuan Subaru didn't move at all. The skills with brilliant special effects hit Triga's face. Various skills that were linked to each other quickly penetrated Triga's strategic defense. In addition, after a few days of rest, with three Five Emperors in front of him, Yuan Subaru was confident that he could quickly pass it.

Besides, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. Even if he was seriously injured, to deal with Triga, Yuan Subaru said to hang him up and beat him, so he really used an energy light belt to hang him up by the neck and whip him.

At the same time, outside the plane, an unknown figure suddenly flashed by...

221 Noah Triga Super Fusion

Damn it! ! !

Triga grabbed the light band that was suffocating him with both hands, roaring in shame and anger, and at the same time, he was full of resentment in his heart.

If... if he got the [Eternal Core] now and had that powerful power, how could...

Hmm? ! X5

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