Gen Subaru is really greedy for skills in this field. If he had known this during the previous battle, the ecological environment around Sangami Town would not have been damaged like that. Learn! This must be learned!

Without saying a word, Yuan Subaru raised his left hand imitatingly, but...

Why doesn’t [Armed Nexus] respond? !

002 Ultraman·Nexus

Not to mention Yuan Subaru, even the projection next to him came over without understanding, reached out and knocked on [Armed Nexus], then took back his Meta Domain and let Yuan Subaru try again. However, Still wooden.

But nothing can be said about this matter. This is a domain skill. Once you learn it, you don’t have to worry about affecting innocent people. This kind of magical skill, Yuan Subaru has to chew it off even if he bites it hard!

"do it again!"

Yuan Subaru looked at the projection and said seriously:

"Again, I didn't see clearly just now."

The projection didn't have any unnecessary reaction, and immediately expanded the Metafield again according to Yuan Subaru's request. Yuan Subaru stared at every detail, but just looking at it was useless!

Thinking of this, Yuan Subaru without hesitation bumped into the edge of the slowly unfolding Meta Tower Domain. The mighty power of distorting the spatial phase folds immediately blasted the boy out. Yuan Subaru was like a pebble thrown away. Ups and downs, it flew far away, and finally the projection shot out and caught Yuan Subaru with his soft power.

"Ahem...I seem to have learned it."

Gen Subaru, who was beaten back to his human form, vomited blood and said with a bright-eyed smile:

"I see, that's it, it's up to me."

Looking at Yuan Subaru who suddenly jumped up, the projection instinctively wanted to help him, but at this moment, Yuan Subaru had already completed the transformation, his left hand turned into a claw, and he scratched hard on the energy core from top to bottom, and then With a firm grip, light flashed, and he threw the processed activated energy up like a baseball. Then, the golden rain gradually fell, and the projection he watched was a little silent for a moment——

Ultraman Nexus is divided into a silver-black juvenile form, a red-black youth form, and a blue youth form. Generally speaking, the juvenile form can use very few skills, especially in this meta field, but , now, this....

After all, projection is just projection, and it doesn’t have much intelligence. If you don’t understand it, you won’t think about it. Now that Yuan Subaru has learned it, let’s continue to give Yuan Subaru tricks. This child’s physique is quite special. Nexus originally Dai's inheritance was unexpectedly disturbed and could not be passed on. Therefore, he should teach as much as he can now to prevent him from suffering a disadvantage in the next battle.

While Gen Subaru was discussing with the projection, Wakura Eisuke and others also drove the fighter plane back to the base. There, the TLT personnel who had received the notification quickly completed the docking work, and the armed personnel with live ammunition moved Ishibori Mitsuhiko was taken to the most heavily guarded prison, but as for Yuan Subaru...

"Captain Wakura, take him to the conference room of the Night Raid Team."

A thin middle-aged man wearing formal clothes, wearing small round glasses, and exuding a cold look calmly looked at Gen Subaru who was still sleeping in front of him, and ordered to Wakura Eisuke:

"First of all, if we can't reach an agreement, then, Captain Wakura, I hope that when it comes time to take action, you won't be merciful because of the favor of saving lives."

"No, Administrator Matsunaga."

Wakura Eisuke said seriously:

"I will never forget the duty of the Night Raid."

"Very good, go ahead. After I deal with Ishibori Mitsuhiko's matter, I will go over and meet Mr. Minamoto Subaru."

After saying that, the management officer took the accompanying office staff and left here quickly. Because of the incident between Gen Subaru and Ishibori Mitsuhiko, the entire TLT-J was now very busy. Although the management officer sounded very Tough, but when the conversation starts later, I believe he will be the softest one.

"Captain, he's not an alien beast, right?"

"You've asked this question five times."

After returning to the meeting room of the Night Raid Team, after listening to Shiori Hiragi's words, before Wakura Eisuke could speak, Saijo Nagi said helplessly:

"I'm tired of hearing this."

"But, look, it's obviously not a supernatural beast, but it can grow so big and become so capable of fighting. So what exactly is it?"



Hiragi Shiori, who was poking Gen Subaru's cheek, was startled by the sound, and hung on Saijo Nagi's body like a koala. Saijo Nagi, who was subconsciously touching the gun, was covered with a black line, and silently looked to the side. Wakura Eisuke, the captain nodded, walked forward, looked at the young man who had opened his eyes but could not hide his tired look, and said softly:


"Well, Ultraman Nexus is my name after my transformation."

Gen Subaru knocked on his aching head, reached out and took the water glass handed over by Wakura Eisuke, took a sip and said:

"My real name is Yuan Subaru. I'm sorry, the situation was a bit urgent just now, so I took action before I had time to introduce myself."

"Haha, it's nothing. After all, even we didn't expect Ishibori to be an alien lurking in the team."

Speaking of this, Wakura Eisuke felt extremely complicated. To be honest, he had a very good impression of Ishibori Mitsuhiko. He was calm and honest, and all work indicators were excellent. He had thought about whether to let Ishibori Mitsuhiko pick him up. Location, but...I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, but what I didn't expect was...

"Did you save Ishibori?"

Wakura Eisuke recalled the stone statue that spit out Ishibori Mitsuhiko, looked at Minamoto Subaru and said softly:


"Why? Do you need a reason to save people?"

Yuan Subaru frowned slightly. After waking up, he felt a little uncomfortable. There was always an inexplicable evil fire pushing up. He quickly drank water and suppressed it, and then looked at Wakura with strange eyes. Eisuke said:

"He is possessed by a bad guy, and I don't know if he has ever harmed anyone, so I will save him as an innocent person first, and then deal with it later when we find out. But he is quite lucky. You can actually enter the Wings of Stone."

"Humph, I didn't expect you to be so kind-hearted."

Saijo Nagi glanced at Wakura Eisuke, and realized that it was time for him to play the bad guy. He snorted coldly, stared at Gen Subaru and said:

"Who doesn't know how to just talk and speak in a high-sounding way? Who knows what you are thinking!"

"Do you, a mother-in-law, have a persecution hallucination? You have been finding faults as early as the Sanshen Mountain. This is going to get you in the face again, right?"

Gen Subaru, who was already feeling uncomfortable, was so provoked by Saijo Nagi that he couldn't hold back his anger. He couldn't help but slap the table and stood up. Then he quickly supported the table that was about to fall due to the force, and then held it up smoothly. After putting the cup away, he stood up straight again, stared at Saijo Nagi and said:

"Originally, I saw that you had hemorrhoids and I didn't want to get along with you, but you're not done with this, are you?"


As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the conference room changed instantly. The management officer who had just opened the door to come in paused when he heard the words, and then backed out smoothly. He opened and closed the door so quietly that everyone present was stunned. I did not notice.

But these are secondary. The most important thing is Saijo Nagi. The vice-captain’s stern face began to lose its tension a little bit, and he gritted his teeth with a blushing face and said:

"I don't!"

"You're talking nonsense!" Yuan Subaru pointed at himself with his thumb proudly and said, "I have been studying with my mother-in-law for four years. I can tell when you walk with your butt pinched. This is called an expert, you know!"

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to see a doctor."

Seeing that Nagi was about to lose his mind, Wakura Eisuke quickly came out to smooth things over. If he continued, he might be fighting first and then paying homage:

"What, Yuan Subaru, there is something I want to ask you..."

"I reject!"

Yuan Subaru interrupted without giving in and said:

"Although I didn't save you to ask for anything, your attitude makes me very unhappy. I want to continue talking to you unless..."

Looking at the people in the night raid team in front of him, an ominous black light flashed in the young man's eyes. The heavy pressure even made the management officer outside the conference room feel a little palpitated. The young man slowly pressed his hands on the table and leaned forward slightly. He said in a low tone:

"Apologise to me, apologize sincerely, and then wash my clothes for a month, by hand! Of course..."

Yuan Subaru raised his finger and shook it while saying:

"I will be responsible for my underwear, socks and shoes. Although you are at fault, I will not humiliate you to that point."

? ? ?

After hearing this, the management officer subconsciously opened the file in his hand and looked at the words "Sangami Town's simple folk customs" recorded on it. He was speechless for a moment. How should I put it? He suddenly felt very grateful to those who had become homeless. There has been so much intrigue among the villagers in Kegui that he has almost forgotten the original meaning of the word 'simple'.

"Of's no problem!"

At this time, the Night Raid Team and others who had not followed the big turn also reacted, and Wakura Eisuke quickly responded. Saijo Nagi did not have any objections to this.


Yuan Subaru crossed his arms, raised his head slightly, and said in a calm tone:

"praise me!"

"Ah?!" X3

Hearing this, Hiragi Shiori quietly looked at each other, Saijo Nagi and Wakura Eisuke. Yes, everyone felt that something was wrong with this boy, but Gen Subaru had his hands on his hips without realizing it. He stiffened his mouth and continued:

"Ah, what? I destroyed the supernatural beast and dug out the traitor in your team. Isn't it worthy of your praise? Praise, let me experience it, come on."

"Of course, this is certainly worthy of praise!"

After getting the eye signal, Hiragi Shiori calmly, skillfully and slightly stretched out her hand towards Yuan Subaru, smiled and leaned over and said:

"You are not a little hero after you have beaten away the bad guys. Heroes are meant to be praised by others. Not only do you have to praise you, but you also have to praise you well."

"Hahahaha, yes, yes, hahaha..."

Looking at Gen Subaru who was smiling like an idiot, Saijo Nagi catered to her while quietly backing away. She wanted to report the situation to the management officer. Maybe meeting him directly was not a good choice.

At this moment, Yuan Subaru, who was laughing, suddenly stopped and burped suddenly. Everyone saw a faint black smoke coming out of his mouth. This situation made the night attack team immediately alert. , all distanced themselves, their hands touched the handle of the gun, staring closely at Yuan Subaru's every move, and then saw the calm young man covering his red face with one hand, squatting down slowly, wishing he could His head was buried in the floor, and after a while a muffled voice came:

"Shoot, just kill me."

What is this and what...

In this conference room, Wakura Eisuke felt that time was so difficult for the first time. While thinking about why the management officer was not here yet, he calmed down the atmosphere and pulled Gen Subaru up from the ground, asking everyone to sit down again, and deeply He took a breath and said softly:

"Come on, come on, everyone, please calm down. We still have business to talk about next, and we don't want to accidentally gossip about it during the next conversation."


Gen Subaru nodded in agreement, patted his cheek a little harder, and took a few long breaths to calm down his face. But suddenly, he turned to look at Shiori Hiragi and said softly:

"I understand that you just said that to cater to me, but I still want to refute one thing. Heroes don't become heroes just to be praised."

"You're right, but heroes do need praise."

At this time, the manager saw that the time was almost up, pushed the door open, looked at Yuan Subaru with a gentle smile and said:

"Otherwise, heroes would be too lonely. Hello, I am Matsunaga Kaname, the management officer of the Japanese branch of the TLT-J International Liberation Agency. Thank you very much for saving my subordinates."

"It's nothing, anyone would do that."

Gen Subaru stood up, politely held Matsunaga Kaichiro's hand and shook it slightly, then they both sat down. The young man looked at the administrator in front of him and said softly:

"Stop being polite. I believe you and I have many doubts. Let's get to the point. I will tell you everything I know. In exchange, I hope my doubts can be answered."

"Of course."

Matsunaga asked Ichiro to cross his hands on the table and said softly:

"We seek cooperation from you with the utmost sincerity."

Just when Gen Subaru and Matsunaga Kaichiro started talking, in a hotel southeast of Sangami Town, black mist suddenly fell. The body of the weak young man lying on the bed trembled suddenly, and a scarlet and terrifying look flashed in his eyes. The light is the aura of darkness. After being traumatized, it rushed over after sensing a suitable host, but it didn't expect it to be such a thin bamboo pole. But it's not a big problem, as long as its thinking can still function normally, even if Even if it is hosted in a vegetative body, it can continue to advance its own plans.

Hey, hey, hey, if you don't kill me, it will be the biggest mistake of your life!

The dark aura grabbed the sheets and let out a low, sinister laugh. There were two parts of light in that boy's body. Although this would make him more difficult to deal with, in contrast, he would gain twice as much. When the time comes, No one is my opponent! Hahaha! ! !


Um? !

At this time, the dark breath suddenly felt rough hands on his shoulders. He looked back in surprise and saw a strong man with an unshaven face smiling sweetly at him, rubbing his fingers dishonestly. The skin on the shoulders, Hehe said:

"I'm coming in~!"

....I was wrong. I'd better change my body. For those who are fit, I will remember this grudge! ! !

003 The so-called alien beast

Regardless of the guy who was almost anal, Gen Subaru looked at the amiable Matsunaga Kaichiro and said softly:

"Is this really okay? It's just you and me."

That's right, just now, Matsunaga Kaichiro suddenly asked everyone in the Night Raid Team to leave here. From Wakura Eisuke's face, Gen Subaru saw an expression of shock that didn't look fake. Obviously, this was unexpected. Order.

"As far as your strength is concerned, the number of people is meaningless, and the weapons and equipment of the Night Raid Team do not pose much of a threat, so let me take this opportunity to show off," Matsunaga Kaichiro smiled at Gen Subaru. He got into the water and said softly, "Before this, I thought about many plans to talk to you, but after thinking about it, this is still the most appropriate."

"How long have you been listening at the door?"

Gen Subaru picked up the water glass and said something like this suddenly. Matsunaga Kaichiro was not surprised and said with a smile:

"Did you notice me?"

"No, but you are obviously smiling now that you just watched the fun."

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