Could it be that... my life story is more complicated than the origin of the Flash...

Could it be that... my existence and that of my brother Subaru are similar to mass production? Do we need to engage in some brutal internal fighting to...

"Don't get excited. Instead of thinking about it, why don't you come and ask me."

Listening to Asakura Riku's increasingly heavy breathing, Subaru guessed the complicated psychological activities of this little guy at this time. To be honest, Subaru felt like complaining. Why do you have to keep things in your heart? You can get the answer by asking, but you have to let yourself think about it. If there is any misunderstanding, God knows how much effort it will take to solve it.

"Well, you don't seem to know where to start, so I'll tell you from the beginning. A long, long time ago, our genetic father, the hero of the Kingdom of Light, Ultraman Belia..."

Although Gen Subaru's 'starter' seemed to start from the creation of the world by Pangu, in fact, he used very concise and accurate words to tell Asakura Riku and Pejia about the past.

But even so, Asakura Riku still felt that these things were too brain-burning to digest, and it was simply a reshaping of his own worldview.

At the same time, in the process of just telling, because Asakura Riku also spoke out to participate in the conversation, Gen Subaru realized that the way of thinking of this Ultraman Geed was to a considerable extent influenced by the special drama called "Flash Man". He multitasked and watched the special drama in one breath at several times the speed of the video.

Then considering that Asakura Riku was probably still a loyal fan of this special drama, Gen Subaru also made up for the relevant setting collection and the direction of discussion on this special drama in the forum.

In the end, Gen Subaru could only say that people's imagination and creativity are quite amazing. In his eyes, it was a slightly childish special effects drama with some educational episodes, but it was forcibly supplemented with a dark side.

I guess... Asakura Riku has also been exposed to these things. He is obviously so old and has lived so many years longer than me. He has more or less some judgments of his own. At least he can distinguish between TV dramas and reality.

Gen Subaru helplessly complained in his heart. He had not been exposed to much in this area and had no relevant interests. Gen Subaru felt that it was difficult for him to understand Asakura Riku's feelings, so he did not continue to dwell on this aspect. He did not understand but respected, as long as he did not drag his feet.

"So, brother Gen Subaru, you are like this now..."

At this time, Asakura Riku also reacted. He looked at Gen Subaru who had recovered to the size of a figurine and said with some concern:

"Is it because you were seriously injured after the battle with your father? That, that, how can I help you to recover to the state you were in during the Parker Crisis?"

"No, to be honest, I was not injured, I just simply lacked energy... To be more precise, it was the lack of energy in this projection."

Gen Subaru did not lie. During the Parker Crisis, in the battle with Belia, he had a certain advantage. Even in the final fight, Gen Subaru did not feel too much crisis. It was just that under the impact of [Order] and [Chaos], [Time and Space] could not hold up first, and a fault appeared. Gen Subaru could only emit the remaining power of truth to let them repair the damaged battlefield.

At this time, Gen Subaru is also in the state of being summoned, and his body is still in the TLT Earth Universe. Although Gen Subaru can use this projection to leave a time and space anchor point on the Earth in this universe, and then cancel the summoning, return his consciousness to his body, and then rush here.

However, that would take too much time. There are still too many parallel worlds in this universe. Even Gen Subaru would have to spend a lot of time to locate and travel, which is undoubtedly not cost-effective.

Because Gen Subaru feels that even if he is like this, he still has the power to defeat Belia, or the ability to crush Belia's plan. This is not bragging, but now the storage energy of this projection can also activate those skills that can turn defeat into victory, which makes Gen Subaru particularly confident.

At the same time, Gen Subaru has no intention of spending too much time here. After all, his life span is limited, and he can't stand up to these long-lived species.

On this basis, do as many things as you can.

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru looked at Asakura Riku and said softly:

"Speaking of which, how did it feel to fight for the first time? Didn't you gain anything from it?"

"Gain what..."

Asakura Riku scratched the back of his head and said with a bitter face:

"Does being able to emit light count?"

"Yes, of course it counts."

Yuan Subaru smiled and said:

"Didn't you know how to do this before? Now you know it, that's a gain. The so-called progress is the accumulation of gains little by little."


It must be said that Asakura Riku is still easy to coax. After being praised by Yuan Subaru, his attention was diverted from the background settings. At this time, the TV projection that had not been turned off started a new program, which was still current news:

"For the huge creature that appeared in Xingshan City before, the government has officially named it a monster today. I believe the adults know this."

This opening attracted the attention of the three people present. The guest with the title of professor leaned on the sofa of the program group, waved his hand meaninglessly and said:

"But let's see, the giant that just destroyed the monster is very similar to the giant that appeared during the Parker crisis three years ago. Therefore, we have reason to suspect that this may be an internal fight between giant creatures. Now, we What the government should do is to establish a special team that can investigate whether these giant creatures are dangerous and even eliminate them..."

After the professor finished speaking, the program team began street interviews again. It could be seen that the location of the street interviews was Xingshan City, which had just been ravaged by monsters. Almost everyone interviewed showed fear and disgust towards monsters and giants.

"System, turn off the TV."

Suddenly, Asakura Riku spoke up, and the system turned off the projection as ordered. Both Pejia and Gen Subaru looked at the little Ultraman. Asakura Riku sat on the sofa with an unhappy face and said:

"I will never become Ultraman again. Anyway, if I show up, everyone will be scared, right... the system."

It can be seen that Asakura Riku really wanted to be recognized for this matter. His eyes slid over Pejia and Gen Subaru, and finally landed on the red ball of the management system.

"According to the records on the Internet, people think that you are the same as Beria, and 75% of the people are afraid of this. Therefore, it can be inferred that people are very afraid of you, Master."

"Look, my appearance is not a good thing for everyone."

"In that case, so be it, I respect your opinion."

Looking at Asakura Riku's seemingly forced smile, Gen Subaru nodded, said nothing more, and continued to quietly carry out the work at hand, but at this moment, he remembered something and said softly:

"By the way, I forgot to tell you."

"What did you forget to say, Brother Yuan Subaru?"

"Don't call other people's systems from now on. Its codename is Lime. This is something written in their underlying code."

"Oh, I understand, Brother Yuan Subaru."


After this simple conversation, Gen Subaru had no desire to talk anymore. After all, Asakura Riku no longer wanted to be Ultraman Geed, so there was no need to continue with the following training and other projects. If Asakura Riku It would be a good choice for Canglu to choose to live his life peacefully as a human being. At least Yuan Subaru expressed envy for this.

But now that Asakura Riku has withdrawn from the battle, he has to perfect plan B. If possible, he should try his best not to expose his identity prematurely, hide in the dark, and deal with Beria. An easier solution.

"Brother Yuan Subaru..."


Just when Yuan Subaru was brainstorming, Asakura Riku, who was busy having breakfast with Peijia, acted stiffly and had various unnatural expressions. In the end, he couldn't help it, and he slowed down and approached Yuan Subaru. Next to him, he shouted softly, and Yuan Subaru responded calmly and said casually:

"If you want to scare me secretly, this is impossible. My mind power is always covering the surrounding area, and I can sense everything."

"No, Brother Yuan Subaru, don't you just...don't want to say anything more?"


Yuan Subaru was silent for a moment, his eyes left the red ball and fell on the restless Asakura Riku. He thought about it and said softly:

"Many times, being able to live the life you want is a precious [choice]. Many people don't even have the opportunity to choose. I always feel that I am very lucky, because in my experience, I still have Opportunity to choose my future.”

This was not perfunctory, because when Gen Subaru said this, even though he was emotionally indifferent, he still showed a knowing smile. This sincere emotion was also conveyed to Asakura Riku, making this little Ultra The soldier blinked in surprise, because he didn't expect that his brother Yuan Subaru would have such emotion.

"So, I also respect your choice, and you don't have to feel ashamed or blame yourself for it. No one can ask you, and no one is qualified to decide your future. Who said that if you have power, you must protect the world."

Gen Subaru smiled and gently rubbed Asakura Riku's head with telekinesis, and said softly:

"When you look back on the past, if you don't have any big regrets or annoyances, that's fine. Your life is pretty perfect. Now that I'm here, there's no problem if you don't participate in some things. Although Go enjoy your future."

Yuan Subaru said it very easily, which also greatly relieved Asakura Lu's anxiety. At this time, a slight smile appeared on his face. At this time, he thought of something, looked at Yuan Subaru and said:

"Brother Yuan Subaru, what did you choose?"



An ordinary word, but it exceeded Asakura Riku's expectations. He blinked blankly, as if he didn't know how to answer the question.

"Haha, I'm surprised. Hum, I'm surprised too."

Gen Subaru said in a calm tone while operating the red ball:

"I love the earth, I love mankind, and I am willing to give everything for it. There is no doubt about this, but 'love' is not just talk. Facing those enemies, there is only destruction and destruction caused by fighting. Killing can deter the restlessness in the universe."

Having said this, Yuan Subaru paused for a moment, as if hesitating whether to continue speaking. After waiting for a while, he continued:

"Furthermore, my [choice] is short-lived, because I have a more important mission to complete. I want to find a reliable warrior and let him take [me] to the unknown and dangerous road. So, Geed, ah , No, Xiao Lu, don’t think too much, just go and do your own thing.”


To be honest, Asakura Riku didn't understand what Gen Subaru was saying, as if he was telling a riddle, but he really felt the heaviness behind it. When Gen Subaru said 'reliable warrior'? At that time, Asakura Riku wanted to stand up and pat his chest, but after thinking about it for a moment, he felt that he was not qualified to say that at all. At least a reliable warrior would not be like him...


At this moment, Asakura Riku's cell phone rang. It was Lem who directed the human society's signal to the headquarters, so both the radio and the phone could now be used normally.

It's the store manager. Why did he call?

Oh, I know, you are worried about where I live, the store manager is really...

Um? Why did you hang up now? I haven't been connected yet. Did I dial the wrong number? No way...

366 Subaru: Xiaolu, I can teach you

"problem occurs."

Just when Asakura Lu was confused, Yuan Subaru on the side suddenly said:

"I just locked the location of the phone, and there was an abnormal energy reaction. If nothing unexpected happened, the caller should have been captured."

"Store manager!"

Hearing this, Asakura Riku quickly ran towards the elevator, and Peijia quickly followed. Yuan Subaru also put down the red ball, dropped it into the hood of Asakura Riku's coat, and said softly:

"If something unexpected happens, I will teach you how to use the energy in your body to carry out light attacks."

"Can I do this kind of thing?"

Listening to Gen Subaru's inner voice, Asakura Riku was slightly startled. He now looks like a human. Can he still use his ability after transforming into an Ultra Warrior in this form?

"You are Ultraman. Even if you become a human now, your essence will not change. Now that you know your life experience, it is time to change your ideas and look at this from a new angle. Otherwise, you may inadvertently harm other people.”

"...I understand, brother Yuan Subaru, please teach me more in the future."

"Ah, while I'm still here, I will teach you as much as I can about what I know."

After such a brief spiritual exchange, Asakura Riku and his party passed the elevator and arrived at a warehouse-like place, where smoke was already billowing and raging fire was burning everything here.

"Enter the door and walk straight for thirty steps, then turn left to release the impact."

At this time, Yuan Subaru's voice sounded in Asakura Riku's mind, and along with it, there were projected images and dense text that suddenly appeared in his mind.

At that moment, Asakura Lu suddenly understood how to mobilize the energy in his body, but at the same time, he also felt an unprecedented headache, as if his little head was about to explode.

But now is not the time to care about this. Asakura Riku gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and rushed into the fire scene as Yuan Subaru said. He counted the steps carefully. Then when he turned the corner, he clasped his hands and walked towards Pushing forward, the energy impact of blue entwined with black and red lightning flew straight out.

With the sound of the collision and the screams, even Asakura Riku, who was unable to see his surroundings clearly because of the thick smoke in the fire, understood that he had hit. Then, under Yuan Subaru's instructions, Asakura Lu and Peijia quickly dragged everyone in the warehouse, as well as the guy who was hit, out of the fire scene.

"what is this?"

Asakura Lu breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the black and white weirdo lying on the ground with traces of energy impact on his chest. He subconsciously looked at Pejia, who spread his hands. He was just a young Pegasus. Star people don't know much, and there are too many races in the universe.

"Dada, the three-faced monster, is a cosmic person who I think is like a shit-trouble, but he no longer has the power to resist."

At this time, Yuan Subaru used the words in his heart to explain to Asakura Riku, and Asakura Riku nodded in sudden realization.

"Xiao Lu, did you see the gun in his hand? It's a shrinking gun. Turn the button on the left counterclockwise to the end, and then pull the trigger to free the shrunken human inside."


"Don't open your mouth to answer me, pretend I don't exist."

Asakura Riku subconsciously wanted to respond, but was immediately stopped by Gen Subaru. Asakura Riku resisted the urge to nod, bent down and picked up the shrinking gun, and then saw the shrunken human girl in the glass barrel.


Asakura Riku suddenly shouted. He recognized this girl. She was the store manager’s niece. When the grocery store was still there, he had dealt with this girl a lot. Although he could play with a primary school student, Asakura Riku From time to time I wonder if I am too naive.

With Asakura Riku's operation, Ellie was quickly released, but this girl, like everyone else, fell into a coma. Asakura Riku frowned and looked around, and then he took it from his pocket. The red ball came out, which Yuan Subaru temporarily stuffed in with telekinesis when he set off, and used it as a communicator to communicate with the headquarters in Asakura Lu and Lyme.

Soon, Asakura Riku's question was answered. Lem reported that this was the outskirts of Kamitono Town, which made Asakura Riku feel a little confused. Judging from the daily necessities at the entrance of the warehouse, it was obvious that the store Chang and Ellie's family planned to live here permanently, but obviously because of his fighting, the monster was wiped out before it even got close to Kamitono Town.

In addition, he remembered that the store manager had said before that most of the people living in Kamitono Town were old people. Grandpa Ellie also had a big house there, and Grandpa Ellie didn’t have many children there, so there shouldn’t be a living there. No reason to stop.

'It seems they were driven here. ’

Yuan Subaru's voice sounded in Asakura Riku's mind again. Asakura Riku felt something and looked down at the lime red ball. Several forum messages popped up on it, saying that the world was going to be destroyed. Not only was there Monsters appeared, even super-powered humans came out, and the poster witnessed a little girl making fire out of thin air.

Although there are no photos, considering the current situation, it seems self-evident who the poster is talking about.

Asakura looked at Ellie in shock. After knowing her for so long, he really didn't expect that Ellie was actually a superpower. How could this girl hide it so well? !

‘Xiao Lu, this ability to get angry is not an innate ability of this human girl. ’

Although Yuan Subaru did not read Asakura Riku's mind, he could guess what he was thinking from the child's straightforward expression, so he said softly:

‘But it’s just right, Xiao Lu, open your hand and aim it at the human girl. I will help you extract the things from her body. ’


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