After all, I am different from them. I am still the Ultraman of the Earth. In order for their smiles to continue to shine like this, I should continue to work. Next, regarding the sudden sleepiness at night, Yuan Subaru has to make some arrangements in advance. Means, let’s see what’s going on!

282 Rikka: Badass Noah....

Yuan Subaru set up the barrier that may be used next in the park, and then waited for the night to fall. Although his telekinesis has not recovered much yet, the level is still there. Set the telekinesis nodes to the best of their ability. The effect produced will not be as simple as one plus one equals two.

Today I want to see what forced me to sleep last night, and see what is walking in the city in the dark, changing reality.

Yuan Subaru sat on the bench with murderous intent, watching the afterglow of the sunset fade away from his body little by little, watching the sandy moonlight pouring over the city, but then disappearing under the continuous neon lights.

And this park has also been set up by Yuan Subaru with telekinesis hints that mean dispersal, so at this moment, there are no other humans in the park, and Yuan Subaru is constantly mobilizing the light particles in his body. , when necessary, he will shoot out all the few light particles as bullets!

Um? !

Just at this moment, Yuan Subaru noticed something and couldn't help but open his eyes and looked to the east. There, there was a familiar wave approaching. Yuan Subaru took a long breath and calmed down the light energy activated in his body. , although his current condition is quite bad, this surging energy reaction is not something ordinary humans can bear.

"Are you really here?"

The visitor is none other than Rikka Takarata. This JK girl is carrying a lunch box. The orange bracelet on her wrist has an extra decoration tied with a rope, which is the shrunken evolution of Gen Subaru. The one who trusts.

And it was precisely because of this that Rikka Baoda ignored the influence of the telepathy exerted by Gen Subaru and came here.

Rikka Takarata didn't know this. She just looked around curiously. She didn't know the influence of telekinesis, but she just felt that the feeling here was a bit strange to her, but that was all.

She walked straight over, sat next to Yuan Subaru, looked at him and said softly:

"You won't sleep here tonight, will you? Although the temperature has risen now and it won't be so cold, the mosquitoes have also come back."

"There's no need to worry about this issue."

Yuan Subaru said calmly:

"I'm not flesh and blood. Even if a mosquito lands on me, it won't draw blood, and..."

Having said this, Yuan Subaru glanced at the street lamp, and Rikka Takarata's gaze also moved over. Under the light, there was a group of flying insects flying continuously, and then at this moment, Rikka Takarata felt it. An inexplicable aura that made him feel chilly flashed through his heart, and then, the group of flying insects disappeared under the street lights and dispersed in a flurry.

"They don't dare to approach me, just like antelopes don't dare to wander in front of hungry wolves, so my place is still very quiet."

After saying this, Gen Subaru looked at Takarata Rikka, hesitated, and said softly:

"You'd better leave quickly. When it's twelve o'clock, I'm afraid there will be some actions here, and there will be a certain degree of danger."

"Twelve o'clock?"

Takarata Rikka was stunned for a moment and looked at her phone. It was only eight o'clock.

"There are still four hours left, are you going to drive me away now?"

"It's a bit too much to say you dare."

Yuan Subaru smiled helplessly and said:

"It's just for your safety."

"I'm already here. If the enemy pays attention here, I've already been exposed. So, it's not a big problem."

"It's not a big guy can't even imitate how I speak."

Yuan Subaru did not insist. He leaned on the bench with a smile, his tone became softer and softer, and said softly:

"Be careful not to be criticized by others for not speaking like a girl after being led astray by me."

"Like a child? There seems to be nothing wrong with it."

Rikka Takarata handed the bento in her hand to Gen Subaru and said softly:

"You haven't had dinner yet, No, you're welcome."

"Why do you sound so sure?"

Yuan Subaru took the lunch box and asked with some confusion. Rikka Takarata seemed to have someone to rely on, but Yuan Subaru couldn't figure out where he let her catch the flaw. He didn't seem to mention it in his previous words. related things.

"Clang clang clang."

Hearing this, Baoda Rikka lowered his head and swiped the phone twice, and then showed the page to Yuan Subaru. Yuan Subaru shrank his neck, and then he saw clearly that this was a group, and there were only three people in the group. Among the members, one of them posted a photo of himself standing on the playground watching a game, with the sentence "Which class is this from?" Waiting online, urgent. ’

"I remember the police phone number here is also '110'."

Yuan Subaru pretended to be expressionless and said:

"It's really not good. I was secretly photographed. I suddenly felt that my personal safety was threatened."

"Who would be so crazy as to threaten an Ultraman?"

Rikka Takarata complained, put away her phone, and imitated Gen Subaru, saying expressionlessly:

"You just left school at that hour, and you don't have any money. It would be strange if you have dinner... Wait, you won't go digging in the trash can."

"Which Ultraman would dig up something like that!"

As Gen Subaru spoke, he opened the lunch box and said softly:

"Oh! It looks good, so you're welcome."

After saying that, Gen Subaru took the chopsticks and ate the food seriously. Rikka Takarata smiled slightly and asked inquiringly:

"How is the taste?"

"I'm not picky about food, thank you for the treat."

"You're lying, are you done eating now?!"

Takarata Rikka blankly blinked her eyes and looked at Gen Subaru who had already started packing the lunch box. In disbelief, he stretched out his hand to take the box over and poked the bottom of the box with his chopsticks to make sure that it was not caused by some magic. After being deceived by his little illusion, he looked at Yuan Subaru with sympathetic eyes and said:

"You must be very hungry these days. This must not be enough to eat. Come home with me and I will make sure you are full!"

"Don't look at me like you're seeing a stray dog."

Why does Yuan Subaru eat so fast? Because he can't taste it at all now, and he doesn't need to eat at all. Whose Ultraman has to rely on eating to replenish energy, so he can only win this quickly, In order to avoid having Baoduo Rikka ask questions like how it tastes and which dish is delicious while eating.

"Eating fast is just my personal habit. Don't use human standards to measure Ultraman."

"It's so magical, the existence of Ultraman."

Takarata Rikka muttered and packed the lunch box, then looked at Gen Subaru and said:

"Speaking of which, with your status, shouldn't you be a capable person?"


Gen Subaru thought about it carefully, and found that he had indeed never told Rikka Takarata about such a thing. Therefore, when Gen Subaru realized something, he looked at the girl next to him and said with a smile:

"Did you finish the tokusatsu drama this afternoon?"

"Well, I drove it at double speed and finally finished it in one sitting."

Baota Rikka nodded and said honestly:

"One thing to say, when I first started watching it, the monsters, Nexus, and those holsters looked weird, and the female team member with the gun in them was also quite annoying, and there were also Yes, the previous part felt a bit like a horror movie, quite scary. Also, the tokusatsu drama seemed to have ended before the filming was finished, so it was a bit hazy. I still searched for some things before I understood them. 'Oh, so that's what happened.' But I read on the Internet that the reviews for this tokusatsu drama are pretty good."

"Haha, cabbage and radish, everyone has their own preferences."

Yuan Subaru took the words and said with a smile:

"So, have you now fully mastered the setting of Nexus, Miss Baoduo?"

"Ah, the degraded version of Ultraman Noah, the capable person will also be injured. If this capable person dies, there will be another one..."

As Rikka Takarata spoke, she raised her hand, shook the bracelet on it, and said softly:

"Also, is this your transformation device, the Evolutionary Truster? Is it really okay to give this to me as a talisman?"

"no problem."

Yuan Subaru looked at the shaking transformer and explained softly:

"Let me answer your initial question. I can no longer be considered a fit person. After my physical body collapsed and I acted like an aggregate of light particles, I should be considered pure 'light', but" Whether it’s Gen Subaru or Ultraman, it’s all me, there’s no difference.”

"The body is broken?!"

Takarata Rikka looked at Yuan Subaru with shocked eyes and said:

"Aren't you dead then? No, no, no, I didn't mean that, that, that..."

Before he finished speaking, Takarata Rikka realized something was wrong with what he said. Even though he wanted to say that the "Light of Nexus" would be passed down, but when he said it, it always gave people a feeling of "Why are you still here?" Not to die' a strange feeling.

"I understand, I understand, I understand."

Gen Subaru pressed his hands down, comforted Rikka Takarata, who was at a loss for a while, and said in a voice that didn't know whether to laugh or cry:

"I understand what you mean, so don't react so loudly. If you keep shouting, the policeman will really be attracted to you. By then, Ultraman will be thrown into prison. Hello, Miss Baoduo, Did you hear me? Bao Duosang~~~~"

After finally calming down Rikka Takarata, Gen Subaru took a long breath and said quietly:

"People say there are three women in one drama, but there's something really wrong with that..."

【stare--! ! ! 】

"Well, let's not talk about such boring human gossip."

Feeling the gaze coming from Takarata Rikka, Gen Subaru felt that if he didn't change his words, there might be new troubles next, so he calmly changed the subject and said:

"I can survive all because of the desperate help of a senior. Otherwise, my story would have come to an end long ago, and I would not be able to talk to you here, Baoduo. Ah... I don’t know who that person is now. Senior is busy with something, I hope he won't get into any more trouble."

"You have worked hard enough."

Takarata Rikka unconsciously fiddled with the phone case with her fingers, looked at Yuan Subaru's side face and said:

"Have you never regretted anything like becoming Ultraman?"

"Does the character in the show have any regrets?"

Yuan Subaru said with a gentle smile:

"Even if they regret it, I won't. If I hadn't become Nexus, then my short life would have been spent in Mikami Town. Although I might be able to help some people, it would definitely not be as helpful as it is now. Just for this reason, I can’t say anything that I regret.”


Takarata Rikka looked at Yuan Subaru, turned her wrist unconsciously, and continued to ask:

"Will you help me just because I am a human? If... I mean if, oh, if I am not a human, then if I are placed with a human, you will..."

"[If my mother and my wife fell into the water at the same time, which one would you save first?]...Miss Baoduo, even on my planet, there are very few women asking people this kind of question."

Before Rikka Takarata finished speaking, Gen Subaru knew what she was going to ask, and he couldn't help but complained:

"Is this the human mind during adolescence? It's really delicate and complicated. Fortunately, I died before I reached adolescence."

"....How cunning, you are a cunning Ultraman."

Just after hearing the first half of the sentence, Rikka Takarata's eyebrows suddenly rose. She was about to let a certain Ultraman understand that adolescent humans do not like to hear such truth, but immediately, Rikka Takarata seemed to be a dud. , puffed up his face, looked at Yuan Subaru unhappily and said:

"You are so cunning to use this kind of thing as a shield."

"Well, well, a guy who is about to die can always enjoy some special treatment, right? This is the so-called human nature."

Yuan Subaru smiled "hehehe", then, he smiled slightly and said softly:

"But if that happens, I will not give up on you because of 'humanity'. After all, we are already friends, right? But..."

Speaking of this, Rikka Takarata saw Gen Subaru's face become a little sad, and she couldn't help but become serious, and quietly waited for Gen Subaru's next words:

"I have noticed that because of the combination with Gulit, my lost emotions seem to have returned a little, so I can talk to you here so much. But after Gulit and I separated, I lost some of my emotions again. What choice will I make...I don’t know about this kind of thing.”

After saying this, Yuan Subaru shook his head slightly and added as if patching:

"But so far, I feel like there's nothing wrong with what I've done. I hope I can maintain it in the future and don't make me feel any regrets."


Listening to Gen Subaru's words, Takarata Rikka silently reached out and pressed her temples, as if a downed computer needed to be restarted. After a while, she said:

"What kind of Shura field did you come from? It doesn't matter that you have a short lifespan, but you also have emotional problems. A capable person like you...doesn't Ultraman Noah care about you? Anyway, you He is also his successor, and I think that Noah is quite powerful. Online comments also say that he is the first light in the universe, and that he is some kind of mysterious person. Why do I only think that he is a genius now? After dragging the child into the battlefield, he will ignore the villain..."

283 Regedo: Noah, I believe in you

"No, no, no, we can't talk about this."

Gen Subaru quickly interrupted Rikka Takarata and said seriously:

"If it weren't for Senior Noah, I wouldn't be able to exist. If it weren't for Senior Noah's two attacks, I would have died when we fought against one of my father's clones."

"Ah, that's it...wait, wait, wait..."

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