"There is a saying on earth that says: murder must be paid with life, and debt must be paid with money. It is only natural and right. Didn't I do the right thing?!"

"Brother? Revenge?"

Yuan Subaru was a little confused when he heard these words. He hesitated, released his light, calmed the rioting Barossa people, and said softly:

"If possible, could you tell me the situation in detail?"

"What's there to say!"

The Barossa star pulled out his weapon, looked at Nexus, and said coldly:

"Although we people from Barossa are called 'pirates from space', my brother hasn't robbed anything, let alone caused any harm to this planet. He was brutally beaten with weapons just because he passed by this planet. Killed, Ultraman, why are you still involved in this matter?"

"Um...please ask, have you found the murderer?"

Unexpectedly, it would be such an answer. Yuan Subaru was a little overwhelmed and opened his hand, pretending to comfort him, and asked in a low voice. In response, the Barossa star nodded firmly, and the knife in his hand flicked. He waved, drew a symbol on the ground, pointed at it and said:

"I have sensed that it was the people from this organization who killed my brother. Just now, their fighter planes were still attacking me! Ultraman, don't get in the way. I will not hurt innocent people on earth. I just want to retaliate." I'll leave if I'm done with it!"

"Then...how do you plan to take revenge?"

Looking at this familiar symbol, Yuan Subaru's expression also changed slightly, and his tone also revealed a bit of seriousness. However, the Barossa star who was immersed in hatred did not notice this. His free hand They clenched them together out of thin air, as if they were holding TLT in their hands, and said viciously:

"Of course we want to destroy this entire organization! Let them never harm anyone again!"


Nexus waved his hand and said in a solemn voice:

"TLT is the defense team of this planet and is responsible for fighting against alien beasts. Otherwise, you give me a certain time limit and I will be the bridgemaker and let TLT give you a satisfactory price. What do you think? ?”

"How is it? Not so good!!!"

The Barossa star stared at Nexus and said:

"As an outsider, don't give me orders. Do you understand the pain of parting with your loved ones forever? My youngest and cutest brother has left me forever. Only I, as the eldest brother, understand this pain. You guy... Stop giving me that 'I understand you' look."

"I really can't understand your pain."

Yuan Subaru was silent for a moment, shook his head and said:

"However, the importance of TLT to the earth is also a fact. I alone cannot protect this planet."

"That's your incompetence. What does it have to do with me? Ultraman, get out of my way. I want revenge!!!"

At this time, the Barossa star noticed the suppression of the Meta Realm on him, and waved his weapons angrily, charging towards Nexus.

Yuan Subaru stood there without any reaction, until the blade was about to fall, and then he sighed helplessly, and kicked the Barossa star on the chest like lightning, sending him flying away, and a ring of light shot out from his arm. , hit the target accurately, paralyzing the body of the Barossa star, but did not detonate the telepathy in it.

"Calm down a little. As long as I'm here, you can't take revenge at the moment."

Yuan Subaru continued to try to persuade:

"Let me understand the situation first, and then I will be able to give you a suitable answer."

"I can't wait any longer. I'm going to avenge my brother right now! Ultraman, have you lost your basic sense of justice for the sake of humanity?"

The Barossaian roared and climbed up, slashing at Nexus again. Nexus waved his hand casually, and the particle feather easily hit its wrist, letting the weapon escape. At the same time, Barossa The Rosa star struck Nexus with his other hand.

Facing this light attack, Nexus had no intention of taking the opportunity to strike hard, but took two steps back. Seeing this scene, the Barossa star understood that his intention had been seen through, and made a prompt decision. With a strong hand, the slender, wrist-guard-like device on the wrist immediately popped up the sword of high-density light particles.

But the distance between the lightsaber and the lightsaber was just one inch in front of Nexus. With just this one inch, all the killing moves that the Barossa star had planned failed. It wanted to go one step further, but Nexus was still flying. He kicked it up and let it fly back to where it came from.

Yuan Subaru wanted to continue to persuade, but at this moment, he suddenly sensed that the situation in the outside world had changed. The young man's eyes flashed, and he immediately released the Meta Domain. At the same time, there were four more Barossa who looked exactly the same. The stars fell from the sky. They screamed and rushed towards Nexus, but in the next second they were knocked to the ground with a punch from one of them.

And, it's not over yet.

Yuan Subaru's sight shifted to the sky and came to the universe. He saw thousands of Barossa aliens heading towards the earth with all kinds of strange weapons. They were as dark as a dark cloud walking in the universe. ..

054 I choose the third one

"We Barossa Stars have strong reproductive capabilities and can lay 10,000 eggs at a time. If you kill the Barossa Star's brother, 9,999 Barossa Stars will come to take revenge!"

After the eldest brother of the Barossa Star helped up the few Barossa Stars who came behind him, he looked at Nexus and said in a fierce tone:

"Ultraman, do you choose to let us seek revenge from TLT, or wait for our defeat at the hands of our brothers and watch us destroy this planet to take revenge?"

"Let me ask you... do you just have this idea of ​​revenge, or have you been deceived by it?"

Nexus slowly assumed a fighting stance and asked in a calm tone. The Barossa star waved his hand and said confidently:

"Does anyone else need to bewitch this kind of thing? Are you Ultraman that cold-blooded and ruthless?"

"Then I have a third option."

Nexus raised three fingers, then slowly clenched them into fists and said:

"I'm sorry. Compared to other Ultraman, I'm so cold-blooded and ruthless."



Before the Barossa people finished speaking, the crescent-like guillotine passed over their necks. Then, Nexus turned into a red ball and rushed out of the universe, looking at the murderous Barossa people. , without saying a word, he raised his hands flat to the front and back of his chest, stretched one hand forward, and the blue M87 light rushed out, harvesting the lives of the Avengers.

Facing such a ferocious murderer, some Barossa stars prepared to leave quietly under the cover of their brothers and sisters, planning to wait until later to grab some powerful weapons and equipment to take revenge.

But on their escape track, the speeding disc blade accurately took off their heads. In just three minutes, Nexus, with full firepower, annihilated all the Barossa aliens. In the sea of ​​corpses, the silver-black giant slowly turned around and looked at the three-headed canine alien beast that came out of the dark whirlpool. Obviously, Zaki noticed this scene and planned to let it pick up his head. .

It's just...

Seeing the hypnotic light waves emitting from Garubelos's eyes, manipulating the corpses of the cosmic beings to besiege him, Yuan Subaru calmly waved his hand, and Ultra's telekinesis attached to it.

Zaki, why do you think it can defeat me? A defeated general is a defeated general, and he will never defeat me again!

The siege of the dead corpses of the cosmonauts was not threatening at all. Nexus nimbly avoided their attacks and appeared in front of Garubelos almost like a flash. Facing its claw attack, Nexus He punched forward without giving in, and when the two came into contact, the violent telekinesis flowed up Garubelos' arm like lightning, blowing off the Jetton-like head.


Garubelos screamed in pain, and the scorching heat began to condense in its mouth. Nexus held it out of thin air, and the rings of light energy that emerged trapped the remaining two mouths. If Garubelos If it doesn't stop, its own head will be blown up first.

But if it withdraws its attack, then I will take advantage of this gap...

"Ultra Guillotine!"

Regardless of whether he would attract the Ultra brothers, Yuan Subaru at this time just wanted to make this annoying alien beast disappear forever. The guillotine that flew out quickly was controlled by Nexus, and in a few breaths In a short time, Garubelos was finely chopped into pieces, and its three resurrection cores were too broken to be put together.

Seeing this scene, Zaki let go of Mizoroki Shinya's head, closed the peek from the dark vortex, and thought silently:

The fittest people of this generation have finally been trained, and the next layout needs to be more careful, but... hehehehe...

Zaki spread his hands and looked at the screaming black energy in his palms, with a helpless and proud expression on his face——

Humans are really a species that I like. They can always cause trouble and come back. I gratefully accepted the resentment and resentment of these ten thousand Barossa people. Hum...hahaha! ! Um?

Just when Zhaji wanted to absorb these resentments, suddenly, a light flashed through the black air, and red telepathy suddenly shot out, hitting Zhaji's head, although this telepathy was wiped away by Zaki immediately. He went, but the cold sweat of fear still broke through his underwear in an instant.

Fortunately...Fortunately, I absorbed the resentment in the dark field G. If in reality, this guy would have sensed it and chased him...This capable person...had discovered it from the beginning. Am I secretly collecting resentment?

Seeing that the amount of resentment of about a hundred people was left in his hand after being dispersed by the explosion of telekinesis, Zaki's face turned dark as he carefully checked the rest several times before he dared to swallow it.

This damn fitter! ! !

On the other side, Nexus was collecting the corpses of the Barossa planets, gathering them together, and looking at the spacecrafts from various countries that came over to pick up the remaining weapons, Nexus made no extra moves. , just nodded, said hello, and then used his mind power to lift the corpses and fly towards the sun.

Although he killed these cosmic beings, he wanted to give them the last dignity for the sake of avenging their relatives, so he planned to have their corpses cremated in the sun to prevent them from being controlled by any random monsters in the future. To be honest, if they didn't insist on destroying TLT, or were bewitched by someone, they might not have reached this point, but...

I'm sorry, but protecting the earth and human beings is the first priority for me. No matter what kind of love or hate, it should not conflict with this.

Yuan Subaru looked at the corpse in front of him and thought silently in his heart. After experiencing everything for more than half a month, he had begun to realize that maybe he needed a code of conduct, otherwise he would often end up with hesitation and confusion. It's a missed opportunity, so, um... let's make it simple for now: don't hesitate to save people, don't be soft when killing enemies, remember to last the last hit in everything, Earth and humans, whoever touches them will die!

Yeah...I always feel like I'm a bit out of place and have a bit of a dark history, but forget it, I won't tell others about this anyway, so I'll just bear with it for now.

Yuan Subaru sighed, Nexus pushed his hand upwards, and the body that had been captured by the sun's gravity floated towards the hot star. At this time, the troubled young man couldn't help but think wildly, thinking about what might happen next With everything that has happened, if everything develops towards the worst, how can I win...

Um? !

At this moment, Yuan Subaru noticed the dangerous aura, and immediately left the place in a flash, and just at the position just now, a black hole suddenly appeared, and the violent gravity attracted everything around it, but Nexus Already out of its gravitational circle, Yuan Subaru saw a familiar object in the black hole. Although it flashed by, there was no doubt that it was the personal terminal that housed Ax.

What's going on, why are we parting now... Is it because something happened to Aix that the enemy came to me along the remaining spatial coordinates?

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru no longer hesitated and took the initiative to throw himself into the black hole. No matter what, he would save Ax first, and... He was very confused now and needed to vent his anger to a few enemies!

It’s the release date of another year. I’m very grateful to all the readers for their great support, and also to the old friends who have followed me from previous books. To be honest, I really didn’t expect to see so many familiar IDs in this book. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your support


Then, let’s talk about the update issue first:

It will be released tomorrow, with a minimum of four updates. The number of additional updates will depend on when it is ganked. However, there will be more updates next Tuesday, maybe 20,000 words or something, as compensation. I hope everyone can forgive me.

As for the reward, I will open one for now. Although it is a bit wishful thinking, if the first order can exceed 2,000, I will update it every day for 10,000 a month!

Next, let’s talk about something more serious. As a new author who is still learning, I would like to sincerely thank every reader who has left a mark on this book. It is precisely because of these little bits and pieces that I can continue to tell the story again. motivation.

To be honest, it’s quite emotional. From the time I started writing it myself because the book I was chasing stopped updating, to now I have written several books one after another, from a small fan to a big fan. I think this journey will become my own in the future. Precious memories.

Okay, it’s late at night, so I won’t say much more. The author is going to prepare what I should be busy with tomorrow. I’m just going to keep going. Please take care of me in the next time. See you tomorrow, hehe~~

055 Master’s happiness

"Subaru...has he become so powerful now?"

Just when Gen Subaru plunged into the black hole, TLT, which could not detect that far away, was still marveling at Nexus' killing. Looking at the cosmonauts being chopped down on the screen, Hiragi Shiori was dumbfounded. He looked at Wakura Eisuke beside him and asked in a sleepy voice.

After all, you see, what he looked like when he first picked him up, and what he looked like when he was fighting monsters in the middle. Everyone in the Night Raid team saw it. He did grow up very fast, but this time he is growing fast. Isn't it a little too fast? It's a little too fast and makes people feel a little strange.

"This is a good thing. The stronger Nexus is, the less injuries Yuan Subaru will suffer."

Wakura Eisuke pinched his eyebrows and said softly:

"Don't think too much, go prepare some delicious food, and treat Subaru well. He has been very tired during this period. Look at him, he was so tired that he couldn't even wake him up when he attacked."

"Well, indeed, wait until he comes back and take him to have some fun."

Saijo Nagi also nodded, agreeing with the captain's words, while Matsunaga Kaichiro who was on the side quietly left the conference room, followed the elevator in the office, and came to the underground construction site, looking at the mobile phone that had completed most of its frame. Ultraman pursed his lips tightly——

This... is really too slow to build...

"Do not worry."

Kirazawa Yu's projection appeared next to him and said softly:

"Don't be impatient. Zaki is the best example. Even if we can't help, we can't cause Subaru any more trouble."

"You're right, it would be a help if we don't cause trouble now."

Matsunaga Kaichiro sighed, gathered his mood, looked at Kira Zeyu and said softly:

"How is the development of 'Raphael' going?"

"With that accurate data, the research and development is going very smoothly, and now with the support of the headquarters, if there are no accidents, Applicability No. 1 will be released next month."

Having said this, Kira Zeyu showed a smile on his face. 'Raphael' is the code name of the drug that treats the stability of Subaru cells. This drug was originally used to treat the genetically defective Son of Prometheus, but it did not work. Thinking that it can also be used as a prototype to start treating Yuan Subaru, thus saving a lot of time, this kind of good thing that kills two birds with one stone, how can it not make people smile.

"That's great."

Since the last time he crashed into Suitian Yilang's test site, Matsunaga Kaichiro has not seen him again. He only requires the medical department to submit his physical examination data once a day. Although Matsunaga Kaichiro cannot understand these data, it is just It's just a tacit guarantee of peace.

"Okay, let's go. The other branches picked up so many weapons in the universe this time. We can't let them go in vain. Let's go see if there is anything Subaru can use."

And just when Matsunaga Kaichiro and others were starting their own affairs, a slight light flashed on the pieced-together stone statue in the base reserve area A...

On the other side, Nexus had already entered the black hole. After entering, he realized that this was not an actual black hole. It was more like a space-time channel. Entering it gave Yuan Subaru a sense of borrowing his own power. It feels like traveling through various cards.

But this is not important. What is important is that he has not yet found the location of Aix Terminal. Yuan Subaru has a livid face as he spreads out his Ultra-Psychic power. In this strange space-time passage, the environment is too complicated, and sometimes it seems that It was only a few centimeters, but it took the effort to cross hundreds of meters. Sometimes it seemed to be far away, but in fact, with a little effort, it flew over the head. This feeling made Yuan Subaru's face even more ugly.

At this moment, the time and space tunnel was about to end, but there was still no whereabouts of the X terminal. Yuan Subaru sighed and began to recover his telekinesis, preparing to fight. He did not feel that the enemy was trying to kill him. I pulled her over just to open my eyes.


Sure enough, just when Nexus had just landed, a very bold laugh came. Yuan Subaru turned his head and saw a red and silver four-eyed cyborg wearing a helmet and an eye patch. He was doing squats on the top of a mountain. Behind him was a tape recorder playing aerobics. Next to him was a knife, which should be his weapon.

"Yo!!! Someone is coming, hahaha, come together, come together, move!!"

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