Obviously, the psychological quality of this young patrol officer is quite poor, but if you think about it, you can understand that for such a young man who has only just entered the profession and whose imaginary enemy has always been human beings, suddenly he is faced with such a person who does not know why he will kill you. It is normal for a cosmonaut to be nervous and scared, so his index finger on the trigger kept trembling, as if he was about to shoot.

The Metzian girl Keiko, who was pointed at by a gun, was pleading desperately and said:

"I didn't do anything! Please..."

Keiko was looking for Yuko's figure as she spoke, but what she saw was Yuko's figure being hugged by Yuko's family and leaving here quickly.

"It's so scary."

"Monster, this is a monster!"

"It's so disgusting. He's a cosmic person after all. It's so disgusting."

"Hey, Mr. Police, please think of a way!"

The last voice strengthened its tone, and seemed to be quite dissatisfied with the young patrolman's behavior of staying where he was and not taking any follow-up actions. In response, the panicked patrolman reflexively began to use his index finger...

Just at this moment!

"Wait a moment!"

A woman pushed through the wall and walked in. Wearing a black lady's suit, she stood in front of the timid Keiko, her beautiful and flowing black hair caressing Keiko's cheek.

"Hey! What are you doing? It's too dangerous, get out of the way!"

The young patrolman did not expect someone to protect him in front of the alien. Coupled with the visitor's beautiful face, he couldn't help shouting. However, the woman still maintained her protective actions and shouted angrily:

"I won't get out of the way! So many people are targeting such a young child! Are you ashamed?"

"Who are you! Do you know what you are protecting!"

This unexpected situation made the young patrolman almost cry. What should I do? If I kill the people on earth in order to eliminate the people from the universe, my future will be dark no matter what I think.

"Who am I?! Watch out!"

At this time, the woman aggressively handed a small piece of paper to the young patrol officer. The young man eagerly hoped that this was a big shot. In that case, he would not be able to do anything...

"Niconico Life Insurance...Aizaki Moe?"

After seeing it clearly, the young patrolman read out the words on the business card blankly. Yes, this woman was the AIB member who was discovered by Yuan Subaru before.

"Yes, it's me. Now it's up to us to handle this matter."

"Wha... why do you let an insurance salesman handle it!? If you hinder me, I will treat it as if you are obstructing the execution of official duties!"

"Eh? No, this is a bit..."

Aizaki Moya, who had her hands on her hips just now and was quite imposing, suddenly became incoherent under the patrol's counterattack. Although she ran out heroically and handed over her business card handsomely,...it seemed like something had happened. Wrong, ah...this, this, this...

At this moment, a man also wearing a black suit walked over quietly. In sharp contrast to Aizaki Moya, his body was filled with a sharp and piercing aura.

The man whispered something softly, and the young patrolman immediately straightened up and saluted beautifully.

"sorry Sorry!"

Although he didn't know what was said, the young patrolman said to the wall of people: "This matter is over here! Come on, let's break up, let's break up!" and then walked away as if running away, followed by the man in black suit. With a glare, the gossiping wife and the idle people watching the fun also went home obediently.

In the blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the park, Keiko from Metz, Moya Aizaki, and the man in a black suit with sharp eyes.

"It's okay now."

Aizaki Moya knelt down, met Keiko's eyes, smiled and gently stroked her head. Keiko also felt the kindness and timidly said:

"Sister, who are you? Aren't you afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid. How should I put it...I'm used to it."

Aizaki Moya put on an exaggerated smile, and the young Keiko also knew that she was caring about him. Feeling her tenderness, Keiko finally calmed down as she wished.

At this time, the man in the black suit lowered his gaze behind her and said in a cold voice:

"We are members of the Alien Investigation Bureau, AIB, and we are here to protect you."

What is very strange is that the man who is saying this is obviously talking, but his mouth is motionless. Such an action obviously scares the child. Moya Aizaki hugged Keiko and said helplessly:

"Hey, Senior Zena, this kid is so scared if you act like this."

"Unfortunately, I haven't done any training in changing my expression. If it feels awkward no matter what, then so be it."

The man's face shook, changing from an earthly face to a hard golden color.

"I'm Zena from Shade. Don't worry, I'm just like you."


Seeing this, Keiko relaxed immediately. After all, it is easier to get along with cosmic people and cosmic people.

At this moment, Zena glanced at his communicator, looked at Aizaki Moya, and said softly:

"I'll leave this to you. I'll go to other places and bring this child back to the headquarters."

"Huh? What is Zena-senpai going to do?"

Aizaki Moya was slightly startled, pointed at herself and said:

"Don't you need my help? Could it be because... ah... I just made a mistake, not unreliable..."

"No, it's not suitable to take you with me this time. Don't argue anymore, that's it."

Zena ended the conversation very simply, and then turned around and walked outside. Moya Aizaki could only curl her lips helplessly, hugged Keiko, and said softly:

"Keiko, right? Don't be afraid. Next, sister...eh?"

At this moment, Aizaki Moya seemed to suddenly have a flash of blue light in front of her eyes, which seemed to be heading in the direction Zena left. This made Aizaki Moya immediately alert, and she subconsciously walked that way. Two steps, then, behind her....


This voice...is Xiao Lu! ! ! !

Although she didn't see the face, Moya Aizaki could tell the identity of the owner of the voice almost instantly. After all, the two of them were childhood sweethearts. Although she hadn't seen Xiao Lu for quite some time due to her work at AIB, ....How come I can’t hear Xiao Lu’s voice!

Aizaki Moya guessed correctly, it was Asakura Riku who came. They were on a collection mission when they suddenly heard Gen Subaru's voice. It seemed that he had discovered something and became interested. They wanted to go over and take a look and let Asakura know. Lu and Peijia are free to move around. If they encounter any danger, don't worry, he will rush back to help immediately.

After saying this, Asakura Riku felt his coat and hat lighten slightly, which undoubtedly meant that Gen Subaru had left.

And since it was said to be a 'free activity', Asakura Riku and Peijia worked together and simply looked for Yuan Subaru in the direction he left. After all, didn't Yuan Subaru brother say that he tried not to reveal his identity. In this case, if there is In this situation, it is definitely no problem for the two of them to cover. They can't even be bad at this.

Then, Asakura Riku saw that familiar figure. Anyway, he used to live in Aizaki Moya's house. Aizaki Moya also took care of him like a sister when he was young and played with him. As for the game where you play Explosion Chronicle Flashman, it’s just...

If Riku Asakura remembers correctly, Moe Aizaki should have gone to work as an insurance salesman. Why... is she holding an alien in her arms now?

To be honest, when he saw clearly what Aizaki Moya was holding, Asakura Riku's heart trembled suddenly, and he subconsciously wanted to use light energy, but this warm scene made him stop his hand and said Maybe, Mengya, like himself, has made friends from the universe.

"Ah, this, that, I..."

Aizaki Moya, who noticed Asakura Riku's gaze, panicked and didn't know how to explain Keiko. To this, Asakura Riku said very understandingly:

"I know, I know, I know, so don't panic, I have the same experience as you."


Aizaki Moya's eyes suddenly widened. She had never heard of such a thing. When did Xiaolu enter AIB? Why didn't I know? Really, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have had to. It’s so hard to endure it! I miss Xiao Lu so much! ! !

No, I have to go back and find out who dragged Xiao Lu into AIB and arranged the confidentiality work so well. I’m really pissed off! ! !

"Um, Mengya?"

Asakura Riku called out Peijia and wanted to introduce his friend to Aizaki Moya, but he saw that his childhood sweetheart was minding his own business and fell into a strange self-world, and he saw that she was so angry Her expressions were a little distorted, as if she was about to punch or kick someone. Keiko was so frightened that she ran out of her arms and hid behind Asakura Riku. Then the three cosmonauts looked at someone quite uneasily. A woman from Earth went crazy there.

"I am here!"

However, all it took was Asakura Riku's call for Aizaki Moya to immediately wake up from her fantasy and show a sweet smile to Asakura Riku. After all...how should I put it...

Xiaolu - Aizaki Moya's childhood sweetheart, a helpless little boy who was adopted by the Aizaki family. The boy who was loved like a younger brother gradually grew into a strong "male" with her company. It didn't take much time for Moe Aizaki to consider him as the object of her admiration.

So, how can people...

Eh! ! ! !

Looking at Keiko who was holding Asakura Riku's thigh, Aizaki Moya patted her chest blankly, completely unaware of when the child passed by. Then, after seeing Peijia, Aizaki Moya immediately Another cry came out.

Obviously, this cosmic person should be Xiao Lu's friend, but he didn't know at all that he, a member of AIB, was also Xiao Lu's sister's childhood sweetheart and future wife, and he didn't even notice this. This was really a big mistake. ah! ! !

‘Well, Xiao Lu, has your sister always been like this? ’

Looking at Aizaki Moya who suddenly fell into a state of loss, as if she had suffered a huge blow, Pejia, who had only heard of her existence from Asakura Riku, couldn't help but confirm to Xiao Lu that there was something To put it bluntly, the women on this earth are much more interesting than the people in the universe.

'Sometimes, it didn't happen that often before. Well...now...it might just be that we haven't seen each other for too long, hahaha...'

Asakura Riku replied with a helpless smile:

'Sister Mengya is just a little more lively and enthusiastic, just get used to it, get used to it, hahaha...'

377 Let’s go meet her! (4k)

After waiting for a while, Aizaki Moya finally calmed down a little. She smiled at Asakura Riku in embarrassment, and then communicated with Peijia like a human being. After hearing that Peijia was raped by Asakura Riku, When they were rescued and became friends, Aizaki Moya thought for a moment——

After the Impak Crisis, large or small time and space confusion appeared on the earth. Especially in the period just after the Impak Crisis, things came from the past to the present, things from the future to the present, and things from the future to the present. There are countless things from the past to the future, back to the past, and now to the present. Even the smooth establishment of AIB is closely related to these events.

And to say so much, it is mainly because Aizaki Moya doubts whether Pejia comes from other time points, or even Pegasus from other universes. After all, the time when Pejia encounters danger is quite subtle. At that time, AIB has already It has been initially established and has begun to collect statistics on people in space on earth and has also built a space detection system.

Therefore, if Pejia enters the earth, the possibility of AIB... not being detected is not impossible, but it is very small, so...

Do you want to find an excuse to take Pejia away and let him go to AIB to register...


Why make excuses?

At this time, Aizaki Moya suddenly realized something, and looked at Asakura Riku with twinkling eyes. There are regulations in AIB. Underage space people need guardians on the earth. As guardians, they can let them know some things according to the situation. AIB's Code or Existence.

As for 'depending on the situation', the scope of this operation needs to be measured by professional AIB members.

Specialize! Industry!

Putting these two words here shows that there are very high requirements for the AIB training quality of judgment personnel.

And now, if Zena-senpai is still here, Aizaki Moya will naturally not dare to make random decisions, but now...

I am the most professional!

Aizaki Moya started to turn her head crazily. First of all, is the salary of AIB job high? high! Is AIB work intensive? good! Are AI jobs dangerous? No...um...

Aizaki Moya's original plan was very simple. Let Asakura Riku know the existence of AIB, and then try to accept him as one of them. Then, the two of them would partner up. Based on the relationship between their two childhood sweethearts, they would become partners. If you go as a partner, don’t you go to the wedding hall as a partner!

But after thinking about the danger of the job, Aizaki Moya's head suddenly calmed down. Although she liked Asakura Riku very much, she had to admit one thing. This AIB job is still relatively dangerous, because you I don’t know what kind of cosmic person I will encounter next, let alone what dangerous things that cosmic person carries with him.

For example, the ninja monster Sadan has a long trunk like an elephant and hair growing on its back. It can make its body transparent and invisible. Some cosmonauts took out Sadan's hair and made it into an invisibility cloak. , sneaked into the earth.

But the cosmonaut was so cruel that he pulled all of Sadan's hair off, causing the monster to attack the Earth in a rage.

In the end, it was AIB who escorted the spaceman, including the invisibility cloak, to the monster Satan, and the crisis of the monster invasion was finally resolved.

For example, some cosmic beings stuffed the cosmic vicious tree flower into little Bemenstein's belly through a special method, and wanted to bring this forbidden cosmic plant into the earth, but they forgot about little Bemenstein. Things are only considered pets on their home planet.

Then, the angry cosmonauts decided to blow up the little Bemonstein and the vicious tree flower in its belly. If it weren't for the presence of Senior Zena, and the forced ejection function of AIB's star port, this baby would have been blown up. The crazy spaceman and his spaceship bounced outside the earth, and the situation was about to get quite bad.

So... it's really better not to let Xiao Lu join AIB. Well... let him get to know AIB a little bit. We just take this opportunity to let him know what he is doing!

Aizaki Moya knows Asakura Riku very well. If his younger brother knows that he is doing such a cool job, he will definitely increase his favorable impression of him significantly. As for AIB's regulations, I don't think this is a violation. It's just a slight, clever way of exploiting the loopholes.

It has to be said that Moa Aizaki, who is in love, thinks very quickly. When she realizes that her cute little Lu is likely to be killed by bad things who don't know where to come from when she is on a mission. After being seduced away, this woman burst out with such brain power and action power that her partner Zena couldn't help but twitch his face.

Of course, even if Zena knew about it, facing Moya Aizaki in this situation, he could only help improve the plan and process. He couldn't stop it at all, so he could only reduce the consequences in this way.

Therefore, after quickly completing a series of thoughts in a few breaths, Aizaki Moya smiled and hugged Keiko, looked at Asakura Riku and said:

"Xiao Lu, I want to give you a little surprise. Come on, take Peijia with me. Maybe I can help Peijia find her family."

"Really!" X2

Hearing this, Asakura Riku and Pejia shouted in unison. They looked at each other and immediately followed Aizaki Moeya's footsteps. Then, the group passed through this movable elevator and came to the underground...

At this time, Asakura Riku, Pejia and Keiko, who were taken to the AIB headquarters, all widened their eyes. It was no wonder. Although these three people were aliens, for them who grew up on Earth, even though Asakura Riku and Pejia had seen the headquarters of the observatory, this place still opened their eyes. It was like a science fiction world, not to mention Keiko, a little kid.

And this AIB headquarters, even by cosmic standards, the most advanced machines are densely arranged, and many electronic circuits are flashing like neon lights. Moreover, the people here are all aliens, as if Aizaki Moeya is the only agent belonging to the earth.

"It's the opposite of the outside world, right? Earthlings are a minority here. However, we don't distinguish between earthlings and aliens."

Zena explained while showing Asakura Riku and the other two around that when you are here, you can either be an earthling or a Metz star. Just choose what you like. No one will have any ideas no matter which form you appear in.

But Keiko seemed to have chosen to appear as an earthling. For Keiko, who has lived on Earth since childhood, she can exist as an earthling for a much longer time, and that's why she feels relaxed.

At this time, Aizaki Moeya's communicator suddenly lit up. She looked at it seriously, lowered her head and said to Keiko:

"I calculated that your parents' identities may have been known to others, so I contacted the relevant departments of AIB. Now it seems that our messenger has completed the contact with your parents, and there should be no need to worry about safety issues, so you can rest assured, Keiko."

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