"Brother Yuan Subaru, you heard me explain, I am not, that, what, you know, not, I mean, this, I am, just, hahaha, how should I put it, actually..."

"Okay, okay, okay, I understand what you mean, I understand what you mean, so, can you stop?"

Obviously, because of the uncoordinated movements just now, Aizaki Moya felt that she needed something to prove that she was not such a nonsensical woman.

But as the old saying goes, Aizaki Moeya's mind was spinning so fast that her mouth couldn't keep up. Coupled with her nervousness, she said a lot of 'beep beep beep', but it was not a complete sentence. Not spoken out.

Then, Aizaki Moya became even more nervous and couldn't say anything decent. Gen Subaru felt that if he didn't stop it, this woman could say that she fainted. It was a physical sense that she fainted. After all, she was now His face was quite abnormal due to lack of oxygen.

After being interrupted by Gen Subaru, Aizaki Moa suddenly froze in place like a robot whose pause button was pressed. After waiting for a short while, Aizaki Moa almost suffocated herself to death. Hiss~~~~! ’ took a long breath, and as the cold air penetrated into her lungs, Aizaki Moya’s overloaded brain calmed down a little, and she smiled awkwardly at Gen Subaru.


Hahaha.... Xiao Lu's family saw such an unseemly scene, and they already thought I was a useless woman, hahaha.... They will definitely oppose my marriage to Xiao Lu next, After all, I am the kind of woman who is crazy and noisy, hahaha.... The world that cannot marry Xiaolu should be destroyed as soon as possible.

So, why has the world offended you people, and why do you want to destroy it at every turn?

Gen Subaru looked at the Aizaki Moya who suddenly collapsed on the ground with a headache. His whole body was on the verge of graying and blackening. He really couldn't deal with this kind of earthly human. To be honest, looking at this Aizaki Moya , Gen Subaru couldn't help but think of Rikka Takarata and Mei Minami. In comparison, those two female high school students were simply the light of human women, so don't worry.

"Sister Mengya, why are you sitting down again? Get up quickly, the ground is so cold."

At this time, Asakura Riku, who had calmed down and had his emotions under control, turned around and saw the familiar scene in front of him. He did not have any unnecessary reactions or emotions, but naturally helped him up again. Then he asked Yuan Subaru to watch it again, from "I'm going to turn black" to "Ah, I'm so happy, I'm going to die." His face changed very quickly.

"Brother Yuan Subaru, what's wrong?"

Asakura Riku looked at Yuan Subaru strangely. Although Yuan Subaru in this state had no facial features, as an Ultra Warrior's intuition, he could still feel that Yuan Subaru was looking at him with a rather strange look.

It's nothing, I just think you are quite amazing. You can hold this woman so easily and so naturally. Is this the terrible tacit understanding between childhood sweethearts?

Gen Subaru just muttered in his heart, and then did not continue on the topic. He looked at Aizaki Moya and said softly:

"Just right, Miss Aizaki Moe..."

"Just call me Mengya."

"Miss Mengya."

Looking at the earthly human woman who seemed to be instantly full of blood and injected with chicken blood, Yuan Subaru changed the title obediently and said softly:

"You should know Zena from Shade, right?"

"Yeah, of course I know. Zena-senpai is my partner."

Hearing this, Aizaki Moya was surprised that Gen Subaru could actually understand this. After all, Zena-senpai did not reveal his race during the Three-faced Monster Dada incident. However, after thinking about it, since they are all Ultra As a warrior, isn’t it normal to do this?

"Just now, your partner Zena and I temporarily teamed up."

Gen Subaru quickly condensed the experience he just had. At the beginning, he was still hesitant to tell it. But after watching Aizaki Moya's actions, Gen Subaru didn't feel that at all. What scheming does this woman have? Coupled with her relationship with Xiao Lu, even if Aizaki Moya has any bad intentions, she will never use them on Xiao Lu or herself.

So, can I count this as thanks to Xiao Lu?

Gen Subaru chuckled in his heart, then looked at Aizaki Moya and said:

"Please pay attention to Zena's situation during this period. If something goes wrong, remember to tell me and I will go over and help."

I have to say that Zena, a Shadian, is quite good. Except for his race, he has a good temper towards Yuan Subaru. If Yuan Subaru guesses correctly, it won’t be long before he will kill Yuan Subaru at the AIB headquarters. Tell it in your own words.

By then, there will definitely be some trouble within AIB. Members of the cosmic supremacists like Allip don't want to cause trouble, but Yuan Subaru doesn't believe it.

At that time, if those members of the Spaceman Supremacy take action against Zena, I can just use this excuse to clean up AIB, and at the same time show off my fist as an Ultra Warrior who is the light of the earth.

Of course, if there is no such excuse, Yuan Subaru can only go there specially and let those short-sighted members of the cosmic supremacist think carefully about whether their home planet is stronger or his own fist.

Aizaki Moeya didn't expect that while she and Xiaolu were dealing with Keiko and Yuko's affairs, her husband's brother and her partner senior had experienced so many things...

Wait, that's not right, why didn't I receive any news, I haven't even heard of that Arlip...

Oh, that's right, fighting and fighting work, with me there is not much, without me there is not much, maybe without me, Zena senior will fight faster, then it's okay.

Aizaki Moeya quickly comforted herself and nodded vigorously towards Minamoto Subaru, indicating that she had taken note and would never let Minamoto Subaru down.

After dealing with the AIB, Gen Subaru turned his head to look at Asakura Riku, took out the Star of Order from his arms and said:

"Xiao Lu, take this and absorb it. I have made some adjustments to this Star of Order. It can strengthen your physical strength and recovery ability, and can also extend your transformation time to a certain extent."

"Okay, Brother Gen Subaru!"


Gen Subaru looked at Asakura Riku who took the Star of Order from him neatly, and felt that something was wrong. He couldn't tell why, but why did it sound like something had changed...

396 Max Max Max (sixth update)

Just when Gen Subaru felt that something was wrong with Asakura Riku, in another universe, a battle was going on fiercely...

Wrapped in dense flying objects, a figure raised his left hand to the air to gather light. When the light formed a bow shape, the energy was completed, and the arms were combined into an inverse L shape, and a flashing colorful light was emitted from the left arm.

This colorful light was like a vacuum cleaner, cleaning up the flying objects around. In the explosion like a domino, it took almost no effort to clean up all the flying objects.


After confirming that there were no enemies, the figure exhaled lightly, turned on the portable projection communicator, and said softly:

"Hello? Hello, Geno, how is it, can you receive my message? I have dealt with all the cosmic evil bats in the AS800 area. How is your side, do you need my help?"

"No, Max, I have dealt with it here too."

As soon as Max's voice fell, the projection of Ultraman named Geno appeared in front of Max.

This Geno Ultraman has a red line on the top of his head and a protruding side head like a hat. His body shape is based on a diamond theme, with panel-like details on the chest and shoulders, and there is no armor around the color timer, making Geno's image look particularly refreshing and neat at first glance.

At this time, Ultraman Geno said while observing the surrounding situation:

"Really, these cosmic people are really dishonest. They were defeated by Senior Eddie last time, but they still don't give up and want to cause chaos. It's really hateful."

"Yes, but this time, I think these cosmic people will not be able to cause chaos for a long time."

The cosmic evil bats that were just destroyed were the biochemical corps of the Esteks. Max and Geno killed almost all the weapon monsters and destroyed the related production lines. This crisis was also handled.

But... Biochemical Corps.

Max whispered this term, and couldn't help but think of Minamoto Subaru in his mind. That child was also a creation of biochemical experiments. I don't know what the situation is now.

At the beginning, Max received the task of finding Minamoto Subaru from Ultra Father and began to run around in the universe, but as the situation developed, this task was cancelled by the Kingdom of Light, and Max returned to the position of civilization observer.

But Max still often misses that child. After all, Gen Subaru has suffered so much along the way. Unfortunately, because of the mission, he didn't meet Gen Subaru during those few appearances. Otherwise...


It seems that I can't help him now...

Max has heard about Gen Subaru's recent record. He can even defeat the legendary warrior Reijudo. This is simply incredible. Don't say that Senior Reijudo is in a bad state. Even if Senior Reijudo is in a very bad state, a starving camel is bigger than a horse. Max doesn't think he can fight with Ultraman Reijudo at all.

So, now it seems that all he can do for the young warrior is to pray. I hope that the warrior can be safe...

"Max, don't be in a daze, behind you! Behind you!!!"

Just when Max was thinking, Geno's call suddenly woke him up. He looked back and saw a monster suddenly appeared behind him without knowing when and how.

This is... the space monster Genegagu!

Max was not mistaken, not that this monster was easy to recognize. Genegagu had a huge blade-like horn on its head, its hands were similar to the wings of sharks, and there was a very obvious spine on its back. Even under heavy attacks, it would not be damaged at all.

There were dozens of exhaust holes on both sides of its back, from which red light bullets could be fired and propulsion could be used. The temperature would rise during the exhaust process, which was very dangerous. The tail was similar to the fish tail of sharks, and it could easily knock the opponent to the ground by swinging it hard.

And the biggest feature of Genegagu is its mouth. The number of teeth is difficult to count, and it can easily swallow asteroids and small monsters.

In other words, when Max was invaded by Genegagu at this distance, he was already in great danger. However, facing this situation, Max was not panicked at all. I am the fastest...Ah!!!

Max's speed was very fast, and he almost pulled away from Genegagu in an instant.

However, there was a problem with this Genegagu. His attraction exceeded Max's expectations. You know, Max is a civilization observer, an Ultraman who runs in the universe every day. He has seen many Genegagu and even killed them.

Therefore, when Max felt that he was safe, he was sucked into the mouth of Genegagu all of a sudden, as if the space distance between them was wiped out all of a sudden.

Max, who immediately realized that something was going to happen, immediately used light energy to protect himself and withstood the impact from the swallowing of Genegagu. Then he carefully looked around. There was no doubt that Genegagu's stomach was very big and it was no problem to swallow asteroids. And this Genegagu could suck him in, which was probably related to something in its stomach.

Found it, it was... the four-dimensional monster Bruton!

Looking at the monster that was shaped like a ball, had no hands or feet, and had nearly square holes all over its body, Max immediately realized why he was sucked in. With this monster around, it was not surprising that any changes in time and space would occur.

However, he did not expect that this four-dimensional monster Bruton could be eaten by Genegagu. This was also a very rare phenomenon. After going back out, he had to remember it anyway.

Now that the problem has been discovered, Max plans to break out. Although the defense of Genegagu's stomach is not so easy to break, but...

Max gently stroked the [Max Galaxy] on his right wrist. Because he has been in combat for a long time, this weapon has always been equipped to deal with unexpected situations that may occur at any time.

Look, it's being used now!

Max chuckled and began to accumulate energy in [Max Galaxy]--

After equipping Max Galaxy, Max can emit a blue destructive ray, Galaxy Cannon, from the Galaxy Light Sword. Its destructive power exceeds that of Maxium Cannon by several times. It is often used to deal with enemies that Maxium Cannon cannot defeat. It is Max's strongest killing ray. Therefore, it is naturally no problem to use it to break through this predicament now.

But... at this moment...

Something strange seems to have happened to the four-dimensional monster Bruton...

397 Max, take care of yourself

Max is gathering powerful energy, preparing to directly break the monster's belly from the inside, but when the Ultra Warrior is about to use his power, the energy fluctuations also cause some changes in the space in the belly. These debris that swallowed gold from nowhere, in the ripples of space, the originally quiet four-dimensional monster Bruton also began to move.

? !

Almost at the same moment, Max also felt something was wrong. As an excellent civilization observer, he had guessed what happened behind him, but things have come to this point, the arrow is on the string, and it has to be fired. This move is already at the outbreak point, even if it changes direction and attacks Bruton...

Indeed, there is a great probability that it can be destroyed, and then accumulate energy again to break through this dilemma, which is also an option.

But the question is, what if this shot blasts out the void monster Gliza? In the observation history of the Kingdom of Light, there are many related records. Because of the distortion of time and space caused by Bruton's death, the terrible monster was born.

If I really encounter it, I have to say that I just let it go, but I don't have much energy to fight it, and I don't have a targeted weapon like [Cosmic Needle] in my hand. I am afraid that I will lose my life here.

So, break out of Genegagu's stomach in one breath and leave Bruton's dimensional influence behind!

Max roared and aimed [Galaxy Cannon] in front of him and exploded. At the same time, Max also accelerated immediately, almost following behind [Galaxy Cannon], intending to rush out directly even if he suffered some injuries.

However, it is very subtle that outside, Geno and Genegagu are also fighting. In order to save his friend, Geno also desperately attacked Genegagu.

This almost life-threatening attack made Genegagu feel threatened and uneasy in addition to anger. The monster began to try to avoid the existence of the giant of light, and at this time, Geno saw that the ominous breath came out of this Genegagu.

It's [Chaos]!

Geno was shocked. Although this Genegagu was not completely chaotic, there is no doubt that this guy must have come into contact with things related to [Chaos] and has been affected by this power. So the fact that this Genegagu could suddenly attack Max just now must be closely related to him!

In this way, no matter what the reason is, you can't stay!

Jeno immediately became ruthless and wanted to kill this Genegagu again and rescue Max from it. Naturally, this cosmic monster would not run away without resistance. It also began to roar and spit out a strong blue light from its mouth to fight back.

In the body of Genegagu, Max's attack also rushed to the explosion point, so in the next second, three powerful forces exploded in the area at the same time, and the amazing energy fluctuations made these three parties... no, to be precise, two parties. Genegagu had been blown to pieces, and Max and Geno's consciousness was temporarily paused by the aftermath of the explosion.

But at this fatal moment, the space-time fluctuations caused by the dimensional monster Bruton expanded and formed a terrifying space-time vortex.

"Max, give me your hand!!"

Jeno, who had recovered from his shock, immediately realized that he had to sprint at full speed, otherwise he would not be able to escape the attraction of this different time and space. Logically, in this case, Max, who was faster, should take Geno away, but because of the impact just now, Max, who had intended to bear some injuries in exchange for freedom, was seriously injured and could not exert his original strength at all.

Looking at Geno who wanted to rescue him, Max knew that if he waited for him to reunite and then rushed out together, there would be no time at all, but if Geno turned around and fled now, there might still be a chance...

Thinking of this, Max did not hesitate at all and took the initiative to face the depths of the vortex. In this case, any words were redundant. Only such an action could make Geno clearly realize what he should do now.

Geno did not disappoint Max. The Ultraman was silent for a moment, then turned around and rushed out desperately. After leaving the influence range of the space-time vortex, he immediately used various instruments he carried with him to complete the surrounding coordinates and the record of space-time data.

He also sent a distress signal to the Kingdom of Light, asking people to bring the life solidification technology artifacts when they come there. Then, Geno planned this star field to be temporarily untouchable, warning the spacecraft on the surrounding space routes that would pass by here to stay away from this place.

Then there are other things about the source of Genegagu, and the possible existence of [Chaos] artifacts in it... These things require Geno to record and seal the data in the first time, so as to provide valuable reference for the next action.

After all, after the original disaster, the various events caused by [Chaos] have also caused different degrees of chaos in the universe. If this is not controlled, the damage caused by the wave of [Chaos] will definitely not be much lighter than the original disaster.

It was precisely because of this that Geno did not choose to rush into the time-space vortex with Max.

Max, you have to hold on, we will come to help you soon!

Just when Max was trapped in the time-space vortex, in the headquarters under the observatory, Asakura Riku noticed the strange look of Yuan Subaru, and couldn't help but look at himself and said softly:

"Yuan Subaru, what's wrong? Why are you looking at me like this?"


Yuan Subaru thought about it and felt that Asakura Riku seemed to have become...become...become a little clingy. Yes, that's the feeling, like a puppy picked up. At the beginning, he was still very vigilant. Except for eating and drinking, he huddled in his own nest.

But after getting familiar with him, he will be very happy. When you come back, he will shake his small body, swing his tail like a propeller, and run to find you happily.

The above is what Gen Subaru really experienced. The puppy was very cute. Unfortunately, one time Gen Subaru got his skin broken, the puppy instinctively came to lick the wound, wanting Gen Subaru to get better quickly, and then... died that night. Now that I think about it... it must be the violent bloodline that this little animal could not bear...

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