While Seiga was fighting Noah's clone and Noah was hunting down the [Essence], on the Kingdom Star, Tartarus had received a message from the gatekeeper of the Time Falls, which he thought was of unknown origin. The content was naturally the words of Subaru guaranteeing safety.

Tartarus was naturally very happy about this news. After all, when he saw the time and space vortex before, he was really worried and even slowed down the military preparations for the Kingdom of Light.

To be honest, he really admired Subaru. His high sense of identity and mission for his home planet really suited Tartarus' temper. Tartarus also regretted more than once that Subaru was not one of his people. Obviously, the Cascade Energy Tower had already recognized him, so why was he not a member of the Absolute Clan?

But even if they are not from the same clan, Tartarus believes that the friendship between him and Subaru is quite deep. Since the child's father is missing and his mother is missing, he should consciously act as his elder and protect the rights and interests that the child deserves.

That's right, the goal of the military preparations of Kingdom Star has changed. Although at the beginning, Tartarus wanted to launch an invasion war against the Kingdom of Light because of anger, occupy that bright planet, and make it a new habitable planet for his clan.

But now, since Subaru is not dead, this matter cannot be done in this way. After all, Subaru does not want a war to break out. He hopes that the Kingdom Clan can establish friendly diplomatic relations with the Kingdom of Light to seek a solution to the crisis of the Cascade Energy Tower. Moreover, as long as Subaru is still alive, the time for the detonation of the Cascade Energy Tower can be continuously postponed, even if... he does not have to come to Kingdom Star in person.

Tartarus looked at the dark golden light in his hand. This ball of energy was not big. In his huge palm, it was like a speck of dust falling on the palm of a human. But Tartarus could clearly feel the unique and powerful energy reaction. Tartarus had no doubt that this small energy ball that came with the message would play the role of "further stabilizing the Cascade energy to gain more time" as Subaru said after being put into the Cascade Energy Tower.

Regarding this, Tartarus was very happy and helpless. After all, everyone in the Kingdom Star had seen Subaru's previous state. In that situation, Subaru could still remember what happened on his side, which was really touching.

But this also meant that if he and the Kingdom of Light fought for this reason, if Subaru found out and came to him, he would not be able to explain it clearly. Although the friendship between him and the child would not be broken, it would inevitably make people feel uncomfortable. This situation should be avoided as much as possible.

However, it was impossible for Tartarus to swallow this anger. The reason why he wanted to mobilize troops was, in the final analysis, because of the murderous hand that King Ultra had taken on Subaru. Since he could not use the impending destruction of the Kingdom Star as an excuse, he should be more open and ask the Kingdom of Light for an explanation directly as the "elder of Subaru". He had to give Subaru some compensation anyway. If he could not give enough, then don't blame them for being rude!

So, under the urging of Tartarus, the soldiers of the Kingdom began to act more actively, collecting various intelligence on the Kingdom of Light, preparing for the next war.

Meanwhile, Yuan Subaru has returned to the universe where TLT Earth is located, but has not yet returned to Earth. As for the reason, it is not that he has no strength to fly back, but that he just appeared in this universe and happened to encounter other civilized planets, and then...

"Emperor, we are willing to offer eternal loyalty and all our lives. Please accept us. We, the Protai people, will never let you down!"

Looking at the Protai people who were shouting at him using the universe communicator, kneeling on one knee, pressing their hands on their chests to show solemnity, staring at the Protai people with poached egg heads and round yellow eyes, Yuan Subaru felt a headache.

If he remembered correctly, there was a mark on the previous star map. This should be the seventh planet of the Sirius system, Prota. The Prota people on it are generally cosmic people engaged in espionage in the universe. When the Gu'a Legion was rampant, this race not only provided the Gu'a Legion with information about the invasion, but also conveyed the movements of the invaders to other civilizations.

Although the Gu'a Legion was very annoyed by this behavior, the Prota people's statement of "Please don't take the behavior of my own race to me, I am loyal to the Legion" prevented the Prota people in the Gu'a Legion from dying in internal punishment. After all, the ability of this race of cosmic people to obtain intelligence is still quite good.

However, what Yuan Subaru didn't know was that it was precisely because of this that the situation of the Prota people after the destruction of the Gu'a Legion was somewhat subtly awkward. Some people wanted to seek revenge on them, and some spoke up to explain for them.

But the Protai people are very clear that although not all of the other civilizations that have been invaded and persecuted by the Gu'a Legion, there will still be a certain number of members who will direct their anger at themselves because of their own race's past experiences. By then, the momentum of revenge will be great, and the civilizations that are still willing to speak up for them will probably not be so loyal and stick with them to the end.

And although the [Emperor] used the method of annihilating stars and genocide to declare that no more wars are allowed in the universe, there are some things and some blows that do not need to be achieved through 'war', if nothing else. The Proto people can now think of more than ten ways to punish their side, all of which are soft knives. If they want to deal with it, they can only spend a lot of effort to let their own people infiltrate to try to reverse the situation.

But this is a last resort. Once it gets to one step, even if the Protos people succeed, they will still have to bleed a lot. Although the civilization of the Protoss can still continue, that kind of situation... is still a human-made thing. Fish meat can only survive for a few cosmic calendars. This... is better to avoid it as much as possible.


but! !

but! ! !

Just when the people of Protos were helpless, and some members were really forced to pray to God, they saw it. They saw the dark golden light shining in the universe. That was the apocalypse, that was the oracle, that was the emperor. The coming holy sign. If a Proto star with a background in intelligence could not even recognize this, then he really deserved to be killed.

The moment they saw this sacred figure appear, the Protos people realized that the only savior who could save their race from this dire straits had appeared. At this moment, nothing could compare to the [Emperor] The verdict was more effective. In order to obtain that grace, the people of Protos showed their sincerity and piety like never before, and were extremely nervous and looking forward to the [Emperor's] reply.

"First of all, let me state that I am not the [Emperor]. Let's forget about this title. Secondly, I know your family's past, but it is all in the past. You can continue to live with peace of mind..."

"grown ups!!!"

? ? ?

Just as Yuan Subaru finished speaking, the leader of the Protos suddenly burst out with a shrill cry, which scared the child. He really didn't expect the cosmic man to have such a big reaction, but fortunately, he was frightened. The inner reaction did not appear on the light particle aggregate. Otherwise, the leader of the Protoss really didn't know whether he should continue to talk now or wipe his neck first to express his gratitude to the [Emperor] of offense, and then asked the deputy chairperson to take his place.

"Sir, we Protos people will remember your kindness in our hearts. If it weren't for you..."

"Just a reminder."

Seeing that the Proto star was about to talk at length, Yuan Subaru, who didn't like nonsense, interrupted and said:

"I have other things to be busy with. I suggest you keep the story short and tell the truth. This will be good for both you and me."

"I'm sorry, my lord, I just became a spy."

The Protos people immediately put away their tricks. In fact, it was not a deception, it was just a simple use of words to exaggerate the situation on their side so that the [Emperor] would pity them.

"The current situation on Protus is really embarrassing. We are facing all sanctions other than war that will be joined by other civilizations. So, sir, please give us a chance to atone for our sins, even if we cannot be driven by you. , please also point out a clear way for us to continue the civilization of Protoss. Sir, please, we really can't think of any other way."

"Please." XN

Waves of pleas came from the Proto star. Yuan Subaru felt that these Proto star people were sincere, but it didn't matter. When they sealed the alien beasts before, so did the cosmic people who saw him. Sincerely, he began to think about what the Protoss could do.

Then, with all the Protos people waiting, Yuan Subaru stretched out his hand and pointed at the open space in front of them. A dark golden tree rose out of the sky, and every leaf shone with light.

The people of Protos trembled in their hearts and looked at the big tree subconsciously. Although they didn't say anything, when they saw the big tree, their minds understood one thing -

As long as they take the leaves, they can transmit what they see and the information they get to the trunk of the tree, and then summarize it elsewhere.


Where else could it be? It would naturally be gathered to the [Emperor].

The hearts of the people of the Protos star all completed the things that were not explained by the inspiration in their minds, and then they all trembled with excitement. Although the adult did not say anything, this was more vivid than any words. They people of the Proto star A turning point has come!

"This universe has not yet experienced peace."

Yuan Subaru looked at the Proto stars and said softly:

"There are also wandering alien monsters wreaking havoc in this universe. Most of them are beyond the ability of ordinary civilizations like you to contend with, and they are also things that urgently need to be eliminated. They are endangering the tranquility of this universe. Now, go and let Let me see what you Protos are capable of, see how many alien monsters you can find, and see how you obtained that information. I hope your actions will not attract enemies to your civilization."

After saying that, Yuan Subaru left the Promos planet. Just now, he just made a temporary decision, just grabbed a handful of seeds, and scattered them like throwing baseballs. How many crops can be grown and harvested in the future? How much food, these things don't matter, after all, he will not starve to death just because of one or two mouthfuls of food.

In other words, if the Protos people can really pass back the whereabouts of one or two alien monsters, the power just consumed will be considered a loss.

Although Yuan Subaru left, the Protos people still knelt on the ground quietly and devoutly. It was not until an hour later that they stood up under the leadership of the chief Protos. At this time, the deputy Protos, also the chief Protos The son looked at his father and said excitedly:

"Father, that adult..."

'Snapped! ’

Hearing this, the chief Proto star slapped his son without hesitation. Looking at his still stunned eyes, he said with some hatred:

"Idiot, who am I to you?"

"...You are my father."

"From now on, don't call me father, then I am not your father!"

"I understand, father, this is a test from His Majesty the Emperor...how should we act?"

Vice President Protos reacted immediately, looked at his father, and said in a solemn tone:

"His Majesty the Emperor has not recognized us. Should we act as the Emperor's 'hidden hand', spread as 'missionaries', or continue as usual?"

"His Majesty the Emperor is watching us."

The chief Proto star said in a low voice with an embarrassed look:

"This is not a test given by His Majesty. It is a performance for us to show our abilities and please His Majesty. This time, except for those unfriendly methods, I used all other methods to open up all the intelligence networks. Activate all the secrets. Anyone who dares to hinder this intelligence collection operation should go away and clean himself up. Don't make it bloody and disgusting, and it will stain His Majesty's eyes!"


It can be seen that the people of Protos are in particularly high spirits at this time. After all, they are deeply aware of one thing -

The universe has indeed changed, and they now have the opportunity to embrace the lap of the sky. If they miss such an opportunity, they will regret it. Even if they fall asleep at night, they will have to sit up and shake their heads. His head was swollen.

250 Beria: Our father and son are killing each other indiscriminately

Just when the Protos people started to take action, over at the Beria base, the dark giant sat on his throne and began to calculate frantically at the data terminal.

Beria still hasn't figured out what's wrong with his genetic successor. The emergence of that strange time vortex doesn't conform to conventional principles at all. He has already relied on the ultimate combat instrument for that time vortex. The fixed work was forcibly completed, but his genetic successor still did not appear to be awakening, and the time vortex did not appear to be dispelled.

It is really unreasonable, there is no reason at all!

Beria scratched his head, feeling that his knowledge level was being tested, and he would never admit defeat to this kind of test. How many years have I lived, and I have never seen any big storms? This can only be explained. I'm having a hard time? I don’t believe it!

Just when Beria was irritably swearing one after another, at his door, a cosmonaut subordinate cautiously poked his head. The Zarrab people looked at this period of time and concentrated on research, leaving all other matters behind. His Majesty Beria, he hesitated and decided to bite the bullet and come in to report on the work.

After all, in this base, without Beria's decision, it is indeed difficult to carry out many tasks, especially the formation of a new fleet. How can others dare to make their own decisions on such matters.

Thinking of this, the Zarab star was a little angry. Originally, the reporting work should have come from the Hippolyte star, but that guy actually ran away in a hurry and threw the job on his head. superior...

Forget it, forget it, it's all for the sake of His Majesty Beria, and it's all for the Emperor's resurrection. I took the risk this time. As long as I don't die, if the Hippolytes don't give me a good beating, I will wait in the future. Fall out!

Thinking of this, the Zarrab star took a long breath, looked at Beria, walked over directly, knelt on the ground silkily, and said respectfully:

"Your Majesty Beria, there are some issues that require you to personally issue instructions. We are so ignorant that we are really unable to handle these matters."

"...I know, what is the file number?"

Although Beria felt uncomfortable being interrupted in his calculations, at this juncture, it was not the time for him to get angry casually. In order to plan a counterattack in the future, he really should deal with a lot of things. Now he will focus on that time vortex. On the issue of calculation, it is actually a bit unprofessional.

Following the report from the Zarrab Star, Beria quickly found the matters that required his approval, and among these reports, he discovered a more interesting thing. This was a report from a Baltan Star. , saying that their space-time detection team had previously captured an extremely powerful energy wave, and they were conducting tests along that wave.

But regarding the exploration of 'time and space', given their team's authority, it is difficult to go too deep. Especially this time, the fluctuation of 'time and space' involves many planes. They need a powerful combat unit to carry them. The relevant instruments go deep into the prescribed space-time orbit.

Beria looked at the report uploaded by the team. The energy data recorded in it really moved his heart. He did not doubt the authenticity of the Baltan team's data. His men did not have the courage. He just wanted to find out now. Does this energy reaction originate from the self-destruction of a small universe, or from a powerful energy source?

The former can send a collection team to collect the high-density energy residues that can be used to make weapons or as a test product for new energy modules.

If it is the latter, then the value of it is needless to say. Now the Belia base and the fleet need a strong energy source to advance the construction. If they can really find a suitable energy source based on this clue, this Baltan team can be said to have done a great job.


Now there is a more embarrassing problem.

Belia tapped the armrest with his fingers and fell into deep thought. Now his subordinates can be said to have full scientific research power, but the force value of his subordinates is not very good. The previous green monster and the crazy Ultra Father have almost consumed the generals that Belia has recruited over the years. The remaining fighting faction cannot be consumed on such things. They still have more important tasks to perform.

"Go and pull Unit 4 over."

Belia made a decision soon. The Zarab star who received the order took action immediately. Not long after, a color-changing "Cero" came to Belia under the transportation of the mechanical platform.

This is Dark Lopus Cero, a mechanical giant created by Belia during the period of "Galactic Emperor Caesar Belia" using Emeralu ore from Emeralu to imitate the appearance of Ultraman Zero.

Among these mechanical giants, Unit-01 Dark Lopus Cero drifted into the multidimensional space and was discovered by Salome Star Helotia, who installed a dimensional core with Salome technology for testing.

These experiments also made Dark Lopus Cero even stronger. He once defeated Cero and blasted him into the other dimension, trying to bury him there. Later, Dark Lopus Cero awakened his self-consciousness, recalled Caesar Belia, and finally destroyed the base of Helotia.

Later, because Cero got the help of Leo, Cero was able to break through the other dimension and reverse the situation. He targeted his weakness and defeated Dark Lopus Cero with Plasma Spark Slash.

The dimensional place where Subaru first met the Guys team was the place where Zero and Unit-01 Dark Lopus Zero had a decisive battle, and it was also the location of the Helotia Starman Experimental Base. The spliced ​​mechanical enemy that Subaru eliminated was the residual consciousness of Unit-01 Dark Lopus Zero.

However, this connection is now just a small episode, and no matter which side knows it, they will not take it to heart.

At this time, Belia pulled out Unit-04 Dark Lopus Zero, naturally not to recall the past. To be honest, Belia originally defined the appearance of this mechanical giant as ‘Zero’, just to disgust Zero and the Kingdom of Light. Moreover, it is not quite interesting to defeat the Kingdom of Light with a mechanical giant that looks like ‘Zero’.

But now, looking at this Unit 4, Dark Lopus Cero, Belia just felt a little helpless. It was not because he was defeated by Cero in the past, but because he had no one to use at present, so he had to send out the few mechanical giants that he planned to use as a model as experimental tools. He had fallen to this point.

However, this thought only flashed through Belia's mind. He would not feel sad because of such things. What he had to do now was to look to the future!

"Wake up, Dark Lopus Cero!"

Belia stretched out his hand to the silent mechanical giant and woke it up. The still ignorant Unit 4, Dark Lopus Cero was stunned for a moment, and then, the loyalty from the grassroots of the program made him immediately kneel on one knee in front of Belia, waiting for the master's order.

"Go, follow the track and see what's at the end."

Beria passed the report data to the processor of Dark Lopus Cero and said in a serious voice:

"If it's the former, report back immediately. If it's the latter, bring back the energy!"

Beria is very confident in the combat effectiveness of Unit 4 Dark Lopus Cero. Although Dark Lopus Cero failed to achieve satisfactory results in the previous battle, it was because their opponent was the Kingdom of Light! If their opponent was replaced by an ordinary civilization, it would be easy to capture cities and seize treasures.

What's more, now that Unit 4 Dark Lopus Cero has been blessed by his own power, Belia feels that if there is no accident, this operation is still very stable. If there is an accident...

Then he will go there in person!

Belia is thinking very thoroughly now. If Unit 4 Dark Lopus Zero is defeated, it means that a very powerful existence is guarding the energy source. As long as the guardian is not an Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light, he may be able to recruit him. At that time, even if he loses Unit 4 Dark Lopus Zero, his strength will still be improved.

As for recruiting... Humph, there are too many ways to do this, and there is always one that can work...

As Belia thought about it, he couldn't help but fall silent again, and then he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


Belia looked at the terminal in front of him, and he was a little disappointed. He used his fingers to touch the armrest. If his gene inheritor was by his side, he wouldn't have to be so tired and worried. If that kid was by his side, what fleet and base would he need? We, father and son, would just rush into the Kingdom of Light and kill people. How exciting it would be.

It's a pity that my gene inheritor is about to die. He's going to die before the killing begins. It's a pity.

To be honest, Belia actually wanted Fuji Desui to make another Nexus version of the gene inheritor according to the previous biochemical experiment template. But although Belia is not a good person, he doesn't intend to change some decisions once they are made. Even if he is more aware of the power of the gene inheritor now, he doesn't intend to let Fuji Desui re-unlock the template.

After all, some things can't be done by simple biochemical experiments. The Nexus inheritor must have suffered a lot outside to become so powerful. The gene just gave him a starting step.

For example, that Geed!

Belia suddenly remembered that he had another gene inheritor, and he was a little angry, and his eyes lit up.

My genes are so stable in him, he is not such a waste, he doesn't have any domineering attitude. I remember that according to the Earth age, Zed is 18 years old today. The gene inheritor of the Nexus template should be half a year older than him. The ages of these two gene inheritors are so close, how can there be such a big difference!

No, it's too irritating. I have to let Fukui Izuku seal up Zed's biochemical experiment template. If such a useless thing comes out again, I will be so mad!

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