"In that case, Ace, you should respect other people's customs and call Brother Nexus Nexus."

"Okay, Nexus."

Looking at the well-behaved Ace Ultraman in front of him, Gen Subaru's expression became a little subtle. If he remembered correctly, Ace Ultraman's parents should have died in a melee and were picked up by Zoffy from the battlefield. Although he was nominally adopted by Ultraman Father, he was mostly taken care of by Zoffy, so...

Gen Subaru looked at Ace Ultraman who was holding Zoffy and acting like a spoiled child. He was hesitating whether to take a screenshot of this scene and make it a black history after returning to this world...

Forget it, Senior Ace was the teacher who taught me the cutting technique step by step. It was a bit heartless for me to tease him so mischievously.

While thinking about the above, Gen Subaru also looked at Ultra Father and said softly:

"If I remember correctly, you should be the captain in charge of all the affairs of the Kingdom of Light. In the previous battle, I consumed too much energy and lost most of my combat ability, so can I stay here for a while? The light emitted from your planet can speed up my recovery."

"Of course, no problem."

Ultra Father raised his hand, shook Gen Subaru's hand, and said happily:

"The Kingdom of Light welcomes you. Before you fully recover, just stay here. You're welcome. You can treat this place as your home and do whatever you want."

"Then I won't be polite. By the way, Captain, what is happening in this universe now?"

After solving the energy problem, Gen Subaru got straight to the point. He said softly:

"I have encountered many undead monsters, but I have never been able to find the real culprit who resurrected them. I wonder if you have found anything."

"Our people are also investigating this."

Speaking of this issue, Ultra Father also said with a serious expression:

"But this time, the matter is not that simple. It seems that Empera and his remnants have disappeared because of the real culprit behind the scenes."


Hearing this, Gen Subaru looked at Ultra Father unexpectedly. The development of events in this parallel universe is still relatively normal. At least for now, the history of the Ultra War has not been disturbed. Ultra Father and Empera stabbed each other in the back, and then Empera withdrew... Gen Subaru had already confirmed these when he brought Zoffy and Belia here.

But what he didn't expect was that the Dark Emperor who was supposed to invade the earth many years later and was defeated by Mebius and others was actually eliminated at this time. This matter suddenly became quite "interesting".

"Our warriors have already ventured to investigate. There is nothing in the area where the Empera people are now."

Ultrafather said in a more serious tone:

"Even the planets have disappeared. Everything disappeared as if it was wiped out by something. Moreover, it is not just the territory where the Empera people are. Several galaxies have disappeared one after another recently. This time, Belia and Zoffy went to investigate the reasons for the disappearance of those galaxies. I didn't expect that this mission almost prevented them from returning. This is my fault. I didn't think carefully enough."

"Captain, don't blame yourself so much."

Subaru looked around and said softly:

"Excuse me, Mr. Zoffy and Mr. Belia are already outstanding warriors in your Kingdom of Light. If they were unable to cope with the situation, I'm afraid they would have become corpses long ago if they were replaced by others."

"This... is indeed true, but if you can think more, there is still a way to avoid this situation. Ah, sorry..."

Ultrafather Suddenly he reacted, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"You are a guest and you are not in good health, but I am dragging you here to chat endlessly. I am not mature enough. Please go and rest. There are many empty houses in the Kingdom of Light now. You can choose any one to live in. No matter which house, the equipment inside is very complete. If you have any other needs, Nexus, you can go to any department nearby to ask for it. As long as we can provide it, we will definitely satisfy you."

After saying this, Ultrafather smiled at Yuan Subaru and said softly:

"I still have some things to deal with. Sorry, I have to leave first."

"Well, Captain, you go and get busy."

Yuan Subaru waved and said goodbye to Ultrafather. At this time, Zoffy had been taken away by the Silver Crusaders. After Ace said goodbye to him, he followed Zoffy and left. The surrounding residents of the Kingdom of Light also said hello and went to do their own things. After all, the Kingdom of Light is still in a state of construction and development, so there are still many things to do.

The country of immortals. Speaking of which, the last time I came to the Kingdom of Light, I was busy with various things and didn't observe this magical planet carefully.

Yuan Subaru walked slowly on the road of the Kingdom of Light, watching the residents of the Kingdom of Light around him busy with various things. To be honest, watching them work, Yuan Subaru really felt anxious. Looking at their work efficiency, it feels like such a job can kill me.

Oh, yes, how much life do I have left now?

At this time, Yuan Subaru suddenly remembered that there was such a fatal thing that he had not confirmed yet. He quickly put his hand on his chest, carefully "looking inward" at his body, and feeling the "time" in it.

One year and four months.

Did the previous battle wipe out almost a month of time?

Ah... This is really a profit.

After getting this result, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but feel relieved. After all, if calculated according to his previous "cost", he might only have a few months of life left. Don't want that kind of thing. That little time is really not enough.

Wait... It seems to be enough.

Yuan Subaru walked and thought. Before, he had been worried that with his death, the [Engine] might have a [Shell] collapse in advance, causing problems with the [Copy Engine].

But now it seems that I was overthinking. The [Replication Engine] on TLT Earth is not as fragile as I imagined. When using [Power of Order] to build the Order Court and judge the Essence Regido, Yuan Subaru unexpectedly discovered that [Pure White Light] can actually float outside the court and even assimilate the Power of Order.

Although the pure white light that I currently control is not strong enough to have any substantial impact on the [Power of Order] brought by the myriad universes, it can be seen that the pure white light... that is, the [Power of the Engine], in essence, seems to be more difficult than [Order].

Therefore, after the shell is broken, the safety of the engine does not seem to be a concern. TLT also has its own instructions, and it should not touch that thing without authorization, so it is unexpectedly safe there.

I really don’t know who made this [Engine]. It’s really incredible that it can do this.

Subaru couldn't help but murmur in his heart in surprise, and at this moment, he heard a noisy voice not far away:

"Lord Belia, can you please guide us?"

"Yes, Lord Belia, you are one of the most outstanding warriors in the Kingdom of Light. If we can accept your guidance, we should be able to fight as a qualified warrior faster."

"Lord Belia, please, we also want to be as strong as you!"

"Yes, we also hope that when our companions are in danger, we can help our companions like you helped Brother Zoffy."

Ah, ah, unexpectedly popular, Mr. Belia.

Subaru lay at the corner, poking his head, looking at Belia who was stopped by several young Ultra Warriors at the entrance of the training ground and asked for his guidance. Belia felt that he was going to be numb.

To be honest, as an old predecessor of the Kingdom of Light, he was naturally very respected in the M78 Nebula, and the degree of respect he was respected was basically not much different from that of Ultra Father.

But Belia knew very well that because of his character, and his awe-inspiring appearance and aura, the people of the Kingdom of Light respected him and were more in awe of him, which was completely opposite to their closeness to Ken.

Belia thought it was nothing. What was the point of a group of weak people worshipping and approaching him? Let them be in awe of him, because he didn't expect them to live anyway.

So, Belia never thought that he would be asked by the young people one day. To be honest, the little guy who took the lead saw him last time, but he bowed and ran away, and didn't even dare to look at him. Why did he dare to do it this time? !

Of course, Belia also knew the reason. If you think about this kind of thing, you will know it. It was mainly because of the "Zoffy rescue" incident just now. These young people probably felt that they were not as difficult to approach as they imagined, and felt that they had some misunderstandings about him before, so they came here.

Damn Ken, it's all your fault! ! !

Belia couldn't help but complain in his heart. If he hadn't liked to go to the training ground to guide the new soldiers when he was free, they wouldn't have thought of coming to him!

This... This...

What a troublesome young man, and a young man with no vision at all. Can't you let me take a break before coming to me! Can't you learn from Nexus over there, who has such good vision!

Wait, Nexus over there?

At this time, Belia suddenly noticed something, turned his head and saw Nexus sticking his head out, and met the eyes of the stranger, and then...

What a disgusting sight...

Belia couldn't help but shudder. That look was like encouraging himself not to be so autistic, to learn to be more frank, although you are strong and you are great, but don't isolate yourself like this...

Damn it, just with such a look, how can I read so many psychological activities.

So disgusting!

So disgusting!

If it was someone else, I would have slapped him.

No, why did I have to change to someone else to hit him? This is weird. Now I will...

"Excuse me, Mr. Belia and I have an appointment."

Just when Belia wanted to push away all the young warriors around him because of his inexplicable irritability, Gen Subaru took the initiative to stand up and attracted the attention of the people over there with a smiling voice.

"Before, on the way to the Kingdom of Light, Mr. Belia made an appointment with me to give me some advice. So, everyone, we have to pay attention to the order of first come first served."

Minamoto said as he walked to Belia's side and put his hand on the shoulder of this experienced warrior very familiarly. Belia was about to get angry and wanted to shake off Minamoto's hand, but the energy coming from Minamoto was quickly restoring his state, and the energy coming from him...

Why is it a bit weird...

Compared to Belia's silence, the young warriors on the opposite side were very, even Extremely surprised, after all, you see, this is Lord Belia, the Lord Belia who would make children cry when he walked around the kindergarten, and the Lord Belia who would be greeted by no one except the captain when he stood in the conference room. Now this Lord is being held on the shoulder by such a stranger so intimately...

This is really beyond imagination. It turns out that our impression of Senior Belia has always been wrong. Senior Belia is just, just... how to say it, oh, yes, just not very frank, just looks a little cold, we are wrong, we have always misunderstood Senior Belia.

What's wrong with these people, why do they seem to cry to me, this is really disgusting!

Where has Belia been treated like this? He couldn't help but take away Yuan Subaru's hand and said angrily:

"Don't you want guidance?! Come with me quickly!"

After that, Belia said nothing and took the lead to walk into the training ground.

324 Belia: I feel I've been tricked

"Everyone, let me tell you..."

Looking at Belia who led the way into the training ground, Yuan Subaru smiled slightly, looked at the Ultra Warriors beside him, raised his finger, and said softly:

"This is a very standard tsundere."

"You guy... get out of here!"

As soon as Yuan Subaru's voice fell, Belia rushed over like lightning, grabbed Yuan Subaru's shoulders, and threw him directly into the training ground. Then, his fierce eyes fell on those young Ultra Warriors. Those young people immediately realized something and shook their heads repeatedly to indicate that they didn't hear anything.

Belia snorted at their understanding, waved at them, and walked into the training ground. Now that he has Yuan Subaru's energy supplement, it is not difficult to teach these little guys who don't know the height of the world.

But before that...

Looking at Nexus who was looking at the scene inside the training ground, Belia patted Yuan Subaru on the shoulder and said with a fake smile:

"Come on, let's have a fight."

Belia did not use the word "instruction" as before, but the word "fight". It's not that he used the wrong word, but he really felt that this mysterious Ultra Warrior had a power that might be beyond his imagination. If he didn't concentrate on dealing with him, he might suffer a big loss from him.

"First of all, I'm very good at fighting, Mr. Belia, be careful."

Yuan Subaru smiled slightly, jumped onto the battle platform next to him, and waited for Belia to take his place. Belia glanced at the young man who followed behind him, hesitated, and said:

"Watch carefully, he is very capable."

After that, Belia jumped onto the battle platform and started fighting with Yuan Subaru face to face.

At that moment, in this training ground, all the Ultra Warriors who were training on other battle platforms stopped their training programs and looked at Belia in astonishment or horror. The reason was that as they entered the battle state, the terrifying momentum spread.

Belia felt it more deeply. In the high fighting spirit, there was a murderous aura that could not be ignored. It was not that this guy wanted to kill him, but...

He was used to fighting for life and death, and he must have been trapped in a desperate situation several times. Such a bloody situation made him unconsciously carry murderous aura in the battle.

What a great opponent!

Belia was also excited. Since he was defeated by the Anpera star, he has been improving himself, hoping to defeat the alien. Although the more he trained, the more he felt that the gap between himself and the Anpera star was not so easy to make up, but Belia was holding his breath, and he was almost going crazy with the breath he held in his heart.

And now, there is such a good opponent, what should I say...what? !

Belia looked at the five clones that emerged from behind Nexus in front of him in surprise. Those clones were very interesting. They were almost as powerful as the original. If they were mixed up, Belia felt that he could not tell which one was the original.

Then, Belia felt the intense energy fluctuations coming from these clones. If he remembered correctly, these clones would explode like the silver meteor before.

No, you don’t have any other tricks except explosion, right!

Belia’s face sank. After restricting the battlefield, this kind of self-explosion almost touching the face was too uncomfortable, but since you are playing so big, I won’t stop!

For this kind of situation, Belia naturally has a way to deal with it. No matter what clones or self-destructions, as long as he takes the initiative to take them down, or directly shorten the battle range, I don't believe that you can blow yourself up!

But Belia obviously fell into a misunderstanding. The energy intensification method of Subaru is not only used for self-destruction. Although this method hurts the body, it is only the clones who use this trick. Subaru only has to bear the pain shared by the clones.

Therefore, in the case of intelligence gap, Subaru's clones quickly took the advantage of the battle. Subaru himself did not take action, but quietly watched Belia keep from falling into disadvantage under the increasingly fast offensive, and tried to find the opportunity to counterattack little by little.

Unexpectedly... I have become so good at fighting.

Yuan Subaru muttered in his heart with some emotion. He kept fighting and fighting, fighting this and that, and the part of physical skills in the battle was getting smaller and smaller, and more of it was skill bombardment, so he always felt that he had regressed in fighting.

But now it seems that he seems to have thought too much. Many things, even if you don't pay attention to them, will naturally improve after reaching a certain level.

Originally, Yuan Subaru also wanted to borrow Belia from this parallel world to temper himself, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

In this case, let's end it.

Yuan Subaru's eyes condensed, and Belia immediately noticed that the atmosphere was wrong. The sense of crisis he had cultivated over the years made him realize that the big one was coming soon.

At this time, Yuan Subaru rushed into the battle, as if launching a surprise attack, and killed Belia. After a deafening roar, everyone saw Yuan Subaru and Belia both fell out of the battlefield.

To be honest, the Ultra Warriors in the training ground didn't see clearly what happened just now. It was too fast, so fast that they couldn't keep up with their movements. Adding on, it was a six-person melee, which made people dizzy. Even the Ultra Warriors who were training felt that if they could keep up, they might not need to train here.

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