Now, Yuan Subaru can try to transform independently. Although he can only transform into the young Nexus pro version at present, this is also a good start. Next, as long as the enemy doesn't go too far, If you find the right opportunity on your own and operate it properly, it can snowball.

As for Akane Shinjo, Minamoto Subaru is also aware of her cleverness. Perhaps she wants to bet on both sides, both his own and Alexis's, to be safe and secure, so as not to get nothing in the end.

"Shinjo Akane, I just hope that, if possible, Alexis will not stand on the opposite side of us. Moreover, since Alexis is looking for fun, then he should help you by finding something from you. Have fun."

Gen Subaru continued to reason with Akane Shinjo, and said slowly:

"By the way, you should have noticed the big robot fighting your monster. That guy's name is Gullit. He is a super agent. The reason why he appears here is because of Alexis' sneak attack. He was forced to Came here, so in a sense, your previous troubles were caused by that Lezi man."

"I do know this."

Akane Shinjou crossed her legs on the chair, holding her ankles with both hands, shaking slightly and said:

"Alexis said there was a fake flying above, and he thought it would be fun to hit it, so he flew up and started doing it."

"[Counterfeit]? What does this mean?"

Gen Subaru raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains. He wanted to get more information from Shinjo Akane, but Shinjo Akane really didn't know about this. While Alexis was enjoying herself, she also She loves the Riddler, and to Akane Shinjou, she thinks this kind of thing is insignificant. Therefore, she can only smile awkwardly at Gen Subaru.

In this regard, Minamoto Subaru couldn't say anything more. He just hoped that if Shinjou Akane found the whereabouts of Alexis, she would give him a message and sit down to have a good talk together.

Then, Yuan Subaru started a new topic, such as 'Don't use monsters to attack the people of Dujuetai', 'If there is any reliable combat power, let it come out to help when necessary', 'What if If possible, can you separate part of the authority of Azalea Terrace, a small garden world'...

Akane Shinjo agreed to this request. She had a pretty good first impression of this young man who looked good, treated people well, and could make herself less repulsive about dealing with him, so she didn't fight him haha , or try to muddle through.

However, Shinjou Akane agreed to the matters that Minamoto Subaru proposed, but she didn't know how to satisfy Minamoto Subaru's request. She could only let the young man look at it and do it herself if she felt it was appropriate. Go get it.

What else can Gen Subaru say? If he had that ability now, he would no longer need the authority of this small garden world. I can only say that Alexis has indeed found a good 'partner'. What is it like? They all know a little bit, but in actual operation, they don’t have much ability to take action.

If Akane Shinjo was not a human, and Minamoto Subaru stood in Alexis's position, the young man would have the confidence to sell Akane Shinjo, and she would still have to count the money for him.

At this time, Minamoto Subaru remembered something and made another request to Akane Shinjo, which was...

‘Help him carve a model of Nexus’.

300 Sero: Can anyone explain?

After talking about this matter, Yuan Subaru planned to leave. To be honest, the matter was solved much easier than he thought. He was already prepared for a fight to the death.

Well, even though there was no fighting, it was just bruised and bruised.

"Oh, right."

Before leaving, Gen Subaru remembered something. When he was about to leave the room, he stopped, looked at Akane Shinjo and said:

"My destination is the second-hand shop "Aya Junk Shop" next to yours. If you want to contact me about something, you can go there. Even if I am not there, others will tell me about your matter. "

"Ah, the Rikka family, I really didn't expect that..."

Shinjou Akane pushed up her glasses that had slipped slightly, and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Alexis and I have been searching for so long, but we still haven't found the whereabouts of you uninvited guests. I didn't expect it to be right next door. Is this what is called darkness under the light?"

After saying this, Shinjo Akane lay on the table and said word by word:

"Rikka, it seems like I haven't seen her for a while. I really miss her."

Gen Subaru looked at Akane Shinjo who was muttering on the other side, picked up the utility knife, wiped off the blood on it, and started working. Without saying anything else, he quietly closed the door and left the residence of this human girl.

Then, Yuan Subaru looked down at his torso, and waved his hand carelessly, just wiping away the blood. As for the wound... This body will be abandoned sooner or later, so there is no need to spend precious time on it. Light energy, Yuan Subaru has not given up yet, it is just to prevent Cero from an old computer.

After all, this body is the product of fusion with Gulit. If something happens to the old computer, he can use this body to forcefully enter the computer space and carry out various countermeasures.

Ah...another day has passed.

Watching the dark yellow sunset pouring its light on the earth, Gen Subaru couldn't help but sigh. After dealing with these things, he still had to expand this small garden world into a complete world. Otherwise, Rikka would grow up from childhood to old age. It would be a pity to be confined to this small Dujuan Taichung. Considering her family background, there is no problem in traveling abroad and having fun.

Next... let's go to the borderline of this small garden world.

Yuan Subaru closed his eyes, thought about it in his mind, and found a new target for action. Although it seemed calm now, the world of Nan Mengya and others was almost the same before it was destroyed. God knows when, those people Ultra warriors and monsters will suddenly descend here.

Now, fortunately, the world of the Little Garden is not that big, so Yuan Subaru can walk along the edge of the Little Garden and arrange some preparation measures. If such a disaster happens here in the future, then these measures may be able to Buy yourself a lot of valuable time.

Just do it, Yuan Subaru immediately started moving, and began to construct appropriate energy nodes in his mind according to local conditions.

But because of this, in the second-hand shop "Aya Junk Shop", everyone sat at the dinner table and waited for Gen Subaru for a long time. In the end, in order to live up to the wishes of chef Rikka's mother, everyone had no choice but to stop waiting for Gen Subaru. , started eating with chopsticks.

"You two... feel like your relationship has improved a lot."

After finishing the meal and washing the dishes in the kitchen, Rikka's mother paid attention to the movement outside, and then whispered to her daughter:

"Did you guys reach some ulterior secret? Oh my, the young people today..."

"Mom, please don't start making random guesses when you don't understand anything, okay?"

Takarata Rikka complained helplessly, and whispered in a somewhat disappointed voice:

"We have a good relationship...maybe we are accomplices."

Yes, accomplice, ah, no, it does not refer to accomplice in terms of age, but after the conversation between Baoda Rikka and Nan Mengya, they all made one thing clear, that is, although they have not known each other for a long time, they are indeed I have a certain fondness for Yuan Subaru, I don’t know if it counts as a liking, but at least, if they think of one day, Yuan Subaru hugs other girls and smiles happily, they will feel more or less unhappy.

As for the reason why they are said to be accomplices, it is because both Takarata Rikka and Namco Ya discovered that Gen Subaru's 'love' is fair. In human terms, no matter who it is, even if it is Takarata Rikka or Hakka. , any flower, or dream buds from east to west, north to south, no matter male or female, no matter tall, short, fat or thin, it can be said that if any human being is put into their position, Yuan Subaru will treat them the same, because they are all 'Humanity'.

The biggest difference between Rikka Takarata and Nan Mengmei and others is just 'luck'. Yuan Subaru protects humans, but has little contact with humans, so only a few people can experience this doting from [God] .

Now, Rikka Takarata and Minami want to monopolize this doting and take the 'human god' as their own, so they call each other 'accomplices'.

It's just that, after confirming the identity of the 'accomplice', Rikka Takarata and Minami were left staring. They were just JKs, and their love was only limited to what they witnessed and heard, and those who witnessed and heard it were also It's between humans, there's no way it can be used in situations like theirs.

Therefore, the girls could not think of anything in the end. Although Nan Mengya said that "Using the identity of a human to express love, Yuan Subaru will probably agree", but as soon as this statement was said, Nan Mengya herself denied it, then Such an unequal relationship will definitely collapse sooner or later. That kind of ending is not what she wants!

"Okay, okay, mom, I won't say more."

Seeing her daughter's depressed look, Rikka's mother didn't say anything else. She just thought about it and said softly:

"Rikka, Mom doesn't mean anything else. She just likes this kind of thing, and she still needs to learn to take the initiative. When Mom met Dad in the gym, if Mom hadn't been decisive enough, there would have been no follow-up. Okay. "Okay, that's all. Mom is going to pick dad up from get off work tonight, and then go shopping. You and your friends, just have fun. Mom is gone."

After saying this, Liuhua's mother decisively dropped her apron, picked up her coat, and with a smile filled with happiness and vitality, said hello to Shima and others, then drove away in her car.

It can be seen that Rikka's mother is looking forward to tonight's date.

After Liuhua's mother left, the remaining people relaxed and talked freely about some topics that could not be discussed before. Gullit also appeared from the computer screen nearby and chatted with everyone. , understand the changes in the outside world.

But what people didn't expect was that not long after Rikka's mother left, a small figure appeared at the door of the second-hand shop "Aya Junk Shop". She had short hair, and her coat was half-taken off, revealing the white shirt underneath, and her hands were shrunk. In the sleeves, the cute head poked out from the door, looked at the people in the store, smiled and waved hello and said:

"Good evening, everyone, is Yuan Subaru here?"


Takarada Rikka didn't expect that Akane Shinjo would come to her place. Now that she thinks about it, although they are neighbors, this popular girl seems to have only been here a few times. Therefore, she was really surprised to come this time.

But this surprise faded a lot after hearing that Akane Shinjo was looking for Subaru.

Takarada Rikka still remembers what Subaru said on the way to pick up Nan Mengmei and others. Although she knew that Subaru was just joking, she didn't expect that in just one afternoon, Subaru really went to find Akane Shinjo.

Is the "strongest girl with both talent and beauty" that she said at that time so attractive to him? So much so that he put down his business and went to find Shinjo to get to know him.

No, no, no, you can't think like that. Maybe Subaru went to find Shinjo to do business.

No, no, no, no, what business can I have with Shinjo-san? She is just an ordinary, popular JK. It is impossible that all those monsters were created by Shinjo-san. How can that be possible?

Ugh... am I shooting myself in the foot?

Shinjo-san is so cute. Even if I really like her, it seems that it is not my turn.

"Rikka, Rikka, Rikka, wake up."

Looking at Takarada Rikka who suddenly hugged her head and began to turn gray and white, Nan Mengmei quickly reached out and shook her. She didn't know who the person was. Why did she become like this after meeting? At least introduce her before turning gray and white!

"Ah... It's amazing."

On the other side, looking at Takarada Rikka's reaction, although Shinjo Akane was still smiling, her smile was not so natural, just like a child who lost his favorite toy, and said softly:

"It should be the setting that you like me, but now you feel troubled by my appearance. Is that the magic of the 'guest'? Although I can understand it, it still makes people feel unhappy."

"If you want to find Minamoto Subaru, he is not here. He is busy with something."

Seeing that Takarada Rikka couldn't cheer up for a while, Shima could only entertain Shinjo Akane on behalf of the host and said:

"Why don't you sit down first and tell me what you want."

"Hehe, it's like this."

Shinjo Akane pointed to the bag she brought over and said:

"The things that Minamoto Subaru asked me to do have been completed, so I sent it to him."

"It's a bit noisy..."

Huh? ! XN

Just as everyone was talking, a lazy, weak voice sounded, which stopped everyone's conversation. Shima and others hurriedly looked around to see who said it. After all, they didn't remember anyone who had such a voice. Only Shinjo Akane looked straight at the old computer.

And Gulit also looked around, but as a being living in the old computer, he saw something that everyone couldn't see. The super agent looked at the awakened giant of light and said happily:

"I didn't expect you to wake up so quickly. It seems that your recovery speed is faster than I expected."

"Where... is this place?"

Cero looked at the surrounding environment, and then looked at Gulit in front of him who looked like Jennai. He covered his head with a splitting headache and asked weakly. At the same time, Nan Mengya looked at the sudden appearance that occupied half of the TV. The figure on the screen suddenly widened his eyes and blurted out:


"Ah, it's me, what's the matter? Little girl, do you know..."

Cero was really frightened by Nan Mengya's voice. He patted his chest, and just when he was about to say hello, he heard...

"Huh?! Is it that Cero?!"

Takarada Rikka, who was just turning gray, caught some keywords and suddenly came to her senses. She had heard Nan Mengya talk about Minamoto Subaru's life experience, and this shocked Cero again. Cero was a little confused about the current situation.

This world was quite unfamiliar to him, not to mention that his current state was quite wrong, and he was squeezed in a strange space with an unknown warrior.

Moreover, whether it was this mechanical warrior or the human outside the space, they seemed to know him. This was not surprising. Zero had traveled to so many places in the universe, and many people on many planets had known about Zero's existence through interstellar communication. He was also a celebrity in the universe.


What made Zero feel wrong was that the two human girls who called out his name gave him an incomprehensible reaction. In addition to being shocked, they also had some subtle and complex expressions. Zero really couldn't guess why.

Moreover, as the two human girls began to whisper something to their companions, the strange reaction began to spread.

"Hey, hey, can you explain to me what's going on?"

Zero couldn't help but reach out and touch his head dart, and asked directly. Now he was eager to figure out the whole story, and then find a way to get out of the current predicament. After all, now is not the time to rest, and something big has happened outside!

At this moment, a beam of light fell on the old computer and controlled the device. Then, in front of everyone's eyes, the young man's figure walked out of the night and appeared in the thrift store "Brilliant JUNK SHOP" among.

"Subaru?! You...what's wrong with you?!"

"Subaru, has an enemy appeared?"

Looking at Minamoto Subaru's face that was so pale that there was no trace of blood, Nan Mengya and Takarata Rikka couldn't sit still. They wanted to step forward to ask something. As for Shinjou Akane, she couldn't sit still at all. , after all, she was the culprit. Her fingers couldn't help but press together nervously, rubbing them hard, and sweat had begun to form on her forehead.

I said I should bandage it and go to the hospital. Really, if I die like this, what should I do...

301 Subaru: My power of Leonix

"Sero, instead of us explaining it to you, how about you answer my doubts first?"


Gen Subaru gently pushed away Rikka Takarata and Namco Mei, pressed them down on the chairs with telekinesis, and then slowly walked to the old computer, with a stern expression on his face, and no trace of his inner activities could be seen.

Obviously, Zero didn't expect to see Yuan Subaru here. He was so shocked that he didn't know how to react. But immediately, he came to his senses because the murderous aura in Yuan Subaru's body was so strong that it felt like... If you don't cooperate, you may not survive the next second.

No, what on earth is going on? !

Zero felt like he was turning into a repeater, but for now he could only quietly wait for Yuan Subaru's next words. After all, this kid... really knew how to do it. On his side, he had a complicated blood relationship with him. , it should have been simply ignored.

"Sero, I felt the energy reaction from me on your body and where you fell. I believe that it was my handwriting that made you what you are now."

What Yuan Subaru said immediately attracted the attention of everyone around him. Yamanaka Koyomi counted on his fingers and figured out the relationship. He couldn't get around it for a while. Yuan Subaru, you have already admitted that you did it yourself. What else is there? I wonder if this is making fun of Zero.

"Then, Zero, tell me why you fought with me and what time point you came from."

Yuan Subaru looked straight at Zero, his eyes already lit up with a dark golden light, and Zero shivered instinctively when he saw it. First in the Kingdom of Light, and then just now, Zero was really convinced by this mystery. Faced with the dark gold energy, he suffered a lot, especially in the recent fight. Before he even figured out how he was hit, his health bar was basically emptied.

"It wasn't me who attacked you, but you who attacked us. Me, Hong Kai, and my fellow security team members all fell down almost instantly."

Zero looked at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"I am not some Zero from the future. I am the current Zero. There is no doubt about this."

"Ah I?"

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