Pejia could see what Asakura Lu was going to do just now, and took advantage of this opportunity to launch a counterattack. Asakura Lu was caught off guard and was tickled and ran around in the room. Pejia also took advantage of the victory and continued to tickle him. Laughter and joy immediately echoed in this abandoned observatory.

At this moment, Asakura Lu, who had escaped to the window, suddenly noticed something and turned his head to look out the window. On the lawn, a faint blue light suddenly lit up, as if the land had cracked. Then, a stream of light rushed out. Asakura Lu, who was caught off guard, had no time to dodge and was hit directly on the forehead. His eyes rolled back and he fell straight down...

"Xiao Lu, stop it, the ground is very dirty... Xiao Lu? Xiao Lu?!"

361 Asakura Lu, don't transform

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts...

Asakura Lu woke up with a headache. He subconsciously wanted to rub his forehead to relieve the pain, but before he could do it, the pain disappeared, as if the discomfort just now was just his illusion.

It's really strange, why is it like this, I shouldn't have seen it wrong, the stream of light did hit my forehead...

Asakura Lu muttered while propping up his body, and then...

What is this place?

Asakura Lu looked around in surprise. The silver-white walls, the technological decorations, and the platform in the center of the space did not look like the shabby observatory!

"Pejia? Pejia!"

"I'm here."

At this time, Asakura Lu remembered his partner and called out quickly. Then Pejia's voice came from the corner. The pitiful appearance of curling up over there made Asakura Lu confused. He didn't know what happened.

And Pejia also saw Asakura Lu's doubts, so she took the initiative to explain--

Just when they were chasing and playing, Asakura Lu suddenly fell down. Pejia thought that she had caused some trouble and wanted to go over to see what was going on.

However, at that moment, Asakura Lu's body burst out with a blue light, and the terrible momentum immediately pressed Pejia to the ground, unable to move. At the same time, Pejia felt an extremely dangerous sight falling on her. The cold and cruel sight seemed to be considering how to kill herself.

But when Peggy felt that she was going to die, the unconscious Asakura Lu suddenly frowned and groaned in pain, as if resisting something. Peggy also felt that the terrible sight moved away from her, as if looking at the surrounding environment.

Then, the azure light shone again, and Peggy felt an invisible and powerful force dragging her over, which made Peggy scream. The despair of approaching death that she had not experienced before made Peggy fully experience it at this time.

When she saw the translucent cylinder that suddenly rose up and wrapped herself and Asakura Lu, Peggy's life revolving lantern had come to an end. This Pegasa star had begun to pray that she could be reborn in a good life in the next life, and it would be best if she could experience the trouble of having endless money.

Ah, of course, Peggy did not forget her good friend Asakura Lu, and she also prayed for Asakura Lu, hoping that he could have a harmonious and beautiful family while experiencing the same troubles.

Just as the prayer was finished, Peggy heard a slight roar in her ear. Thinking that she was about to die, she immediately lay down, crossed her hands in front of her, and made a peaceful gesture, as if she wanted to have a good impression of herself when future generations found her body.



It shouldn't feel like this now...

Gradually, Peggy began to feel something was wrong. He opened his eyes carefully and looked around, and then saw that he and Asakura Lu came to a dim space filled with a faint smell of burnt. Asakura Lu's eyebrows were still shining with a blue light, which illuminated the space and also emitted crystal clear silk threads that sank into every corner of the space.

Then, as if resurrected from the dead, this scrapped site was rejuvenated with new "vitality", full of technological decorations and constantly flashing signal lights around, which immediately attracted Peggy's attention. Although Peggy had never seen this kind of technological system, there was no doubt that this should not belong to the technology of the earth's human beings.

After the repair work of the technology space was completed, the strange light quietly dissipated, but there was still an invisible force holding Asakura Lu to rest on a bench nearby.


Then Pejia hid aside, quietly waiting for Asakura Lu to wake up. To be honest, this process was quite painful for Pejia, because he wanted to check the equipment here to see what secrets were hidden, but he was afraid that such an action would attract the attack of the mysterious power, so he could only stay there.

"Me? Light?!"

After listening to Pejia's story, Asakura Lu felt confused. He patted his body seriously and pressed his forehead carefully, but nothing unexpected happened. After a silence, Asakura Lu tentatively slapped himself, trying to cause some changes with this aggressive behavior, but in terms of the result, it was obviously ineffective.

And here, on the platform in the center of this space, a red ball suddenly flew out. The ball scanned everything around it and noticed the two people who were concentrating on looking at Asakura Riku's body.

At this moment, a faint blue light flashed through the red ball. Immediately, it flew to Asakura Riku's side, circled around him twice, and then issued a cry without any emotional ups and downs. mechanical sound:

"User detected, base turns off sleep mode and turns on normal mode."

"You...who are you?!"

This sudden flying red ball naturally made Asakura Lu and Peijia nervous. The two little guys straightened their bodies and stayed in place as if standing in a military posture. After a quick exchange of glances, Asakura Lu Then he asked in a low voice.

"I am a reporting management system, only sound, no entity."

It seems like he is answering our questions honestly.

After hearing this, Asakura Lu and Peijia quickly exchanged a look, and then Peijia cleared her throat that was uncomfortable due to fear and nervousness, and continued to ask:

"Then what place is this?"

"This is the central command room located 500 meters underground of the observatory. Master, now the control of this base has been officially handed over to you."

"Master?!" X2

This word made Asakura Lu and Peijia shout in unison. They looked at each other, and there seemed to be question marks on each other's heads. Asakura Lu thought for a moment, tilted his head, and whispered to Peijia:

"got the wrong person?"

"got the wrong person!"

Peggy replied in a firm tone.

"No, I didn't admit my mistake."

However, this conversation did not escape the sensor of the red ball instrument, which immediately explained:

"My basic program code just told me, Mr. Asakura Riku, you are the master of this place."


Riku Asakura scratched the back of his head in confusion and asked subconsciously:

"Who wrote the code? Leave this to me... Do you have any tasks for me?"

"My basic code has been modified twice. The author of the first-generation code has no relevant records in my file. At the same time, because the system was previously paralyzed and unable to sense the outside world, the identity of the author of the second-generation code is unknown. , and I have no relevant records.”

The report management system answers the question honestly:

"As for the tasks, this system does have relevant execution codes, but since the relevant trigger items do not exist and the code for this link has been temporarily sealed, the system is now in standby mode and there are no background tasks to complete."

"This is really..."

Asakura Lu and Peijia looked at each other, with helplessness in each other's eyes, but...

"Now that you've come, let's make peace with it. Think about it carefully. At least we don't have to live on the streets anymore!"

I have to say that the young man's mind is so open-minded. After Asakura Riku realized that this matter was far from his and Peijia's brains, he was afraid that he would not be able to come up with an answer no matter how much he thought about it, so he stopped thinking about it. If you have that kind of brain, why not think of something happy?

With this thought, Asakura Riku immediately began to look at the space and began to think about how to arrange the space next to make his life more comfortable.

In response to this, Peijia shrugged helplessly, and then immediately joined the discussion. At this time, Asakura Lu remembered something, took out his radio, adjusted it, and finally sighed helplessly. , this is 500 meters underground after all, and my radio is of no use here.

"Continue broadcasting news about giant creatures...."


The sudden sound made Riku Asakura startled. He looked back in shock and realized that the system was making a broadcast sound. He didn't expect it to have such a function.

"The government announced that the giant creature is currently heading west and is approaching the mountainous area. It is expected to arrive in Kamitono Town before dawn tomorrow..."

"Kami Tono Town!? Is this where the store manager and the others are now!?"

After hearing the news, Asakura Lu, who was packing his things, widened his eyes in surprise and froze in place for a while. Peijia sighed and said helplessly:

"Even if that monster really goes to Kamitono Town, there is nothing we can do. We are not Ultra Warriors and cannot deal with such a powerful monster."


Hearing this, Asakura Riku opened his mouth, but said nothing. Indeed, there was nothing they could do about it now.

"It would be great if I were an Ultra Warrior."

Finally, Asakura Riku let out a long sigh and said helplessly:

"If I were an Ultra Warrior, I could destroy that monster and protect everyone."

‘Maybe it’s really possible. ’

"Huh?! What's the sound?"

"Xiao Lu, what's wrong with you?"

The sound that suddenly sounded next to his ears made Asakura Lu slightly stunned. The voice was a bit childish, but it also made people feel unusually reliable. Even when the voice came, Asakura Lu's messy thoughts Everything seems to have stabilized a bit.

But Pejia couldn't hear this voice. The Pegasus star looked at Asakura Riku in confusion and asked worriedly. Now his friend is really unlucky. He seems to be looking for anything. Fucked him.

‘Is this cosmic person your friend? ’

"Ah, Peggy is my good friend."

Asakura Lu gestured towards Peijia, telling him to be silent, and then answered the mysterious voice firmly.

'Do you think he can be trusted? ’


‘Then I won’t communicate with you in this way. ’

As soon as they finished speaking, Asakura Riku and Peijia saw everything in front of them suddenly occupied by azure blue light, but in the next second, a silvery glow lit up from the azure blue, and a small, figure-like silver energy body was suspended. In the air.

Asakura Lu subconsciously looked at this energy body. This energy body has no face, no organs, and no special signs. However, if you observe carefully, you can still see that the edges of his body are wrapped with a faint layer of The blue light film is just like a shrunken human figure, but it gives people an indescribable sense of oppression.

"Asakura Riku, you just said you wanted to become an Ultra Warrior, right?"

The little silver being looked at Asakura Riku and said softly:

"We can try it. In your body, the Ultra gene of your father's generation is sleeping. If it can be awakened, then you can become an Ultra warrior and fight."

"Eh!!!" X2

Hearing this, Asakura Riku and Peijia were both shocked. They never expected that the Ultra Warrior they had been talking about was actually Asakura Riku's father. Asakura Riku was obviously very excited about this, and he looked at it happily. Himself, and then said impatiently:

"Then after I become an Ultra Warrior, can I lift the piano?"


“What about the delivery trucks?”

"That's too light for you."

"What about...the monster?"

"At least you have the qualifications to fight monsters."

"I see."

Asakura closed his eyes, took a long breath, and then said with a serious expression:

"Then where should I go to get my transformer next?"


The silver villain was stunned for a moment, looked at Asakura Lu in confusion, and said softly:

"Why do you think you need something like a morpher?"

"Isn't that how it's done on TV?"

Asakura Lu rubbed his hands awkwardly and said:

"You see, heroes like Flash need to use a transformer to fight."

"You don't need this. Your bloodline is... more stable than mine."

The silver villain seemed to understand something and said with a smile:

"Although you are still in your infancy, you have already endured the crystallization of order, that power, and the power of order in it. I have also transformed it into your own growth power through pure white light. Therefore, Asakura Riku, you are now No transformation device is needed, as long as you call on the power hidden in your blood, you can show your true form."


Asakura Lu grabbed the lapel of his chest and whispered thoughtfully. Then, he nodded vigorously and said with firm eyes:

"I know, I will become an Ultra Warrior now!"


However, at this moment, the silver villain quickly stopped Asakura Lu's movements and said with a helpless smile:

"Although I don't care, if you don't want to wander around the joint again, you should go outside and transform. I don't have the extra strength to repair this place again."


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