The person in charge of the operation plan formulation of the special countermeasure room for the beast of misfortune, Shinji Kaminaga, is Ultraman, and his whereabouts are unknown.

Interesting, has the human body of this Ultraman been exposed?

Subaru nodded thoughtfully. With this news, the target of the next action has also been changed. Ultraman in Shinji Kaminaga's body, let me see who you are.

Subaru chuckled and began to move. Since the monster only appears in this island country, I believe that Ultraman should still stay here at this time. In this case, it is just an island country, and it is not a big deal to scan it with telekinesis... Oh? !

When Subaru was taking action, he accidentally saw the couple sitting on the bench next to him and browsing their mobile phones. To be precise, it was their mobile phone screens that attracted Subaru's attention. After all, no matter how you look at it, they are all giant humans, which is really worrying.

Yuan Subaru took out his phone again, exited the government intranet, and randomly found a short video website. The first video he clicked on was a human woman in formal clothes who was enlarged to the size of Ultraman and walking in the city.

Yuan Subaru quickly scrolled through several videos and observed this giant human from different angles. Although he couldn't figure out what was going on on the Internet, there was no doubt that this human was controlled. Her eyes had already explained everything. At this time, she was being controlled like a puppet.

[I'm very sorry, the video you are watching has been deleted]


At this moment, Yuan Subaru looked at the pop-up prompt on the video website and immediately realized something. He quickly checked it. Sure enough, all the videos and pictures related to this giant human woman disappeared. They were deleted completely on the entire Internet world.

This doesn't seem like the work of an earthling.

Yuan Subaru tapped his chin thoughtfully with his mobile phone. If this kind of thing happened on TLT Earth, Yuan Subaru still felt that it was possible. After all, the high-level human organizations there have been integrated and can be said to be a whole, so the data deletion at the world level can be completed.

And this Earth, no matter from which angle you look at it, the level of technology is relatively backward, and it has not been unified, so...

Astronauts, there are astronauts playing tricks again.

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly. The humans on this Earth can still deal with monsters, but it is still too difficult for them to deal with those mysterious and high-tech astronauts.

So, let professionals handle this kind of thing.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru acted quickly. Under the sweep of telekinesis, he soon discovered the unique energy reaction of Ultraman.

"Who... are you?"

When Subaru's telekinesis reached him, Kaminaga Shinji realized that his whereabouts had been discovered, and the rather astonishing mental fluctuations made the Ultraman realize that this time, an extraordinary existence came. Just the shocking momentum alone was worth being on guard.

"Did you merge with Kaminaga Shinji to save his life?"

Subaru did not answer the Ultraman's question, but looked at him and realized the truth. At that moment, the Ultraman felt that the pressure from the child in front of him was suddenly much less, as if he had let go of some hostility because of his behavior.

"Ah, he lost his life to protect a child from the shock wave caused by my fight with the monster."

Ultraman faced Shinji Kaminaga's face, with no expression on his face and a flat tone:

"He is a life that is willing to sacrifice his own life for others. I am very interested in this. I want to try to understand him, so I merged with him."

"Really honest, just told the whole story in one go."

Minaga Subaru sat on the wooden stake opposite Shinji Kaminaga, looked at him, and said softly:

"So, what is your purpose in coming to Earth? From your seemingly condescending tone, your original intention of coming here should not be to protect humans and the Earth."

"Well, I am a civilization observer belonging to the advanced extraterrestrial civilization Star of Light. I am here to observe this civilized planet."

"Star of Light?"

Minaga Subaru heard something unique. word, looked at Kaminaga Shinji, and said seriously:

"Isn't it the Kingdom of Light?"

"The Kingdom of Light?"

Kamiinaga Shinji thought for a while, shook his head and said:

"In the history of the Star of Light, there seems to be no record of changing its name to the Kingdom of Light. Where did you hear it from? And who are you? Now it's your turn to answer me."

"I am also Ultraman."

Minamoto shook his legs casually and said softly:

"At least now humans use this code name to uniformly refer to giant life forms like us, but I am different from you."

Minamoto released a gentle light, and continued to say in the surprised eyes of Kaminaga Shinji:

"You are made up of some unique particles, and I am light, a collection of light. To be more precise, I am an Ultraman made up of the light born from the earth. My duty is to protect the earth and mankind, and to eliminate all reaction devices that attempt to exterminate and control mankind and the earth."

Gen Subaru talked about the title he had assigned to himself in a leisurely manner, took back the emitted light particles, met the eyes of Kaminaga Shinji, who was already shocked and his eyes widened slightly, and said with a smile. :

"The monsters before were still within the range that humans could deal with, so I would not intervene, but now, I hear the screams of the earth and the low-pitched laughter of conspirators, and this is beyond what humans can do now. With some abilities, their destiny is no longer in their own hands, so I’m here to deal with these troubles that shouldn’t exist for them.”

"I...I never thought that something like this could happen."

Kaminaga Shinji breathed out to suppress the shock in his heart. Although in the previous years, the Ultraman of the Star of Light had also seen many existences claiming to be planet guardians, but those big Most of them are pretended by cosmic people, or are self-proclaimed names of the natives of the planet's civilization. You don't need to pay attention to the latter, but you have to decide whether to deal with it based on the situation.

But this time, Ultraman felt something was wrong. When this mysterious child released his light, he did feel a different reaction, as if everything around him was responding to him. This was really beyond Ultraman's ability. Imagination, this also made him start to think about whether what Yuan Subaru said was true.

Of course, what Ultraman couldn't deny was that at that moment, he realized that he was no match for this mysterious child. Rather, the moment he released his light, Ultraman felt So much so that if he had thought about it, he might have been unable to move.

"I still can't believe it."

After being silent for a while, Ultraman couldn't help but said:

"The stars in this galaxy were only formed from the gravitational collapse of a huge hydrogen molecular cloud 4.56 billion years ago. It is unscientific to think that such a relatively young planet can actually give birth to a powerful being like you. I hope you can be candid."

"I am informing you of my identity."

At this time, Yuan Subaru felt that there was no point in continuing this topic, so he put away his smile and said:

"If you have any doubts, then go find evidence yourself to prove that I'm lying. If you can't do that, then stop talking nonsense. Ultraman, you should know what happened to that giant human woman? Do you know the answer?"

"That's the method of Mephilas."

Ultraman answered Yuan Subaru's question with a calm expression.

In the last battle against the Zarrab people, Ultraman's identity was revealed. After knowing his true identity, the island government desperately pursued it and suddenly discovered a human woman on the street who had grown to giant size. That human woman was the same as the god before. Yongxin's second partner is a public security officer.

Just when everyone in the island government was shocked, a mysterious man's voice sounded in the sky: "Don't panic, this is just a demonstration of mine." Then the human woman fell on the spot and fell into a deep sleep. , the island government tried all means, but could not wake it up

Then, a man claiming to be 'Mephilas' appeared behind him, saying that he was the alien visitor numbered 0, the first astronaut to visit the earth, and explained to the members of the island government how to make living things gigantic. The principle is caused by the Beta Box, and shows that the Beta system is not only possessed by Ultraman.

Later, in order to prove that he was an alien and the credibility of his words, he showed the Beta Box to everyone and restored the giant human woman to its original state. Then he proposed the "Human Giant Self-Defense Plan against Aliens" to the Prime Minister of the island country. proposal.

Then, Mefilas found Kaminaga Shinji, Ultraman of the Kingdom of Light, and told Ultraman that once he started the plan, he would push it forward with minimal losses, and he also took advantage of it. All the resources available on this planet, including the Zarrab people who appeared before.

Mefilas asked them to fight Ultraman, letting humans feel that no matter whether it is violence or wisdom, humans can't defeat anything, and then feel powerless.

Then use the Beta system, which is the system ability of Ultraman's transformation, to let human beings feel their own future and make human beings spontaneously rely on strong people like Cosmic Man.

‘I can only surrender to the people of the universe unconditionally’

This is the idea that Mephilas wants to spread to humans.

Moreover, Mefilas also expressed his gratitude to Ultraman, because Ultraman was the first successful case of fusion for humans, which also indirectly confirmed Mefilas's experiment, because Ultraman Teman, Mefilas can now confirm that the human race is a friendly and powerful biological weapon that can be transformed into a powerful weapon.

Therefore, Mefilas wants to gain complete and independent control over this rich and precious biological resource before other cosmic beings come to seize it.

Moreover, Mefilas also feels that this is not a bad thing for the human race. Now, many cosmic races already know the value of 'human beings' as biological weapons. Maybe at this moment, there are cosmic humans. It is heading towards the earth. Therefore, humans have the Beta system. Even if it becomes the personal property of Mefilas, at least it has gained the ability to protect itself in front of the races in the universe.

Mefilas said quite confidently that the life and death of mankind is in his hands, and he can use force at any time, but he also hopes that Ultraman can respect the rules of the Star of Light and not hinder his plans. He said that at all times In the planetary civilization, no one understands the value of the earth better than him, and leaving this planet to him is the best choice.

Moreover, Mephilas also said that he also likes humans.

In order to further prevent Ultraman from taking action, Mefilas also showed him the treaty signed with the government, saying that this was a sign that humans voluntarily wanted to obtain the Beta System. The treaty of the Star of Light did not allow Ultraman to interfere with native organisms. choice.

In this regard, Mefilas felt that his plan was quite perfect, and it also gave Ultraman enough steps to give up. However, Ultraman used the combination of himself and Kaminaga Shinji to use the human being of 'Kanaga Shinji' Identity resisted Mephilas' words.

Then, Ultraman separated from Mefilas, looking for a way to resolve the current crisis, but before he could think of a way, Yuan Subaru had already arrived.

"You...calm down first."

Ultraman carefully explained the current situation, then looked at the cracked earth, the withered grass and trees, and the mysterious child in front of him with terrifying eyes. He paused and said softly:

"Anger can't solve anything. Although I am a cosmic person for this planet and humans, I do want to protect them. At present, we have to find a way to get Mefilas' Beta Box. It should be hidden in the Plankmore dimension, but to pinpoint its location accurately, I need other assistance..."

‘Phew~! ’

Before he could finish speaking, Ultraman looked at the figure that had flashed away in front of him and fell into silence for a moment. Then he saw the withered plants coming back to life and the cracked earth returning to its original state. Ultraman took a sip. Mouth, stood up and walked slowly towards the location of the island government. At this time, he realized that for a powerful force, the way to break the situation was very simple...

329 Mefilas Star·G

At this moment, outside the conference room of the island country's government, senior officials and their subordinates rushed here. When they opened the door, they saw a man in formal attire, bowing slightly, waiting for his arrival.

This official has seen this kind of scene more than once. This guy who looks like a human but is actually a cosmic person often puts on this kind of humble posture. Although some of his bosses still do this, but Everyone was so deliberately pretentious that they couldn't help but get goosebumps.

But no matter what, since he is like this, even if he doesn't adapt, he has to show considerable respect. After all, this guy is from Mephilas and the cosmic person in charge of the Beta Box.

"Mr. Mephilas, please don't be so polite. This is really embarrassing me."

The official quickly quickened his pace, helped Mephilas up, and said with a sorry smile:

"Please have a seat, please have a seat. I was too slow on my side and kept Mr. Mefilas waiting for so long. I'm really sorry."

"No, I've been here a long time ago. I wonder how your arrangements are going?"

The Mephilas star sat on the sofa, looked at the human official who dared to sit down after he sat down, and said with a polite smile:

"I came to accept the appointment with quite high expectations."

"Please rest assured on this point."

The official handed the document in his hand to Mefilas, smiled and said softly:

"Although the Prime Minister is still coordinating the forces of all parties, at present, the things you have explained are already achievable. You have brought us such opportunities, how could we not do our best to cooperate with you? Woolen cloth."

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero. I like this sentence very much. It fully demonstrates the wisdom of you humans."

Mephilas smiled and picked up the document placed on the table, but he did not read it. He just shook it and the document disappeared. The spaceman looked at the human official in front of him and said with a smile:

"Please tell the Prime Minister that our cooperation is an absolute win-win situation. Your descendants of humanity will be grateful for the decision you made today."

"Your tribe and home planet will also be grateful for your rude words today."

At this moment, a cold and childish voice sounded in the conference room. All the humans present were stunned. They all turned their heads and saw a young man with black hair and black eyes, wearing the uniform of an unknown organization. , I don’t know when I sat on the sofa next to me, staring straight at the Mephilas star opposite with some scary eyes.

"Whose child is this? Take it out quickly. Sorry, Mr. Mefilas, our side... um..."

Although he didn't know what was going on, the human official reacted very quickly, trying to minimize the negative impact of this mistake as much as possible.

However, the human official soon discovered that the Mephilas star in front of him was not angry about this, or in other words, the expression of the space man froze and his eyes did not move.

Immediately, the humans present saw particle-like fluctuations appearing on the Mephilas alien who had the same appearance as them, and then he had an ape-like face, blue eyes, huge ears, and a mouth. The yellow light-emitting organ, the body is black and appears fat...

There is no doubt that this is the true appearance of the Mephilas people, but why...

The human officials who sensed that something was wrong in the atmosphere began to realize that the child next to them did not seem to be a good person. Otherwise, the Mefilas star would have accepted the words in a stern manner and let his subordinates The child was taken away.

"You want to turn humans into your biological weapons and turn the earth into your private property. How brave you are, Mephilas."

Yuan Subaru looked at the Mephilas star who could no longer maintain his appearance under the pressure, and said in an increasingly cold tone:

"I already know what you have done. Since you think that humans on earth should surrender unconditionally in the face of your means and force, then I treat Mephilas and Mephilas with the same attitude. You should I don’t have any opinion, right?”


The Mephilas star didn't speak, but it wasn't that he didn't want to speak. He now had a head full of countermeasures and words that he could think of urgently, but...

Unable to speak, unable to move his mouth or even his body, under the overwhelming murderous intent of this mysterious visitor, the Mephilas star felt that he had completely lost control of his body, and every tissue that made up the body was going crazy. I roared and wanted to get out of here, but I couldn't do anything.

Just as the Mephilas star was racking his brains to think about how to get out of trouble, he saw a silver light emerging from the palm of the mysterious child, and then he pulled it aside casually, and the space in the conference room was immediately torn apart. A long and narrow crack was opened, and under the shocked eyes of everyone present, the silver device that was about a person tall and resembled a graphics card was pulled out by the child.

That is the Beta Box, an important prop used by the Mephilas to trade with humans. It is also the key to solving the problem that Ultraman said requires certain clues to find its exact location.

Now, this thing was thrown away by Yuan Subaru on the conference table in front of him like it was thrown away. At this moment, the Mephilas star felt the terrible aura locked on him, and it was reduced a little. , causing him to let out rapid and heavy breathing sounds like a person being saved from drowning.

"Gigant me."

Yuan Subaru pointed at the Beta Box and said coldly to the Mephilas:

"Show me what you call force."

"Dear Sir, I have something to say..."

The Mephilas star hurriedly took advantage of this gap, raised his head, and opened his mouth to resolve the crisis with his sharp tongue, but he also saw Yuan Subaru's increasingly terrifying eyes, and the man who seemed to use his soul to speak deeply. Here, the crimson violence appears in the pupils.

"I said!"

Yuan Subaru continued to point his finger at the Beta Box and said:

"Giant! Big! Transformed!"

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