"I am your father! Don't let me get this wrong!"

Realizing this, Beria immediately separated from the earth woman's body, pointed at herself, and almost slapped her face on Asakura Riku's head, and said seriously:

"Now! Call me! Father!"



Hearing Beria's words, Asakura Riku couldn't help but be startled, but his body subconsciously shouted out. Beria felt like some kind of hair brush had gone over his whole body in an instant, and he felt indescribable soreness and numbness, but Some softness in his heart was touched by this. He slowly lowered the hand pointing at him and placed it on Asakura Lu's head. While rubbing it, he softly agreed:

"The call is quite pleasant. I'll call you a few more times if you have nothing to do."


Riku Asakura felt the warmth coming from his head, and tears suddenly came out of his eyes. He couldn't help but threw himself into Beria's arms. The old Ultraman raised his hands in discomfort and made two gestures in the air, as if he didn't know. It was the same place where he should put his hands at this time. In the end, he gently held Asakura Riku with one hand, and scratched the back of his head helplessly with the other hand.

oh? ! This is... Max.

At this time, Beria felt some kind of light energy fluctuation. He subconsciously sensed the past and realized that the person who came was an acquaintance. He casually threw some of the little energy in his body to Max and said softly:

"Max, you did a good job just now. Otherwise, the surface of this planet may be lifeless."

"Such a tone...Senior Beria...I didn't expect what Yuan Subaru said was true. Welcome back."

Max felt the reaction of light energy passing through his body and observed Beria's reaction. This made him breathe a long sigh of relief. Senior Beria had really changed back. Otherwise, Yuan Subaru's whereabouts are now unknown. He and Xiao Lu really can't deal with him.

"Ah, I'm finally back, ha... But this incident has made... the follow-up processing is troublesome."

Beria sighed helplessly, and after completing the conversation, Beria and Max fell into silence. After all, there were not many common topics between the two of them, only Asakura Riku's Cries echo here.

"By the way, that, when we were in the Kingdom of Light..."

At this time, Beria remembered something, looked at Max, and whispered awkwardly:

"My blow with the stick seemed to be quite heavy, so I didn't leave any side effects on you."

"No, no, it won't happen."

Max didn't expect Beria to tell him this. He waved his hand quickly, and then looked at Beria with a subtle look. He said that according to the information of the Kingdom of Light, Bailey A-senpai doesn't seem to have the character to say such soft words...

"I've died and lived again, lived and died again, and gone through so much... You guy, can you give me a wink!"

Beria didn't know what Max was thinking, so he retorted angrily, then patted Asakura Lu in his arms and said softly:

"Okay, since you are my son, you can just cry a little. If you still have enough crying, you can go to another place and cry here again. This place is not very suitable for talking now. Let's go and change places."

"Father, go to Xingyun Village!"

Asakura wiped his tears, pointed at the rising teleportation elevator, and said with a smile:

"During this period, Brother Yuan Subaru and I lived there."

"Okay, let's go."

Beria waved his hand and walked into the teleportation elevator first. When the elevator arrived at Nebula Villa, Beria frowned. Someone was hiding here!

464 Carmilla: Basement!

The moment Beria entered the Nebula Village, he noticed that there was a life reaction hiding under the table. Who would be a good person hiding in such a situation? Therefore, Beria didn't think much and directly grabbed his hand. He sucked the guy who was hiding under the table out of thin air and grabbed that person's neck.

He's a human, and he seems to be an agent of AIB.

Because he once controlled Zena, Beria still vaguely remembered some relevant information in his memory. To be honest, Beria didn't really want to recall that memory, because he was killed by the remnant soul of the Reblondo star. Because of the possession, those memories are quite unpleasant to recall.

But that doesn't matter for the time being. Now, AIB agents have actually infiltrated here. Has Nebula Village been successfully infiltrated by the cosmic organization? Huh, it seems... that Alliance of Spacemen is not honest, I have to go and beat it, now... let me see what I can pry out from the mouth of this AIB agent.

"Father, Sister Mengya is not a bad person."

Um? !

The person under the table was of course none other than Aizaki Moya. She was not hiding under the table, but the impact of the previous battle had also spread here. Aizaki Moya stumbled and slipped. Swooped down there.

Asakura Riku looked at Aizaki Moya's blushing face and quickly explained to Beria:

"Well...she is also my girlfriend."


Beria couldn't help but widen her eyes, and subconsciously gently put Aizaki Moya down, and gently patted Aizaki Moya's shoulders twice to express comfort.


But immediately, Beria realized something, grabbed Aizaki Moya's shoulders, gently lifted her up, and shouted in an unbelievable tone:

"How old is my son, yet you can do this to me! You woman..."

"That, that, that... On Earth, there are already fathers at Xiao Lu's age."

Max finally figured it out. Now, perhaps because Senior Beria had just gotten rid of the influence of the remnant souls of the Reblondo people, his brain was somewhat unclear. He quickly came out to smooth things over and said:

"This is the characteristic civilization of this planet. Senior Beria, please calm down."



No, why are you surprised? !

Listening to Beria and Asakura Riku's simultaneous exclamations, Max couldn't help but glance at Asakura Riku, but he had to say that the surprised look on the father and son's faces was really similar.

While Nebula Village was in chaos, in the Teliga universe, reinforcements from the Kingdom of Light had already arrived. At this time, the time and space coordinates were being calculated, and they were preparing to trace which world Yuan Subaru and Beria had gone to. This is already the fastest speed, and in order to save time, the artifacts in the warehouse are directly used to transport the instruments.

And on the other side...

"Ah~~~My Telijia?"

Before Manaka Kengo came back with everyone from the Kingdom of Light, he was really uneasy. If he found out that those dark giants were wreaking havoc on the earth during the teleportation, they would really be immortal and hard to save.

Therefore, when he saw that the earth was safe and sound, he really breathed a long sigh of relief. Before he could finish breathing, a stream of light rushed directly into Manaka Kengo's arms and flew against him. After going out for a long distance, the surrounding Kingdom of Light warriors thought it was an enemy attack and immediately tensed up their nerves. However, when they saw the attacker lying on Triga's chest, burying his face and rubbing against him, he After making a strange sound like "Shihashaha", the Ultra Warriors from the Kingdom of Light gave Teliga a thumbs up and decisively left there, no longer acting as light bulbs.

"Teli Ka?"

Listening to the sweet voice in his arms, Manaka Kengo felt a little helpless and pressed Carmila's shoulders, pushed her outward, and said quickly:

"Wait a minute, calm down first. We have business to do now. Look, I've brought all the seniors from the Kingdom of Light over to help. It's quite inappropriate for me to do nothing here, right?"

"No problem, it's whatever you say, my Teli Ka?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha....."

Looking at the well-behaved Carmilla, Manaka Kengo really didn't adapt well. But just when Manaka Kengo was about to go about his business, Carmilla grabbed his wrist and said unhappily:

"Teliga, have you forgotten something?"


Manaka Kengo went through it quickly in his mind and felt that he had not forgotten any agreement. This made Manaka Kengo a little confused. He really didn't know what he had forgotten.


Carmilla unhappily stretched out her fingers, crossed Manaka Kengo's body, poked his chest gently, and said resentfully:

"You're back now, shouldn't you say something to me?"

"Ah, sorry."

After receiving such a reminder, Manaka Kengo finally understood. He smiled and said softly:

"I'm back, Carmilla."

"Well! Welcome back, Telijia?"

After hearing what she wanted, Carmila let out a sweet laugh. Then, she seemed to have remembered something, and immediately stopped laughing, and continued to draw circles on Manaka Kengo's chest with her resentful tone. said:

"Hmph, it's really disturbing that you have to remind me like this before you can remember me. If one day you forget about me, what should I do then..."

"Will not."

Manaka Kengo waved his hand, smiled and said seriously:

"I will never forget you. You are always in my heart and keep smiling."

ah! ! ! !

At that moment, Manaka Kengo seemed to hear the sound of being poked. He looked strangely at Carmilla who suddenly withdrew his finger from his chest, and asked worriedly:

"Are you okay? Carmilla."

"Yeah——, ah, nothing's wrong."

Carmilla first made a strange sound, and then said softly normally:

"Look, everyone is starting to get busy. Don't continue to stand here. Go help. I'll wait for you back on Earth."


Manaka Kengo didn't delay, he just left and was busy with various things. Carmilla held her heart with both hands, turned into a stream of light and came to the ground, came to the front of Carmilla, and said with a little breath. :

"Senior Camilla, how does the [basement] you talked about last time operate? I want to hear it, I want to learn it!"

465 Subaru: Added power to TLT

Just when Carmilla was asking Carmilla for advice on [One Hundred and Eight Love Techniques of the Dark Giant], and Dagon and Dallam were praying for Triga, Yuan Subaru had returned to the TLT earth universe. , he lay on the bed in the ranger cabin and relaxed for a while, allowing his body's energy to recover a little, then stood up, casually pulled out the remnant soul of the Reblondo star, and suppressed it in the [Replication Engine] Down.

This time, the remnant soul of the Rebrando star really didn't dare to move at all. He had never seen the [Replication Engine], but he clearly felt that it was an extremely amazing and powerful force. If he made any unusual movements and caused this thing to run wild, he would be dead without even ashes left.

And Yuan Subaru left now, just as usual, to go to TLT to take a look. It didn't matter that he found that the monster projection he left behind did not have the expected effect. It might be because the projection mechanism he set was too gentle. Although it caused damage to the equipment, there were no casualties. TLT has begun to discuss whether this monster is not an enemy, but just a naughty creature that strayed into the earth. Every action is just to find the TLT combat team to play.

This won't work. This idea won't work. I want you to learn some techniques in the process of killing him, and to practice those equipment means in actual combat, not to let you play house with this projection.

Yuan Subaru's face flashed with a bit of hesitation. Finally, he adjusted the monster's settings. From today on, this monster projection can attack those important nodes, such as TLT branches, nuclear power plants and other places. Of course, this change in attack direction will not appear suddenly. There will be several more dangerous battles first to let TLT realize the changes of this monster.


Yuan Subaru pulled it casually, and the sunlight turned into a cloak and fell on him. While covering his breath and figure, it also distorted his voice. Next, he will add a bombshell to everyone in TLT!

"I've said that the current technological development has reached saturation, and we shouldn't be as tense as usual in this regard."

"Tense? You call this tense? Think about the past, when the alien beasts were in chaos and the Gua Army had not yet been destroyed, that period of time was called tense. Now we are too relaxed. What if the enemy appears now? Do we have to pull Subaru back from heaven to clean up the mess for us!"

The representative's speech made the meeting fall into silence for a while. Yuan Subaru, this TLT... no, the unknown hero on earth, is a pain that TLT can never get around. It was when the earth and humans were in the most dangerous time that he withstood all the storms with his young body and bought extremely precious time for humans.

If it weren't for the final choice to respect the child's last wish, TLT would have made Yuan Subaru's name a household name on the entire earth.

"I'm sorry, I got excited."

The representative who spoke, Matsunaga Yoichiro, saw the one-armed chief secretary push his glasses, realized something, and apologized first:

"But I still sincerely hope that you will not cut the relevant funds anymore. The current value is already the lowest line. If it goes down, we don't know how long it will take to develop a new generation of combat equipment."

"Mr. Matsunaga, I understand your idea, but human development does not rely entirely on weapons and equipment. Development in all aspects requires resources to be tilted."

"There is no need to tilt resources like that. How can you throw away your stuff just to make a living?"

In the final analysis, there is still no motivation.

Looking at the representatives arguing in front of him, the director already had an idea in his mind. It was a resource tilt problem, but such a situation did not exist from the beginning. With the help of technology provided by Yuan Subaru and the visitors, the earth no longer needs energy supply such as oil and natural gas. A simple "boiling water" can solve most of the problems. It can only be said that after the external pressure is weakened, some of the newly replaced representatives and ministers have begun to think about how to bring more benefits to their side.

Hmm! ?

At this time, the conference room fell into silence again. This time it was not because Yuan Subaru was mentioned again, but because they saw a figure emitting distorted light suddenly appeared here. All the defense measures of TLT did not work. In fact, the representatives realized that it was this person who deliberately exposed himself, so they noticed him. Otherwise, if this person was hostile, they would only realize that there was an enemy in the conference room when death came.


TLT heard the visitor make an electronic mechanical sound. Although it sounded harsh, they could all hear the disdain in it. Then, with a flash of light, the visitor disappeared from the spot and left the conference room. It seemed that he came here for nothing.

However, everyone in the conference room couldn't help but look solemn, because in the light just now, they saw an amazing scene. They saw extremely terrifying alien beasts rampant in the universe, almost devouring the creations in the universe in units of galaxies. How could they not be shocked.

As for the strange visitor, even if they had never met him, the representatives had a lot of speculations in their hearts, such as what, he should be another cosmic civilization, similar to the visitors, trying to unite other forces to fight against the alien beast together, but he seemed to realize that TLT did not... In short, he seemed to have given up the alliance with TLT and the earth.


Thinking of this, the faces of the TLT representatives suddenly became much uglier. After all, family disgrace should not be made public. Behind closed doors, no matter how fiercely the family quarrels, it doesn't matter. But now this family disgrace has been seen by outsiders, and people look down on themselves because of this. By the way, their hometown is also rejected. This is not something that can be passed by bowing and apologizing!

"Okay, I believe that what you are thinking now should be the same as mine."

At this time, the director knocked on the table, drew everyone's attention back, and then whispered:

"The proposed economic amendment No. 37 is rejected, and the original economic plan No. 6 is maintained. There is no objection."

466 Play with Obike

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