After all, everyone in the base knew that Lord Belia was quite satisfied with this gene inheritor.

So, after receiving Belia's order, the others immediately dispersed and prepared to lead their respective teams to invade the planet. From the "fingers" of the claw battleship, countless chains were launched towards the earth. Those chains easily pierced the earth, and then countless astronauts and fighters rushed into the atmosphere and launched destruction towards the earth...


Just when the claw battleship began to invade, golden light lit up on the surface of the earth, and then, the breath of nothingness emanated from it. Whether it was chains or various forms of attacks, they all fell into the air and passed through the planet that seemed to have turned into a shadow.

It was Subaru, who drew out his power of nothingness and used the half of the eternal core fragment in his hand as a medium to complete the virtual protection of the earth and the humans on it. Then, Subaru stretched out his finger and pointed at Belia. The energy compressed to the extreme turned into a straight ray of light, scraping the space and leaving a silver track in the universe.

Belia naturally dodged the attack calmly, but after Subaru pulled his hands outward, the dark giant immediately realized that something was wrong and dodged immediately. Sure enough, in the next second, the silver track that had not dissipated for a long time was torn apart, revealing the dazzling space-time turbulence. In an instant, a huge gravitational force like a black hole burst out, about to take everything around it into it.


At this time, hearing his subordinates' cries for help, Belia snorted coldly, picked up the Ultimate Battle Instrument, and swung out a dark golden energy wave, forcibly closing this space-time rift. However, Gensuba had also prepared a new move. The [Armed Nexus] in his hands collided vigorously, accompanied by flashing lightning, and amazing energy was entangled on it.

Then, Gensuba swung his hands towards the enemy as if pushing a mountain. The two energy torrents entangled on [Armed Nexus] roared out and collided with each other, producing a terrible energy storm.


Facing this offensive, the cosmic people on the Claw Battleship received the order from Lord Belia, and immediately activated the battleship's main gun without hesitation, spraying out a scarlet torrent.

What no one expected was that the silver-blue energy storm easily suppressed the battleship's main gun, which was incredible. This was a firepower system that could explode stars at will even if it was not activated at full power.

No, it cannot be suppressed, it is decomposed!

Belia raised his eyebrows, he found the essence of this energy storm, which is to decompose everything it can touch, even if it is the same energy, it is no exception.


What's the noise? !

Another strange sound attracted Belia and his subordinates around him to look at it, and then they saw that the huge plant monster was not protected by the virtualization, and it was beaten by the clones of Yuan Subaru at this time, and the tentacles were all chopped off, which really made those cosmic people look frightened.

Before, they said nothing and never thought that this prince would fight so fiercely. They secretly said something treasonous in their hearts. It seems that Lord Belia is not the opponent of this young master before he takes back the ultimate battle instrument... Wait, what is this for? !

The aliens stared blankly at the clones of Gensuba lifting Queen Monera, and then strange sparks appeared on the super giant plant monster, and then it rushed towards the battleship at a high speed.

Wait, damn, did this Queen Monera let you transform her into a bomb!

At this time, the aliens in the battleship quickly reacted through the energy analyzer, and hurriedly began to mobilize their forces, preparing to detonate the Queen Monera-style self-destructing bomb in advance, otherwise...

Just the size of Queen Monera being thrown over, the battleship's defense pressure is not low! ! !


"Rebrando, your opponent is here."

Belia saw the trick and was about to remind him, but Subaru flashed and attacked him. Then, countless fist shadows occupied Belia's entire field of vision almost in an instant. Moreover, Belia could clearly feel that these attacks were mixed with sharp sword energy. If he was hit, it would not be something that could be resisted by simply using external defense.

On the other side, after being delayed like this, even if Belia could still warn, it would be too late for the battleship, because those Nexus clones directly activated the time and space crossing, disappeared from the established orbit, and came directly above the battleship.

And seeing that the internal energy of Queen Monera had been completely aroused and began to melt and flow like metal, the knowledgeable people in the battleship began to feel numb on their scalps, which meant that the energy in it was fully saturated. The size of this super giant plant monster was the amount of concentrated explosive energy in it.

At the same time, two clones suddenly teleported into action. One tore a small hole in the battleship's barrier, and the other rushed in through the gap. At the same time, he used the cascading storm-type eight-point light wheel to directly evaporate the alien who was guarding Kengo Shinnosuke, then carried him and teleported out.

At the same time, a terrible explosion occurred. The energy reaction was almost devastating, wiping out most of the claw warship, as well as those who did not have time to escape, and those who ran out of the explosion range but did not run far and were sucked back by the explosion reaction. It can be said that since the start of the war, Belia has lost 70% of his men.

And now, Belia has no intention of getting angry because of this. At this time, Gensuba has quietly upgraded to the red youth Nexus form. Both speed and strength have been greatly enhanced. In addition, the pressure brought by Gensuba, who had previously made up for the wave with the fragments of the eternal core, made Belia feel that he seemed to have no chance to counterattack in a short period of time.

"Lord Belia!"

At this time, the surviving monsters and aliens rushed over, including Bemonstan, Zatansilba, the invading alien Noval, the iron bull alien Doruzku, the wild space man Lovaso, etc. After seeing the loss of such friendly forces, these guys hesitated again and again and decided to disobey Belia's order and come to help.

They knew very well that the Nexus at this time had burst out with amazing fighting power, which temporarily suppressed Lord Belia, but only a little accident was needed to give Lord Belia a breather, and their own master could turn the situation around. Even if they could not take down this Nexus on the spot, it would be much more comfortable for the control of the battlefield in the future.

"Don't even think about getting past!"

At this time, Kengo Shinaka also noticed the enemy's intention. He took a deep breath and immediately condensed energy from the colored timer on his chest and transformed it into a blade of light. He stretched his wrists forward and fired them out, intercepting the momentum of the aliens and monsters charging over. Then he kept firing blue-white shuriken-shaped light bullets to contain these enemies.

To be honest, Kengo Shinaka's eyes were starting to go black. If it weren't for the severe pain in his chest stimulating him, he would have fainted. Now he still had energy to fight because the Nexus clone who had just carried him out had poured all his remaining energy into his body.



I...can't see clearly anymore...

After throwing out the last light bullet, Kengo Shinaka couldn't support himself and fell down. The monsters and aliens on the opposite side saw that this troublesome Ultra Warrior had finally stopped, so they roared and rushed over, and on the way to support Lord Belia, they tore him alive.

But at this time...

"Tliga is mine!"

Accompanied by a somewhat shrill scream, a slender and graceful figure came like a stream of light. Her right hand produced a long, soft and resilient energy whip, which she swung vigorously. The powerful force broke the horns of the Iron Bull Universe's Doruzku star.

Then, the figure hugged Triga anxiously and stared at him nervously. Yes, the one who came was Carmilla among the dark giants. At this time, the dark giant's palm trembled slightly, stroking Triga's severely injured chest, and his face changed. The love and betrayal in the past kept flashing in her mind. Finally, Carmilla exhaled with a crying voice, gently stroked Triga's face, and said softly:

"Your life is mine, only I can kill you, this is what you owe me, Triga."

After that, Carmilla poured her power into Triga's body and healed his injuries all over his body.

"You have no eyesight!"

At this time, another red figure attacked. It was the strong fighter Dagon. Facing those enemies who wanted to attack Carmilla and Triga, he gathered energy in his hands and sent out an extraordinary fire shock wave, repelling those guys. Then Dagon stood behind Carmilla, took a fighting stance, and said in a serious voice:

"If you want to get through, you must get through me first!"


Just as Dagon's voice fell, a light sound rang beside him. It was the space-moving astronaut Tara Star The man held a long sword that could emit light and attacked Dagon's armpit, but was blocked by the slashing wave released by Hitram's arm blade [Hitram's Short Sword]. The smart strategist whispered mockingly:

"Dagon, if you are killed just after you finished talking big, it would be too embarrassing for you, so, don't use your eyes as decoration in the future."

"... I don't want to quarrel with you now."

Dagon was silent for a while, and then just replied in a muffled voice, and then continued to protect Carmilla and Triga.

"I'm telling the truth, you just can't listen."

Hitram wiped his weapon and followed it relentlessly, then looked around, looked at the monsters and aliens that began to gather towards him, and then looked at the fierce battle between Nexus and the dark giant, scratched his head irritably and said:

"It's so annoying, my plan is all messed up! Damn it!"

353 Hitram: G

Carmilla and his group were not on Earth during this period. After seeing Nexus reappear, they realized that their original plan might not be realized, so they decisively chose to leave the Earth and look for other powers to strengthen themselves in order to continue to plot the power of the Eternal Core.

And what these three dark giants are looking for is the power of chaos!

Regarding this power, let’s start with Hitram’s awakening. This dark giant woke up from the seal much earlier than others. After he was on other people’s planets and was encountered by Yuan Subaru, he He carefully hid his figure in the universe and ran towards the edge of the universe as much as possible, hoping that he could avoid the murderous god coming to his door.


Hitram accidentally saw the power of chaos that was quietly eroding reality. No, to be precise, Hitram didn't know that it was the legendary [Chaos] at that time. I only felt the terrifying power and the indescribable pressure.

Therefore, Hitram chose to avoid the area eroded by Chaos. He did not want to be blocked by Yuan Subaru while studying this dangerous energy. If he was caught this time, it would be really terrible. There is only one way to die.

Then, Hitram hid in the unmanned galaxy for a while, until Carmilla used the Dark Giant's spell to find his whereabouts and pulled him out of the desolate planet.

To be honest, Carmilla wanted to scold Hitram at that time. It was really outrageous to be so cautious.

But then I thought about it, in the previous battles, he was always the one who was hit hardest, and it is normal to leave some psychological shadow. As long as Hitram can regain his confidence in the next actions, Former partners will be reborn from the ashes,

So Carmilla took back the words she was about to blurt out, and took Hitram to rescue Dagon who was still sealed in the stone statue.

Then, after seeing Yuan Subaru again, Hitram remembered that power and planned to take his friends to study it together. If he could get that power, it would be the best. When the time comes, he would tell Maybe I can really beat up that nasty Nexus.

However, when Hitram and the other two people finally arrived at the edge of the universe where [Chaos] had been discovered, they found that it was empty, there was nothing, it was as clean as if there had never been any strange power. It's like occupying that place.

This made Hitram find it unacceptable. This kind of ups and downs really made him feel a little depressed. He had already imagined what it would be like after beating that Nexus all the way. He started to go crazy, and kept going. After searching the edge of the universe, Carmilla, who couldn't bear it anymore, finally pulled him back and slapped him a few times before Hitram woke up.

However, if Hitram knew that the [Chaos] erosion he saw before disappeared because Yuan Subaru solved the corresponding [Chaos Breach], it is estimated that the dark giant would have to go crazy for a while longer.

Since they can't get other power from the outside world, there is no reason to continue wandering outside. They have to return to the earth quickly. After all, they already know that Youkan Sarai and Nexus are there. If they did anything to the seal of the Eternal Core while they were away from the Earth, it would be quite detrimental to their subsequent plans to seize it.

What these dark giants didn't expect was that they had just come back and saw this quite chaotic scene. Enemies appeared from nowhere and made a mess in the Earth-Moon Galaxy, especially on the Triga side. , as if already dying.

Seeing this scene, Carmila felt that her consciousness seemed to be blank for a moment. When she reacted again, she had already arrived beside her enemy.


Carmilla looked at the giant in her arms, with a hint of resentment in the anger in her eyes. From the time she woke up to now, she had been waiting, hoping that her lover who had changed his appearance would give her an answer, but the result was The amnesia of not remembering the past at all...


Just when Carmilla melancholy fell into memories, she heard a familiar voice. She looked down and saw that it was Manaka Kengo who had woken up and let out a hoarse call. Carmila's expression changed and she put her hand He pressed against Triga's chest, with dangerous destructive energy surging in his palm, and said in a cold voice:

"Teliga, please remember that you owe me a life. One day, I will pay it all to you!"

"Ah, I remember, Carmilla, but don't look so scary.'d better look better when you smile."

Manaka Kengo looked at the dark giant in front of him, and some memory fragments from the super ancient times emerged in his mind. He couldn't help but reached out and poked Carmilla's cheek, and said with a weak smile:

"I remembered something, although I haven't remembered everything yet, but... I remembered the way you smiled. To make you show such a resentful expression at this time, I must have done something very bad. , I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

Although Manaka Kengo had previously seen the four of them teaming up to invade the earth through Gen Subaru's method in the depths of his consciousness, the viewing at that time was more like watching a stage play.

Although Manaka Kengo remembered a little bit at that time, it was limited to his own identity. But now, looking at his former friends, combined with the memory fragments that emerged, Manaka Kengo had some feelings for Carmilla in his heart. Familiarity and guilt made him speak those sincere words now.

On the other side, after hearing Manaka Kengo's words, Carmila's body stiffened suddenly, and the destructive energy against her chest suddenly dissipated. As if in disbelief, she put her hand on Manaka Kengo's On his cheeks, his tone trembled slightly as he said:

"This...this apology...has no sincerity at all. Do you think I can accept it?"

Ah... isn't this already accepted? X2

Although it was very inappropriate, Dagon and Hitram who were guarding the side couldn't help but complained neatly in their hearts. Now Carmila still has that tough mouth all over her body. This woman, no matter in the third year of life, Thousands of years ago, and still today, it is still as easy to handle as ever.

"Really, how could I team up with such a stupid woman? I'm afraid there's something wrong with my head."

After Hitram forced an alien from space back, he whispered uncontrollably, while Dagon laughed loudly. It seemed that the memory of his old friend had been restored, and Carmilla's lovesickness had been reciprocated. The dark giant couldn't help but feel happy, and his hits on people's heads became even more powerful:

"Who made us partners? Some things just don't make sense, hahaha!!!"

"Hmph, buddy, don't disgust me. When did you learn such a disgusting tone?"

Hitram kicked away the attacking Bemonstein, and couldn't help but glance at Yuan Subaru who was fighting. He secretly shouted cheers to the dark giant in his heart, and then looked at the cosmonauts and monsters in front of him and shouted:

"Really, you cosmic people, really can't you see that we are also dark giants? Don't hit the wrong person!"

Then, Hitram looked at Carmila and Teliga who were hugging each other, and shouted irritably:

"Hey, the two of you over there are almost tired. It's time to come over and help! Really, watch the time and the environment before you go crazy over there!"

"Hitram, shut up!!!"

Carmilla was naturally extremely happy at this time. Anyway, at least her Teliga remembered the time she spent with her in the past. This is undoubtedly excellent news, and it means that they still have a chance to become friends again. Lovers, but this good mood could no longer be maintained as Hitram shouted.

So, Carmilla looked at Hitram fiercely. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Hitram's mental state was not very good recently, she would have whipped him right now.

"Hitram is right, now is really not the time to say this."

Manaka Kengo stood up, held Carmila's hand beside him, and said softly:

"Carmila, let us fight side by side again."

"...Okay, Teliga?!"

Feeling the softness and warmth from her palms, Carmila's body trembled suddenly, and she made a sweet voice that made Dagon and Hitram get goosebumps. At the same time, Manaka Kengo wanted to He pulled his hand out of Carmilla's hand. How should I put it... Why did he feel like he was being stared at by a strange worm...

"Okay, okay, don't fight anymore."

At this time, Hitram quickly waved his hand towards the attacking spacemen and monsters, and shouted loudly:

"You guys really don't have any discernment. You have already said that we are also dark giants. Rather than attacking us, shouldn't it be more important for us to defeat Nexus together?"

Hearing this, Carmila immediately understood why Hitram was so impatient just now. After all, if she talked to Trigado for a minute, he would have to stay hostile to these cosmonauts and monsters in order to protect them. After all, Teliga had quite a fierce fight with these guys before.

"Teliga, since you have recovered your memory, hurry up!"

At this time, Hitram looked at Manaka Kengo and said quickly:

"Let's go! Go kill that Nexus. As long as you take action, they will know that we are no longer enemies. Quick, do it!"

"...Hitram, I will not attack Nexus-senpai."

Manaka Kengo was silent for a moment, seeming to be thinking about how to persuade his former companion, and finally decided to speak frankly:

"Although this may sound incredible to you, believe me..."

"I believe you ghost!"

When Hitram heard this, he couldn't bear it anymore. He stabbed Manaka Kengo directly with his sword and shouted like a ghost:

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