"At this level, you are still an immigrant in the universe, you are homeless, you have no chance to escape, even the means of inter-galactic space transmission may not be effective, don't you have a decent scientific research chief in your star cluster council? How can you have the nerve to come up with this kind of lie that doesn’t comply with the theoretical framework of time and space at all?”

What is this space-time theoretical framework? We have never heard of it! ! !

Although people in the universe want to shout at Yuan Subaru, "Are you lying?", mathematical formulas cannot lie. Even though they don't know this set of algorithms and theories, how did Ultraman on Earth learn it? But judging from the feedback received so far, there is no doubt that this is indeed a set of algorithms that is more advanced than the current mainstream of the universe.

It seems that the technology tree of this universe has progressed rather slowly, or is it that their technology tree is crooked?

Yuan Subaru complained in his heart, then crossed his arms and stared at Speaker Ubaraz, preparing to take the people on earth to see the fun of the Star Cluster Council, and said:

"So what's the truth? How did the Kingdom of Light disappear? After this so-called cosmic immigration, what conspiracy did your Star Cluster Council hide? Tell me the truth!"

268 Are you going to start a fight with me?

"This...this...there is no doubt that the crack point does exist."

Speaker Ubalaz was really losing his temper now. He didn't understand these formulas, and he couldn't find a reason to refute. He could only say in a very official tone:

"Although I don't know how you calculated it, it may be quite reliable in theory, but after all, the cosmic environment is complex, and various unexpected factors exist, so there may be some other unexpected changes that caused the current situation. Sorry for the situation and your calculations.”

"In that case, why don't we just take a look."

Yuan Subaru calmly waved his hand, and the dark golden dreamy power spread over the earth. At that moment, the planet seemed to have started traveling at the speed of light in the universe, and the surrounding planets turned into lines. The stream of light swept across the sky, and then pulled the scene in the sky hundreds of light-years away, where all the creatures watching here could see the galaxy that still existed.

Although it looks a bit strange there, as if it has been affected by some force, and the Kingdom of Light planet has indeed disappeared, there is no doubt that the M78 nebula still exists, and there is no so-called space-time turtle anywhere. Crack point.

Seeing this scene, various voices began to sound among the cosmic people, especially those cosmic immigrants. They all appeared here because of the influence of the so-called [universe shrinkage crack point]. If this [Crack Point] was a lie from the beginning, then what is the meaning of leaving their hometown and coming to Earth? !

"Ultraman-dono, please stop using such illusion-like means to confuse the public!"

At this moment, Speaker Ubalaz unexpectedly became tougher, not only because this matter had begun to affect the prestige of the Star Cluster Council, but also because just now, he received a report from his subordinates and got this The energy reaction in the earth's sky is similar to that of ordinary illusion methods at several frequencies, so the speaker seems confident.

"Although your Excellency is indeed powerful, the dignity and prestige of the Star Cluster Council cannot be offended!"

"Oh, is it true or not? There are so many cosmic civilizations in this universe. Don't they want to see it for themselves? I don't know what you are so stubborn about here."

Yuan Subaru glanced at Speaker Ubaraz with disdain, and then waved his hand to disperse the scene in the sky. Just now, he had felt that there was a strong dimensional fluctuation remaining at the original location of the Kingdom of Light planet. Residue.

This is obvious. Use your brain a little and try to use calculations to deduce it. Although I don’t know how it is done, what can be inferred is that the Kingdom of Light in this cosmic plane is probably isolated in some kind of They are in an extraordinarily solid dimensional space, so much so that now this so-called star cluster council is going to throw shit at them.

But now Yuan Subaru does not plan to release the Kingdom of Light right now. After all, what he is going to do next is probably going against the laws of the Kingdom of Light. If he releases those Giants of Light, I am afraid it will not be possible. They turned around and shouted, "As a benefactor of the Kingdom of Light, we cannot watch you go further and further down the wrong path." They rushed over and shined a ray of cosmic miracle light on themselves.

Although the Kingdom of Light itself has been through it alone, it doesn't mean that there is no pressure to play it. Those idealistic light energy aggregates, God knows if they will suddenly emerge in any new form, Yuan Subaru is not willing to Come and experience for yourself how outrageous those guys are.

So, go ahead and deal with the earth.

Yuan Subaru has now completely lost interest in the Star Cluster Council, relegating it to the position of 'we will settle the accounts later', and then he set his sights on the cosmonaut who just shouted at him. He is now very curious about what kind of race this is that can actually hide among corpses and move like this. He wonders if any of this guy's kin have used similar methods to hide on the earth.

"...Can you leave him to me?"

At this moment, a guy wearing a mobile Ultraman stood up and said nervously towards Yuan Subaru:

"He should be my brother."

"Are you saying that the layer of skin on the outside is your brother, or is the guy hiding inside is your brother?"

Looking at the mobile Ultraman who just arrived, he brought a lot of equipment. It seems that he thought that the teammates who came from the front might not be able to handle the battlefield here, but he didn't expect that there would be an extra one here. The Giant of Light prepared all these equipment for nothing.

Yuan Subaru also saw that the person inside this mobile Ultraman was not an Earth person, and should be of the same race as the corpse. But after all, the universe is too big, and there are all kinds of birds in the forest. Maybe he is the same as the one inside. This guy grew up and treated him like a younger brother.


But judging from this confused question word, this mobile Ultraman probably didn't know much about the situation of the corpse. Therefore, Yuan Subaru directly took action and pulled the skinned spaceman out of the corpse, and read After capturing his memory, he placed the body and the spaceman in front of the mobile Ultraman, then ignored what was going on there and started a new round of annihilation of the planet.

It has to be said that the human beings on this earth are really miserable. Although the earth has now joined the Star Cluster Council of Naraoshizi, people from the universe have really made monsters on the earth. In the past, there were monsters on the earth, but now There are cosmic beings on earth.

Such as human flesh trafficking, cosmic riots, methods similar to 'seizing bodies', treating earthlings as circus monkey exhibitions, and even forcibly adding monster organs to earthlings in order to attract more cosmic tourists. Wait, these heinous events really made Yuan Subaru full of murderous intent. Yuan Subaru projected the entire situation related to them into the sky one by one, proving that these guys were indeed willing to die in the right way, and then annihilated the stars and their clans.

One thing to say is that the harm these cosmic beings are doing to people on earth today is no worse than the cosmic monsters decades ago. These damn things really want to take the earth as their own and take human beings or... It comes from the desire to expel, enslave, or kill!

"Ultraman-dono, please stop your killing behavior. As you said before, you can't reject the whole thing just because of a local mistake!"

Although the current Speaker Ubalaz didn't want to attract Yuan Subaru's attention at all, this overly efficient killing method really made him feel threatened. After all, Ubalaz didn't know if any of his tribesmen had done anything wrong on the earth. , if one was caught, I might just evaporate without even a chance to explain.

At the same time, the Star Cluster Council also received feedback from a large number of members and showed a strong attitude, asking the Star Cluster Council to quickly negotiate with Ultraman. No matter what price they offer, they can accept it. The worst is to wait. After that, everyone got together and discussed how to get rid of the blame.

Therefore, Speaker Ubalaz looked at Yuan Subaru and said seriously:

"We are all part of the universe. Let's get along well. There is no need to be so extreme. The Star Cluster Council did not do well enough before, which made the earth and mankind suffer. But isn't that all in the past? We should look to the future. "

"...My mother-in-law once said that you can't curse people casually."

Yuan Subaru stretched out his middle finger towards Speaker Ubaraz and said through gritted teeth:

"But you cosmic beings are not human beings, so there are too many things I want to scold. I don't know which words to use to scold you, so I will give you a gesture. You can understand it yourself. This cosmic being has committed a crime on the earth." Do you want to write off the numerous blood debts in such an understatement and say it in one sentence? Where did you get the courage to say this? Even if the blood debts cannot be counted today, most of them must be settled. I say this. Yes, if you don’t believe in evil, you can come and try it!”

"You...you! Do you really think you can be the enemy of the entire universe!"

Although Yuan Subaru had previously destroyed hundreds of galaxies with his hands, Ubaraz felt extremely annoyed with his current attitude. No matter how powerful he was, like the Kingdom of Light, he had already disappeared in the world. Into the universe? If you want to be an enemy of the Star Cluster Council, you are taking yourself too seriously!

"Ultraman, the power of the Star Cluster Council is beyond your imagination. We only love peace and don't like war, so we are here to discuss it with you in a calm mood. Don't continue to be stubborn!"

Hearing this, humans on Earth couldn't help but become nervous. After all, for them, the solar system alone is already huge. The entire universe? That's just the stuff of science fiction.

At the same time, Yuan Subaru also noticed the movement in outer space. Huge monster weapons and spectacular space fleets were gathering towards the earth. Obviously, Yuan Subaru's action of vaporizing hundreds of cosmic races just now, Let the members of the Star Cluster Council and even some organizations like space pirates who have not joined join the action army.

It has to be said that the existence of Yuan Subaru made these people feel an unprecedented threat, so that they put aside their past grudges and joined forces to plan to blast this Ultraman who should be the only remaining Ultraman in the universe and his planet into powder. .

But all the actions of these cosmic people are within the range of Yuan Subaru's perception. The month-long training on the TLT earth has allowed Yuan Subaru's state to recover to the point where he can touch Noah's clone again, so , after noticing the armed forces of these cosmic beings, Yuan Subaru calmly opened his arms, as if to hug something, and raised them to the sky.

Then, no matter where in the universe, wherever the Star Cluster Council and the armed forces of space pirates are mobilizing, a dark golden giant figure will appear. That figure is so tall that even the largest star can stand in front of him. It's just an ant.

Seeing this figure, be it fleets or monster weapons, they immediately poured out all their firepower without hesitation. The moment this figure appeared, their instinctive desire to survive almost made them lose their so-called power in an instant. With their rational mind, they just prayed that the firepower covering the planet would be enough to sieve them into pieces, and that they could save their lives.

But this was just a delusion. The huge figure pressed down his hands, and the stable space-time barrier immediately collapsed. The violent time-space turbulence immediately involved these enemies. Then the huge figure closed his hands, like a toilet, and the These enemies were sent into the depths of the turbulence of time and space, and into the gaps between planes that rubbed against each other, completely cutting off the vitality of these fleets and monster weapons.

This scene was also projected into the sky above the earth by Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru felt that humans on earth today seriously lacked self-confidence, but he also felt that this was just because most humans on earth had just come into contact with cosmic beings. In addition, Under the influence of most of the mysterious portrayals of cosmic beings in earth literature, they could not help but feel awe of them.

Therefore, now, Yuan Subaru has shown to the earth and human beings the fragility of the people in the universe, and that they are just living beings that will die as long as they are killed. And now, listening to the cheers of the humans on earth, Yuan Subaru feels that his inspiring move is still It worked.

"You...are you really Ultraman? You..."

Seeing the destruction of the army of the Star Cluster Council, Speaker Ubaraz swallowed nervously and looked at Yuan Subaru in disbelief. But this time, before he could finish his words, Yuan Subaru waved his hand and cut it off unilaterally. Got the connection there.

Then Yuan Subaru spread his mind power across the earth, targeting every cosmic person. First, he followed the memories of those guilty cosmic people, and then based on the events recorded in the database of the scientific special search team, he investigated The trial of "blood debt must be paid with blood" continues.

Until the bloody sunset set, Yuan Subaru felt that the accounts should be settled now, so he released the form of the Giant of Light. Looking at the mobile Ultraman below who suddenly became nervous, he said with a smile:

"I've been busy for so long, why don't you take me to get something to eat?"

"No problem."

Shin Hayata, the human form of the first Ultraman, is here wearing a mobile Ultraman armor, so the job of negotiating with Gen Subaru naturally falls on him, but for such an embryo-killing Ultraman, he also The first time he met him, he didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. Yuan Subaru noticed his nervousness and smiled as he emitted light particles to repair the old man's damaged body. At the same time, he also provided light to other mobile Ultras. Under the treatment of Man...


At this time, Yuan Subaru noticed something and turned to look at the mobile Ultraman wearing Ultra Armor Ver. A. His eyes fell on his limbs and he said with some distress:

"What exactly have you been through? Do you need me to help you regenerate your limbs?"

269 ​​Kill Ultraman!

Regarding Gen Subaru's words, this mobile Ultraman wearing Ultra Armor Ver.

When he was a teenager, he was on a flight with his family. Because the flight was carrying an advance investigation team sent to Earth by the Star Cluster Council, he was attacked by an ace killer who was also hired by the Star Cluster Council. Although he received the full strength of others at the time Rescue, but the plane still crashed, and Beidou's family members were all killed. He himself was rescued by Nan Yuko, and they were fostered together with Awa, a mechanic in the "Alien Street".

Although he was lucky enough to survive, both his arms and legs were lost, and he could only wear prosthetics specially made by the Yabo people to maintain his mobility. However, in order to track down the mastermind behind the crash, Nan Yuko no longer He was hurt and asked his adoptive father to help him develop Ultra Armor and take action.

Before that, the Beidou Star Division transferred to Shinjiro Hayata's high school by modifying the data. As a freshman in high school, he came into contact with Shinjiro. After accidentally discovering Shinjiro Hayata's identity as Ultraman, he passed Hacking into Shinjiro's mobile phone, he learned every time the scientific special search team headquarters notified Shinjiro of the person's information about an incident, and rushed to the scene in advance to solve the problem.

During the operation, he met Shinjiro Hayata and Moro Hoshitan as [Mobile Ultraman] and [Mobile Sever], and eventually called them "brother", once using a half-truth and half-false confession He tried to join the SSSP, but failed in the end because the equally cautious senior officials of Morohoshibana and the Tokusei Special Search Team tried to figure out their true intentions and intervened.

Therefore, this mobile Ultraman wearing Ultra Armor Ver. It's good to be a strong man.

"That...is that okay?"

Beidou Xingji hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help but ask with some expectation. Although his prosthetic limb was also considered as part of controlling the Ultra Armor Ver. Just modify it. As for the mobility problems caused by the prosthetic limbs, it can also be improved through other auxiliary instruments.

And his limbs... Although he is used to this kind of life, if possible, he still hopes to hug the one he loves with warm hands.

"Of course it's not a problem."

Yuan Subaru smiled slightly at Beidou Seiji, and then the golden light condensed on his hand and sprinkled on his body. At that moment, Beidou Seiji felt like he was soaking in a comfortable hot spring.

When he came back to his senses, he looked at his body. Not only were his limbs reborn, but even his Ultra Armor Ver. A had been reshaped by some method unknown to him. , allowing him to still maintain his original combat power, or even exceed his previous combat power.

"It's easy, don't worry."

Sensing the way Hokuto Seiji looked at him, Gen Subaru smiled and waved his hand to indicate that it was nothing. Then he cast his eyes on Hayata Shin and said softly:

"Let's go to your base first. I know you have a lot of doubts now, but this is obviously not a suitable place to talk."

"Well, you're right."

Shin Hayata nodded and agreed with Gen Subaru's statement, but at this moment, he looked left and right, as if he was looking for something. His behavior made other mobile Ultraman feel puzzled, but Gen Subaru understood him What are you doing? He said softly:

"Let's put your friend's matter aside for now. Don't worry, I will also handle the matters in the Kingdom of Light, but not now."

Yuan Subaru's words seemed to be heard by Hayata Shin, but also as if they were heard by a being that he was suppressing. Just when Yuan Subaru was conducting a trial, a 'Bermura' wanted to try Stand up, either persuade yourself, or stop yourself.

As for the existence of this 'Bermura', Yuan Subaru was aware of it from the beginning. After all, this guy's body was filled with extremely pure light particle reactions, and because of his experience in the deep blue space, Yuan Subaru glanced at it. Then he recognized that this light energy reaction came from the Ultra warrior.

Although I don't know why he became like this, the trial process is absolutely not allowed to be interrupted. Therefore, Yuan Subaru threw an 'Ultimate Cross Barrier'. Of course, this seal was temporary. Now that I have pretty much said everything, this person should be freed from the seal.

Although he didn't know what happened, Susumu Hayata considered that his friend was technically a cosmic person to the earth. Maybe the giant in front of him didn't like him very much, so he didn't plan to send him away. He called over and walked with him, so he didn't persist.

After Hayata reported his location, Gen Subaru used his time and space ability to move all of them to the building of the island country branch of the Scientific Special Search Team. There, stood an acquaintance of Hayata's—

Mitsuhiro Ide, this old man's superficial job is the director of the "Giant of Light Memorial Museum", but in fact he worked with Kon Hayata in the past, and is a teammate of the Japanese branch of the Scientific Special Investigation Team. The first-generation Ultra worn by Shinjiro Hayata The Mann Armor was entrusted to him by Mitsuhiro Ide. Although he is not young now, he is also responsible for commanding the scientific special search team.

And this so-called ‘Giant of Light Memorial Hall’ is where the island branch of the Scientific Special Investigation Team is located.

"Nice to meet you, sir. I am Mitsuhiro Ide."

Seeing Yuan Subaru's appearance, the commander who had originally planned to take a special transport to rush to Manhattan suddenly froze on the spot. He couldn't help but slip when he went down the steps, staggered, and almost lost his balance, but he still In a blink of an eye, he steadied his body, stretched out his hand nervously toward Yuan Subaru, introduced himself, and walked over quickly.

"Hello, nice to meet you, I am Yuan Subaru, the source of the source, Subaru of the Pleiades."

Only then did Yuan Subaru realize that he seemed to have not formally introduced himself yet, so he hurriedly said with some embarrassment:

"Just call me Subaru."

"Mr. Yuan Subaru, um, please come to the base first."

At this moment, it can be said that all people on earth are busy discussing what just happened on their mobile phones or computers, or with their family and friends, so the streets are very deserted now. Even many shops were temporarily closed, so Yuan Subaru and his group were standing here so openly that they did not cause any sensation.

But standing here is not what it is, so Mitsuhiro Ide quickly asked Gen Subaru to sit inside.

When coming to this base this time, the thing Yuan Subaru wants to know the most is related to the Star Cluster Council. Those secrets that he may not know yet, so that he can do it next, and also answer these mobile Ultraman questions. their doubts.

But what Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that after he walked into the base, an alien with a head like a tadpole and only one eye appeared in front of him. This alien was wearing a suit and said elegantly:

"Hello, Guardian of the Earth, my name is Ed. Please don't do anything yet. Can you let me finish?"

This Ed, whose race is the Chiton people who attempted to invade the earth in the past, is one of the few survivors when the race was exterminated by Ultraman. At least according to his current performance (witnesses: Ide Mitsuhiro, Hayata Susumu), he is the representative of the aliens standing on the side of the earth. As a liaison with the Star Cluster Council, he cooperates with Ide Mitsuhiro and others to fight against the crises that are approaching the earth again and again.

"After all, I can still stand here alive now. To some extent, my race and I are at least relatively clean."

Ed continued to speak, and Gen Subaru also felt that although he appeared very calm, this Chiton person was still very nervous.

"It seems that you have a lot to say to me."

Subaru looked at the Zhiton star and said softly:

"It just so happens that I also have a lot of questions to ask. In this case, I will listen to what you want to say."

"This is really direct, but this is also good, saving everyone's time.

Although they didn't talk for a long time, Ed and Ide Mitsuhiro noticed that Subaru seemed to have the characteristics of an overtime master, so they didn't drag their feet and took Subaru and other mobile Ultraman to a special room with a white interior.

"This room is now fixed in the X space, so there is no need to worry that what I am about to say will be leaked."

Ed, who was walking in the front, turned around and looked at Subaru and said:

"To be honest, I originally planned to keep this matter a secret for a long time before I could say it, but your strength and love for the earth gave me great courage. "

"Oh? Really? I didn't expect this. "

Subaru crossed his arms and calmly took over the conversation. Then, he turned his head and looked at Shinjiro Hayata who was hesitant to speak and said:

"The so-called X-space can actually be simply understood as being temporarily moved to another dimension. It is a relatively common means of using space. If you like this, I can help you install one on the mobile Ultraman armor."

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