Of course, Noah might have killed him before that, and it is still unclear who will win. At this moment, the intensity of this pursuit will inevitably reach a higher level.

Looking at Noah who was waiting for him, Yuan Zhi continued to laugh. In his calculations, this senior and his mentor had no chance of winning. It was just a matter of time...



etc! ! !

What's this? !

Ouch! what is this!

430 Noah: We are going to win

"I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to die!!!!"

Just when the original essence was immersed in the joy of teasing Noah, in another universe plane, there was a creation of the original essence that was running away frantically. He was the one who witnessed the distorted planet and was forced to do so again and again. The restored guy, at this moment, is trying to use all means to avoid the terrifying Noah clones behind him.

However, unfortunately, his ability in terms of time and space was obviously not as powerful as Noah's Light. Therefore, he could only lie down helplessly and looked at the people surrounding him who had already pulled out a blockade. The Noah clones closed their eyes peacefully.

Now, he only hopes that when these Noah clones attack, they can be more ruthless. It is best to tear him into pieces directly... No, it is to directly erase his existence and let his memory disappear. It cannot be transferred to the original essence.

But the reality is still very regrettable. The contribution of Noah's clones obviously cannot reach that level. This original creation could only regretfully send a blessing to its own body, and then died under the gorgeous light.

At that moment, there was a pause in the laughter of the original body that was laughing wildly. He received the message sent back by the original creation. There was nothing surprising. That was the 'eye' he sent out. , to provide some outside news for myself who is being hunted by Noah.

Therefore, this original creation will definitely die. After he discovers something meaningful or creates something that makes him happy, he will commit suicide and pass his memory back so that he can also Have fun.

‘Noumenon, the fun is great this time, I hope you can withstand it. ’

Um? !

Looking at this blessing from the original creation, a trace of doubt flashed in the mind of the original entity, but he didn't take it to heart, there was such a thing as fun... and he couldn't stand it. Just kidding, people are the most I like having fun and eating melon the most~~~!

Therefore, the original body did not pay too much attention to it, and naturally absorbed the memory that was passed back. Then, his expression couldn't help but froze, and then he suddenly laughed. The method of being forced to restore... can actually make people The contaminated existence of the original substance also changes back to its original appearance. What is this? What is this? When did this kind of power that was almost equivalent to the 'primordial distortion' appear in this big universe? !

This is impossible! ! !

This is absolutely impossible! ! !

My distorted essence is invincible in the world! ! !

Even this foreign engine can only barely compete with me! !

What’s going on with this weird forced reduction phenomenon! Why is it so easy to erase the distortion caused by the original creation!

this is not...

This is not to say...

Doesn't this mean...

Isn’t the power of the distortion of the original substance the strongest!

I can't accept it! ! !


At this moment, Yuanzhi heard a long-lost voice, but the laughter that used to represent approval was now full of ridicule. Yuanzhi subconsciously looked at Noah, and saw this man who just now exuded a desire to die. The legendary warrior seemed to become more relaxed at this time.

"Plasma, this big universe... is not a place where you can do whatever you want."

The Prime became familiar with the existence of the engine during this long battle, and Noah, who had begun to understand the Prime earlier, could not detect his emotional changes. Although the Prime was well disguised, except for that trace Apart from the pause, from the outside, there was no flaw at all, but Noah still accurately detected his emotional changes.

Therefore, Noah realized that a turning point had come. In this vast universe, during the period of time he had delayed, someone had already deduced a new method that could be used to deal with the original matter, and that method must be Quite efficient, otherwise, the original mentality would not have been so violently shaken.

Ah... I almost forgot, I am not fighting alone in the first place.

Thinking of this, Noah's tense body and nerves breathed a long sigh of relief. To be honest, Noah had just begun to prepare to enter the decisive stage with the original matter.

"Your creations are decreasing every minute, and the number of trump cards available in your hand is now very few, while my companions are creating miracles all the time. Prime, the victory of this battle has been with us. Next, you will lose!"

"No road race no road race no road race no road race! No! road! race!"

Listening to Noah's firm tone and feeling the pity in the senior's eyes, the original body, which had been smiling all the time, let out a horrifying howl like a hysteria. The sound waves spreading out were causing distorted changes, but they still remained. Stopped by Noah.

And this is also the main task that Noah has arranged for himself now. As long as he intercepts this source and prevents new elite creations from being born, then the rest of the universe will become safer, and his companions will also have There are more opportunities and spaces that can be used to continue to improve, which even I don't know at all, can be used to deal with the original means.


Who on earth came up with such a method? Is it Reggio? No, if it were him or Saka, they would not be tricked. Noah is quite clear about this. Just now, the original body can throw out those two paintings and project them, which means that Regedo and Saga are indeed contaminated.

Could it be Pete?

At this time, Noah thought of his old friend who always liked to stay on his own planet, either not moving, or once he moved, he would not come back for who knows how long. That guy was very possible, after all, although he was not from the Kingdom of Light However, he also has considerable say in the Kingdom of Light, and the technological level of the Kingdom of Light seems to be among the best in the universe. If he takes the lead, it should be possible. That's it.


Pete, is he still safe?

Noah couldn't help but think of the way that guy came to talk to him before. Noah couldn't figure it out. Since the thing he left behind was activated, it meant that there must be something wrong with the so-called successor of the Light of Nexus, or was it something wrong? Regarding the issue of raw energy, I don’t understand why I still favor that guy. I hope, I hope Peter will never meet that strange successor again. If something happens to him again, it will be really troublesome... .

431 Yuan Zhi Rui Pleiades.jpg

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic...

Small problems, small problems, small problems...

This kind of thing only requires a little technical adjustment. This kind of thing is not difficult for me at all! ! !

Just when Noah fell into thinking, the original essence also quickly analyzed the situation. He threw out all the messy things like Regedo, Saga, Ultra King, and Kingdom of Light without hesitation. Then, his thoughts focused on the existence of a person——

Source Subaru!

To be honest, the name of the original essence feels very strange. They are all adopted by Granny Sakura. Why did you change the name? But it is not important. It is just a name and does not have much meaning.

The key point is that although I don’t understand what happened, I have obviously polluted and assimilated all the ‘self’ in the parallel world. How did this ‘self’ slip through the net...,.

The original essence was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that this 'self' was the shell of the [Replication Engine]. In this way, it could explain why he did not eat him.

But since he is part of the [Copy Engine], he can be excluded. If the [Copy Engine] could have such forced reduction, he would have been kicked out of this universe by Senior Noah.

Speaking of which, Yuan Subaru seems to have some brain problems. He always felt that the last time I went to chat with him, he seemed to have no fun in him. I rarely shared some fun with him, but there was no response. This thing is really Is it 'myself' in a parallel world? It's really interesting that there is such a big difference...

Decided! Before he shatters as an engine shell, go find him and create some fun yourself. He must be sick. As long as his brain is opened and repaired, he will definitely laugh because of all kinds of fun.

Yeah... I am really kind. Even though he is already dying, I am still so considerate and let him experience such addictive happiness. It's great.


What on earth created that forceful restoration power!

A second ago, Yuanzhi was still using a girly voice in his heart, arranging how to deal with Yuan Subaru's affairs next. The next second, his inner atmosphere became quite terrifying. He recognized that power. Things that are still very weak and in an infant state can be strangled in the cradle as long as they can find their roots.


In this case, the original creation, surround that cosmic plane for me, and put...

"Don't even think about it!"

Just when the primeval deity was about to order the remaining primeval creations to dig three feet into the cosmic plane to find the source of the power, Noah held the engine without hesitation and rushed towards the primeval. The astonishing power and speed instantly increased the intensity of the battle.

"Original matter, let us concentrate on fighting!"

Noah did not perceive the flow of information from the original deity. Based on his understanding of this guy, he thought that he would start giving orders at this point, so he immediately chose to start a war to interrupt the original deity. plan of.

"Senior Noah!"

At this time, the original essence waved his hand, and countless strange flesh and blood rushed out from behind him like a waterfall. When facing the attack, he also shouted arrogantly:

"It's useless, that new power is dead! Even if you hold the engine, you can't save him, I said so."


Noah just snorted coldly and continued to increase the intensity of the battle without hesitation.

And the existence that has been foretold to die by the original essence is currently...

"I said, no."

"Why! Brother Yuan Subaru! Why can't it be done!!!"

In the headquarters under the observatory, Riku Asakura looked at the figure with his arms folded in front of him and muttered unhappily:

"You have seen it, Brother Yuan Subaru, you should have seen it. Yes, although my fighting was quite ugly at the beginning, but wasn't I adapting? You see, after I got used to it, my fighting Isn’t it quite beautiful?”

After hearing this, Yuan Subaru silently pulled out the picture of the place where the dark side of the universe lives, pointed at the large tracts of ruins and said:

"If Senior Aihara Ryuu saw your battle, he would shout at you for quite a while."

"Aihara Ryu...senpai?"

Hearing this unfamiliar name, Asakura scratched his head and asked curiously, while Yuan Subaru calmly waved his hand and said softly:

"When you and Beria go to the Kingdom of Light, you should meet him. Now everyone in the Phoenix Nest is already an in-service soldier of the Kingdom of Light."

This is true, although for Shingo Gakamizu and others, they just spent some time in another dimension by accident while driving a miniature Phoenix Nest when they were old.

However, due to the different flow rates of time, by the time they arrived in the Kingdom of Light, a long, long time had passed on earth, and the family members they were familiar with had all died of old age.

Therefore, after discussing with Shingo Zakimizu and others, the GUYS team is now driving the Phoenix Nest improved by the Kingdom of Light, and together with Mebius, they are performing various tasks.

"Brother Yuan Subaru is saying something I don't understand again."

Asakura Riku tilted his head with some dissatisfaction, and then continued to return to the topic just now, entangled with Yuan Subaru.

And this matter is not complicated. After Asakura Riku returned to the headquarters after the battle, he first showed off his cool 'real man doesn't look back at the explosion' posture with Peijia, and then went Looking for Yuan Subaru, after confirming that the dream was indeed a trial given to him by Yuan Subaru, he immediately lay down on the spot and asked Yuan Subaru to give him another one.


"I said, after testing and conclusion, such a battle is already beyond your capabilities for you."

Faced with Asakura Riku's various entanglements, Yuan Subaru still used the same rhetoric and said calmly:

"Although I am glad that you have temporarily overcome your fear of fighting, that fear is just like human nature. For you, it cannot withstand the test. If you want to learn to fight, you can learn human martial arts. I'll pay for the museum, but forget about the dream. That kind of thing is still too exciting for young warriors like you. The situation on this planet is not such that it will encourage you to do that. Okay, Stop making trouble and stop it!"

432 Yuan Subaru: Feeling guilty....

"Brother Yuan Subaru! I'm not afraid!"

This time, Asakura Riku did not listen to Gen Subaru's words, but continued to pester his brother and said:

"Didn't you also survive that kind of training? It's no problem for me. I can do anything you can do. After all, we are brothers!"


Yuan Subaru did not stop on this topic. He began to continue to ponder the nature of his [Engine]. How should I put it, he now feels as if he has entered some kind of bottleneck. The programs and formulas that he originally thought were perfect can no longer continue to calculate. Go on, but Yuan Subaru also thinks that there is nothing wrong with his current calculation.


Are there any other conditions that I overlooked?

"Brother Yuan Subaru!"

On the other side, looking at Gen Subaru who started to lower his head in thought, Asakura Riku became a little anxious. He raised his hand boldly, then slowly dropped it on the table, patted it gently, and looked directly at My brother said:

"In this way, you give me a test. If I am not scared, you have to let me continue the experiment in the dream. If I am scared, in terms of training in the future, Brother Yuan Subaru, whatever you say, I will There is absolutely no opinion on what to do.”

"...Why don't you listen to the advice? It's not good for a child to be so stubborn."

Yuan Subaru sighed helplessly. He looked at Asakura Riku. He understood that if he didn't settle this matter today, his ears would not be clean next. So, he turned to look at Asakura Riku. Over there, he said softly:

"Pegya, stay away."

"Oh oh oh, okay, okay."

Pejia, who was standing aside eating melon, was slightly startled, and then quickly left Yuan Subaru's sight. Although he didn't know what was going to happen next, since Mr. Yuan Subaru said so, it would definitely be wrong for him to run farther away. It would be wrong.

"Be mentally prepared. After a ten-second countdown, I will activate my ability. Do you hear me clearly?"

"Oh! Come on!"

Riku Asakura assumed a fighting posture that he probably learned from sumo wrestlers, and said in a solemn voice:

"There's no need to wait for the ten-second countdown. Brother Yuan Subaru, you can attack at any time. After all, on the battlefield, the enemy won't greet me in advance, right?"

? ? ? ?

Hearing this, Pejia, who was hiding at the door of the room, had a few question marks on her head. To be honest, she felt that Asakura Riku seemed to be a little dizzy because of the battle just now. Although this is the truth, but you said this to Mr. Yuan Subaru...

Does Xiao Lu think that this attitude can make Mr. Yuan Subaru go easier?

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