As a user of [Pure White Light], it is necessary to get rid of all these messy things.

Of course, Yuan Subaru did this because he was worried that if one day when he was on a business trip, something strange happened or aliens invaded TLT Earth due to the influence of [Original Crystal]. Yuan Subaru was worried that TLT could not withstand it. Things related to [Original Crystal] were still worth being treated with extreme caution.

Now, Yuan Subaru has recovered well. All kinds of energy are on the qualified line on average. The state of [Eternal Original] can also be activated. The biggest trump card has been activated, and Yuan Subaru set off directly. Although during this period, considering the recovery situation, he did not rub the power supply stone statue, but...

You can't give me another crazy Noah clone!

Yuan Subaru thought about his recent luck and felt that it shouldn't be so outrageous, so he didn't turn around to go to the shrine in Mikami-cho, but flew out of the solar system. To be precise, he flew to the battlefield where he had fought with the Gu'a Army. After all, the energy of the original substance should have spread there at first, and it should be the easiest to find the clues of this [original crystal] from there.

In this way, Yuan Subaru flew quietly. He didn't know that because of the existence of the two killing machines, the Gu'a Army and the alien beast tide, there were not many planets with civilization, no, with life in the TLT Earth universe, as if they had been killed.

If this were placed in other universes, even if Yuan Subaru's flying speed was not very fast, he would have encountered at least two or three civilized planets during this period.

It must be said that the universe he was in was still quite disaster-ridden.

Yuan Subaru couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and at this time, he sensed the strange energy fluctuations, so he immediately changed direction and rushed to the place where the energy fluctuations originated.

Over there, there are dozens of battleships and space carriers, but they are not the remnants of the Gu'a Corps. They look like normal planetary defense forces. At this time, these navies are firing at full power, pouring down various missiles and beams.

Their target is a planet whose surface has been covered with layers of sticky and disgusting waxy flesh. On this planet, the disgusting waxy flesh grows branch-like tubes while squirming, spitting out extremely fast liquid towards the battleships and aircraft carriers in the universe.

After many aircraft carrier escort fighters were stained with this liquid, the entire fighter was occupied by the rapidly extending liquid in the blink of an eye. Then the control of this fighter was no longer in the hands of the operator. The contaminated fighter seemed to have life and began to attack everything around it. The bullets fired also turned into the polluting waxy liquid.

However, for this situation, these siege forces also have ways to deal with it. Once the symptoms of contamination appear, they will either self-destruct in advance or be shot down by the machine guns of the battleships. Therefore, air supremacy is always firmly controlled by the siege forces.

That thing...

Why does it look like a xenomorph?

At this time, Yuan Subaru had also appeared in this galaxy. Looking at the disgusting squirming flesh and blood, the child's expression could not help but be a little subtle. Even though he no longer needed to eat and even though he had seen many big scenes, Yuan Subaru still felt instinctively uncomfortable and nauseous about this.

He took a look at it with his head held high, and unexpectedly found that it seemed to be his old opponent, but he had never seen this form of xenomorph before. If it hadn't been for the fact that it was emitting the unique phase fluctuations of xenomorphs, Yuan Subaru would not be able to connect the two at all.

But since it is a xenomorph, just destroy it. As for star destroyers, this job is very familiar to me.

Thinking of this, a silver energy drill appeared in Yuan Subaru's hand. This drill would drill through the surface and send the high-explosive energy in the drill into the center of the earth. While exploding the center of the earth, it would try to induce a micro black hole to prevent such disgusting xenomorph cells from spreading to other places.

Just as Subaru was preparing his moves, a fighter plane quickly flew over and headed for Nexus. Subaru looked inside curiously. It had eyes like a cicada and claws like a lobster...


It was the space ninja Baltan!

This was something Subaru had never expected. After all, the Baltans he had met were all very skilled. If it were them, this planet would have been gone long ago.

"Giant of Light, please show mercy!"

The Baltans who came this time anxiously communicated with Subaru using telepathy and said:

"We are fighting with the aliens to take back our home planet, so please put away the dangerous high-energy reaction light bombs in your hands. Please give us some time. We promise that we will not let the aliens escape from our encirclement."

Hmm? !

Listening to Baltan's words, Gen Subaru was stunned. From what he had heard about other Baltans, the stories basically started with the explosion of their home planets. Although the reasons were different, some were blown up by Baltans themselves, and some were shot up by Ultra Warriors, but those Baltans were wandering, looking for new homes, or seizing other people's homes.

To be honest, this was the first time I saw Baltans fighting to defend their home planet.

In this case, let's give them some face.

Yuan Subaru nodded, put away the core-piercing star destroyer bomb, and then flew towards the Baltan planet's home planet. Nexus came to the command ship of the Baltan fleet and said to the commander After making a few gestures, the crayfish star inside also nodded understandingly and directed the fleet to start retreating.

After seeing the Baltan fleet retreating to a certain distance, Nexus's body flashed with light, and five clones flew out from it, evenly positioned, surrounding the planet. Then, including the main body, The six Nexus lit up brightly together, as if six suns appeared at the same time.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the people of Baltan, it was extremely difficult for them. They could only bite the bullet and forcefully bombard the alien beasts that began to disappear quickly, like snowflakes left on the stove. The alien beast still wanted to struggle to the death, gathered its huge body, ejected on the surface of the planet, turned into a spear, and pierced one of Nexus.

But halfway through, the alien beast and its cells were completely decomposed, and it was considered to be completely wiped out.


Yuan Subaru looked at the home planet of the Baltans. This planet no longer looked like a planet at all. It was like a chocolate ball, which was bitten randomly here and there. In the end, the chocolate on the outside was almost gone. When it melts, you can lick it vigorously with your tongue. The sphere will look quite broken and miserable.

"Thank you, Giant of Light!"

However, the Baltan people are extremely happy about this result. At least they still have their home planet now, right? Although it is a little broken and looks a little miserable, it can be repaired later... Wuwuwu, don't cry. Don't cry, the mother star is still there.

Seeing the Baltans crying and laughing, Yuan Subaru was silent for a moment, released his telepathy a little, locked on the Baltans in front of him who came to thank him, and used the power of dreams to extract from his head , and got the answer he wanted.

It is true that many Baltans have joined the Gua Legion, invaded abroad, and carried out various sabotage operations, but the current group are the peaceful faction who chose to refuse to join the Gua Legion during the internal discussions within the race.

What's interesting is that, under the banner of "I would rather let the home planet turn into fireworks than let it be occupied by hunting dogs", the peace faction forced the war faction out of the Baltan planet through the threat of bombing the home star. .

As for the siege that Yuan Subaru saw just now, according to the thinking of these Baltan people, if they could not drive out the alien beast, they would blow up the home planet. They could not let their homeland suffer such humiliation.

Moreover, the Baltans in this universe have an unusual obsession with their home planet. Even if the war faction was forced to leave, they did not report the matter and provided cover for the peace faction to prevent the Baltans' home planet from being invaded. Destroyed or occupied by other cosmic beings.

The war faction has been thinking about using their own means to win back the mother planet from the hands of the peace faction, but now it seems that the war faction will never be able to come back. At least in the memory of this peaceful Baltan star, the war faction Basically all the Baltans were involved in the "War of Destruction of the Ancient A Legion" not long ago.

Yes, it was the battle that Yuan Subaru fought in the past. That battle seems to have spread throughout the universe. Some planetary civilizations even called it [Holy War]. The existence that defeated the Gua Legion, He directly became a [god], and some planets that were previously ruled by the Gua Legion immediately changed their tune and called him the new ruler, [Emperor]...

Moreover, the title [Emperor] seems to be slowly being accepted by all civilizations. After all, someone who can defeat the [Demon King] naturally needs a more noble title.

No, there are too many flaws, and I can’t stand it all of a sudden.

Yuan Subaru pressed his temple, not knowing what to say for a moment. He was silent for a while and decided not to express any thoughts on this.

In short, I just don’t know it, and I’m shocked when I see it. Yuan Subaru didn’t expect that it has become like this in the universe. He, the person involved, is still busy fighting monsters every day. Why don’t you civilizations develop your own quickly? Strength, why do you always deal with these things that are available but not available?

Okay, okay, let’s focus on what’s in front of us first.

Looking at the Baltan people in front of him, Yuan Subaru withdrew his dream power. Since you have not participated in the evil deeds of the Gua Legion and you still have such enthusiasm for your home planet, then I will come to help you. .

So, Yuan Subaru waved his hand and interrupted the Baltan star in front of him from thanking him. After all, if you thank him now, it would be a bit early to thank him. Yuan Subaru turned around and flew to the sky above the Baltan star's home planet, evolving into [Eternal·Primitive] ] posture.

Under the influence of the power of dreams, as the dark golden light lit up, strips of light surged out from Yuan Subaru's hands that were crossed and pushed forward. In the unexpected eyes of the people of Baltan, those strips of light flew out. The light belt enveloped the entire Baltan planet.

Then, just like after cutting a ribbon and tearing off the red cloth on the plaque, Yuan Subaru grabbed one of the light strips and pulled it out suddenly. In the soft light, the Baltan planet's home planet returned to its original state. What it looked like before the alien beast destroyed it.

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!" XN

Seeing this scene, all the Baltans raised their pincers happily and made sounds of shock and joy. Some Baltans were so excited that they couldn't stand still. Ninjas ran back and forth in the spacecraft. Even if he accidentally knocked down a tribesman, the Baltan who was knocked down was not annoyed. After jumping up, he ran with him.

"Okay, okay, everyone, calm down and don't be too embarrassed."

The elder of the Baltan people stood up at this time and stopped the actions of the clansmen. It was not that he wanted to dampen everyone's interest. Just now, he hugged the pillar beside him and climbed up, waving his pliers and screaming.

But as the saying goes, being high and looking far away, when the elder saw that it was too chaotic to see anyone, he jumped down from the pillar. After all, the giant of light was still floating outside. Look at him, he Now I'm so embarrassed that I don't know how to talk.

"I'm sorry for making you laugh."

After pulling a tribesman off the glass, the Baltan elder politely passed the instrument protection and came to the outside of the command ship. He softly talked to Yuan Subaru and said:

"Our love for our mother planet cannot be described in any language or words. That's why we became like that just now. We are not deliberately neglecting you."

"I understand, I understand, I understand."

Yuan Subaru nodded and did not get entangled with the Baltans on this issue. He directly asked the Baltan elder the question he was most concerned about, which was where the alien beast came from.

To be honest, the more he recalls now, the more Yuan Subaru feels that the appearance of the alien beast is unreasonable. Not to mention, these Baltan people don't have much fear. They are the kind of people who see any monsters and ghosts without saying a word. Let me give you a glimpse of the cosmic beings first. It is impossible for the alien beasts to rely on their fear to grow to this point or even mutate like this.

When it came to this matter, the elder of the Baltan planet seemed to have opened a jar of bitter water and told Yuan Subaru the whole story innocently.

The starting point of the matter still has to be said after the "Destruction War of the Ancient A Legion". The Baltans of the peaceful faction who were working hard to build their home planet suddenly received dense messages from the stars, all sent by the Baltans of the war faction. Informing the Peace Faction about the situation of the Gua Legion showed that the 'order' within the Gua Legion had collapsed. Next, there would be people from the universe who would ignore the rules of the Gua Legion and reach out to the Baltan Star.

The elders of the Baltans immediately asked people to track the space location where the messages were sent. While wanting to get more information, they also hoped to bring back the Baltans outside. After all, they are all of the same race, and now the Gua Legion has No more, just in time to happily build the home planet together again.

Unfortunately, there was no response to all communications. While strengthening the defense of the home planet, the elders of the Baltans sent out small teams to find the whereabouts of the war-sect Baltans.

During this process, a team saw an astonishing scene. They encountered a tide of alien beasts, but the alien beasts began to fight each other. The battle was so bloody that the Baltan members inside vomited directly.

Then, the team immediately changed direction to avoid this terrifying killing field, but they did not notice that the tail of the fighter plane had somehow been stained with the flesh and blood of the alien beast floating over.

Afterwards, they went out to search to no avail, and it was determined that almost all the Baltans from the war faction were missing or dead. All the teams returned to their home planet to defend the Baltans.

The next development of the situation was indeed as expected by the war-sect Baltans. Many remnants of the ancient A Legion began to unscrupulously destroy all the planetary civilizations they passed by, and almost madly plundered all energy and uses on the planet. A worthy creation.

Naturally, the Baltan planet cannot avoid this intrusion. After all, the technological level of the Baltan planet is still very high. Many cosmic people are interested in the things on the Baltan planet, and the home planet loves the Baltan people who are full of love. Naturally, they would not let the dirty feet of those cosmonauts set foot on the mother planet. A fierce battle was about to break out. The Baltan space navy burst out with amazing combat power and defeated all invading places.

However, in focusing on fighting outside, the truth about darkness under the lamp was forgotten. Not only did the alien flesh and blood stuck to the tail of the fighter plane not die, it even hid quietly and developed until the people of Baltan noticed it. When something goes wrong, it's already too late. You can only take your fellow humans and board the spaceship for emergency evacuation, while the military forces stay around the home planet to fight for their homeland.

It seems...those alien beasts have also been affected by the [Original Crystal] and have begun to act abnormally.

Yuan Subaru instantly came up with the answer in his heart, and then sighed with a headache. Alien beasts were originally quite troublesome, but now they have undergone such changes. Looking at the appearance of Baltan Planet, you can tell that if they cannot be stopped in time, I am afraid that in the future, most of the universe will look like Baltan Star just now, and it will be really difficult to completely eliminate it.


There is no way to deal with this matter...

Yuan Subaru rubbed his chin and thought thoughtfully. The new form of [Eternal Original] allowed many of his previous inspirations and past battle insights to evolve into reality.

Now I have to go down and take a look to see what this alien beast has become under the influence of the [Original Crystal]. If the alien beast really becomes scary, then I have to find a way to strangle it to death in advance. .

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru wanted to continue taking action, but with little knowledge of this universe at present, the child still stopped his urge to fly out immediately, and began to talk to the elders of the Baltan planet, hoping that Can obtain more information.

It can be said that Yuan Subaru's thoughts are quite easy to guess in front of this Baltan elder. As for the thoughts of this giant of light, the Baltan elder naturally supports him with both hands. Now that the battle is over, he has also begun After thinking about it, I realized that something was very wrong. If this kind of alien beast really spread, the trouble would be extraordinary.

Coupled with Yuan Subaru's kindness to repair the home planet, the elders of the Baltan planet naturally gave the green light all the way, and disclosed all the information about the star map that Yuan Subaru wanted, and also disclosed those who had a better relationship with the Baltan planet and were not very familiar with it. The planetary civilization that likes to be a monster introduced it to Yuan Subaru, saying that the things on Baltan Planet may not be all available, and Yuan Subaru can go there to see if there is anything else he needs.

Regarding these, Yuan Subaru naturally accepted them all. In the current situation, there was nothing that he was embarrassed to be polite about.

But at the end, when Yuan Subaru was about to leave, the Baltan elder suddenly became serious. He looked at Yuan Subaru and asked the most serious question since they met:

"Mr. Nexus, if one day our planet Baltan is in danger, can we ask for your asylum?"

"...As long as you remain as friendly as you are now and don't touch my bottom line, I will still be happy to help you."

Yuan Subaru didn't expect that the topic would become so serious all of a sudden. He was stunned for a moment, but he immediately gave the answer. He said it all. Yuan Subaru felt that this was a bit like the polite words of the elders of the Baltan planet, or the official formula. , the technology of the Baltan planet is so advanced, it is many times higher than that of the Earth. If they hadn't been careless this time and were tricked, there would be no need for them to take action.

So Yuan Subaru also thought about his words for a moment, smiled and took hold of the Baltan elder's pliers... Huh? !

Yuan Subaru's eyes widened for a moment, and now he noticed that the Baltan elder's pliers had been replaced by a normal hand, or the one with five fingers! ! !

"Haha, it's just some parts switching."

The Baltan elder smiled disapprovingly and said:

"Although in normal life, our telekinesis can complete all the work when combined with other tools, but when communicating with other civilizations, we can't also use telekinesis to shake hands with others. That would be a bit too much. Sorry, this hand was made for this reason.”

"You guys really gave me too many surprises. It completely broke my impression of the Baltans."

Yuan Subaru smiled and held the Baltan elder's hand, shook it a little harder, and said softly:

"I hope we can still get along so comfortably in the future."

"That is inevitable, Lord Nexus."

As the Baltan elder spoke, he bent down towards Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru didn't take it seriously. After saying goodbye, he turned into a stream of light and disappeared from the Baltan elder's sight.

After Yuan Subaru left, the Baltan elder took out the mechanical palm, handed it to the Baltan guard next to him and said:

"Put this up as an offering and tell others that this is a sacred object blessed by the [Emperor]."

"Um...elder, is this...too much..."

The attendant's expression was a little subtle. Regarding Yuan Subaru's identity, when they saw the miracle created by this giant, the people of Baltan had some answers in their hearts. However, Yuan Subaru did not take their hint. Baltan The stars did not dare to mention it again, so the current behavior of the elders of the Baltan Stars seemed a bit...

"That lord doesn't care about false reputations."

The Baltan elder looked at the mechanical palm and said softly:

"Although it is indeed inappropriate for an overly domineering title like [Emperor] to be placed on such a gentle person, but... even if the mother planet is repaired, the people and materials we lost cannot be returned. Yes, we can only use this strategy at the moment. Relying on this name, let us avoid unnecessary battles and gain some recovery time. "

After saying this, the Baltan elder was silent for a moment, and then said softly:

"But... you are right. This is indeed somewhat... Well, that adult should be heading for the Chebul Star. Please help me send a message there to explain the matter clearly. If If that lord is not willing, the so-called [Emperor’s Sacred Artifact] will be cancelled. I am willing to accept all punishments from that lord.”


The Baltan elder remembered something and added:

"Although that gentleman is not very good at speaking and other skills, he has a clear mind. He told the Chebul Stars not to be clever, otherwise it will bring disaster. Don't say I didn't warn you."

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The Baltan elder sighed and rubbed his head with pliers. He felt that he was not as evil-minded as the elders from the war faction, so he did not continue to struggle with this issue. If he had the time, he would get some new technology and build something. What a wonderful home planet.

But just when the Baltan elder was about to enter the testing room, the attendant from earlier ran over quickly, grabbed the elder, and said in a nervous tone:

"Elder, there is no movement from the Chebul planet."


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