"Remember this, I am Ultraman Nexus."

Gen Subaru took out the glowing Evolution Truster, looked directly at Carlos Kurosaki, and said:

"The monster is coming soon. I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. But after destroying the monster, if you still plan to argue with me, I will stay with you until the end."

After saying that, a flash of red light flashed, and Yuan Subaru, the female Xio team member, and the woman in cross-country clothes disappeared into the room.

"This is called bluestone, right?"

Outside the building, Yuan Subaru held up the jade and said:

"Should you handle this or let me use it?"

"Huh? Can you use this?"

The Xio female team member asked in astonishment. Yuan Subaru nodded, looked at the bluestone, and said with emotion:

"What is stored here is the light of the first generation Ultraman. I have been favored by him, so I know how to use this power. Is there anything you need to cooperate with?"

"No, it's better to say, we have to study now what to do with this when we take it back... huh? Oh~ I received the notice, you can just take it and use it."

Just as the Xio female team member continued in a low voice, her personal terminal sounded a message. It was a message from Dr. Herman and Captain Xio, saying that if Nexus needs the bluestone gem, just give it to him directly, and Provide assistance as much as possible, so the female team member immediately changed her statement.

"Okay, by the way, I have a question..."

Just as Yuan Subaru was about to leave, he remembered something. He raised his hand, and Ultraman's telekinesis wrapped him and the female team member, blocking external sound transmission:

"Do you know who Ultraman X is?"

"Ah...this...I know."

The Xio female team member did not expect Yuan Subaru to ask this. She opened her mouth and hesitated for a moment, and then answered honestly. Yuan Subaru then asked:

"I saw in the database that he was injured by Seggu. Can he still fight now?"

"Well...he's not injured, but he still can't change his body at the moment."

"I understand, let him rest well and leave this monster to me."

After asking clearly, Yuan Subaru nodded, then pulled out the Evolved Truster, transformed into Nexus, and flew towards Seggu's direction.

"It's coming, Seggu is coming, huh?"

At this time, Mikazuki Shou had rushed back and was debugging the equipment at the front of the defense line. Suddenly, a gust of wind hit from behind. He looked back and saw a silver and black giant floating in the sky above the defense line. Mikazuki Shou's heart also rang. A familiar voice:

"Should I go first, or do you guys fight first?"

ah? Shouldn't we go together?

Mikazuki Shou was stunned for a moment and didn't go around for a while, but his mind was spinning so fast that he subconsciously blurted out:

"According to the last data analysis, Sagegu's skin is in the form of a Bose Einstein condensate. Normal attacks are difficult to cause damage. It is recommended to hit the eyes."

My attack shouldn't be considered a normal attack, but the defense of the eyes is relatively weak, right? I remember that.

Nexus thought for a moment, nodded, and grabbed the energy core with his hand, and the phase shift wave light shot out to the sky. When the golden light rain fell, the giant pressed his hand on the ground, and violent Ultra thought force Sagegu was lifted from the ground to the ground.

Then, the giants and monsters disappeared from everyone's eyes.

oh! I forgot!

After coming back to his senses, Mikazuki Shou patted his head and blamed himself in annoyance:

I forgot that Ultraman Nexus can open the Metafield. We should fight a wave first to test the water for Nexus, oops!

No matter what Mikazuki Mamoru thought, the battle between the giants and the monsters had already begun. Nexus had one hand in front and one behind, carefully looking at the so-called Yan Demon Beast. It had eyes from its head to its shoulders. It is like an evil ghost with sixty-four eyes in the endless hell. Its back is densely covered with long needles like a jungle, its right hand is as thick as a mace, and its saw-like tail is constantly swinging, as if it is looking for something. There was a flaw in the attack, and there was a glowing part on the chest, emitting a dark red light.

This terrifying and ferocious Yan Warcraft roared and launched an attack on Nexus. The Metafield was absorbing its energy and suppressing its combat effectiveness. This invisible attack made this powerful monster feel even more angry. It launched an attack on Nexus without hesitation, and as it advanced, the thorns on Seggu's back emitted red lightning, and then, red and black light spurted out from its mouth, towards Nexus. Bomb away.

046 Antonla, Golzan

Nexus took two steps back to avoid the attack of the red and black light, but in the corner of his sight, Yuan Subaru found that the ground hit by the light turned into a blood-red pool, and the red and black light kept gushing out. While chasing Nexus, the scope of the blood pool became larger. At the same time, as Seggu advanced, the ground where he stepped also began to assimilate the earth, assimilating it into blood. pool.

There is no doubt that the enemy is trying to create a battlefield conducive to their own fighting.

So Nexus jumped to a high altitude with his feet, and at the same time, he made several high-speed rotations of his body in the air. Like a flying swallow, he moved flexibly in the air, avoiding Seggu's attack, and also increased his power. With the power of the kick, and with the help of the force of rapid falling, he kicked Seggu in the head at a tricky angle. The kick caused Yan Warcraft to stumble back a few steps, and the light in his mouth stopped. His movements were a bit slower.

But Nexus also fell into the blood pool. To be honest, this blood pool was soft and difficult to step on, and Yuan Subaru didn't notice any other abnormalities. But no matter what, it was better to leave first. Thinking of this, Nexus jumped again into the air, and after several somersaults, he fell again like a meteor.

At this time, Seggu, who had just recovered from the dizziness of the kick, noticed the crisis. After the short thorn on his back flashed red, it was launched like a missile, but its action was still a step slower. Although the backstab shot attacked Nexus, the meteor kick also landed firmly on its head, making it dizzy again.

Nexus rolled on the ground while bearing the pain, releasing the force, but after getting up, he immediately turned around and counterattacked, slashing at the valve of Seggu with a knife. Although it failed to cause effective damage due to the monster's own defense, it also successfully made it stiff. Nexus grabbed Seggu's head, tripped, and pushed forward to throw it to the ground. Then he fixed the neck of the Yanmo beast with his hands, and launched a fierce attack on the monster's eyes according to what Sanrikushou said.

This series of attacks made Seggu extremely angry. Nexus, who was attacking, suddenly realized that there was a strong force pulling him down. The cautious Yuan Subaru immediately let go of Seggu and flew into the sky. When he looked again, the end of Seggu's long thorn had sunk into the blood pool.

So this is how it is used...

After understanding the use of the blood pool, Yuan Subaru felt relieved, but the more troublesome thing is that the blood pool seems to interfere with perception, so that now he can't find the location of Seggu.

But this problem is easy to solve.

Nexus flashed and sat on the rocks in the area that was not polluted by the blood pool. If he had a cup of tea at this time, he would look like an old grandfather enjoying his retirement life.

Of course, Yuan Subaru did not forget that the Meta domain is time-limited, but does this Yanmomon know it? Even if it knows, can it swallow the anger of being beaten by itself just now with its ferocity?

Feeling the vibration from the ground, the answer is self-evident.

Countless backstabs came out from the ground, like a giant swallower closing up, with terrifying sharp teeth on all sides. Nexus crossed his hands in front of his chest and began to spin at high speed. The red whirlwind spread out from this center. All the backstabs that attacked were blown off track by the strong wind, but at this time, at Nexus's feet, Seggu burst out of the ground, waving his mace-like arms and hitting Nexus head-on.

In response, Nexus immediately stopped spinning, leaned back, dodged the attack in the posture of a bridge, and then seized this opportunity, quickly stood up, and attacked the red glowing part of Seggu's chest with high-speed continuous punches. Although I don't know what use this thing is for Seggu, I'll hit it first. If it can be destroyed, it's best. If it can't be destroyed, I'll force it to see if I can test anything.

Suddenly, Yuan Subaru noticed that the red glowing crystal was flickering abnormally, so he retracted his fist without thinking, jumped up on the spot, and kicked Seggu's chest with both feet. Although he didn't kick, Nexus also took advantage of the recoil and quickly flipped back, keeping a distance from Seggu.

At this time, Yuan Subaru noticed that the red crystal emitted a flame bullet, which attacked at a very fast speed. Nexus immediately changed his action, kicked his feet on the ground, and the giant jumped into the air, narrowly avoiding the flame bullet.

On the other side, Seggu had already experienced Nexus's flying kick, so when he saw this guy jump into the air, he immediately prepared for the flying kick. However, this time, Nexus in the air swung his right hand upward and his left hand downward, and the vertical crescent light blade whistled out with a sharp buzzing sound. Seggu opened his mouth and sprayed out red and black light to meet the light blade. After seeing the light being cut, he roared, and the light became thicker, thus destroying the deadly vertical guillotine.

While Seggu was spitting out light, Nexus was not idle either. Although he was beaten by five people in the deep blue space last time, thanks to the expansion of his vision in the [Miracle] form, Gen Subaru still learned something and had some new ideas, such as this!

Nexus raised his hands in front of his chest, accumulated energy, and waved his right hand upwards. A ball of light was launched above Seggu. As the ball of light flashed, dense feathers of particles bombarded Seggu with thunder.

Tsk... Is the attack power insufficient because of the increased density?

Yuan Subaru looked at Seggu being attacked, silently memorized this improvement point, then stretched his arms back, and the energy core blasted out a pulse. Nexus fell down right after it, and at this time, two of the barbs on Seggu's back suddenly popped out and fired at Nexus.

The speed was so fast, and the giant was diving at this time. Under the collision of the two, Gen Subaru had no time to adjust the direction, and could only cross his hands in front of him for defense. Although [Armed Nexus] relieved some of the force, Nexus still fell to the ground with a muffled groan, and his hands were numb from the power. If there was no bonus from the Meta field, these hands would not be able to attack with full force in the next battle.



At this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly heard a beast-like roar coming from behind him. He looked back in shock and found that the two long thorns that were shot turned into two monsters. If the boy remembered correctly, according to the monsters According to the illustrated book, these two should be the magnetic monster Anton La and the super ancient monster Gorzan!

047 Come on, why not turn it up?

According to legend, in the ancient times, Yan Warcraft Saigegu owned a group of monster corps, which was invincible. It turns out... is the so-called monster corps a thorn in its side?

This fact made Yuan Subaru raise his eyebrows. Anton La and Golzan were considered monsters with good combat capabilities in the visitors' monster manuals. If they were...


grass? !

Just when Yuan Subaru was thinking about which one to take away with the guillotine first, another strange sound came from Seggu's back, and then he saw long thorns whizzing up, Nexus Without saying a word, the feathers of particles flew like rain, trying to destroy those long thorns.

But the monsters obviously wouldn't let him do this. Seggu's backstab shot and Golzan's ultrasonic light all began to intercept the particle feathers. Anton La directly drilled into the ground and headed towards Nexel. Kill where Si is.

Under this interference, almost all of the particle feathers were intercepted, and the remaining ones that could hit the thorns only produced some sparks, which basically had no effect.


Ten, hundreds, thousands... Countless monsters were born from the thorns, and they roared deafeningly into the sky, making even the Meta Realm tremble slightly.

At the same time, outside the meta field, Team Xio also made some small inventions with the help of Dr. Gehrman because their vice-captain was also a fitter and had transformed into Nexus. , the members of Team Xio clearly saw the changes in the Meta field through the phase detection screen, and they couldn't help but be eclipsed.

The captain of Team Xio looked at the young man beside him and said softly:

"Dadi, can't you transform yet? Nexus may not be able to deal with this kind of quantity..."

"The X terminal has been corroded by destruction," Da Kong Dai said, grabbing his hair and frowning, "Dr. Hermann is trying to recover, but he can't yet..."

"Then there's no way."

The captain of Team Xio sighed, picked up the communicator, and shouted solemnly:

"Level 5 alert! Everyone is ready to respond to the enemy immediately!"


"What's wrong, Dadi?"


Looking along Daiku Daichi's finger, the captain of Team Xio saw the Nexus Particle Feather on the screen taking action, and then directly facing the countless monsters.

Hello! Isn't it too reckless to dare to rush into this situation?

Everyone in the Xio team was stunned by this scene, and then their eyes couldn't help but shift to the former Xio vice-captain Tachibana Sayuri. Seeing this, Tachibana Sayuri said helplessly with a black line on her head:

"If I had this ability, Aix would have retired long ago."


On the other side, looking at Nexus who refused to retreat, Yan Demon Beast and its Yan Demon clones suddenly became furious and became so ferocious that the monster light that could cover the sky and the sun suddenly struck Nexus. Come on, with that power, even the Xio team members outside the Metafield saw fluctuations in the real space.

Sayuri Tachibana, who had once transformed into Nexus, turned pale and hurriedly called the medical team to get ready. Even if the Meta Field was not broken during this battle, after the battle was over, the able-bodied of this generation would probably be seriously disabled.

As for Yuan Subaru... Let me tell you, it does hurt, but it doesn't matter. You bastards are already within my attack range!

With a livid face, the young man took out the bluestone gem from his arms, struck it on his forehead, and transmitted the light into his body. In an instant, the virtual image of the first Ultraman appeared behind Nexus. The shadow, the majestic light even overwhelmed the brightness of the monsters' beam attacks.

Then, Nexus and the first-generation Ultraman behind him made the same move, placing their right hand vertically on the left hand that was placed horizontally. Only two fingers of both hands were stretched out, forming an "L" shape, radiating a magnificent of seven-color rainbow-shaped beams.

At the same time, Seggu faintly noticed that this beam of light was unusual, and roared. All the Yama clone beasts seemed to have reached some kind of tacit understanding in an instant, and the complicated lights actually intertwined and merged together at that moment, in the blink of an eye. Tearing apart the ground of Meta Realm.

But Nexus's movements did not deform at all. So, the next moment, the monster light from the left collided with the colorful light from the right. The two competed with each other anxiously, and the two beams collided. A 'black hole' bursting with lightning quietly emerged.

This is a precursor to the imminent collapse of the Meita realm!

However, at this time, Yuan Subaru had also completed the accumulation of power through the blessing of the Meta Tower Domain. Together with the first-generation projection behind him, he let out a fearless battle cry, and a thicker colorful beam of light poured out from his arm, impacting on Light up the monster and defeat it in the blink of an eye!

The unstoppable rainbow light immediately rushed into the group of Yama clones. As Nexus turned his body and let the beam sweep across, these monsters were ruthlessly harvested like wheat. The Yama clones stood there blankly. The beasts just retreated.

As for the ‘standing still’, it was not because he was frightened by the power of the seven rainbow lights, nor because Yan Momon Sagegu gave up on them, but because this time Gen Subaru used the first generation Ultraman’s Karalim Ray, which, in addition to its powerful destructive power, also has the special function of stopping the enemy’s actions.

It’s just that the ‘stop’ point seems to have a change in the length of time depending on the strength of the target.

Just like now, Yan Momon Sagegu has already resumed his actions, and the long thorns behind it have stood up again.

There are too many thorns! !

Gen Subaru covered his chest, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and sighed helplessly. To be honest, after experiencing the last fierce battle and the beating in the deep blue space, the boy did not feel much about the change in the intensity of the battle.

Just like now, his first reaction was why he was still vomiting blood when he was obviously an electronic card structure, and the second was... that’s it? You can’t do anything else except throwing long thorns, right?

If so, then take my guillotine! !

"Ultra Guillotine!"

Subaru shouted the name loudly, Nexus raised his hands, and the first generation behind him also stretched out his hands and grasped [Armed Nexus]. Then the whole shadow turned into a ball of light, floating between Nexus' hands.

Then Nexus waved the ball of light forward, forming a jagged light wheel of energy. Seggu realized the danger of this light wheel and immediately sprayed out light to intercept in the air, but the Ultra Guillotine spread into three identical and powerful light wheels in the middle, flexibly avoiding the sprayed light and continued to kill Seggu!

048 Ultra Bomb!

The Ultra Guillotine flexibly avoided Seggu's light interception and slashed from bottom to top at his back. This is worthy of being a cutting skill known as a forbidden technique. The sharpness is by no means comparable to the vertical and horizontal guillotines. The hardness that the enhanced particle feather cannot shake is so fragile in front of it.

However, he was able to perform it this time thanks to the blessing of the first generation's light. The light in the bluestone gem seemed to store some of the first generation's combat experience and skills, allowing Gen Subaru to successfully control the energy control problem of the "Ultra Guillotine".

Of course, there is another point that Gen Subaru is more concerned about. When he received the five-fold light, some of his combat memories were also transmitted with it, which led him to know that even Ace, when using this move, must obtain the consent of the Ultra Star and the permission signal of "Stand! Strike! Cut" issued by the Ultra Brothers before it can be used.

And now... the first generation has witnessed it, and to round it off, all the Ultra Brothers agreed. It's impossible that the five of them suddenly jumped out and beat him up because of this.

To be honest, Gen Subaru was really psychologically traumatized by the beating.

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