Yuan Subaru exhaled lightly and looked at the translucent earth behind him. There were many reasons why he was so tired just now, because he was still distracted to protect this planet and the people on it from any harm. After all, the super-time and space bomb, even if it was slightly touched, would be a disaster for this planet.

Now, Yuan Subaru snapped his fingers, lifted the nothingness of the earth, and restored the city destroyed by the monsters and the dead and injured humans to their original appearance. Although the latter violated the requirements of [Order] itself, Yuan Subaru could use the power of truth to offset the cost.

Yuan Subaru looked at the earth and shared his combat experience with Zhen Zhong Jian Wu to prevent himself from being away for too long and unable to give him other help. At the same time, he also copied what happened to You Sha Lei to let her see if she had any clues. Then, he tore through time and space and chased in the direction of the eternal core.

This matter cannot be delayed. Although there has been no accident in Triga's universe, the Eternal Core is also an important part of this universe. Without this thing, who knows what terrible things will happen in the future.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru's actions can't help but speed up, chasing the traces of the Eternal Core, constantly crossing planes in this chaotic time and space, and exploring deep into the depths.

On the other side, Belia, who had just arranged things and was ready to leave, noticed the Godra star standing at the door with a very embarrassed expression. Belia's heart couldn't help but skip a beat, and he realized that something was wrong.

"What's going on?"

Beria looked at Godra in a bad tone and scolded him:

"If I don't ask, are you going to stand there and say nothing?"

"No, sir, I just don't know what the situation is for a while."

Godra said with sweat on his face:

"I did send the message, but I don't know what happened to the message channel, so we don't know whether the captain has received the message. And, according to the feedback from the observatory, there is an amazing chaos in the space and time over there..."

"Shut up first!"

Beria roared fiercely, scaring Godra and shivering.

In response, Belia suppressed his anger and looked outside the hanging window, where he vaguely felt a strange energy fluctuation. Although the fluctuation was not very strong when it was transmitted here, Belia could realize that something that could emit this kind of energy reaction was by no means an ordinary person.

"Lord Belia!"

At this time, an alien who was hiding in the shadows appeared in the shadow of the Godra star, and said in a respectful voice:

"The experimental strategic retreat super-time and space bomb you designed has been activated. Something is being transported here. I just don't know which link has a problem, causing the transported object to fail to arrive at the base accurately."

"Give me the coordinates, I'll go and see."

Belia naturally knew where the problem was. If such a powerful energy body could complete the transmission with his half-baked super-time and space bomb, it would be really strange. At present, it seems that the Ailos star has completed his mission and brought back the eternal core.

In this case, it is worth Belia's personal dispatch, but for safety reasons, Belia decided to take only a small number of elites there. In the event of an accident, even if the elites can't help, they can deal with the relevant traces under their cover and complete the retreat, so as not to let the opponent find the location of the base.

To be honest, if this little bit of wealth is destroyed again, Belia will really be unable to bear it and go to the Kingdom of Light to fight.

Thinking of this, Belia quickly completed the arrangement and took his subordinates to the star field numbered 43. Before they got close to it, Belia and his party sensed the powerful fluctuations and the light that was brighter than the sun. That was the Eternal Core, the divine object reported by the Ailos star.

Belia nodded with satisfaction. Although there was no sign of the Ailos star here, it meant that he was basically dead, but he was able to send this back, which was also a great achievement. In the future, after the Galactic Empire is rebuilt, it must be recorded for him and his name will be recorded in history!

"Hurry, take action."

After receiving Belia's instructions, the elite team he led immediately began to act, intending to send this powerful energy back to the base. At the same time, their expressions were extremely excited. With this thing, Lord Belia's plan will surely come true!

But at this moment, two flashes of light intersected, one black and one silver, and an astonishing energy reaction appeared in the universe. The elite team that was trying to deal with the Eternal Core was stunned at first, and then they couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. If Lord Belia hadn't taken action just now, they might not even know how they died.

Who is it? Who dares....Ah! ! ! !

Before the elite team could react and see clearly who was the blind thing that dared to attack them, black and silver intersected again, but this time the place of the fight was quite close to them, so that the aftermath of the collision alone blew them away.

"Really good power."

Beria shook his hand. Although the close combat battle just now seemed to only last for a moment, in fact, Beria had already fought hundreds of moves with the mysterious comer. This was so amazing speed and power that Beria even None of them could see clearly who the person who came was. They could only see countless flashing fists.

"Beria? Are you still alive?"


An acquaintance?

But this voice doesn't sound very familiar.

Beria subconsciously looked up and saw the silver figure hovering in the sky, and couldn't help shouting:

"Nexus...you...stop it!"

Although I have learned some information about this genetic successor through various means in the past, this face-to-face contact is really the first time. I look at the murderous figure and feel the familiarity coming from Nexus. The darkness fluctuated, and Beria couldn't help but feel a little excited. This posture, this kind of power, this is what I, the heir of Beria's genes, should look like!

At this time, Beria noticed that his elite team was trying to surround Nexus, and wanted to launch a diversionary attack on him according to the tactics he had trained before. He quickly stopped the team's actions, waved his hand, and the team members Neatly returned behind him.

"We finally meet, Nexus, no, my son."

! ! ! !

Hearing this, the members of the elite team behind Beria suddenly widened their eyes. They never expected that they would hear such exciting news during this mission. At the same time, they also reacted and realized When something happened, they all knelt aside to express their submission.

"You guys leave."

Beria glanced behind him and said softly:

"If he wanted to kill you, you would have been dead long ago."

"Yes, sir."

The members of the elite team nodded and retreated towards the outskirts of the star field, but they did not really want to leave. They understood Lord Beria's words. He just wanted a private space to talk to the vampires. People like them Stay on the perimeter and come immediately to support if something goes wrong.

"Okay, my son, don't be cautious, come, come to my side, let me take a good look at you."

To be honest, even though Beria was mentally prepared, when he opened his mouth to call 'son', he couldn't help but feel a strange tingling feeling flowing in his heart. This feeling made him very uncomfortable, but It's not that bad of an experience.

However, after calling, Beria saw that Nexus was still suspended there, with no intention of coming over to attack him, and the murderous aura on his body had not diminished at all. This made Beria snort dissatisfied. , said in a concentrated voice:

"Is it possible that you still don't know your life experience? Even if you don't know, now that you and I are standing here, can't you still notice the connection based on blood?"

What a pity, my current body does not have the so-called bloodline.

Yuan Subaru has realized that the Beria in front of him is his other father and is definitely not a creature of the parallel world. Therefore, after seeing this Beria pretending to be a corpse again, Yuan Subaru couldn't help but fall into a state of hesitation. , he was thinking whether he should start fighting directly, and after taking down this Beria, he would see what tricks he was up to.

But recalling the scene of the fight just now, and how Beria still blocked the Eternal Core despite showing friendly gestures, Yuan Subaru finally sighed helplessly and gave up the tempting idea of ​​going directly. It just so happened that he also had something to say and wanted to have a little chat with the father to see what he was thinking about now.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru slowly fell down, came to Beria, and said softly:

"Can you tell me, how did you survive from Zero? I have read the records of that battle, and I can't figure out how you deployed a back-up plan in that situation. What kind of backup plan have you prepared?”

"Hehehehe, hahahahaha!!! This is my wisdom!"

Hearing this, Beria burst out laughing, reached out and patted Yuan Subaru on the shoulder, and said proudly:

"If you can't think of it, then think about it seriously. If one day you guess it right, I will give you a reward...a reward."

This is a lie.

If possible, Beria hoped that the child would never know the truth. If he really guessed it, he really couldn't guarantee it. At that time, he still had the intention to reward him.

After all...after he was beaten to death by Zero with the power of radiance, and when Zero used the power of radiance to reverse time and resurrect Zero's companions, he was also pulled out of the cemetery... .

Although Belial was very confused when he was first resurrected and could not understand what happened at all, and after he figured out what was going on, he laughed loudly at Cero.

But this kind of thing is still very embarrassing. No matter how I think about it, I feel very embarrassed. Doesn't this just show that I am not as good as Zero! Even the fact that he was able to survive was all because of Zero's mistakes. Doesn't that make it even more obvious that he was completely defeated by Zero?

Therefore, Beria would not say anything, and would not say anything.

"There are many ways to be resurrected. If I were asked to guess, I would have to wait until the year of the monkey."

Since his curiosity was not satisfied, Yuan Subaru casually replied with some unhappiness:

"If you don't want to say that, forget it. I'm very busy now and don't have time to think about this kind of thing."

"You...should have some respect for me."

Beria also became unhappy when he heard Yuan Subaru's plain tone. He stared at Yuan Subaru and said:

"I am your father, the future Galactic Empire..."

“I don’t see what the point of building an empire is.”

Seeing that Beria was about to start singing, although Yuan Subaru also wanted to take this opportunity to restore his energy, he still interrupted Beria and said softly:

"In my universe, those cosmic people began to worship me as the God Emperor, but I didn't notice any fun in it. Mr. Beria, can you tell me that you are so passionate about this? , what exactly did you get from it?”

"...You'll know once you take it for granted."

Although he wanted to refute, Beria couldn't say it when he thought of this child's amazing strength. The strong will be worshiped by the weak. Those weak cosmic people want to get his protection. Nothing more than normal.

"Ha...the meaning is unclear."

"Hey! You kid, you seem to be looking down on me!"

Listening to Yuan Subaru's words, Beria couldn't help but feel a little angry, not only because of Yuan Subaru's flat tone, but also because the child didn't behave as he expected at all. After all, he was his father after all. This kind of reaction is just like that of a stranger. Even now, he has never even called himself father, and even calls him Mr. Beria instead. It is so rude!

Beria shook his head irritably. It seemed that the powerful power made this child become arrogant. This kind of thing needs to be properly educated. From now on...

"I didn't mean that. You were the goal I pursued. I embarked on this road of fighting to become a hero like you. How could I look down on my dream?"


"....Mr. Beria?"


"Are you... distracted by other things?"


"Then I'll leave first."

"...Ahem, what, ahem, that, um...don't leave in a hurry, um...sit down, sit down first and talk."

340 Eternity Belial

Yuan Subaru told the facts in a calm tone, but after he finished speaking, he tilted his head and glanced at Beria in front of him. The black giant seemed to be frozen and unresponsive, which made Yuan Subaru a little strange.

Logically speaking, even if it is dismissive, it should not be silent. According to Yuan Subaru's understanding of Beria's personality model after simulating it, he now has to hum a few times to show that he is unruly. Unruly character.

Therefore, with Beria being so silent now, Yuan Subaru really felt that something was wrong. He felt that Beria was thinking about other things and did not hear what he was saying.

Therefore, Yuan Subaru planned to say it again. Anyway, he didn't feel anything shameful now.

However, Yuan Subaru suddenly realized something, and pretended not to care and glanced at the Eternal Core. If Beria could be distracted at this time, he might not be thinking about this, but that would not work. This Eternal Core, I have to take it back with me no matter what.

Yuan Subaru said a few words casually, dealt with Beria, and then began to prepare for the next battle for the eternal core that was very likely to occur.

What Yuan Subaru didn't expect was that Beria actually grabbed him and waved to him, indicating that he would stay for now. Although his action was quite stiff and it could be seen that he was quite unaccustomed to it, but Yuan Subaru didn't feel any malice from it.

It seemed that he really wanted to have a good talk with him, but he just didn't know what he was going to say.


"Mr. Beria, are you sure we want to sit down here?"

Yuan Subaru looked around, but he really couldn't find a place to sit. If he had to say it, it was only on the edge of the eternal core. But sitting there, let alone, the two of them could sit there. How long could he hold out under the high-intensity radiation of the Eternal Core? Yuan Subaru felt that he had to look over there a few more times. At this time, this peaceful-looking dark giant was about to fight with him.

"Um...cough, cough, cough!!!!"

After Yuan Subaru said this, Beria realized that there was indeed nothing to sit around. He raised his hand in embarrassment, put it to his mouth, and began to cough violently, which made Yuan Subaru listen. I felt like I couldn't hold myself any longer, so I could only use the force of space and time to move two meteorites from the next galaxy over.

What a blind bastard!

This sentence was cursed by Beria in his heart.

Of course, it was not Yuan Subaru who was scolded, but the members of the elite team guarding the outside. He even hinted at it without realizing what he wanted. They are really a bunch of trash. Go back and criticize them one by one.

"Let me tell you, you...that, it sounds like you already know me."

Beria put his hands on his knees, rubbed them a little harder, and said softly:

"Which biochemical...hem, cultivation center are you from? I've never heard of it. It stands to reason that any successful cultivation will be reported to me."

"Mr. Beria, there is no need to speak so tactfully."

Subaru looked at Belia and felt that his previous personality simulation model of him was indeed not right. Belia was a little soft at this time. He actually wanted to sit down and talk to him seriously. Moreover, the words he used were so delicate, which was a little too outrageous.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Yuan Subaru decided to just poke the window paper that came from nowhere, and said straightforwardly:

"I am the product of genetic biochemical experiments. I have already found out these things, but even so, I think your subordinates are really innovative and would think of choosing these two bloodlines together."

"Ahem, to be honest, I didn't expect that Strum star man could actually collect Nexus-related genes. Now it seems that the guy is unexpectedly capable."

To be honest, Belia is really thinking about how to win over Yuan Subaru. He is quite satisfied with this gene inheritor. Although this child seemed to have caused a cosmic genocide in other universes before, now that they meet, he is not the kind of crazy killer. It can be seen that this child is decisive enough to kill and has a strong character. Now he, Belia, needs such talents!



This title...

It's been a long time since I last heard it...

The only trouble is that he has already understood the whole story, but he is still calling me Mr. Beria. This is not a good sign. It means that there is a gap between him and me. I have to find a way to resolve it, otherwise there will be no follow-up.

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